Among the many Digital Worlds created by the host computer-god known as Yggdrasill, there is one that stands out: a world of sword and sorcery, of knights and fantastic beasts.
Its name is Witchelny.
When the World was young, and its inhabitants too unskilled to repel foreign invaders, Witchelny faced destruction from another Digital World. When all seemed lost the Digimon of Witchelny prayed and cried out to Yggdrasill for a miracle. When Yggdrasill heard their pleas it delivered a savior in the form of MedievalGallantmon. With his strength and prowess in battle alone, MedievalGallantmon drove the would-be conquerors out of Witchelny and taught the Digimon how to master their abilities.
At the end of his life MedievalGallantmon gave his power to fourteen Digimon to take up the mantle of protecting Witchelny. These were Alphamon and Omnimon; Craniamon and Gallantmon; Crusadermon and Dynasmon; Kentaurosmon and Leopardmon; Examon, Gankoomon, and Jesmon; the brothers Magnamon and UlforceVeedramon; and their leader Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. The thirteen knights and their leader came to be known as the Royal Knights. As time went on tales of their strength and valor reached beyond Witchelny, and the Royal Knights eventually expanded their operations into other Digital Worlds.
One after one the Royal Knights began disappearing on missions. Whispers of the Knights being hunted down spread among the Digimon of Witchelny. When only Gallantmon and Imperialdramon remained those responsible invaded the realm: the Big Death-Stars and the Three Gods of Destruction, lead by Tactimon. Despite the inhabitants' skill with magic, Witchelny was conquered zone by zone until the only stronghold that remained was the Royal Knights' base Odinhjem.
Knowing the end was near Imperialdramon dispersed his power among several DigiEggs before having Gallantmon escape and deliver them to the Hidden Zone of Nyttliv. To buy his friend time Imperialdramon fought all of the Big Death-Stars and Gods of Destruction alone, and was slain. Once the DigiEggs had been delivered Gallantmon sought revenge against Tactimon, and gave in to his dark desires, becoming ChaosGallantmon. Since attacking the Gods of Destruction and Tactimon he hasn't been seen since.
Now facing their darkest hour the Digimon of Witchelny have prayed and begged to Yggdrasill as their ancestors did before. But this time the host computer-god is sending saviors in the last form they would have expected.
Human Tamers.
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- This RP has a low PG13 rating, so some mild language and innuendo are allowed.
- If you are going to be absent for an extended period of time, please let us know! We understand if you don't have a chance to tell us, but if you know beforehand, it would be helpful to tell us!
- As this is a Casual RP, the minimum post length is one paragraph. One paragraph = five or six sentences.
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- Lastly, have fun!
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