The last thing that Ryūko remembered was coming home from a 'con, carrying an almost-outlandish amount of goods she'd bought in several bags. She'd felt somewhat self-conscious with people staring. If it was just her outfit she wouldn't have minded. But it was the contents of the bags that made her feel nervous: anime, manga, plushies, figures, you name it, it was probably in one of the bags.
But where am I now...? thought Ryūko. She groaned, opening her eyes up. She was in a plain white room, laying down on a cot. The girl blinked to clear her vision, sat up, and saw that she wasn't alone. In cots to her left and right were several more individuals, all boys. Well, maybe; one had a really weird mask covering their face. Ryūko swung her legs out of the cot. Other than the pain in her head she felt fine. A quick look at her legs confirmed something: she was still wearing the cosplay she'd been wearing at the 'con.
"Oh, you're awake!" Ryūko turned and saw a girl sitting at a table, who smiled at her warmly. Despite the friendly gesture she felt nothing but uneasiness. "Are you feeling alright?"

"My head feels like I got hit by a car..." Ryūko murmured.
"I'm very sorry about that," the girl apologized. "Unfortunately that's a side-effect of Witchelny's magic opening up a gate and drawing you here from your world."
"'Witchelny'? 'Gate'? What are you talking about?"
But where am I now...? thought Ryūko. She groaned, opening her eyes up. She was in a plain white room, laying down on a cot. The girl blinked to clear her vision, sat up, and saw that she wasn't alone. In cots to her left and right were several more individuals, all boys. Well, maybe; one had a really weird mask covering their face. Ryūko swung her legs out of the cot. Other than the pain in her head she felt fine. A quick look at her legs confirmed something: she was still wearing the cosplay she'd been wearing at the 'con.
"Oh, you're awake!" Ryūko turned and saw a girl sitting at a table, who smiled at her warmly. Despite the friendly gesture she felt nothing but uneasiness. "Are you feeling alright?"

"My head feels like I got hit by a car..." Ryūko murmured.
"I'm very sorry about that," the girl apologized. "Unfortunately that's a side-effect of Witchelny's magic opening up a gate and drawing you here from your world."
"'Witchelny'? 'Gate'? What are you talking about?"