Johnathan Tyler Baxter
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▄ n a m e ▄
▔▔▔▔▔Jonathan Tyler Baxter
▄ a g e ▄
▄ g e n d e r ▄
▄ o r i e n t a t i o n ▄
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▄ p e r s o n a l i t y ▄
Johnny is, in colloquial terms, a space-case. He doesn't appear to have a firm grip on reality, often caught up in his own fantasy world inside his head. He is particularly quiet and his self-inflicted lack of a social life has limited his social skills. He can be blunt and a little rude, though not usually intentionally. Though he doesn't pick up on social cues, when he sees he has offended somebody, he will profusely apologise. His absurd work ethic is also rather noteworthy.
To those who do not know him, he's an eccentric weirdo who might just be permanently high. To those who do know him, he is unexpectedly passionate when it comes to things he cares about. He has been known to ramble, sometimes for hours, about something that has exited him. His sense of humor is dry, and quite dark, giving him the gift of story-telling. He can get so involved with his passion projects that he alienates people, and he sometimes his pride gets the better of him, but he's really just a lonely kid who wants to share his unique view of the world with those around him.
- Films, specifically indie movies
- Emo music
- Stargazing
- Bowling
- Marvel comics
- Loud crowds
- Close-minded people
- Electronic music
- Sweets
- Sports
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▄ f a m i l y / b a c k g r o u n d ▄
Johnny was born to Clive and Sheila Baxter, both originally from Oxfordshire. His parents had moved to Content a year before his birth, as they both desired the kind of warmth and sense of community a small town could offer, setting up a bakery when they settled. He had known, and been perplexed by, Content since birth. Johnny desired to live in a big city from a young age, but liked the safety net a small town could provide.
At school, Johnny seemed to thrive. He was very intelligent and enjoyed the intellectual stimulation. His parents were less pleased. They wanted their son to be kind an sociable with a large group of friends. They would have preceded it if he spent his time hanging out with kids his age. However, he spent most of his time alone, choosing to shun the majority of his peers. He made one friend, by some miracle, Maxwell Roberts. Max was Johnny's first true friend, and eventually, at age 14, his first love.
But all good things must come to an end. Max's parents found out about the two boys when they were 16 and immediately moved away, disgusted by their son's behaviour. Johnny's heart was broken. He tried his best spent the next two years away from people, deeply upsetting his parents, who decided that Johnny needed new friends. They told him to talk to Sam, who was supposedly setting up a road trip to go to a music festival. Johnny, reluctantly, agreed.
▄ d r e a m s & a s p i r a t i o n s ▄
Johnny wants to make films, to show people how he sees the world and to explore ideas that interest him, like his idol Paul Thomas Anderson. To that end, he has applied for a place at the AFI Conservatory and New York Film Academy. If that fails, he'll have to work in his family's bakery. A fate worse than death.