After congratulating Jen on her capture, Chuck decided to head back to the school and explore around there. That's when he encountered what appeared to be a normal Grimer, though it seemed to have what looked like yellow drool, and teeth. Chuck thought it was odd, but decided to send out Kite, his newly caught Grubbin. "Bug Bite!" Chuck said, as the little red bug starting biting the Grimer, the attack seeming to do normal damage, rather than being resisted. Chuck shrugged it off and followed up with a String Shot, and tossing a ball. It shook a bit, then remained still. After checking the Pokémon, he found that it was Poison/Dark, and not just poison. "Well, that's certainly interesting." he said, also noting that it's ability was Poison Touch. "I'll call you Sludge." he said, putting the ball on his belt and going to heal his Pokémon before the tournament.