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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

She breathes in and out as she pushes the door alittle bit just as planned enough to make sure only one can enter hoping that they still had the inability to forcefully pull the massive door open. She raises her shield to the entry point while keeping her body as close to the door as possible to deny the enemy to attack her one of her sides making the defense easier waiting for the first one to enter while she kept the other goblin behind her safe. She gestures to her rabbit to stand behind her and wait for her signal to attack. Steady and focused she didn't her the other female goblin's question.

"Get ready!" She yells out awaiting for the skeleton to start his attack and to give everyone a heads up. As she didn't exactly know the capabilities of a lesser skeleton aside from what she read from that dossier of various different kinds of monsters and fauna in this world.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

While Zats wasn't sure who the new Goblin using the Everoak Shield as a spear rest was, he had a good idea of why he did it. He tried deciding on whether he should look for a spot where his new partner and he could the use Centurian position or if he should stay close to Gina in case she needed help.

Eventually he decided that the nigh she spent out on her own proved she could handle herself and if she did need help there were plenty of others around. He did feel a bit bad that he couldn't play hero and save her to be honest and hoped she wouldn't blame him for it like she did for him not following her. "Let's see if we can find a good spot to use this technique."

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
preparing for the fight ahead >>>> Time to fight /// Day 4 // Evening

Gird was glad to see his friend at his side, Gina seemed to be checking the door as the other two formed up beside each other. The only thing he could see that stood out between himself and the others was that he was the only one that didn’t hold a weapon in his hands. The goblin was quick to pull out the Alpha Rabbit Pelt and fasten it over his right shoulder, for him it was more of a mark of superiority or combat capability then actual clothes or armor. For him everything was about morale for him and the others.

Luz seemed worried as she spoke of the same shiver he felt as well. For a moment he thought it was just that rush of an impending fight again but after she said something he could only hope that the goddess was watching. “I think so” he said with a smile, “lets fall in with the others and follow their lead. But personally I’m going to go for its legs and bring it down.” Luz began to move toward the others and Gina as he moved to the wall next to the door.

Once there, he began to untie his vine chest wrap. The vine was still strong but a bit drier now. He placed all of his things along the wall as he wore the rabbit pelt around his neck and his loin cloth. Other than that and the mud Gird didn’t have much else. Holding the vine in his hand he untied the Alpha rabbit horn from the spear and tied it to the vine in a quick but sturdy fashion. He was effectively adding some weight to one end of the vine.

Gird was quick to find some old wooden planks and rubble to pile on top of and around him. This way he could hide better from the skeletons. His plan was simple, once the skeletons came in and began going after his friends he would move from cover and entangle their legs effectively tripping them. After that he would try his best to grab or climb on to them to bring them down and smash their skulls on the stone floor or at the very least disarm them... maybe even literally. Of course this did mean he looked like he was hiding from danger to the others, and he was effectively using them as bait as he used his Rookie camouflage skill.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kheliop
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Goblin Barth

Following After Nyma>>>Failing to help gather supplies//Day 4//Afternoon>>>Night

@Crusader Lord@Jangel13

While he walked along with Nyma, Barth’s eyes wandered around their surroundings. The wide variety of plant life they passed by fascinated him, and he made a mental note of the locations of a few of the most interesting specimens. His stomach made a slight rumble, reminding him that he had not yet eaten that day. He broke away from Nyma for a moment, she seemed preoccupied with her thoughts at the moment anyway, and carefully examined a cluster of berry bearing plants. He eyed them carefully, trusting his innate ability to detect whether flora was harmful or not. Finding a good handful that were safe for consumption he snatched them up and tossed them into his mouth. He had gotten lucky as they were perfectly ripe and had a just sweet enough flavour to them.

It was only after he finished eating that he noticed the darkness slowly creeping across the sky. It wouldn’t be too long before night fell, creating a sense of worry in his gut. He had no desire to test his mettle against the creatures that would creep out of their dens with the coming of the moon, nor was he interested in finding a place to bunker down. The howl that shattered the relative silence of the night only furthered his instinct to return to the cave. Even with Nyma at his side he knew that they were not armed well enough to fight whatever made that sound.

Fortunately it seemed that Nyma was of the same mind as him, if her words were any indication at least. He nodded along with her instructions, more than happy to follow them. However with the size of his staff and lacking the means to strap it to himself Barth only had the one hand free to offer assistance. Rather than actively search and pickup the needed objects himself he gave Nyma help with carrying, dividing the load between them so she wasn’t overburdened.

Soon enough they had returned to the safety of the cave and were greeted by an elderly Goblin. Barth remembered it being the same one that had bid them safe travels when they departed. He gave the older Goblin a smile and wave before setting down the objects he had been carrying in a clear area. With his task completed he found a nearby spot to rest against, his leaning against the wall to his side. If Nyma had more instructions for him he remained close enough to follow them and if she didn’t he would likely fall asleep in the spot he sat.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Church Of Darkness, Begin Purification

All the goblins have gotten ready and have started to hear the shuffling of the dead just outside the door. The thickness of the door was their only shield against a dozen of lesser undead. Both goddess were watching their disciples intently waiting to see who would distinguish themselves and if they would survive the ordeal though it was unlikely they would die considering how much Shirila helped them out earlier. Soon the first skeleton was let inside and liked before it howled loudly sending fear into the hearts of lesser beings as it tried to attack the goblins but the pews keeping it from running amock inside the church. AS a result it was forced to follow the narrow trail that at this point led to the two goblins with the shield and spear ready to keep the skeleton at bay. The bunny kept behind her master waiting for the order to attack.

As they started to deal with the first skeleton of the night the others started to shuffle to the door and started to bang on it like before trying to get in but not having the strength to even make the door budge on their own. Though that may also be because they had no mind of their own to think with as they just banged on the door rather then tried pushing it together like any live creature would try. For now their strategy was going off without a hitch but how long would it last and would everyone leave unscathed?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

Seeing their first enemy crumbesorely enter the church door. She further closes the door but, slightly makes a gap, before she charges her pet to charge in to strike its feet. she raises her shield ramming it into the undead pinning him to the gap she created the ending with a swift strike at his joint which connected the hand that held its giving anyone ample opportunity to make the final blow. The sudden blow tries the durability of her shield as it buckles creating several cracks in it.

This made her worried as it hints that at some time in battle her only protection would be destroyed and leave her vulnerable to enemy attacks but, there was no time to think as she situation demanded action.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
Time to fight >>>> Trying to ride a skeleton /// Day 4 // Night

Gird stayed as quiet and as still as he could while he waited for the fight to begin. The Skeletons were soon at the heavy doors, the pounding and scraping of bare bone on the wooden door would be enough to scare anyone. The howls and growls from outside were definitely not from any creature he had encountered so far. His heart was racing when he saw it. The bony foot of a shambling undead as it paced forward and into their trap.

The creature was bigger than them, nearly twice their height. But was merely bones and ligaments fueled by an unnatural need to kill. Yet, it did not seem like they were unified in their attempt to get through the door. If they were this would be a hard won fight. For now the single opponent that entered would be enough to test out his theory. He had no idea what these creatures were capable of and was going to find out one way or another.

Gird watched as Gina began her attack. It was calculated, and she showed little fear when engaging it. “Did she fight them already?” he thought while he got out of his cover and into a ready position. Watching as she pinned the skeleton in place for a moment Gird saw his chance to strike. Leaving the vine and horn behind the goblin leapt up onto the closest pew and leapt for the skeleton. Grabbing onto its head and shoulders the goblin held on as he was sure the skeleton would have fallen to the floor with him. Gird would try his best to grapple the head of the undead creature and try to free its head from its shoulders.


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

When Zats noticed Gina's shield get damaged he had to hold back his desire to just jump in and help, trusting one of the others to step in if needed. Instead he decided to try and use the skeleton already inside as one more barrier for the others. Hoping his new partner would figure out what he was up to and that his shield wouldn't get in the way of anyone he pushed forward and tried to push the skeleton backwards. With any luck the opening the single undead had created in the door wasn't much bigger than itself. Unfortunately the shield made it difficult to see what he was doing, meaning someone had to warn him if it seemed more would get in or if he pushed the skeleton back so far that the ones outside could attack any Goblins.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 4 - Night

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword

There was no need for a prayer like Gina's, if he was going to show results he could speak with Shirila later when he had them done. He shall thank her for the battles after he has acomplished them, otherwise, what is the point to call for her aid even before the battle has started. It'd not be good to simply join a fight because he thought that the goddess would help him in a moment of need. After all, he couldn't rely on the goddess for every single encounter he got himself into. He could pray once he had secured victory.

He did look at the several goblins that joined them with worried glances, and that was even before some of them began their own prayers. He needed to be ready when the enemy came, so he simply kept himself quiet by the sidelines waiting for a moment when the enemies might pass in a larger number through the door so that he can rush at them to distract them from his colleages.

As the first skeleton was seen, he furrowed his brows... it was different from just seeing it on a book, but still. It wasn't something they couldn't handle. The enemy wasn't working together, yet they were. They could do this.

For now, he only watched Gina fight, however. After all, trying to fight many against the single skeleton coming in, specially given the way Gina was handling it, would only make them injure each other.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


Luz watched on as the door slowly opened revealing the threat that was to be faced, the name skeleton ringed in her head as the creature made its way through the past prepared by the group beforehand. Since only one was able to get through the door so far Luz only stood by the group and watched as Gina and her pet skillfully trapped the skeleton in gap prepare beforehand. "Wow you guys really prepared for this." She remarked to Zats and Arch sounding quite impressed as she calmly watched. "And your girlfriend seems quite strong and fierce." Luz told Zat watching the other female pin the skeleton down with such interest.

She told Zats as she watched Gird try to remove the creatures head with his bare hands. With Gird helping Gina Luz saw no reason to assist yet, She was confident that Gina will win with the help of Gird so helping them now seems like overkill at the moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Church Of Darkness, Begin Purification

The goblins were soon engaged with their first skeleton of the night and Gina was, of course, the first to act having her pet attack the skeleton as it howled loudly in an attempt to get the goblin away. It wobbled from the strike of the goblins shield but it was about to begin its counterstrike aiming the sword down to attack Gina until it was surprised by a second goblin grabbing its head to try and bring it down.

The Skeleton howled loudly and moved its arms up in an attempt to get the goblin off its head but the goblin was much heavier than the skeleton though. It was soon brought down and when its body hit the ground a loud rattling noise could be heard as its bones crumbled beneath them and the light in the eyes of the skeletons head was gone. The first skeleton was brought down and it seemed that simply applying enough force was enough to make it fall apart on itself as it wasn't a very strong monster, to begin with.

When they tried to start the process again, however, something unexpected happened. As Gina once again opened the door to let a single skeleton through another skeletal arm appeared in the crack of the door before it closed. The skeletal hand gripped the door and started to try pushing to get through. Now if Gina didn't force the door closed she would end up letting all the skeletons through at once. Not to mention she couldn't attack the skeleton that was now inside so she was in trouble if someone didn't come to help her close the door and kill the skeleton that was already inside. It seemed that this was not going to be an easy fight if they didn't work together to control the flow of undead here and now...
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

It seemed Zats'plan was as unnecessary as his lowkey worries about Gina, as he noticed she effortlessly defeated the first skeleton. Just as he got a bit a more confidence that the Goblins would win without any casualties one of the skeletons started pushing the door open. Knowing that it would be bad if too many of the undead entered at once, especially since the group as a whole wasn't experienced in fighting together he rushed forward. For the moment he didn't know or care if his centurion partner followed.

when he got to the door he pressed the Everoak Shield against and started pushing with all his might, confident in the shield's weight and ability to protect him, if only for a few seconds, if worst came to worst. "Anyone trying to keep the door closed, try and hide behind my shield as much as you can!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

Dᴀʏ 4 - Night

@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword

After the first skeleton went down, soon the next one came in. The one that just grapple its head off wouldn't be in the best position to handle the next one alone, specially since Gina was contesting against the skeletons for the door. It was time for him to do something.

He quickly ran towards the skeleton that managed to come in, hopefully it would be distracted enough with either Gina or the other goblin for him to be able to properly attack him. As what he planned to do? He was really just going to run as quietly as he could and swing the mace the side of the skeleton's knee as strongly as he could. If he could break one of those off the skeleton would fall and could be killed by him or another goblin.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Goblin Gird
Trying to ride a skeleton >>>> Prepping for the next one /// Day 4 // Night

Gird felt the bones of the skeleton brake and crack under his weight. These bones were rather brittle compared to those of the rabbits. Where their bones would bend before snapping, these almost crumbled. That isn’t to say that these things are weak, they do seem driven by an unknown force. That and their swings so far looked and felt sloppy. He didn’t have all that much time to dwell on it or the fact that he had crushed the skull that he was trying to save as another skeleton approached.

This time it seemed Gina had her hands full with the door as another skeletal arm tried to reach through the small opening. Those doors, although large and thick, looked old, and he wasn’t entirely sure how long they could hold. If those doors fell, it would be a hard won fight against the rest of the monsters outside. He could hear the others talking but sometimes it was best to simply give orders and hope for the best.

Zats seemed to be helping Gina with the door while the loner went for the skeleton. Gird finally got up from where he was and began moving back towards where he sprung his attack from while yelling at Luz, “Luz destroy the skull. The bones are brittle use a blunt weapon” he called out while jumping over a few pews to get to his vine weapon and ready for the next skeleton. He was completely confident in Luz’s and the loner’s ability to bring the skeleton down on their own.


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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Luz


After Gird bought the skeleton down to the ground, the skeleton then fell apart after it fell and then ceased moving, it seems that it was neutralized like she feels a skeleton should be. "Hmmm, they seem somewhat fragile..." She pointed out looking at it calmly with her arms folded.

After that battle was done, Luz then calmly watch Gina then went to let in another skeleton, but as she tried to close the door one of the skeleton arms got stuck in the door preventing it from being fully closed. "That isn't good!" She said soundly a bit worried before she looked around quickly and found a piece of board that was left behind when Gina and her follower were making makeshift shields earlier. She then quickly grabbed and then ran a bit closer to the skeleton. Right before Arch would strike the skeleton knee with his mace, Luz used her pinpoint strike to throw the piece of board at the skeleton head in an attempt to distract the skeleton from attacking Gina long enough for Arch to get the jump on it(it was right before he got close to it). Then after Arch attempt to break the skeleton's knee Luz would run at it with her club in hand, once she was close enough Luz would then leap once she got close and will then attempt to swing her club so it would it the skeleton head while it was trying to keep it balance(If Arch was successful with breaking its knee.)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

After dispatching the first one Gina turned to the massive door, surprised that it was moving inwards suggesting that the skeletons have finally learned how to open the massive door. Seeing this, she spared no effort in pushing it back to prevent them from pouring inside. She pushed and pushed as hard as she can. Unknowingly leaving her vulnerable to the sides which one of the skeleton's hand have unfortunately slip inside the gap and now is being crushed by her and the others combined force.

The hand was almost able to grab her and pull her but, before it did so it was intercepted by Luz. Gina didn't noticed it as she continues on pushing away at the door hoping that it was enough to deny the undead from storming inside and making every thing a whole lot difficult for everyone. "I need help!" She yells out dropping her wooden weapon to the ground as she pushes as hard as she can. Her pet started helping using its body to assist her master.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Guy0fV4lor
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Guy0fV4lor Retaker of The Holy Land

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Goblin Ren
PURGING /// NIGHT // Day 4


Ren was panicking, this was much, MUCH more of a fight than he bargained for, sweat began to form on his chest and back. As his heartbeat quickened, the world seemed to slow down. Seeing the Undead abominations they faced, he looked at the weapons in his hands; a pointy stick, and a horn.....

How the hell could he kill these things with just a pointy stick and horn???

Looking around the room, he saw all his new friends, all fighting so hard. They were so strong... As tears began to form, the scared little goblin's eyes came to rest on the rusted sword of a fallen undead. Did they all have such weapons?

Suddenly, one of the others called out; "I need help!"

The goblin holding the door required aid, a decaying hand was keeping the door from shutting, and would soon ruin the entire plan. She needed help, but what could Ren do? He certainly wasn't as strong as the others, what chance did he have?

Suddenly: AN IDEA

Dropping his tools, Ren ran straight over to the rusted blade, taking it into his hands. It was pretty heavy, resting the back of the blade on his right shoulder, he lightly pressed his head into the side of the blade before closing his eyes and whispering a prayer. A prayer to whatever may hear him, for the one thing he lacked in this moment, what he NEEDED in order to protect his friend, "Steel give me strength, that I may defend what is dear to me."

Ren knew that such a desperate plea was apt to fall upon deaf ears, yet the action alone filled him with vigor. Charging toward the door, "Watch out!" he yelled out in warning before swinging his new blade down on the hand reaching around the door.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Purification and the evolution towards godhood

The goblin has had to deal with so much in such a short amount of time. The goblins known as Zats and Gina were able to keep the skeleton from breaking through the door and it must be noted that goblin ren who picked up his weapon and attacked the skeleton hand made a valid decision. After a few hits from his weapon the skeleton hand broke off and thrashed on the floor before it went limp allowing goblins Gina and Zats to close the door entirely. The goblins that attacked the skeleton already inside were able to take it down thanks to their quick thinking. The skeleton which was focused on attacking Gina to get his friends inside was not noticing the goblin that snuck up from behind using the blunt and deadly mace it crushed a few of the skeleton's bones allowing for the other two goblins to attack the skeleton with ease since it was trying to stay upright from such a destructive attack. The goblins Luz and Gird were able to attack its flanks and bring it down with their superior numbers.

The night kept going much as it did before with the goblins cleverly letting a single skeleton through at a time and ganging up on the unlucky bag of bones. Whenever more tried to slip through at once they were able to come together and keep the situation under control. They weren't able to rest until there was a large pile of bones in the center of the church piled higher than themselves in their small forms. They had finally won and were finally able to rest properly. No doubt each goblin was truly exhausted and wished only to rest as they dropped where they stood. As Each of the goblins fell asleep they all saw something odd:

Do you Wish to evolve?

As each one answered yes in their minds as they drifted off into unconsciousness a wonderous thing happened and they each silently changed into newer forms. Which they would soon call hobgoblin forms. They would discover that once they killed enough enemies they would be able to change and become something much stronger than they once were. They would each grow to the size of a preteen reaching waist level with any human adult, however, each was different thanks to their respective personalities and traits that they learned as goblins.

As each of the goblins woke up to their newest forms and have become more personalized in both appearance and personality it seemed that they have also gained a skill that would only be given to them thanks to the feat they accomplished last night.

Gravekeeprs spirit

All goblins involved gained Gravekeepers spirit: All goblins are able to feel the strength of those that have long since passed. When near a dead body or a skeleton the goblins are able to draw strength without the requirement of being necromancers. Even carrying a skull as an adornment allows the goblins to be stronger, faster, lighter as they draw strength. However, drawing all the strength of a certain dead body or their parts will cause it to disintegrate into dust.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @Wildman13 @Darked13 @demonspade64 @Guy0fV4lor@Kheliop@Crusader Lord@ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

When he went to sleep last night Zats was planning to wake up early and ask Gina's Goddess about something. His plan was slightly derailed when he noticed the new forms everyone had gotten. Of course he knew it was due to the evolution into Hobgoblins, but actually seeing it was another story. Everyone of course had gotten bigger but there were a lot differences, more then they were simply Goblins. Not wanting to waste too much time he didn't extensively study everyone, but he definitely checked both himself and Gina out.

One of the first things he noticed about himself was just how much bigger and more muscular he had become, something he certainly couldn't complain about. In no small part because it seemed he could finally use the Everoak Shield properly, though his plans to study his prey unnoticed went out the window. All things considered he liked his new look except for the fact he would practically have to be in the front lines when fighting now.

Then there was the second person he wanted to check out and honestly he couldn't complain about Gina's new look at all. with that done he silently headed for the three altars. He wanted to thank Shirila and ask her for her opinion.

"Ehm Great Mother, can you hear me? First of all thanks for the shield, it really helped in the fight against the skeletons. Second, can I ask you something? Do you think it can work between me and Gina? I know how important you are to her and I doubt I'll ever serve as serious as she does. That combined with our different personalities makes me worry, sometimes I wish I could be more like her and more or less act on impulse but that is nit who I am. I know we compliment each other well in that aspect and I wonder if it wouldn't be smarter to remain friends rather than risk a relationship ruin it."

He was actually surprised at how much he ended up saying, with no evidence that the Goddess was even listening but, he needed to hear what someone else and not even Elder Goblin struck him as wise as her. He just hoped none of his fellow Hobgoblins heard him as he found things awkward enough already.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Day 5: Early Morning

As soon as the very crack of dawn had begun to shine through the sky, Nyma had arisen from her restful sleep with a purpose on her mind: get started on weapons and finish this task in good time. She had even tried to nudge her prior day's companion awake, though had left him after that to get started. Hopefully he would join in to help, or if not then at least she felt she'd be prepared.

If she and this other new guy were going to be trying to hunt and explore this place, they first needed suitable weapons. She had taken the sharp rocks, their jagged edges and all, and used them to start sharpening the sticks she had acquired. Flexible, but strong, young enough as trees to be easily plucked up, but hardy enough to be made into a solid wood weapon in her mind. It would be good experience, though she'd only bring one of these weapons out to explore/hunt. Having spares stashed away to use later, especially if the main weapon broke, was be a valuable thing as well in her mind.

Though as she was going about this task, hoping to pass the time to finish this as soon as possible so she and her seeming compatriot in this could leave the cave, the young female goblin looked over to the elder Goblin that was in the cave as well. There was perhaps one way to go about killing some time as she went about her task, and benefit at the same time. Listening to anything this old Goblin could tell her, and the other guy if he was up, would be....potentially useful in her mind. A better understanding of this forest and its contents were at least a start to getting a better grasp on things.

"Hey, i guess we might not be the first two goblins who woke up here? Where are the others, and can you tell us the sort of information they maybe asked you about before as well? Like if there are gods out there, or similar things?" the young female goblin said aloud, calling to the older figure in a calm, but curiosity-laced, tone that did not hold back on her interest in things, "And, er....are there anything like spirits of the forest or such things around here too that could be found?"

Somewhere inside of her, Nyma felt almost a tug, like the loose end of a rope wanting to attach to its other half. Being in the forest the other day, even briefly for a time, had left her feeling a little closer to fulfilling that feeling. Like a pull towards nature, just not the trees....when what could it be? Spirits of nature or something? The idea of spirits and gods and such did not feel new to her, as if she had known such words before or they had been programmed into her, but the knowledge of them, what they were, if they existed, and the like beyond that was far from her understanding. Though to her, it was better to ask and get the understanding sooner than later if this old goblin knew a thing or two.


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