Content, Ohio is a small city known for nothing much. Life is easy and satisfactory for almost everyone, but that's the thing. Living a satisfying life isn't as satisfying as you would expect if you've never had anything else happen. The most exciting things to happen in Content are the small town festivals and high school graduations. Most seniors head off to college and return back once graduated to Content to live out the rest of their lives peacefully, but not for this years group of graduates. They are all aiming for bigger dreams to give themselves some excitement and hopefully live out their lives with a sense of fulfillment.
They just need something to happen.
Rumor has it that Sam has been planning a big road trip out to California for the Lovely Sounds Music Festival. The festival itself is one of the hottest events, with cool people, and even cooler music. Seats for the ride there are limited, or so the rumors say. Even if it is just a rumor maybe it's worth a shot asking him?
Follow the standard rules and regulations of the Guild. They can be found here.
Please respect everyone and truly just be kind. We're all writers trying to have fun and grow their craft together, remember that.
If I ever do anything to offend you or if you have a question, feel free to let me know or ask me. It's out of respect for the both of us that you do, sometimes things go over my head without realizing it. Don't hesitate to say something that doesn't make sense. I'm all for constructive criticism.
We're aiming for a casual to high casual roleplay, and in turn that means no one-liners. Also please consider the amount of effort the others in the roleplay put into their posts as you should read theirs before posting yours in case the posts don't align. This goes with respect as you should respect the other writers in their efforts as they should do to yours as well.
If you have any issues with the posting rate please let me know. I myself know that life can hit at any time, so just keeping us in the loop will help everyone and the flow of the roleplay keep steady!
I'm all for collaborating posts, so if you and another writer have something in mind then go for it. I know for you shippers this is a fun thing to do.
Our characters are of that age where drugs, alcohol, and other mature themes are more involved in their lives. Scenes to a certain degree are going to be fade-to-black, if desired y'all can bring it to the PMs. Think of it as a movie, it doesn't go into super detail, just touches on whatever is needed.
Use the sheet provided, you can of course add more things if you'd like. Approval of characters will be given, makes it so I can understand who is all going to fit in with everyone. We're looking for a unique and collaborative effort and with that comes variety. Also color coding is important, use text colors. I like using this to find colors.