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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sirkaithethird
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Sirkaithethird Lord of The Sea

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"If you can't take a little bloody nose maybe you aught to go back home to your bed it's not safe out here it's wondrous with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross but it's not for the timid" -Q

Stardate 2372.195,
Seven days ago on stardate 2372.188 the crew of their orders..


Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Grnmachine
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Grnmachine That guy who takes things a bit too seriously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Captain Juvum had enough. He'd piloted multiple starships, and this damn shuttle is giving him the hardest time he's ever had. "She flies like a beauty!" He said. "She's perfect!" He said. That damn pilot has some explaining to do next time Juvum runs into him. He'd practically been flying in circles ever since he left Mars. The damn shuttle veered to the left ten degrees no matter what he did, until halfway there, it suddenly went off to the right 18 degrees and wouldn't go above 1/4 impulse.

After two and a half hours of frustrating shuttle piloting, Captain Juvum docked in Shuttle Bay 1 of the USS Grandeur. After giving the shuttle a good kick in one of the nascels, he proceeded to the nearest turbolift and made his way to the bridge. He observed the layout of the ship's most important deck- Two helms, Captain's Chair, First officer's chair, and a third chair. Tactical was right behind the Chair, and five computer access terminals: engineering, environmental controls, damage control, weapons, and mission ops.

Juvum walked over and sat gently in the Chair, stretching his arms on the armrests, and sitting straight up. "Nice to meet you Grandeur..." He said softly. "I know we're going to have a great time together."

"Please restate your query." A metallic, feminine voice responded.

"So the computer's up and running. Say, are we alone here?"


"What? Who else is here?"

"Lieutenant Cloudborn is on deck 2. Lieutenant Commander K'Laa is in Main Engineering. Civilian Bella Nicolli is in Ten Forward."

"I see..." Tapping his comm device, Juvum then said, "Captain Juvum to Lieutenant Cloudborn and Lieutenant Commander K'Laa. Meet me in Ten Forward in ten minutes." He tapped his comm device again, and went into the turbolift again, calling for Ten Forward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jinn drifts through the port-side computer core marveling at its beauty and how it challenged the speed of light barrier by cocooning itself in in a symmetrical non propulsive field distortion at 3350 millicochranes allowing it to operate FTL. She loved computers, they were obedient only making mistakes because of your limitations not theirs. “GIGO” she thought and while she didn’t smile externally she felt one glow within her.

She liked computers and how they helped her in her duties confirming the answer she already knew but needed the computer to feel certain; She hated singular decision making feeling it an act of hubris. “Everyone makes mistakes” she hated hearing those words most of all and a part of her boiled with rage so she focused herself in the manner of her mother’s people knowing it is as much a mind set as genetics. People would be surprised to find out her mom’s people were actually pacifist for the most part; they were intelligent enough to see the futility in violence and taught if moved to violence the secrets of war.

Of course the Captain would call when she was heading to give the torpedo bays a look.


“Aye, aye, This is Tactical, Recived Tenforward, ETA 3.2 minutes
Cloudborn out”

Her languid pace seemed not to change in anyway except in the length of her stride; her long legs covering ground in a controlled length and speed.

“Only sloppy people stumble” was what she heard as she lay on her back looking up at her mother who cut her no corners because she was weaker. “If we don’t push our limits how will we know them?”
In the privacy of the lift she laughed softly thinking of how she missed her mother’s lessons. When she discussed them with others most looked shocked at her reminding her of the flaw of assumptions; they made an ass of you.

The doors opened and she stepped out on Deck Ten then walked to the Recreation spot curious as her ship the Beagle never had such luxuries.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

S’Ratch was stationed aboard DS9 studying the wormhole. She spent most of her time in her lab, on a Runabout, or in her quarters. She didn’t like the Habitat Ring, it was to busy and loud, way to many children, the bartender was obnoxious, she didn’t care for the tailor’s fashion sense way too Cardassian it was frankly atrocious. So she avoided the Habitat Ring like the people their had some kind of plague.

When she received her orders to join the Grandeur as the First Officer she was relieved to be back on a starship, she didn’t like being stationary, plus there would be no freaking kids on the Grandeur. She was on a Runabout leaving DS9. When she saw a most fascinating nebula. She slowed down to get some readings and to take a picture. After learning what she could about the nebula she pulled up the schematics for the Galaxy class to learn as much as she could before getting there since she never been on one before.

She made it to Starbase 01 on time and transferred the Grandeur. Her first stop was not her quarters but to find the Captain. She asked the computer and was informed to he was in Ten Forward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TacticalFasces

TacticalFasces Acolyte of Varg

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Here we go then."

Freshly graduated Ensign Anders entered the departure lounge for Star Base 01, this time for a very different reason. The vessel he would board from there would be on his shoulders, all of it. Maybe someone from engineering would disagree with that, but for the young, lithe man the idea would suffice. His uniform felt tight around his chest, his breath restricted by anticipation. Any kind of helm-related duty was not totally unfamiliar to Falkvord, but to have the overwatch of Albert Hofmann (his instructor and beloved career progenitor) no longer a given was beyond surreal. It was all him now along with the parting word of wisdom he'd received prior to leaving the academy's halls for the last time: "She flies better when she's making a noise." The young man smiled, taking a seat to await the shuttle which would take him to the satellite somewhere up there in the evening sky.


The flight had been an equally pervasive experience. Drawing up on the station had given the nord an excellent view of the immense, six-noded structure and a glimpse of the vessel he'd be pulling the strings of: the USS Grandeur. There it was, docked and most likely devoid of life but not for much longer. The Ensign suspected that his to-be captain Seth Juvum was itching to inspect the craft and would most likely be doing that in the coming hours. From this sort of distance, one could only idly watch and speculate.

Falkvord had briefly met the captain prior to his graduation. It wasn't a lengthy exchange with the ridged-nose male, but during which he had been given a very strong impression of the Half-Bajoran's resolve. And to make matters that much more interesting, he was once indeed a pilot. As such, Anders expected his every move at the helm to be observed and most probably criticised. "All the more reason to show off," he thought with a dangerous smirk, peering intently out at the galaxy class's stern.


"Orders... Orders..." He thought to himself, carrying a single case of personal items through to the ship's docking station. Security checks had been more thorough than the young man had allowed for and it had taken him longer than expected to finally get cleared to board. IN a rush of reality, his mind faded blank as he crossed the threshold, stepping from the satellites superstructure and onto the deck of his home for the... how long was he to spend in deep space again? Which deck was he on now? Was there a way to stop that creeping, nervous smile form rising any more and exposing more of those civilian-grade teeth?

With the entryway to the Grandeur clear of foot-traffic, Anders shuffled to a hurried stop in the centre of the corridor, fishing out a battered PADD from his leg pocket. He was somewhere near the dish's docking port and nor far from the recreational area if his judgement was correct. Was he meant to be meeting anyone there? Or should he drop his luggage at the quarters first? Did he even have time for that? He was sure to be late at this rate, what with security and now this last-minute confusion! "Orders..." He mumbled to himself, looking up from the dimly-lit screen at the sound of footsteps drawing near.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Draconis Nevyn
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Draconis Nevyn Archbishop of Banterbury

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Simia K'laa was deep within a panel checking that critical systems had sufficient backups and redundancies just in case a random fault or combat were to damage a section of the ship. In his hands were his Tricorder and Hyperspanner, moving steadily along the circuit pathways looking for physical faults and correcting where he could while his team looked for potential faults of other types - computational errors and coding mistakes. They had been at it on long hours for a full two days already, having arrived and taken command of his team, more than 50 people all told. To his surprise he was also the highest ranking officer onboard. As soon as he realised this he had shut himself inside Engineering and Jeffries tubes to make sure the ship would be ready when the Captain came aboard.

While correcting a minute error his communicator chirped and a voice he hadn't heard before spoke "Captain Juvum to Lieutenant Cloudborn and Lieutenant Commander K'Laa. Meet me in Ten Forward in ten minutes."

"Damn!" He exclaimed before closing his tricorder and pulling himself out of the panel. He handed his tools to a nearby engineer and warned him "Don't break my ship." Then he gave the rest a quick rundown of the remaining systems. They still needed to do a few simulations and a dry run with the Warp core. As well as that, there were a few issues with the Impulse systems that needed sorted. He issued orders and split them into groups to hopefully get the work done a little quicker but with the same standard he'd kept since he set foot onto his new boat.

As soon as they left he downloaded his status report to a datapad and tapped his communicator "Apologies for the delay,
Captain, order acknowledged. Simia K'laa on route."
Then he set off for the turbolift, hoping to be able to make good time to meet his new commander. He supposed he should meet the rest of the officers as well. He knew for a fact that the tactical officer had been on board for a day and he'd managed to dodge her so far. But it was time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sirkaithethird
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Sirkaithethird Lord of The Sea

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Stardate 2372.195,
The crew of the Grandeur begin embarking. Meanwhile the ship still needs some work, in engineering the lights flicker, on deck 6 the doors keep opening, the bridge main viewer is displaying some Ferengi ad, and the Ten Forward replicators are functioning at low capacity. To make the troubles worse Admiral White is requesting a report from the new captain by 1400 today.
Other than these problems the ship is perfect, her warp core purrs like a kitten and the crew can feel her power. The computer is helpful and better than any the crew has handled. On the Starbase a long line awaits to board.
A civilian would consider this chaos, but this operation is carefully planned. From the loading of shuttles to each tool taken onboard. Even down to the cleaning of windows preboarding. For most of the crew this was nothing new, you don't just get a role on a Galaxy class. Sure there were a few exceptions and the crew knew who they were, but it didn't change much.
The crew lined up to board could see their new home. A massive white painted vessel. Her name definitely applied to this class, her curves were elegant, and to the Tactical crew her weapons were wonderful so full of power, the baddest and most powerful the fleet has to offer.

RP is open to everyone now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dnafein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stardate 2372.195

Aria strode through the berthing saucer D, headed for the Grandeur. She stopped at the windows overlooking berthing 2 and studied the galaxy class ship beyond. Even as close as it was the sight was beautiful, and butterflies fluttered in the ensigns stomach again. Since her arrival on the starbase 3 days ago, Aria had visited windows presenting different views of her first posting; This was the closest she’d been to it since her arrival however.

Turning away from the sight the security officer made her way to the airlock, squashing the butterflies with a thought. Her thoughts then proceeded to tumble through her hopes and plans; Examined the memories of her previous hosts looking for guidance among them, Aria became lost in her thoughts. As she moved her brisk stride turned into the feminine glide of a starlet. The ensign came to a halt in front of a wall panel on the Grandeur.

”Computer; locate Lieutenant,” The Trill referenced the padd she was holding. ”Cloudborn.”

The computer responded promptly. ”Lt. Cloudborn is currently in the security office.”

The ensign whirled and moved to the nearest turbolift. She slipped between a pair of engineers who she chatted with amicably. While she shared their excitement she had a tight grip on it; Still the fluttering returned to her stomach as she exited the lift. Striding down the hallway the trill came to a stop outside the Chief of Security’s office, reaching out she hesitated. Taking a deep breath and brushing an auburn lock behind her ear, Aria took a hold of herself and tapped the door chime.

Jinn sat in her Department office feeling the glow of recognition after enduring so long a period in a place designed for slow promotion. She like anyone who has chosen knew it was advance or become a Diplomat or simple civilian and the idea of being so anchored down repugnant. She was seen as some as trying to measure up to her mother and they were so wrong; Jinn’s mother was the passive sort.

Her smile vanished replaced by a benign expression when she heard her door chime.

Enter” she said her tone conveying little of her mood her brown eyes inscrutable

Aria keyed the door open and stepped through. With three brisk strides the ensign moved to within a pace of the desk and popped to attention. ”Ensign Aria Tyr, reporting as ordered.” She stated with a salute. The padd with her orders held at her side.

Jinn looks Tyr up and down appraising the first member of the Trill race she had the pleasure of observing up close. She doesn't take long before speaking. "At Ease Ensign, I am as you've likely noted Lieutenant Cloudborn and I am easy to get along with so long as I need not give an order twice.

If you are as good as your files show you've done some homework on myself and if they didn't cover the bases I'll fill you in.

I accept honest mistakes but not excuses. If you make mistakes I want them to be learning experiences and not repeated; I see self anger as a defeating mode of thought so don't dwell emotionally. I will not ask you to do more than I myself am capable of unless you are capable of much more then I will ask for more; "We must Test our limits to Know them

”Yes Ma’am.” The ensign replied, her stance shifted to one more comfortable to stand in. Aria nodded at her superior’s words, ”My intentions are to give you, and the Captain my best.”

Unable to think of anything else to add that would not mean simply repeating herself she added, “I have yet to bring my belongings on board. If you do not have an assignment for me, I’d like to see to getting that out of the way.”

"Dismissed Ensign your watches will be posted in 15 minutes and not begin for at least 4 more hours" answers Jinn letting the young woman go so she could see the next person in a long line of personal

Ensign Tyr shifted back to attention at the dismissal. Turning she made her way to the door, keying it open she paused. Turning back she said. “Lieutenant, I remembered a quote that I think you should hear. The writer Aasimov said, ”The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible.” I look forward to our trip into the impossible.”

Stepping through the door Aria headed for the turbolift, already considering how to layout her quarters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grnmachine
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Grnmachine That guy who takes things a bit too seriously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Collab between myself and Draconis)

It was a busy day for Captain Juvum already, before Admiral White asked for a status update at 14:00. He sat in the chair in his Ready Room, tapping his communicator. "Captain Juvum to Lieutenant Commander K'Laa."

Simia had actually slept in that morning, having stayed up incredibly late to help fix issues with the EPS grid. It still hadn't been sorted when he had finally gone to bed. He couldn't figure out why only certain levels were malfunctioning and others working perfectly. He had only just finished dressing when his communicator chirped and a voice called him. "This is Lieutenant Commander K'laa, sir, go ahead." He had been dreading this, what had happened now? What else had broken. They were supposed to launch already and he was somehow behind schedule. How does a new ship have so many faults? He would have to have a word with the people who built it. Those words would likely get him court martialled however.

"I have problems that need to be fixed before 13:00 today. First, the doors on deck 6 keep opening and closing on their own, and second, the Viewscreen on the bridge keeps playing this Ferengi ad over and over again. I don't care who or how, but get it done." It was clear by the tone of his voice that Captain Juvum was much more commanding and serious today as opposed to yesterday in Ten Forward. He had planned on setting off at 17:00, but that might seem a little optomistic at this point, given that those two problems were only the tip of the iceberg. "And if you can somehow squeeze it in, the replicators in Ten Forward have malfunctioned again."

Simia sighed, his internal rage building he momentarily closed the communication so that he could shout in the relative seclusion "HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN!?" he roared at the walls. How does a Ferengi Ad get on the main viewer? The rest were easy enough to understand but the advert worried him as it was slightly abnormal.
He switched on his communicator again "Aye sir, I'll send people out to get this looked at straight away and I'll sort the doors myself. If anything else comes up, I'll have to add it to the list. I'll wake the nightshift engineers and get them on to these issues as well." With that he paused the communication to pass out his orders, using a combination of his datapad and communicator to issue them before he set off in a rush for deck 6. Then the EPS Grid was next. Hell that was probably what was causing the majority of these issues.

Captain Juvum turned off his communicator and took a breath. Nothing was going right. Practically everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. His mother called that 'Murphey's Law.' Finishing his coffee, he recycled the cup and went onto the bridge. Nobody else was there at the time, and the Ferengi ad was still playing. He went over to the Engineering station and reviewed the latest internal scan. It was a longshot, but he'd do anything to turn off that damned ad.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 3 days ago

First Officer
Commander Vetek

"Personal Log, inscription protocol Vetek one, I begin my assignment aboard the USS Grandeur as first officer. Galaxy Class Ship, twelve to fourteen Phaser arrays, two torpedo launches accompanied by two hundred and fifty proton torpedos. Ship is up to standard Starfleet Starship design while my mission for Star fleet is to be the first officer for this mission my ongoing mission for the Star empire continue. Extended undercover mission so far I only have information about this mission from what i could find from star fleet's data base. The crew and main officers, should not be a problem for me to resume the role as a Vulcan Starfleet officer. The captain is one Captain Juvum. Bajoran and Human heritage, served as a captain before on other ships. Must be careful, as first officer I will have to work close with the commanding officer of this ship, any slip ups and I maybe found out. Further reports to the Star Empire will need to be sent under covert bands of communication to keep it being traced or detected by the crew. Computer end Log and encrypt.", Vetek finishes his log entry as he flie aboard a shuttle to meet up with the Grandeur. Looking at the ship filled Vetek with a sense of pride.

He was going to be second in command the first officer to this starship. A first for Vetek he never got to command a ship within the Star Empire. He had been on Romulan war birds but never had a position like this. He had been marked for the more covert missions rather than missions which would put him in command. He worked hard to achieve this with in his undercover persona It always amazes Vetek with Star Fleet's ships part of the reason he is there to see what are the advancements of the Federation ships and weapons. This was a sight to behold though seeing this ship for the first time.

Once in range he goes to set up a communications link hailing the Grandeur speaking in the monotone Vulcan way with barely any emotion, "This is Commander Vetek to Grandeur, requesting permission to dock and Board the Grandeur" Following star fleet protocol. Something that seemed trivial to Vetek but something he had to do if he was going to play the part of a Vulcan officer. Waiting for an answer before doing anything else establishing he is one to follows protocols or at least trying to.

Part of the cover he tells himself although it is something that he did understand. Establish a chain about doing things and maintaining a sense of order. This was the first part he still had a quite a few introductions he thought he would have to go through. Being the first officer he has to get to know the crew or at least the main officers. Something in which he was both looking forward to and a bit weary of while trying to maintain his cover.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sirkaithethird
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Sirkaithethird Lord of The Sea

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Star Date 2372.197

Earth Space Dock

Two days have elapsed since the Grandeur's crew started embarking, last night the last of the cargo was loaded and accounted for. Now the new crew, Green and experienced alike are learning the ship and setteling in. The bridge is full of activity. Officers from all stations are bringing reports for the captain. In ten forward, smells of real cooking float out into the passageway, coaxing the off duty crew into the room. As you enter you are greeted with the clang of silverware, the soft mummering of conversation. Down in the engine bay, Lieutenant Commander K'laa is working on some final adjustments to the warp core.

In the bridge an Incoming hail is received. On screen came Admiral White.
"Grandeur, you are to load 45 civilians and navigate to Alpha Centauri to drop them off. Then return to Starbase 01, White out"
A few minutes later the men and women needing transport boarded the Grandeur and were shown to quarters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jinn stood at the Tactical station practicing the finger strokes necessary to perform every procedure from rescue, assault, towing, and several other rarer events she might need to execute. When not at her station or her desk Jinn practices finger exercises by playing the most complex keyboard music she can find.

In mechanical tasks we must surrender ourselves to the rhythm and flow of the devices we seek to use” she heard her mother say softly in her ear.

She smiles remembering her friend Ja’neff a Betazedian who touched her when she was using recall; Ja described it as if she had felt Jinn’s mother as a physical presence; which was how Jinn herself felt such experiences.

Her’s was a laser focused memory so when she took the time she recalled past scenes in vivid detail such as her meetings with her Captain, Chief Engineer and First Officer.

The Captain was a relaxed sort till he thought he needed to project an aura of command marking him as just as uncertain as the crew of what they were going to do with the Grand. Most young Captains would have been on some auxiliary ship to season them but with the new advanced building project came the Galaxy’s a class of ship that was a Star Fleet Community assigned to deep deployments. Powerful and Stately the huge ships caused any who first gazed on them to be filled with a sense of awe but it was aboard where this ship differed; she was a work of art and she was his to do with as he executed his orders or initiatives.

”A man of the hour,
May the stone still stand”

Typed Jinn in as her pass phrase for the Captain’s file using a strangely polarized font she called the veil and required contacts polarized to see the text or a passphrase to convert to a text that was observable to the naked eye.

Next came the CE who was in his own way a potential hurdle higher than any other officer aboard who required a setting of priorities, lanes of communication and an understanding of common ground. He was protective of the Grand and she was the Grand’s assigned protector as it’s weapons officer and security chief which meant their jobs and duties overlapped.

This required a measured and emotionally raw approach, like pack animals deciding a pecking order and setting lines of respect, Jinn had to take care in not arousing him in her physical response but thought either doable and he was a big boy and knew this wasn’t the Empire.

”On the home stone wet your blade
We stand as family
Storm or Foe we will survive”

She added the CE’s file to her personal files

Next was the puzzle Vetek the first officer who seemed ….. Uncertain which seemed odd but not out of personality for even a a Vulcan man new to his position could feel uneasy among people that knew little of Kolinahr. Vulcans or Vulcanoids in general were an interesting branch of the galactic breeds and by far her favorites the Zemi who were so full of life and whose Doctrine of Lollo had become a favorite cultural read. Oh well it wasn’t about the First Officer and any further thought on the matter without wasted till she could gather personal interaction with him.

”Where are you going
In Silence
What burns in your heart?”

She adds to her files and brings up Tyr next.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grnmachine
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Grnmachine That guy who takes things a bit too seriously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(The following is a collaborative post between myself, Draconis, Rumiko and Blade)


Captain Juvum entered the Briefing room right behind the bridge, and tapped his com badge. "Captain Juvum to all Senior Staff. Report to the Briefing Room immedietly." He'd just received his orders and needed to brief everyone else on board. It would be a quick meeting and a quick trip, but a good maiden voyage is essential if a ship is going to have a good career.


= /\ ="Tactical, Aye, Aye"= /\ = : answered Jinn Crisply as she motioned her assistant over. It was perhaps 12 steps for her to cover before entering the briefing-room where she gives the Captain a nod on entering; only ensigns and green crew come to attention every-time they see the captain. She takes her seat and lays her PADD on the table before her.


Simia rushed into the briefing room as quickly and composed as he could, his PADD in his hand which he had quickly downloaded pertinent information on to. He wasn't sure if it was a general meeting or a briefing so he had prepared for both. The Grandeur was ready to fly on command and she'd cruise happily. It had taken him the full two days to get the issues resolved, the ship was powered and running perfectly for once. The doors had been his worst nightmare, he had been fixing those for ages, and he still woke up every so often completely terrified that another door was malfunctioning.


The captain remained standing after all the Senior officers reported and sat down. "Our first mission is simple. We've taken on 45 civillian passengers, and we're to transport them to Alpha Centauri. Once that's done we need to come back. Shouldn't be too hard for a maiden flight. Before we set off, are there any concerns or problems that need to be addressed? The past few days have been a bit of a disaster, but i'd rather it all be one disaster as opposed to damaging a key system halfway on a simple mission."


"My department has detected a few Security system glitches, the port phaser emitters needed calibrating, and I'm still short a full staff. Other than those I can think of little to complain about."


"I've not placed weapons at the top of my priorities, I prefered we would be able to move first" Simia replied with a sigh. He looked across the table to the Security officer and decided to offer some form of olive branch. "However we can do a calibration and test once we get underway, probably" Once said, he sat back and began looking up how far away the phaser array was from working. Essentially it was running fine, but he would need to check the glitches just in case. "As for system glitches, I'll check your console later. On my part, we're pretty much running green across the board, phasers nonwithstanding, warp ready at your command sir." He nodded to his captain and felt proud of himself. He'd done well in fixing the ship. It was so much larger than a Miranda class ship and had many more engineers.

Suddenly, one of the doors opened. Nobody was behind it.

Simia suppressed his rage and adds, "Apparently the door malfunction is still present in part. It seems to be in each door but affecting them all separately." He had his hands clenched tight and was glad the uniform covered his arms so that people wouldn't see his veins popping out.

The door closed again, and Simia received a message on his PADD. "Warp Core online. Any further orders?"

Simia angrily replies "Yes, another door malfunction in the briefing room, send someone up in 30 minutes. Prepare for departure and begin bringing the phaser array online, we'll test them once underway, I have a Tactical console to check as well so do a quick diagnostic on bridge consoles too."

A cat then jumped up on Simia's lap, and made itself comfortable.


Jinn clears her throat : "I have already assigned my people to repair or reset the systems in question and they should be waiting for an Engineering inspection; it is easy to see you're stretched thin and I have men without a lot to do."


Vetek for the most part sitting silently with his hands folded on the table taking in the complaints and issues that were appearing across over the ship. After the question asked by the Captain to problems needing addressing. First was the Tactical officer addressing security system issues, something which Vetek took note of as something he could look into. Then was the Chief Engineer the Klingon. Vetek's eyes transfix on the man as he talked about his issues and problems he had on the ship. Vetek adds after Jinn spoke up, "I may be able to provide assistances to the security system glitches. Having specialized in multiple security system I should be able to provide the needed assistance " Adding the Vulcan way of speaking trying to offer his assistance and get a look at this system's glitch himself.


Simia glared at Jinn as she said that she had done repairs of her own. "I'm certainly hope they will be satisfactory." He begins before his superior officer interjects and offers his own assistance. Simia quickly checks his clearance and capabilities and it appeared that he actually had a lot of knowledge and skill with weapon and defensive systems. More than his own skill even. Simia relented and took another moment to consider an appropriate response. "That would be most.. appreciated, sir." He said. He was mostly irritated by what he considered Jinn's insinuation that his team was incapable with keeping up.


Jinn turned to regard the 1st officer briefly before speaking once more addressing the CE's concerns: "It is obvious that like all such complex assembly of machinery and personnel the Grandeur has its cascade of faults and forgotten points; the Emitters showed they had only assembled and not even calibrated. I understand the feeling that I have stepped on your toes and can only offer you the ability to chastise me in a sparring duel . I made sure those personnel who did touch the machinery had passed their appropriate levels dictated by the repair manuals." Said the tall red head as if she were reading out a to do list.


"Unless there is anything else to be said i believe that covers all of our problems. If thats the case, then i want you-" He said, pointing to K'Laa, "To work on fixing the doors, and you two-" He pointed to Vetek and Jinn. "bring the phasers online. I want all of this done before we reach Alpha Centauri, understood?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Jinn stretches on the stone ruins of what looks like an alien temple struggling against a jungle trying to surround and crush it.
Near by is a taller redhead whom Jinn bares a striking resemblance to and for good reason, the holographic woman is an approved copy of her mother Mave Moander Cloudborn an enforcer of the primary judicial branch of the Heran Parliament.
Mother and daughter wear skin tight clothing designed to limit the chances of using them as leverage; sleeveless top and micro shorts as bottoms they have their feet and hands taped to cover any other part of their bodies.
When they face it is easy to see mother is 3 inches taller and perhaps 25 pounds heavier Jinn appearing to be only a smaller version of her mom so it is little surprise when the two exchange a series of blows and faints they are suddenly throw apart Jinn's mother quick stepping backwards as her daughter's just manages a tuck and roll to absorb the power of her mom's counter kick.
"You know I can destroy you if you sustain close engagement ranges; use what you know about my weaknesses and hit and run" says the elder Cloudborn
Jinn knows better than to point out that in one on one against her mom she is basically learning more lessons in soaking heavy blows rather than how to attack a foe who's reflexes render her own slow and clumsy advances moot
The only action in her entire performance which pleases her mother is her recovery from a crack the whip style throw is a series of cartwheels till she absorbed enough energy to stop.


Captain Juvum walked in, hands behind his back. He paused for a few moments and observed Jinn's battle with.... Herself? It certainly looked like her. He stood near the entrance, waiting for the Tactical officer to notice him.

Mave is the first to notice the captain then Jinn who actually blushes slightly


"No, don't let me interrupt."

Jinn nods then turns her attention back to her mother who is on the move as soon as her daughter's feet are set leaving only microseconds to react.
It is a knee punch that can shatter cider blocks which Jinn barely manages to cap with a palm and stiff arm block meaning she soaks the power with her weight as she is launched up and backwards
Her mom true to form is already in a spinning hip rotation trying to land a hammer blow on the falling younger women her object the utter defeat of her
Jinn just manages a shoulder roll saving her the kick to the ribs as goes into a back handspring


The captain was a little lost in the flurry of blows back and forth, but watches intently.

Any other foe and this battle would be exciting but Mave Cloudborn makes her daughter seem unable to do anything except resist destruction always pushing her back till finally Jinn either from exhaustion or losing her balance falls on her rear the larger woman kneeling on the center of her back as she twists her left arm in a painful bar hold.
The Holo fades leaving Jinn exhausted and spent but happy: How can I help you Captain? : she asks exhaling a deep breath


"I was going to run an exercise program for myself. Would you mind if i asked who it was you were fighting? Yourself? Sister?" Juvum said with genuine curiosity.

"That was my Mom, she's been my teacher in the physical arts since I was... well able to stand; she an Enforcer for Justice back home"


The captain nodded. "Your technique back there... i was hardly able to keep track of either of you! Do you think you could help me train some time?" Juvum requested. "Oh, and that's not an order."

"I am a rated close combat specialist and instructor so its no trouble just don't ask me to teach you in my people's methods; they aren't considered appropriate"


"Then perhaps tomorrow at 07:00 hours?" He suggested.

"I can work that into my schedule"


"Thank you, it's greatly appreciated." Juvum said with a smile. He then walked further into the Holodeck and loaded his program- a series of agility and strength drills.

"It is my duty to see my Captain is able to defend himself"


"You may be a little disappointed then. This is just a series of fitness exercises, nothing about combat here."
The computer then began the regiment- "50 pushups. Begin."
The captain immediately fell to the floor and starting going up and down by bending and straightening his arms.

Once that was complete the computer gave him his next task- a set of hurdles appeared, and instructed him to jump them. Juvum threw in a little flair by doing frontflips across the second half of them.

Jinn watched her Captain her eyes seeking his faults even in so mundane a from of exercise


The next assignment was a pole jump, and to catch an acrobatics pole on the way down. He took up the long pole and took a running start, planting it firmly in the ground, forcing his way up and over the top of the wall. As he fell, his arms reached out and grabbed the second pole. He carried his momentum into a backflip and landed on two feet, staggering a little.
The computer then conjured some weights for the captain to lift. "30 reps." It instructed.
After pulling the 20 kilogram weights in each arm 30 times, he set them down.
He then turned to Jinn, who had been watching him this whole time. "What do you think?" he said. Juvum had programmed a two minute break into the program.

"You need work, it seems as if whoever trained you was unconcerned with how you did it as opposed to how many times"


"A little bit harsh, considering i trained myself." Juvum replied, playfully. "After all, practice makes perfect."

"In your case it seems as if you haven't had much practice" : she said as she smiled in a friendly manner


Juvum gave a small laugh as the break was over. The computer created a randomized Parkour course to traverse, with several possible paths. The captain climbed up and began gracefully jumping from location to location. He stumbled every now and then, but made an excellent try.
Once he'd completed the course, the computer summoned a set of stairs for the captain to descend on. He stood in front of his tactical officer. "And what would be your final assessment of the competence of this crew member?"

"You like most people are in adequate shape but lack focus and grace; I am sure you didn't map and plan your path before you attempted it" : she said in an almost monotone


The captain nodded. "Alright. I look forward to tomorrow then." Juvum then walked out of the holodeck, waving to Jinn
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sirkaithethird
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Sirkaithethird Lord of The Sea

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Stardate 2372.199,
Starbase Toliman, Alpha Centauri.

The Trip to AC was relatively easy,
K'Laa got those damn doors fixed, the problem was isolated and "Eliminated". But for the most part the crew had figured out their roles, and no doubt how to get by with the least possible. On the main viewer of the bridge the Starbase was silhouetted against an alien sunrise as the Grandeur drifted closer. After the Grandeur was docked and the Passengers off loaded, the Grandeur was now waiting for her Chief Medical Officer. Until then the Grandeur was placed onto a half watch, and given down time... Till orders came....

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TacticalFasces

TacticalFasces Acolyte of Varg

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

'Man at the helm...'

To say that the thin-haired nord was ready would be a gross understatement. Palms firmly set against the helm, Falkvord felt the thrumming power of the twin warp engines beneath his quivering fingertips. The icy man steeled his nerves, feeling a smile peel open over his crooked teeth and a delighted fire swarm to his eyes. The Captain's orders were clear, the engines were clear and most importantly the way was clear. The Grandeur was clear for departure from Starbase.

There was seemingly no instant when acceleration began, only the collective realisation of the Grandeur's maiden voyage as Engineering's love and attention was finally pushed out of orbit by the helmsmans' controlled inputs. The Ensign's tact at the controls was near-enough textbook, if somewhat over zealous. Critical manoeuvring was handled quickly rather than carefully, but the results spoke for themselves - no collisions, no failures.

The pilot gazed longingly at the void that stretched before them, a distant star twinkling on the proverbial horizon amidst the countless others. Confirming their trajectory, the brave-voiced graduate gave his report. "Course locked in and underway, Captain. ETA at Toliman, Stardate 2372.199."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dnafein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stardate 2372.199

Aria’s eyes scrolled through the list before her even as her fingers tapped on the padd in her hand. ”Everything appears to be there.” She said her eyes moving to the greasy looking ferengi standing nearby.

“Excellent,” The proprietor stated. “Keep in mind, we will only hold your belongs for one standard week before you must make another payment. Failure to pay and your items become forfeit.”

”Wait a minute,” Aria stated shaking her head. ”My contract says I have a venusian day before my bill is due.”

The ferengi’s smile grew wider before it vanished into a frown. “Of course, I forgot. Are you sure you don't want a standard week?”

“No. It shouldn't take more than a venusian day to transport my belongings.” Aria said, fighing a smile of her own. The lieutenant knew that a venusian day was over 116 standard days in length, if it took that long to transfer her belongings something was very wrong. The ferengi smiled and shook the trill’s hand professing over how enjoyable their business transaction was.

Aria stopped just before the door and turned back. ”I almost forgot, some of the seals on the biocanisters amid my belongings seemed in danger of failing. I’d advise waiting till my belongings are transported before entering the space again.”

She stepped out the door and made her way towards the starbase’s nearest transporter room. The lieutenant moved unhurriedly, there were no biocanisters among her belongings, but the comment ensured the ferengi wouldn't be pawing through her property before it was removed from his storage facility. She smiled at the young crewman manning the transporter pad.”Morning, have you obtained permission to transport from the Grandeur?”

“Yes, Lieutenant.” The young man replied. The trill stepped onto the pad and upon her order was teleported to the transporter room closest to sick bay.

Upon rematerialization Tyr stepped off the transporter pad and smiled at the chief manning the controls. “Hello chief.” She greeted him before handihandingone of her padds. “Once you have the location of my quarters could you transport these items there?”

When the chief nodded the Lieutenant gave him another smile and left. She strolled the deck until she reached Sickbay. She strolled through the doors and watched the crewmen at work in her future domain. There seemed to be nothing too hazardous being dealt with and so she shook her head when the nurse on duty approached.

Slipping away to her office, Aria stashed all but two of her padds. Moving back through sickbay, she made her way to the nearest turbolift. She requested the bridge having made a quiet inquiry to the computer on the Captain’s location. Stepping onto the bridge, Tyr’s eyes scanned the room briefly before the woman made her way to the captain’s ready room. She triggered the door chime and waited for permission to enter.

Collab with @grnmachine

Captain Juvum looked up as he heard someone request to enter his ready room. "Come on in!" And in came a woman in a blue uniform. She had the rank of Lieutenant, and dark spots highlighted the sides of her face. "Lieutenant... Tyr, is it? If i'm not mistaken, you're the Grandeur's Chief Medical Officer. Welcome aboard!" Juvum stood as he spoke, and extended a hand to her.

Tyr crossed the interval and took the bajoran's hand. Her grip was firm and steady as she spoke "Thank you. Pleased to be here Captain." She smiled at him. "I take this is my official welcome?" She ask raising the pads in her free hand even as she started to slacker her grip.

"Hmm..." Juvum took the pads into his hands as he let go of the Lieutenant's. One detailed her orders to report for duty, and the other was a rather peculiar request. She wished to run some drills in transporting people to sickbay, using actual crew members. "This request, couldn't you perform these drills in one of the holodecks? That would prevent anyone being disrupted unnecessarily."

"Certainly could use the holodecks." Aria stated in agreement. "Although That wouldn't give the transporters a true shake down. Any issues in the systems site to site parameters would go undiscovered until they are actually used for such."

Her tone changed just slightly as humor crept in. "And a small problem I noticed at my last command could potentionally pop up here uncorrected." She shrugged. "It's surprising how educated we are yet resistant to ensuring we take care of ourselves."

Juvum gave a small laugh in response. "Alright, you can use the test the transporters' site to site parameters, as long as you don't disrupt anyone, so i suggest you keep it to medical personnel. And," Juvum allowed humor into his voice as well. "If you need a volunteer, don't hesitate to ask me."

"Thank you Captain." The lieutenant said with a smile, "You have my word that I won't impede the ships daily routine; And that'll be informed of what volunteers may be needed."

Aria took a step back. "That's all I had for you sir." She offered an apologetic shrug. "If we're through I should probably officially introduce myself to my staff."

The Captain went behind the desk as he heard a series of beeps, indicating a new message fron starfleet command. It contained new orders. "Looks like you'll get your chance." He downloaded the file onto a padd and went to exit the Ready Room.
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