Interactions: None
For most of the journey, Daedalus had kept to himself, trying to draw as little attention to himself as possible. To hide his arms, his sleeves were rolled down and his hands covered with plain black gloves; his eyes were closed and his hood was up, covering the metallic plates welded onto his reinforced spine and obscuring the details of his cybernetic eye, making it look more like a metallic eyepatch at a glance. He recognised many of his fellow Signal graduates, a fair number of whom were already familiar with his abilities, but many of them were new faces, which usually in turn meant being subjected to a fusilade of questions he had no intention of answering. Hence why he was hiding his obviously unusual features, at least while he was forced to travel among the other new students.
At the announcement of the loudspeaker, his eyes flicked open and instantly locked with those of another student who had been staring at him for the past 3 minutes. The softly
glowing lines of orange code on the black of his cybernetic iris rotated back and forth like automatic lenses as they scanned and quantified the student's data, determining him as someone of little threat. The unnatural glow and the contrast to the cool grey of his other eye was apparently enough to unsettle him as he looked away, so Daedalus took the opportunity to rise from his seat and leave the room, opting to relocate to the viewing deck.
He stood by one of the windows, arms behind him as he looked out across the open sky. Instead of standing in awe, however, his thoughts never left idle as they moved from one item to the next as resolutions were found. He posed a hypothetical scenario to himself and thought on possible approaches to resolve it, went through a diagnostics check on his internal systems and even though back on Nero and Argento, the twin gunblades he wielded before his emergency reconstruction and wondered if he should rebuild and improve them, to serve as both a set of back-up weapons and a memento of his time in Atlas. He was drawn out of his thoughts by two thuds in quick succession, of a body bouncing of glass and then the same body hitting the ground, and he turned his body at the waist to watch the fallen faunus man with a neutral gaze. He made no move to assist him, instead watching as a red-headed girl helped him up. He mentally sighed to himself, and made a note to avoid him during the entrance test. Clumsy was a bad trait for a Huntsman, and it made him a liability, so Daedalus didn't want to end up on his team.
His line of thought broken, he slowly moved his gaze across the other prospective students on the bridge. He recognised Aquarius, a fellow Signal Graduate, speaking to a blonde-haired girl a few inches taller than herself, but most of the others were unknown. Now that the clumsy faunus was finally standing, he noted that he was abnormally tall, towering over the redhead he was speaking too, but seemed to lack the muscle to match. The girl he was with also had a slim physique, so he wasn't expecting much of a brawler-type from either of them. The last person to catch his eye was the blue-haired boy in the hat, leaning against the wall somewhat impatiently. He seemed vaguely familiar, as if he'd met one of this person's relatives before, but nothing stood out to him so his mind quickly moved on. A soft digital sound came from his scroll and he rolled up his right sleeve enough to remove the device from its place on his wrist.
Asimi, ever the doting mother, had messaged him to check up on him and a small, soft smile came to his face. He let her know that he was close to arriving and that he was ok before putting the device away and covered it with his sleeve, the smile falling away into a neutral expression as he turned his head back to the view outside. Dwelling on his classmates, and potential teammates, now would do little good. Might as well as wait until the entrance exams before passing any further opinions.