This is it, the Tank known as 'The Bastion' the last surviving tank off of the Free Japanese Mainland. Its driven by 5 high school and college students in a vicious dystopia, where Mutants, The Yakuza and a Rogue A.I. has all but destroyed civilization. Only the brave crew of the bastion can bring about any sort of peace, because they are the only military capable survivors of a local village. After their cadets academy was bombed, the decided to pool together as a unit and attempt to take on the world...
Premise & Hostile Factions
This is a very much a work in progress, but the premise is that after many major wars the world is a former shell of what it was. There is no central governments and the only organised power is the Yakuza who have crudely attempted to establish power in the parts of the world that aren't over run by mutants.
There is also another hostile force in the world. Before the world government finally collapsed they programmed their drone weapons to secure key areas in the world with deadly force, this is now known as the Rogue A.I. or the 'Offense Network'. Powerful land-machine drones will attack all living things on sight as the A.I. has evolved to see 'life' as the enemy to the world as based on the world wars.
I will draw up more details for these 3 major factions as this interest check is completed.
Gameplay and Characters
As far as the players in the story, we will play as a Tank Crew driving the Bastion, the last known tank to be owned by free peoples in the orient. The crew are young military cadet survivors who had their military academy destroyed by a mysterious shelling that killed a lot of their hometown as well. Now after 6 months of preparation, they are traveling to not only investigate the source of the bombing but to secure precious resources for their helpless town, time is of the essence and everything is dangerous.
The gameplay is part tank combat and exploration along with elements of horror survival. Each player will have a role in the tank such as driver, commander ammunition loader etc. Each player will also have an 'infantry' skill such as explosives, support gunner, sniper etc, as some of the RP will take place on foot outside of the tank.
For this RP we want to keep a tight a dedicated player base so we will only be accepting 4-5 players at most, not including me and the GM, let me know if this interests you at all.
Tank Roles
The Commander:
This is the 'top'. The commander is the one giving orders and has the final say on what the tank does. The commander will also have some scouting duties, usually the one to pop out his/her head with binoculars and asses what to do next. On the roof of the Bastion there is a loadable LMG which can be fired by the commander in intense situations but this of course leaves exposure to enemy fire.
Pick this role if you can handle the responsibility and make the right decisions where it counts.
The Driver:
Also called the 'legs'. The driver is in control of the tank's tracks and must navigate the sometimes difficult terrain of the dystopian wasteland. Has a periscope furthest to the front for vision but will take general directions from the commander.
Pick this role if you feel able to steer the war machine into battle and use sharp reflexes to keep you and the rest of the crew alive.
The Loader:
Also called the 'feeder'. The loader is in control of what the cannon fires, also is closest to the engine of the tank and will be expect to do repairs on the fly. The loader generally takes orders from the commander and gunner but is expected to know which weapons and ammo are best for each situations and may have to load independently of any orders in rapid fire situations.
Pick this role if you feel you have the smarts to know what to use and when. And also keeping the health of your war machine in check.
The Gunner:
Also known as the 'punch' The gunner controls the tanks main cannon, and occasionally one half of the Tank's AA guns. The duty is simple, aiming and shooting. Successful shots not only depend on the skill of the gunner, but the direction of the commander and co-ordination with the driver.
Pick this role if you want to be trusted with attacking and destroying enemies, and aiming under pressure.
The Bow Gunner/Co-Driver:
Also known as the 'Pole'. The Bow Gunner sits next to the driver and operates the forward machine gun and the other half of the AA guns on the tank. The Bow is usually in an advisory position to the rest of the crew as he or she will have the least pressing duties. Also operates the comms with other tanks and machines.
Pick this role for a less stressful and more observant role where you feel you can support your team best through effective communication.
Infantry Roles
Field Commander
Captain of the ground team and general all-round soldier. Carries an assault rifle and much like the Tank Commander, will give general orders and lead the team.
The long range weapons expert, the Marksman carries a sniper rifle and secures vantage points to pick off foes from a distance.
The explosives expert, knows all there is to know about structures and breaching said structures, carries C4 charges and a variety of grenades as well as a submachine gun.
The Heavy Gunner carries a large LMG and lays down heavy suppressing fire, usually the most knowledgeable at taking down large or heavily armored targets and wears added protective gear on the field. Also very skilled at position defense and managing turrets.
A light footed and stealthy agent who is best used in breaking and entering without detection. Is also a master of hand to hand combat and various gadgets and hacking.
Hostile Factions
The Yakuza

For the last 55 years the Yakuza have controlled everything. But even before then their power was immeasurable. The great series of world wars that shook the nation essentially destroyed all branches of government and the world became a barren radioactive wasteland, mainly for powerful gangs to skirmish for power. The vicious Tensei clan proved victorious not only among other yakuza factions but eventually over the world's criminal empire, and with no government or law to keep them in check, they took control of the population. They essentially are the government from hell, and on the Island of Izayoi the rule with an iron fist and casually torment the inhabitants.
The Mutants

Radioactive war had a vicious side effect. Human mutations. After the first 10 years of nuclear fallout, ghastly looking humanoids were seen roaming the lands, at first they would simply run and scream until passing out, but then eventually they would attack humans. Seemingly at random. Over time a few were seen setting traps for passerby civilians, and also seen wielding weapons. It came to be know that there were 3 strains of mutants. There are the Sprinters who are feral and hyper aggresive, who will chase and tear the skin off any human they can find, but act with no intelligence whatsoever. Then there are the Stalkers who act a little more like primitive hunters, they hide in waiting, and use crude tools to fight and set traps fro humans. And finally soldiers fully intelligent mutants that use modern weapons and military tactics, but they have no society, no order, only killing humans.
Rouge A.I.

Before the world governments were eradicated they activated the 'Offence Network' which was a sentient program which took control of military hardware and controlled them as 'drones' to eliminate hostile forces. The problem was when there is no longer specific nations or factions to invade or defend, the A.I. decided to see all living things as the enemy and simply destroyed any civilization it could find. The Rogue A.I. is usually seen as drone tanks patrolling large wastelands killing animals and mutants wherever they may roam. Humans have long learned to not engage with the A.I. if possible, but every now and then, a very destructive encounter will happen.