Liz silently cursed to herself, she wasn't going to give up so easily. She knew she was about to make a big mistake, but her options were limited.
"Hephaestus, that's enough come back!! Arachne, this is our first battle together, show me what you have, just be careful of it's wing attack!!
Use Poison Sting!!" Hephaestus retreated into his pokemon and the brand new spinarak came out, it's horn already glowing.
Murkrow watched as the trainer took out another Pokeball. She also contemplated running away at the same time. But when a fresh Sninarak entered the field, her bird instincts wear activated. Let's just say, she found a new hunger for the battle.
Her wings lit up once more. In an instant, she was off! With blinding speed she closed in on her prey.
Result: Murkrow is Not Impressed