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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Pokemon: New World 2.0 (IC)

"Pokemon: New World" exists within an alternate reality completely separate from Ash Ketchum and his legacy. Companies such as "Silph Co." have long since been absorbed by the conglomerate known only as "Poke Corp." This company now oversees all aspects of Pokemon technology. They are a true monopoly in the field of Pokemon. Lucky for us, they are quite benevolent (or so it would seem).

Life is good here. Poverty has all but vanished from the face of the planet. That doesn't mean that money is no longer a factor. On the contrary, there are two types of currency still present in this world: Coins and Trainer Points. All basic housing, food, and other essentials are provided for free by the governments of the world, but in order to live a life beyond easy survival, you must choose one of two paths.

One, you can work a regular job and earn coins, which are used to purchase higher quality food, housing, and basically everything besides what you can buy with Trainer Points. Your second option is to register with "Poke Corp." as a trainer and receive your very own Pokedex. Trainer Points will be uploaded onto your Pokedex whenever they are earned. These points are used to purchase items from Poke Marts, such as Poke Balls, Battle Items, and more. It is also important to note that simply having a Pokedex will grant you entry into practically all "Poke Corp" facilities, such as the Poke Marts and Pokemon Centers.

So what's it like to be a trainer? Surely it's filled with peril at every turn, right? Not necessarily. While it is natural to come across abnormal situations in the Pokemon world, you do not have to choose a dangerous path. You can pursue beautiful Pokemon Contests. You can join a scientific research team. You can even wander around the world freely, sight-seeing. There is no reason to be battling at every turn. However, the thrill of battle can be quite exhilarating. For those that enjoy this thrill, you can hone your skills in battle leagues, defeating gym after gym. Or you can take on exciting missions to protect innocent civilians and Pokemon in need.

The most important thing to remember here is that you are free. You can choose whatever path you like, do whatever it is your heart desires... But be careful. There are those in this world who are not interested in playing nice.


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago

New Location!!!

Name: Central City

Location Type: Developing
Pokemon Types: Normal, Flying, Bug, Grass, Water, Fire

Central city is one of the oldest cities in all the land. Legend has it, this town is home to the first ever Pokemon master. It is also the home to one of the worlds best known retired trainers, Thomas Rikon. Now elderly, Thomas passes his time making a trinket known as the "Battle Amulet"; he does not sell this item, but instead, donates them to the local Poke Mart. The population of this city does not grow very quickly. It's more of a tourist stop than a place to actually settle down.

The cobblestone streets of Central City stretch out unto fields of beautiful flowers and farm land. These fields are alive with Grass type Pokemon. The city and its surrounding farm lands are always alive with Normal type Pokemon. There is a river that runs from the north, bringing in wonderful array of Water type Pokemon. Surrounding the city on both sides are volcanic mountains with thick forests at their base. The forests host a variety of Bug type Pokemon. On bright sunny days, Fire type Pokemon will emerge from mountain side caves to frolic in the light. Flying type Pokemon typically nest in mountain side trees.

It is rumored that the mythical Pokemon Shaymin protects this land, keeping it vibrant and beautiful. A hand full of people have claimed to have seen Shaymin, but many believe these sightings to be false. Still, the rumor mill works its magic, bringing in trainers from across the globe hoping for just a sight of this adorable Pokemon. If the Shaymin rumor wasn't enough, there have been a few confirmed Jirachi sightings at night.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

New Location!!!

Name: Tefan Village
Location Type: Wilderness
Pokemon Types: Fairy, Dragon, Psychic, Fire, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, Normal, Ground, Dark

Far to the South of Both Feyhollow Town and Central City is the mighty volcano known as Mount Jerimus, where it is said Groudon himself rests.

This volcano is home to many different types of Pokemon, most notably Fire and Dragon types who live around the volcano’s crater and near its peak, while Fairy, Dark, and Ground types make their homes in and around various caves found all over. Inside the volcano is where the more gutsy Fire types can be found, mostly living around the inner edge of the crater, but they have been known to venture out of their lava heated home in search of both food and challenging fights.

Also known to live near the crater are a variety of Fighting types, though they live all up and down the dormant volcano, the heat the lava gives off providing an excellent endurance training area for them. Hikers have also claimed to see the legendary cat Entei around the volcano’s crater and even on the island of stone near the lava lake’s center, but there has been no way to confirm it.

Near the village is a graveyard that contains both the passed on of people and Pokemon from Tefan Village, and as such become a home for many different Ghost types, who enjoy coming out at night to pull a prank on passing living people or other Pokemon. If one listens closely durint the late hours of the night, one can hear the cry of Giratina, the Ghost Dragon type. Psychic types were brought in in an attempt to counter the both dangerous and entertaining Ghosts and eventually took to living and breeding locally.

In and around the village is where you will often find a plethora of Flying and Normal type pokemon, who opt to stay away from the Volcano due to all the other types that live there.

Special Buildings
Tefan Village Poke Mart

A small, cosy little shop on the northern edge of town closest to the volcano for quick access to busy trainers.

Tefan Village PokeCenter

The only modern building in the entire village, this is where trainers bring their Pokemon to recover.

Special Interest Groups

There are currently no Special Interest Groups in Tefan.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nicholas (Nick) Dalton

Central City

Nick wiped his eyes as he woke from his nap to the sound of ringing. He didn't remember setting any alarms. Then he came to a realization, it was an incoming call. Picking it up and opening, he looked to see who it could be. It was his mother again.

He had been lying to his parents for the last few days. One of them would always call, every single day. They would ask him about all the wonderful places he had been and people he had met. He would entertain their curiosity for as long as they asked questions. There was the time that he had to take on two trainers at once and barely managed to win. There was the time that he went swimming with an entire school of Staryu. And of course there was the Shaymin sighting on his first day after leaving home. None of these stories were true of course, just tall tells that satisfied their vicarious urges. In reality, he just lazed around the river side all day. If he wasn't there, he was eating free meals at the Poke Center.

His heart just wasn't in it today. He turned the call away with a message, which read "Sorry Mom, I'm training for a Pokemon battle. Can you call me back tomorrow?" Not three seconds went by before he got his reply, "Of course son! That's wonderful. Good luck!"

Honestly Nick couldn't believe it was that easy. He should have used that one sooner! But his two Pokemon, Little Guy (Munchlax) and Feathers (Starly) weren't going to let him off that easily. They stood on either side of him, staring with tons of disapproval. They never did like it when he lied to his parents, but rejecting the call with a message? That was a new low.

"Come on you two!" Nick's voice was pleading, genuinely ashamed, "Don't give me those looks." They continued to aim their cute yet penetrating gazes right into Nick's heart. "Okay, Okay, How about we actually do some training today? Maybe even catch us a new Poke friend? Then that wouldn't necessarily have been a lie." Munchlax seemed quite content with this suggestion, giving a small nod and a, "Munch munch!". Starly on the other hand kept a "I'll believe it when I see it." attitude. She flew over and perched on Nick's shoulder, as if to say, "Well let's get on with it".

With a deep sigh, Nick stood up. And looked at the water below for signs of life. The river was especially quite today, as the sun struck it from high in the sky. The gentle current reflected a beautiful display of dancing light. Walking down towards the rocky bank, a wild Crabby walked out of the water, minding its own business. From atop Nick's shoulder, Feathers began chirping down towards the Crabby. In an instant, the Crabby looked ready to battle.

"Oh man, what did you say Feathers?" Feathers fluttered her wings mischievously. "What has gotten into you?" Little Guy stood right beside Nick, trying to contain a fit of laughter. "Well, I guess we gotta battle now, eh?" As if in response, Feathers flew down and landed on a nearby rock, only a few feet away from the wild Crabby. The time for Nick's first Pokemon battle had finally come, and it was long over due...

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

New Location

Name: Atana Mountain Range

Location Type: Village

Pokemon Types: Rock, Ground, Metal, Ice, Water, Dark, Psychic, Fairy, Dragon, Flying

The Atana Mountain Range stretches across several hundred miles to the far north of Central City where the air is colder and crisper to the touch. The magnificence of the mountains draws many a hiker and nature lover, but trainers and researchers will also find themselves travelling far and wide to journey up the mountain and into its secret caverns where a multitude of rare Pokemon are said to dwell.

The Atana Caverns are divided into two types: Icy and Deep. The Icy Atana Caverns are the shallower caverns found upwards the mountain where Ice, Dark, Water, Ground, and Rock type Pokemon have been documented to dwell. In these caverns, underground lakes are oftentimes completely frozen over, although the ice is unpredictably thin at times. Journey far enough into a cavern and you will find yourself within the Deep Atana Caverns—caverns full of rare and mysterious Pokemon. Here trainers have been said to find Dark, Psychic, Fairy, Water, Rock, Ground, Metal, Ice, and Dragon Pokemon. Venturing into the caverns can be hazardous as the caverns are a sort of labyrinth in their own right, almost completely untouched by civilization. If lucky, a trainer may even come across a cavern full of natural crystals and gems, although respect for the mountain often persuades trainers not to pilfer its beauties.

Outside, the mountain is still a treacherous place often billowing with blizzards and pitfalls of snow or even the rare avalaunch. If trainers are not careful, they will easily find themselves injured or worse, so Poke Corp guidelines recommend that only experienced trainers attempt the hike into the labyrinth of caverns or to the mountain’s peak. As one of the tallest mountains in the region, the view from the top of Mt. Atana spans for miles, with the ocean on one side and the rest of the region on the other. Towards the top of the mountain trainers can find Ice, Rock, Ground, Metal, and Flying type Pokemon. However, some have reported sightings of dragon-types that have wandered outside the mountain or simply journeyed out to stretch their wings. Such sightings have only been documented a few times as most dragon-types stay well within the safety of the caverns.

The legends of Kyurem, the dual ice-dragon type legendary stem from the peaks of Mt. Atana where it is said that lucky trainers may catch a sight of the fantastical Pokemon when it is not deep in slumber somewhere in the heart of the mountain’s labyrinth of caverns. Rayquaza, the lord of the sky, is also said to grace the peak of Mt. Atana with their presence at times, clearing the storm and blizzards for a day of blue skies.

The tales of these two legendary dragons have spread far and wide since locals enjoy telling stories of such sightings to tourists and travelers, but there is no substantial evidence to prove any of the stories true. Rather, visitors are encouraged to visit the icy shrine located in a cave towards the top of the mountain and see the extremely lifelike rendering of Regice that locals take such pride in. The shrine has been there for as long as memory goes, as has the statue, so there is no reason to believe that it is anything but. However, locals still advise travellers not to touch lest they incur the wrath of the legendary Pokemon that was said to have occupied the hidden cave so many years ago.

The same is said of the shrine to Azelf, the deity of willpower, whom the villagers pray to on local holidays and landmark dates. Folk tunes tell of the Pokemon’s residence within one of Mt. Atana’s many frozen lakes, where it slumbers. The villagers respect Azelf immensely and consider it their guardian deity, despite the fact that the only accounts of the Pokemon are in old scrolls and diaries passed through families.

Atana Pokemart:

At the foot of the mountains lies a well-weathered Pokemart that is so often covered with snow that the rooftop is hardly ever visible. The sliding doors, however, are well-maintained, and inside the heating system offers warm comfort to weary travellers.

Atana Laboratory

Tucked away in the snowy foothills that surround Mt. Atana, the Atana Laboratory is often forgotten about entirely. It’s not clear what the researchers are doing here; their doors are never open, and they don’t accept visitors. Not that anyone minds, really.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago



Location Type: Mostly Urban

Pokemon Types: Steel, Rock, Fire, Ground

Lore: A city built at the base of a large mostly dormant volcano, Ironforge is a place that's always building bigger. Whether it’s developing a new mine near the volcano for gold or sulfur, expanding the tram system it has, or building another refinery. However things are often abandoned as quickly as they're built. A mine may be built quickly on speculation and abandoned within weeks and the new buildings built to house the workers go into disuse. As such it's a city both rife with activity and disrepair, a mass of new energy and forgotten things. As such Pokemon can often be found within the disused parts of the city or abandoned mines. Fire Pokemon seek the heat of old refineries. Steel Pokemon consume old unused buildings. Earth and Ground Pokemon of all sorts are found within the mines. On occasion these Pokemon can become a problem when they are in areas that come back into use or that aren't entirely abandoned and as such trainers are usually welcomed.

Rumor has that Registeel has made one of these abandoned factories home. It's impossible to tell for sure though, as the inhabitants of this city practically worshiped the Pokemon. Registeel statues can be found all over the abandoned industrial parks.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago

New Location!

Adriana City

Location type: Metropolis

Pokémon Types: Electric, Water

Lore: Adriana City rests to the Far East of Central City, residing next to the coast. It is a popular city to both who reside and tourist as it has many shopping centers and is higher tech then most places. Self moving walkways, robotic assistants and trash cans that will assist in picking up any litter, elevators and escalators to travel different levels and so on. It's far large and can be easy to get lost in, luckily there are plenty of maps everywhere.

The city has three layers, the bottom being the more transit area for trains and cars as well as homes for the less fortunate, the middle having resorts, amusement parks, the warm sunny beach and the like as well as homes for common people, and the top having the shopping centers, wealthy business's and wealthy homes. A popular place to shop is at Azure Corp, where beautiful gems and jewelry are sold.

Downside is, quite a lot of things are a bit on the pricey side.

Pokemon often do not show themselves often around here, but they still live among the bustling city folk occasionally. Water Pokemon often play in the coast of the sea, some beach goers often able to spot them playing in the water. The electric Pokemon can often be found around the power plants, or the amusement park.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago

New Location

Zephyr Strip

Location type: Mostly Rural

Pokémon Types: Steel, Electric, Ground, Dark, Ghost, Grass, Normal, Fighting


The Zephyr Strip lies to the west of Central City; the site is a large town built around a shopping center based in a long-abandoned electric train. The train has been renovated with new lighting, new reinforcements, and newly-refurbished interiors, with the outer paint job left untouched for that rustic feel. As it houses a shopping center, it is a popular tourist destination, not only for the shopping but for some of the folk tales of the potential haunting of the train itself. The train is situated inside of a train station laden with vines, though since the area is inhabited, there is often hedgework done to trim those vines down (courtesy of local services provided by the Zephyr Maintenance Company’s Bisharps and Pawniards). The shopping center houses a shop per car, and they are lined up and well-lit in an easily-organized fashion. From boutiques to restaurants to souvenir shops to bookstores, you’ll probably find it all in the Zephyr Strip.

Around the station is a bit of a ghost town; nothing but expansive plains as far as the eye can see (though if you follow the tracks, you’ll meet a place where they converge with a rail line heading to Central City), with high buttes and mesas extending into the sky. In the northeastern distance, the Atana Mountain Range is barely visible through the haze. There are several windmills set up around the station, most likely to provide an additional source of clean energy. The dry plains house a plethora of Ground, Normal, and Grass type Pokémon. The more inhabited areas, especially those under the roof of the station and the train, will see Steel, Electric, Dark, Fighting, and Normal Pokémon, though in the furthest recesses of the train and the station, there have been reports of ghost Pokémon skulking about.

While refurbishing the station, the workers unearthed an enormous statue of the titanic Regigigas, standing immobile in the deepest recesses of the station. Out of respect, they decided to leave the statue alone, and tourists would sometimes approach it and rub on the moss collecting on its legs for good luck. (Is it truly just a statue, or is it actually Regigigas itself? There's some debate in the town, but there is only one way to find out.)

Sometimes the power would flicker, and people who live around the Zephyr Strip attribute it to the mischief of Pokémon like Rotom and Electabuzz, whose interactions with power sources and electrical devices would lead many to conclude that this is so. Notably, this is treated as a sort of routine event for the locals. However, people have been reporting hearing strange noises from the train’s decrepit locomotive. Like… scraping? Some have even seen a dark, rubbery tentacle pass by the window once or twice. There are rumors that it’s a Pokémon not of this world, and that there are actually multiple in there. They insist that Deoxys couldn’t possibly be stuck in a train for that long, but others say that it certainly is not Deoxys.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago

New Location

Location Type: Mostly Rural
Pokemon Types: Bug, Water, Ghost, Psychic, Dark, Poison, Rock, Grass,

A relic of the past can be found only about twelve miles southwest of Feyhollow Town: Stillwater, an antiquated fishing village. Standing at the delta of a river said to originate in the Atana Mountain Range, and propagated in the marshland that covers the area between Stillwater and Feyhollow Forest, this town is a quiet, remote place with a culture all its own.

If one has a desire to live the simple life, Stillwater is the place. Free from big-city hubbub, it is an escape from the modern world. Here, people may fish, farm, or make goods to trade in order to live. Many find meaning in their work, and in their role in the community. It is a close-knit, personable place, where people treat one another with family. Outsiders may be regarded with suspicion, for Stillwater's people are used to being looked down on by those who consider themselves sophisticated, but it is not an unwelcoming place. In fact, it is an extremely popular stopover location for trainers on their journeyers seeking to experience different walks of life.

Outside the village, the unique shoreline provides a prime location for adventure. Various remote dwellings litter its versatile terrain, from tucked away in chasms to perched on the edge of cliffs. It is home to so many grottoes, tunnels, and secret places that many consider it to be a natural labyrinth. Tales abound of hauntings and surreptitious dealings, from ghost shipwrecks to rituals of dark magic in the seaside caves. A large variety of rare Pokemon can be found here as well.

The inhabitants of the village attribute Stillwater's peaceable, slow atmosphere to a legendary Pokemon of the moonlit night, said to bring good dreams to people who treat one another well and bestow cruel nightmares on evildoers. Pokemon researchers conclude that the area is frequented by either Lunaala or Darkrai. Some visitors to the town, however, claim that the interference of the mysterious Pokemon is not as good . The town's old and sick, on the precipice of death, invariably disappear in the night only to be found stretched out on the beach in the morning. Missing persons -and even ships- are more common here than anywhere else in the region. However, these doubts are never substantiated; naysayers seldom stay for long, and none who've awoken suddenly in the night as if from nightmares have ever wanted to return to Stillwater.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

New Location!!!

Name: Feyhollow Town
Location Type: Mostly Rural
Pokemon Types: Fairy, Rock, Ground, Grass, Poison, Normal, Flying, Bug

In the heart of an overgrown forest, south of Central, is a quaint little town. Its peaceful atmosphere and the wild yet beautiful feel to the place draw people in, as do the many stories and legends.

In the late hours, the sound of singing carries on the night breeze. Venture far enough past the gnarled trees and tangles of flowering vines, and the dances of Fairy-types in the clearings can be seen. Moss-covered caves fill the forest, glowing softly with fungi as if to entice people inside. These caves are where many of the Fairy Pokemon can be found.

A widely-told story is that of one particular fairy, Diancie. Some people report catching a glimpse of the diamond Pokemon, and a few deliberately seek it out in the hope of wealth from the gemstones it is said to produce. Although many have explored the woods and the caves, though, this rumour has never been confirmed.

Another legend is that of the forest's origin. It is said to have been created by the legendary Pokemon Xerneas, as a home for the fairies. According to the story, Xerneas, exhausted by its efforts, transformed into a tree. Now, it is believed to have awakened from its long slumber, as a few inhabitants of the town claim to have seen it. As with Diancie, its presence has not been proven.

Enchanting as the place is - for that very reason, in fact - the wilderness surrounding Feyhollow is to be explored with a sense of caution, or so the town's inhabitants warn. There are rumours of people becoming so caught up in the fairies' songs and dances that they never return, or come back changed in some way. After all, these innocent-seeming Pokemon are some of the most mysterious...

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

New Location!!!

Name: Stellanova City
Location Type: Developing
Pokemon Types: Electric, Water, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Fighting

On the shoreline, near Adriana, is the region's creative hub, Stellanova City.

This vibrant city of colour and sound isn't for people who prefer the quiet life, but brings artists, musicians and performers flocking from all over. From elaborate theatre shows, to music festivals by the beach, to some of the most extravagant contests in the region, there's something for every taste.

The residents are sometimes stereotyped as arrogant and pretentious, solely concerned with taking centre stage, but this is only true of a small minority. A great deal of emphasis is placed on respecting the public, and those who don't are unlikely to find success.

Besides the shows, other things attract people to the area. Hotels line the seafront, which has several activities such as boat trips and water sports. When night falls, the beach becomes a truly breathtaking sight as Staryus and Starmies surface, lighting up the water.

As well as being one of the region's most popular vacation resorts for these reasons, Stellanova is also a reputable place to shop, its mart selling a vast range of battle trinkets and more.

Some people, drawn in not just because of the above, come here intrigued by a certain rumour. It's said that the reason Stellanova is so popular with artists is they seek out inspiration from a mythical Pokemon. Another version of the story is that instead of the Pokemon attracting the artists, the inverse is true, with the being wishing to relearn a song forgotten to it a long time ago. All that is known is that some residents and visitors claim to have heard the unforgettably beautiful singing of Meloetta.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

New Location!!!

Name: Greenhaven
Location Type: Wilderness
Pokemon Types: Rock, Ground, Steel, Psychic, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Dark, Flying, Dragon

At the foot of Tefan Mountains, also accessible from Central and Feyhollow, is a vast desert, filled with a variety of Pokemon adapted to its environment.

Rock, Ground and Steel types thrive especially well here, unaffected by the violent sandstorms. Fighting and Psychic types test their respective physical and mental endurance in the harsh conditions, Dark types rely on their wits to survive, and Fire Pokemon are able to withstand the heat of daytime as well as warm themselves during the cold nights. When the sand dies down, Flying types emerge from caves, particularly Sigilyphs who repeatedly follow the same path. There's even the occasional sighting of dragons; glimpses of Gibles' fins in the sand and the haunting sound of Flygon's song have been reported.

The climate and wildlife make the desert a dangerous place for the unwary traveller, but those who persevere will reach the oasis village at its heart, Greenhaven. This place of natural beauty surrounding a spring is home to Grass types such as Exeggcute, Exeggutor and Maractus, and supports a small human community who make use of the water supply to grow crops.

The village hosts a shrine to the deity believed to have created this fertile and habitable spot in the otherwise arid environment. Landorus, the guardian of the fields. Another legend, however, tells of a being less welcoming of humans. It is considered extremely unlucky to mistreat a Pokemon in or around Greenhaven, with the protective Terrakion roaming the desert. A fierce battler who once assisted in a war against humans for the sake of Pokemon, this being is said to keep a watchful eye over the area.

A third story brings people to the area in the hope of encountering a much sought-after Pokemon. Thought to appear once every thousand years, Jirachi is known for its ability to grant any wish people desire, although its presence remains a rumour, as of yet unproven.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

New Location!!!

Name: Clearbrook Mountains
Location Type: Mostly Rural
Pokemon Types: Water, Grass, Flying, Normal, Ice, Rock, Psychic, Fighting

Lore: Nestled in between Central and Atana is the peaceful little riverside town of Clearbrook.

Dotted with log cabins and quaint stone cottages along the banks, this is an ideal place for people looking to retreat from the big city. Residents and visitors often say there's nothing quite like sitting outside with a cup of hot cocoa, feeling the cool breeze against their skin, listening to the flow of the stream and the calls of bird Pokemon.

Although serene, the town is far from dull, drawing in those with a passion for outdoor activities. From boating, to climbing, to skiing in the small resort further upwards in the mountains, Clearbrook has a wide array of leisure forms. One such activity the place is most reputed for is its nature walks. Researchers trek through the unspoiled environment, observing the many different Pokemon types.

The surrounding pine forest is home to mainly Grass and Flying types, as well as some Normal. What tends to intrigue people most of all, though, is the story of the woodland's guardian. Some claim to have caught a glimpse of the legendary warrior Virizion, and this is another reason why the area and its Pokemon are treated with utmost respect.

Most of the Normal types can be found in the town itself, and Water types dwell in the river that meanders through the town and stretches out all the way to Central City. Sometimes, when particularly cold winds blow from the north, another figure spoken of in legend is said to appear, running by the stream's side. Suicune, the beast of water.

The quiet of the area also brings in Fighting and Psychic types, seeking a place to sharpen their focus. A trail to the north leads to a dojo overlooking a lake, where the likes of Meditite and Riolu can be seen outside, meditating and training. The dojo used to house an elderly gym leader. As a firm believer in using both strength and strategy, his team consisted of not just Fighting, but Psychic type Pokemon - he viewed the seemingly opposite types as two sides of a coin. When not helping other trainers to grow, he'd pray at the lake's shrine to Uxie for the wisdom to do so. Sadly, the gym is now vacant, the old man having passed away in recent years - though in his last few days, he expressed his desire for a strong trainer to take his place.

Travelling further along the trail brings people to the location's snowy heights, picturesque with their frozen cascades and their views of the region that span for miles. Hikers are advised to take care though, as some Ice type Pokemon in the parts of the mountain uninhabited by humans may whip up snowstorms as defense against intruders. Trainers who explore with a healthy level of caution can befriend curious Snovers, watch Crabominables compete against each other to climb higher and higher, and venture into caves to find Rock types.

In short, Clearbrook is popular with trainers from all over, whether they seek calm or adventure.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

♪♫♪ Cecilia "Cici" Taylor ♪♫♪

Location: Stellanova City

Here she was. Stellanova City, the bustling artistic hub the young musician had longed to visit. Except she wasn't meant to be here on her own.

There was a tinge of sadness to Cici's voice as she sat on the bench by the seafront, singing and strumming her guitar. People passed by, occasionally dropping coins in the case, their lively chatter filling the air as they took their afternoon beachside walks, but the guitarist knew the meaning of the phrase "alone in a crowd" all too well.

It had been for the best, she told herself. After that mess they'd all gotten into, she didn't blame Tommy for wanting to go and focus on training by himself - especially considering the state his Froakie had ended up in from the one-sided fight. And Luna... She should never have dragged a beginner trainer into that.

At least they were all ok. That was what mattered.

As she played the first few chords of another song, the round, blue, fluffy-winged Pokemon at her side looked up. "C'mon, Dulcet," Cici said, glancing down, putting on a hint of a smile. "Remember what we practiced?"

The little dragon at her feet started smacking her metallic scales with her tail in time to the music, and as Cici began to sing, the Swablu joined in.

Cici's smile grew. Groups were fragile, breaking under the weight of changing circumstances and conflicting goals - except Pokemon teams. Their bonds held through any hardship, becoming ever stronger. She wasn't alone. She had many close friends, right here.

And soon, she thought, with a tender look at the grey egg nestled under Dulcet's wing, she'd have yet another one.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nicholas (Nick) Dalton

Central City (River Banks)

Nick stared the new Crabby down. He didn't know what to do honestly. As mentioned, this was his first Pokemon battle. Thinking as hard as he could, he thought of the first move that came into his head. "Um... Feathers. Use Wing Attack!"

Feathers simply nodded its head, still focusing on its opponent. The Crabby was already starting to charge, claws chomping at the bit. Suddenly, Feathers' wings began to glow a bright white, as he took to the air on a direct B-line for the charging Crabby. Feathers' attack collided with the oncoming Crabby's claw, knocking the Crabby back a few feet. It looked more annoyed than damaged though, and was obviously not done yet.

Now flying just out of reach, Feathers' awaited her trainer's next command. "I guess, while you're up there, use Fly!!" Feathers' head tilted off to the left as if to wonder, "How do I damage someone by flying at them?" Regardless of this, she gave it a shot, barreling down toward the Crabby. In preperation, the Crabby raised both of its claws to the sky. Just as Feathers was about to land her attack, the Crabby grabbed her by both the wings and slammed her to the ground. She obviously took some damage.

"Oh no, I didn't mean for that to happen. Don't give up Feathers'." Encouraged by her trainers words Feathers let out an uncharacteristically aggressive GROWL. This surprised the Crabby causing it to let go and back away a step or two. "Quickly Feathers, attack while it's off guard!" To Nick's amazement, Feathers launched a in incredible Quick Attack that landed hard, sending the Crabby tumbling backward into the water.

Feathers fluttered backwards landing on a rock, waiting for the wild Crabby to resurface. Without warning a blast of water came shooting out. "Dodge that Feathers!" Still a little out of breath from her own Quick Attack, Feathers wasn't able to dodge the entire blast, knocking her backwards. With surprising speed, Munchlax jumped forward to catch Feathers, softening her fall. "Munchlax! Munch!"... "Starly?"... "Munch. Munch..." Feathers nodded her head and flew back, landing on Nick's shoulder. The two seemed to have decided to switch on their own.

"Okay, I guess it's your turn now eh, Little Guy?" The Crabby came charging out of the water, its eyes filled with bravery. "Okay, Little Guy! Give him your best shot!" Just as the two Pokemon were about to collide, Munchlax lowered his shoulder for a strong Tackle. The Crabby pinched down on his ear as the he came barreling down upon it. The two of them went rolling across the rocks, both getting beat up in the process, Crabby having to let go. The Crabby took more damage, as Little Guys pudgy physique absorbed most of the impacts.

When the two Pokemon stopped to rest, Nick noticed a crack on Crabby's back. "Oh no!" he thought, running to the exhausted Crabby's side. Crabby looked confused for a moment as Feathers flew down to his side and Little Guy rolled over to sit in a non-threatening position. "You're hurt." Nick said, "Look, we're sorry. We wanted to train, but that crack looks serious. Can I take you to a Pokemon center to get you all healed up?" Crabby looked hesitant for a few moments, but Little Guy seemed to have a few words of reason that loosened it up.

"Crabby!" The wild Crabby seemed happy with this offer, despite the intense battle that had just concluded. Something about this trainer and his Pokemon seemed oddly soothing.

+1 CP = 12 CP
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kelci Barlow
Stellanova City

Another telltale jingle rang out from Cici's guitar case as a red-haired gentleman dropped a few coins in. He gave her a brief smile, crinkling the beginnings of crow's feet around kind eyes. Then he strolled back to a young woman waiting with her arms crossed and a light scowl on her face.

"See?" Mr. Barlow said to the girl as they continued on their way. "You don't need to battle with your Pokemon. You can even find ways to get coins with them if you'd rather not focus on TP."

Kelci responded with stony silence, training her hazel eyes straight ahead. Oh, her father KNEW how she felt about basically being kicked out and forced to become a Pokemon trainer. Over the past couple days, she had thrown at her parents every sound argument she could think of. But alas, all her arguments failed to breach the impenetrable wall of "This will be good for you in the end, we promise." There was nothing left to do but stoically accept another unjust fate.

Soon, the duo reached their destination: the Pokemon Lab. Kelci's perfectly coiffed hair bounced in time with the clacks of her heeled shoes against the stone steps. She paused to look back and saw her father, smiling proudly yet watching her every move in case she tried to turn back. What was she, a kindergartner? Kelci turned back to the elegantly designed doorway and smoothed her clenched jaw into a convincingly friendly smile. No reason to make enemies with the people at this lab; her predicament wasn't their fault.


Kelci emerged from the Lab, fiddling with the settings on her new Pokedex. She half expected to see her father still waiting at the bottom of the stairs... but apparently he had finally decided she was capable of handling herself and gone home. Her mother's warning words echoed in her mind, though:

"If you don't come back with a Pokemon tonight, you'll just have to find somewhere else to sleep. With your own allowance."

Kelci sighed and looked east, toward the park where she planned to catch her first Pokemon. The windows of the tallest buildings glistened with the rays of the afternoon sun. She had PLENTY of time to find a Pokemon she could live with.

** Almost dark **

Damp with sweat and nearly shaking in anger, Kelci finally found a tree stump large enough for her to sit down for a minute. She had followed the trail for a long time, but the only Pokemon she encountered there were Pidgeys and various gross rodents. Then she decided to tromp through the underbrush in search of better options. She found an adorable blue cat-like creature, but her Pokeball throw went wide (the sun was in her eyes) and it ran away before she could take a second chance. The final straw came when Kelci tried to find it again and ended up stepping in some sort of Poké-poop.

"If only all those casting directors knew talent when they saw it," she grumbled to herself in her thin soprano voice, "I wouldn't even BE in this situation."

Before Kelci could even scrape the dung off her shoe, a strange yell resounded through the trees. The woman's heart raced and her first instinct was to run away. But then she realized... that sounded like some kind of Pokemon, and probably one she hadn't seen before! Kelci quietly approached the noise and peeked through the tall grass to see what was going on.

In the clearing, a Totodile and some black Pokemon that Kelci didn't recognize were fighting a bloody brawl, seemingly over a large half-eaten berry. The Totodile gripped its opponent's leg with its crushing jaws, while the smaller Pokemon furiously pounded on the water type's neck with its stubby arms. The Totodile jerked its head and threw its bleeding foe onto the ground. As the bigger Pokemon loomed over, the black Pokemon growled in anger. Its bow-like appendages rustled a little, and suddenly, the Totodile howled in pain and clutched its head. Both combatants recovered from their recent blows, turned to face each other anew, and--


The Totodile gaped in disbelief for a moment, staring at the Pokeball laying where its enemy had stood. Then it caught scent of the nearby human and turned to glare at Kelci. The young woman froze, fearing the sharp-toothed Pokemon would attack her next. After a minute, the Totodile snatched up the remainder of the large berry and walked off, apparently counting its enemy's capture as a victory.

Kelci picked up her now filled Pokeball and consulted her Pokedex. Apparently this thing was called a Gothita, and it was a psychic type.

Kelci headed back to the main path, still not excited about being a trainer but proud of her catch. She was glad to be able to intervene in a violent battle--she hated seeing creatures in pain. Also, her Gothita was uncommon and looked like a born performer. Surely, a Pokemon covered in cute bows would also prefer Contests over Battles.


CP: 1 (+1)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Tommy Johnson|Enroute to the Atana Mountains

Tommy paused on the trail to the Atana Mountains to look off towards Stellanova, where he was sure that Cici would be arriving any day to. While he was glad she was reaching it, he couldn't help but be a bit sad. Amica, after a couple of days, had recovered to full readiness, albeit with a new scar down her back from one of the Excadrill's Metal Claws. Despite their best effort, the Pokecenter's nurses and doctors were unable to heal it back to it's flawless skin. Even now, as she sat in her spot on his shoulder, Amica continued to try and look at it. "Let it be, girl. It's not going away. But I promise, it won't happen again."

As he looked at the egg resting in the incubator his parent's had sent him, it's green and red shell catching the sun, he made another promise, this one to himself. And the next time we run into that guy, we'll show him just how strong we've gotten... Turning away from where he knew his best friend was and wishing her the best until they next met, Tommy resumed his trek. After the egg peaking out of his bag hatched, he knew that they'd make some real progress in getting strong enough to defend their friends.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leisy Takigawa
— Central City —

“Hey there little guy. I’ve got you—you’re okay,” Leisy cooed, stretching out her arms to catch her young Cutiefly as he attempted to launch himself into the air again. It hadn’t even been a week since he’d hatched, yet the hatchling thought himself ready to take on the world. While he’d been rather calm the first day—and rightly so, when he’d come out of the eggshells looking more fragile that glass—he gained color and courage quickly, and before Leisy knew it, she’d become a full-time babysitter. At the same time, she found herself amazed at how quickly the Cutiefly grew; within three days of hatching, he was already rearing to explore the world, with Leisy struggling to keep up with his energy inside the house.

After being branded “local heroes” along with Florence, Ella, and Vivian and enjoying a period of vague prominence in Greenhaven, Leisy had thought it best to return to Central City. She’d been away from home for a long while, and she’d begun to miss the routine and idyllic the city afforded her. Her parents, her friends, her neighbors—she’d left them behind when she started off on her journey as a Pokemon trainer, but after facing down monsters in both her dreams and in real life, she longed to reconnect with the “her” before it all.

When she returned, though, she found that both nothing and everything had changed. Nothing had changed about the city; people walked briskly, intent on checking boxes off their full schedules. Her parents still worked the same jobs, her friends still off attaining the education they’d gone off seeking when she’d left. Even her parents’ Pokemon were the same, the family Castform exactly as enthusiastic about each morning’s forecast as the day Leisy left.

However, she’d changed—drastically. Where she was once content to stare out the window and wonder about the mysteries of the world, she now found herself restless, unable to sit still. Her Pokemon were the same, unable to content themselves with wandering the house. Leisy had lost count of the number of times she’d had close shaves with Naunet’s bumbling in the kitchen or Mel’s precarious choice of perches. Cura fared the best out of her Pokemon, having the gentlest temperament, and Bidein made a close second with his respectful curiosity. Devi, on the other hand, didn’t even bother with trying to adapt, instead contenting himself to snooze on every available surface he found. Having a large grey-shelled Pokemon that constantly snored by expelling shockingly loud shots of air lie around the house wasn’t the most pleasant thing, so Leisy found herself keeping her Pokemon in their Pokeballs more and herself idling less. Three times now she’d found herself wandering towards the forests outside the city, but each time she contented herself with just observing other trainers journey off. She’d barely been back for a week yet, and she felt she ought to stay for a bit longer.

“Well, I’m off then,” Leisy’s mother said, hanging up her apron. “I’ll be back at seven, but call if you need anything.”

“Will do,” Leisy said, eyes wandering to the blue skies outside the window.


“Yeah?” Leisy asked, looking over just as her mother wrapped her arms around her. “Mom?”

“Don’t feel obligated to stay if you don’t want to,” Leisy’s mother said, unlatching her arms. “I speak for your father too when I say that you’ve been acting out of sorts. We love you no matter which corner of the world you’re off exploring, and we know you love us back. So don’t worry yourself about us. Go and finish your journey. ”

“Thanks, Mom,” Leisy said, smiling and hugging her mother tightly.

“Just call more often, alright?” her mother said, laughing. “I need to know if my daughter’s doing alright out there alone.”

“I will,” Leisy said, grinning. She paused. “I’ll come back to visit more too.”

“Don’t make me hold you to that,” her mother said, patting her back. “Go ahead and go pack your things. It’ll be sunny tomorrow—perfect for walking.”

“Okay, Mom,” Leisy said, laughing. “I get it.”

“Good,” Leisy’s mother said, smiling.

Where to then? Leisy wondered, checking her Pokedex as she stood in front of the train station. The sun was bright, just like her mother had predicted, and she was on her toes with excitement once again. She felt like she was a beginning trainer all over again, the world at the tips of her fingers.

I wonder how Ella and Florence have been? Leisy thought, scrolling to her last text messages to her friends. They’d been a few days ago, and it’d been almost a week since she’d spoken to them in person, but somehow it felt like she hadn’t seen them in ages.

Doesn’t hurt to ask, she thought, getting to work.

Hey Ella, Florence! How’ve you both been? I’ve finally wrapped up my loose ends around here, and I’m heading out from Central City now. Haven’t decided where, but I’ll be doing that. Hope to hear from you both soon!


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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nicholas (Nick) Dalton

Nick walked into the Poke Center with the wild Krabby in his arms, Little Guy in his Pokeball, and Feathers on his shoulder. When the nurse came to greet him, she immediately noticed the crack in Krabby's back. "Oh my, why isn't this Krabby in its Pokeball? He's not fainted, some rest in his Pokeball would heal him right up. Same goes for that Starly, she looks a little tired."

"Yeah..." Nick said, trying not to sound like that was news to him. 'Do Pokeballs really heal Pokemon?' he wondered. "But he's not my Pokemon you see, he's a wild Pokemon that we battled. Obviously we won, but he got hurt pretty bad."

"Oh, I see." the brown haired nurse began, "You know, most trainers would catch a Pokemon after winning." She gently took the wild Pokemon from Nick's grasp, smiling slightly up at the average height young man.

Nick sighed and figured that he might as well quit acting tough. "Look, I'm still new to this whole Pokemon trainer thing, but... you know... I haven't caught either of my two Pokemon that way. In fact, I'd rather not catch a Pokemon that doesn't want to be caught."

"Ahh... that's very kind of you." She then turned to take Krabby to an operating room, at the same time saying, "We'll be done in about thirty minutes." Nick waited till after she left to put Feathers away in her Pokeball. The nurse's voice was very soothing, but the way she said 'kind' ached at him the whole time.


It was close to sundown when Nick arrived back at the river bank, still carrying a healthy, happy Krabby. His two other Poke partners led the way, Feathers flying and Little Guy walking. He carefully walked across the stones, up to the water's edge. He then carefully sat the Krabby down. "Take care of yourself." Without further adieu, he turned to walk away. He made it back to the grass before turning around. Little Guy, Feathers, and the wild Crabby were still in the same spot, talking. "Come on guys, it's getting late." After a few moments, all three Pokemon came back to Nick.

"Krabby! Krabby!"

And that's how Nick, caught his third Pokemon, the tough guy pokemon, Krabby!

+1 CP = 13 CP
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

✿ Florence Hadley ✿

Location: Feyhollow Town


Despite all her and her friends' efforts, Florence was no closer to finding Vernie.

There had been no point in staying any longer in Greenhaven once she'd left the hospital - probably too early, but searching for her Chikorita took priority over her own physical state. Now she sat in the lobby of the Pokecentre she'd known for years, her tiny frame hunched over as she typed at her Pokedex.

She had to inform Aether Foundation about this. Part of their job was to save Pokemon from criminal activity. As much as she hated putting an extra burden on them, what with their recent move to Clearbrook Mountains, maybe they'd be able to investigate.

A soft thud and a cry drew Florence's attention away from the screen. "Hey there, Panacea, take it easy," she said, leaning down to the Happiny who lay on her back, waving her arms and legs around. She reached out to help her up, but the egg-like Pokemon surrounding Panacea got to it first, clustering inwards and using their psychic power to right her. The playhouse Pokemon went right back to hopping around, tucking in her stubby arms and pretending to be one of the Grass-type's heads, as she'd loved doing ever since befriending him on the way back from Greenhaven.

Catching Lontar had been a milestone that didn't feel like one. Technically, Florence was now a Skilled trainer - but what kind of Skilled trainer only had five Pokeballs at their belt?

After giving Panacea and Lontar a wan smile, Florence went back to typing up her message, her brows once again furrowed with concern and concentration. No sooner had she sent it than something on the TV caught her attention.

She stared at the news report, taking in the entire story.

Her Pokedex beeped, the notification on the screen indicating a message not from Theodosia, but from Leisy. Gripping the device, she jabbed at the keys.

"Hey, Leisy! There's been a report, just now! More Pokemon kidnappings, in Zephyr Strip this time. I'll let Ella know, then we'll be heading over there right away."

Once she'd sent the text, she began typing another one, but didn't have to finish. The pink-haired girl bounded in, with a battered yet proud-looking Pokemon at her side... in a drastically changed form.

♥ Ellanor "Ella" Beaufort ♥

Location: Feyhollow Town


"Wow, Brighteye! You look great! Those wisps are so pretty!" Ella gushed as she admired the Ghost type's new form. She still held her Pokedex, waiting for Leisy's response to the good news she'd just answered her message with. "Just try to go easier next time you train, ok? I know you want to get stronger, but I think you gave those Starlys a bit of a fright." Brighteye strode by her side, now standing almost as tall as she did, shaking feathers from her grey, bandaged body.

At the sound of her friend calling her over, Ella rushed to Florence's side. "Hey! What is it?" Ella listened as the frantic girl filled her in on what she'd just found out.

Zephyr Strip... She'd never been there, but the place seemed to be surrounded with mystery, with its reported hauntings and its uninhabited areas. Would looking into its secrets lead to Florence's missing friend?

"I'll just get Brighteye healed up, then I'll come right along!" Ella inwardly hoped she wouldn't get in the way. She'd helped somewhat in the battle against Azerus and the mechanic, but it had been far from easy. "Does Leisy know? You got that text from her, right?"

A nod from Florence meant it most likely wouldn't be long until the three friends teamed up again to resume their search.


Although the sun still shone bright, the temperature had started to drop by the time Feyhollow train station came into view. "We found one set of Pokemon," Ella said, heading inside to the ticket machines with Florence trailing by her side, "so we'll be able to find another."

It had only been because of Vivian, though, she thought gloomily as she purchased her ticket - and Vivian had understandably decided to take a break from travelling. Still, Ella had to try and keep Florence's spirits up as much as possible.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leisy Takigawa
— Zephyr Strip —

Stepping off the train, Leisy couldn’t keep a smile off her face. Here she was in a place she’d never been, where there were Pokemon she’d never seen and people she’d never met. Here she was—a Pokemon trainer once again.

Checking her Pokedex for messages, Leisy scanned the station for Ella and Florence, wondering if they’d arrived yet. Her eyes caught on a familiar spark of bright pink hair, and Leisy quickly made her way over.

“Ella! Florence!” she called, waving at the two girls, then just straight-on hugging them when she was close enough.

“I missed you both so much,” she said, then turned to Florence. “I read the news report on the way here. Definitely similar to what happened to Vivian in Feyhollow, so it seems like we’re on the right track. Where do you think we should start?”


Cillian Weiss
— Tefan Village —

The wild Bewear growled, raising its arms up in a odd manner that only served to unnerve the Charmeleon and Marshtomp standing in front of it. To an onlooker, the fighting-type looked as if it was raising its arms up in surrender, but both Hazmat and Kelby knew better than that. This was the third time the Bewear had raised its arms up, and each time before it had done so, it’d quickly followed up with some devastating attack without a split second’s hesitation.

“Watch it, Haz! Smokescreen!” Cillian shouted just as the Bewear rolled into motion, launching itself at the Charmeleon. The Hammer Arm grazed the Charmeleon’s hip, but the Charmeleon quickly retaliated with a warning Scratch of his claws as thick smoke seeped out of his mouth and nostrils, obscuring the area and forcing the onlooking Marshtomp into a hasty retreat.

“Alright, Haz. Good job,” Cillian said, recalling the Charmeleon swapping his Pokeball for another on his belt, an Ivysaur materializing beside him a moment later.. “Mitti, Kelbs, let’s try that combo!”

The Bewear, frazzled but unhurt, stumbled out of the smoke and looked around for its targets. Spotting them, it paused, scrutinizing the pair of Pokemon standing there unmoving, before charging at them with its paws outstretched.

“Now!” Cillian shouted.

The Ivysaur beside him flung out his vines towards the Bewear, who moved to dodge them. Just as it did, though, the large blob of wet earth collided with the side of its head, sending it backwards onto the ground with a loud “thump.”

“Alright!” Cillian said, grinning. “Great job, guys! We finally pulled it off! The Kelbs-Mitti combo we’ve been working on!”

“Wear,” the Bewear groaned from where it lay, sitting up and rubbing its face. “Bewear.”

“Finally gave you that smackdown I promised on day one,” Cillian said, unslinging his backpack and rummaging through it as he walked over to the sitting Bewear. “But a deal’s a deal. Here you are,” he said, tossing the Bewear a paper bag. “Fresh Oran poffins, just like you wanted.”

“Bee!” the Bewear cried happily, reaching into the bag and retrieving a poffin, then another, and another as it stuffed the puffs into its mouth.

”Wha-ho, slow down there, big guy. You’re going to—and, you’re done,” Cillian said, shaking his head. ”Well, it was nice meeting you, Bewear. Battles were informative. Thanks, and see you next time we drop by.”

After Cillian had parted ways with Tora and Juana, he’d spent some time exploring Tefan village, taking pictures and battling wilds here and there. His Pokemon’s growth—Kelby into a Marshtomp and Mitis into an Ivysaur—could be attributed to these random battles, which became only more common as Cillian spent more time in Tefan. Where the wild Pokemon would once run away at the sight of the boy trekking through the sparse landscape, they would later start to show their faces, even allowing the boy to photograph them at times.

It was in a situation like this that Cillian met the Bewear—a fearsome beast that towered almost a foot above the lanky teen on a good day. Cillian had immediately zoned in on the fighting-type as a formidable challenge for his team, but the Bewear had no such interest in the trainer. Only when it spotted Cillian feeding his Pokemon poffins did it perk up, and so the agreement to spar for poffins was formed. Win or lose, the Bewear got poffins, and Cillian’s Pokemon got the training they needed.

“Alright then,” Cillian said, turning to look at his Pokemon. “I’m starving. How do kebabs sound to you both? Haz-cooked, of course.”

The Marshtomp muttered something under his breath, averting his eyes, and the Ivysaur glanced uncertainly at his fellow Pokemon before giving his trainer a tentative nod.

“Kebabs it is!” Cillian said, grinning. “And don’t you worry, Kelbs. I won’t let Haz char them this time.”

Shanae Eller
— Ironforge —

“This is ridiculous. A Darmanitan just disappearing of the face of the planet?” Shanae said, looking up to the sky and exhaling in exasperation. “How does this even happen?”

After seeing the Darmanitan in person, she’d spent the rest of the week scouring Ironforge for a sign of the giant ape, but to no avail. Somehow, the bulky, accident-causing Pokemon seemed almost to have disappeared into thin air. She’d battled pretty much every Pokemon left in the barren landscape outside Ironforge, and yet she hadn’t seen so much as a single red hair of the Pokemon she’d set out to hunt originally. Ebon was out and about so much that he’d long been able to evolve into a fully-sized Houndoom, majestic, territorial, and broody all at once. And, for once, Shanae matched his temper stroke for stroke on their treks as her frustration grew with each unfruitful day of searching.

“Really, should I just call it?” Shanae asked, looking over at the Houndoom lying beside her chair.

The Houndoom glanced up at his trainer, red eyes flat.

“You’re right. That’s not an option,” Shanae said, sighing. “If there’s anything Shanae Eller isn’t, it’s a quitter. But Arceus, this is ridiculous!

The Houndoom laid his head back down on his paws, closing his eyes and tuning out as his trainer began to rage.

“I mean, I’ve been here for nearly a week now! I’ve scoured every nook and cranny of the barren planes. There’s not a single Darmanitan-sized Pokemon dwelling that I haven’t searched, so how is it possible that I don’t catch anything—not a single glimpse of the Darmanitan? It’s bright red, for crying out loud!” Shanae groaned to no one in particular. “This is a ridiculous waste of time. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Darmanitan never existed in the first place and my mind just conjured it up!”

Shanae paused.

“Wait,” she said, frowning. “What if… What if I did just conjure it up?”

Beside her, the Houndoom snapped his head up to give his trainer a hard glare.

“Oh Ebon, you’re right. I shouldn’t be paranoid,” she said, sighing and scratching the Houndoom’s scruff affectionately. “But Arceus, this is really grating on my nerves. What’s a gal to do, get a manicure?”

The Houndoom curled his lip.

“And that’s where you’re wrong, Ebbs,” Shanae said, grinning. “Mani-pedi, here I come!”

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