*Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them.
Post the CS in the OOC for review.
Change the color code to a unique one (i.e. not in use by a current character). Please try to avoid colors that are very similar to the eye as well.
Choose a faceclaim for your character that is not currently in use - if you're not sure if someone is using that FC, ask the GM. Faceclaims must be real life images - not drawings.
The GM can refuse a concept for any reason, yet will generally work with you to fix up the character until they can be accepted.
Talk to the GM if you want your character to have established connections (i.e. if this were a Harry Potter RP and you wanted to be Fudge's goddaughter, talk to the GM in advance for approval).
GM approved character sheets should be posted in a hider in the Char tab.
The GM will check posting history / previous RPs - you've been warned.
Once CS's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
Under Extras in your CS please post a link to a post you have done in the past to show you have read the rules. If You submit a CS without this it may be declined.
Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm for a tid bit to add under extras instead
Post Content
No use of racial slurs in posts. Sure, you may be playing a racist white guy from the 1950s, so just use asterisks - you'll convey the same idea.
Nudity needs to be run by the GM before posting. In general, this is PG-13 when it comes to romance, sexual interactions, exposure, and so forth... Violence wise, anything goes. This can get gross.
Fade to black for things that verge into the area of smut/other taboo subjects. Seriously. Your post will be deleted otherwise.
The world and NPCs and events are controlled by the GM. If the GM says it's raining, then it's raining. Results will be randomized per dice mechanics.
Posting & General Behavior
Follow all of the rules of the forum - they're the law of the land.
If you need an extension or you're struggling - or even if you just aren't certain what to do - please reach out to the GM! Communication is key.
All posts are backed up on the back up forum after they have been posted - the GM will provide the link for this forum. It only takes a few seconds and it ensures all your hard work is preserved!
You must post once every 7 days - once your last post on RPG reads as 8 days ago you will be removed from the RP.
If you need an extension, ask!! Extensions should be requested no matter than when your last post reads as 6 days ago. If an emergency comes up on day 7, of course come and talk to us - we'll be more than happy to work something out. It's very rare that an extension request is denied.
You may NOT copy and paste something from someone else's post and add it to your own. This includes dialogue.
Minimal 2 posts between your last
No editing posts without GM approval.
Each post should include two well developed paragraphs (please don't make me define how many sentences are in a paragraph. If they're long sentences, then sure 5 is fine - if they're shorter, maybe 15 is best).
Read all posts! Seriously, people are reading yours so spread the love and read theirs!
No tagging for interactions in your post - people use this as a crutch usually to get away with not reading everything.
Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue - I recommend having Back Up Characters Ready)
The GM reserves the right to make decisions as to how much additional time, if any, will be granted to post if the forum is glitching. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two. But usually, I do tend to be pretty generous about it...
Rules and character sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
Under Extras in the CS also mention your favorite wizard so I know you at least skimmed this... Check the discord chat once a day. Invite will be provided by the GM.
☆ Claimed NPCs ☆
In this RP, there will be situations where it makes sense for you to have either a Minor NPC or a Major NPC.
A Major NPC is consistently RPed for a given part of an arc. For example, Thalia Maehers and Richard Laine are examples of major NPCs. They were consistently RPed each update from their arrival to the Castle after the coronation to the end of the day. However, they would not be full PC's as they are intended to only make a small appearance in the arc. If they were present for more than 50% of the arc with no intended leaving point, they would have to be converted into full PC's.
A Minor NPC will pop up at various points during the arc and will not always be actively RPed for. Good examples of Minor NPC would be Cuyler and Lyra's Night Transformers. Minor NPC's do not need a color code and have a smaller CS that needs to be filled out (like significantly shorter. Takes only a minute). If a Minor NPC is consistently RPed for 10 posts in a row, they MUST be converted to either a Major NPC or a PC.
*** A major NPC will get their own post in the CS tab. A minor NPC will be added into your post for an existing character that they are most associated with. For example, Thia would go under Cuyler's post. ***
[hider=Character Name - Major NPC] [hr.][hr.][h1][b][i][color=???][center]Character Name[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]Character Image[/img][/center] [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=???]Name:[/color][/b] Full Name [b][color=???]Darke Name:[/color][/b] ~GM will tell you what this is~ [b][color=???]Age:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Birthday:[/color][/b] Day Month Only [b][color=???]Gender:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Position:[/color][/b] [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=???]Height:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Weight:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Build:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Eyes:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Hair:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Only put what is visible
[b][color=???]Personality:[/color][/b] Minimal Two Paragraphs [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] Minimal three developed paragraphs.
[hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Abilities[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [list] [*]Any prominent abilities they have [*]Things they specialize in[/list] [/hider]
[hider=Character Name - Minor NPC] [hr.][hr.][h1][b][i][color=ed145b][center]Character Name[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]Character Image - Optional [/img][/center] [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=ed145b][center]Character Overview[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=ed145b]Name:[/color][/b] Name they will be referred by - could be a false name, their real name, whatever. [b][color=ed145b]Darke Name:[/color][/b] ~GM will tell you what this is~ [b][color=???]Age:[/color][/b] Can be exact or approximate (i.e. 27 or late 20s, both work) [b][color=???]Gender:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Position:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Summary:[/color][/b] Min one paragraph describing who the NPC is [b][color=???]Extras:[/color][/b] Anything else you want to note [/hider]
Limits on NPC's:
You can have up to three major NPC's at any given time
You can have up to seven minor NPC's associated with any given character a time
Just because you can have that many does NOT mean the GM will approve additional ones. I will be taking into account your ability to RP them effectively / need (i.e. someone running a Witch Coven will be more likely to be approved for a bunch of minor NPC's, while someone playing an Alchemie Apprentice will need a good reason to have a ton.
At the start of each arc, you'll have a chance to "retire" any NPC's. Contact the GM if you wish to do this.
NPC's are not immune to death. In fact, they have higher chances than the PC's. You've been warned.
In a world similar to our own in many ways and entirely different in many more, there stands the Castle. Located in what is known as the Small Wet Country Across the Sea, the Castle's walls were constructed to keep the Darke of the forest at bay. Witches, werewolves, and other creatures had been preying on the Castle's inhabitants, stealing children in their beds and causing many tragedies. But with the construction of the moat and the One Way Bridge, the citizens could rest easy. They, and their Queen, were safe.
Hotep-Ra introduced Magyk to the Castle, creating marvelous sites such as Wizard Tower and Wizard Way, as well as teaching those with magykal talent to hone their skills. Magyk is much more than science that we do not yet understand; it can be studied, it can be harnessed, and it can be used. With the ExtraOrdinary Wizard leading the Ordinary Wizards, there was peace in the Castle and prosperity. Witches, werewolves, chimeras, and the like were kept at bay. Trade that came in from the Port brought new treasures, decorating the Long Walk of the Palace.
But in a world where Magyk is real and vibrant, the problems we face become only more complex. The eldest daughter of Queen Meliscente, Princess Valda, was CradleSnatched by witches when she was very young. And while Queen Meliscente had other children, it was only recently that her eldest child was rescued and returned to the castle, over a decade later. There was much celebrating that MidSummer Feast Day, as Valda became the Crown Princess, next in line for the throne. The Royal Family of the Castle, with the throne inherited by a matriarchal system, had long been loved by the people.
Or of course, so it seemed. Under a month ago, Queen Meliscente had fallen extraordinary ill, with no Physik or Magyk being able to revive her. She had been on a trip to the Land of Long Nights, meeting with officials in order to discuss trade and relations before the Big Freeze set in. While her subjects were informed her death was caused by an unfortunate illness she caught on her trip, some believe that Darke Magyk killed the Queen. Among them is the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Arya Rincewind.
But amongst this Darkenesse, life goes on. They grieve for the loss of their beloved queen, but Crown Princess Valda will become Queen soon enough. Her Journey, a rite of passage all Crown Princesses undergo once their mother has passed, has been completed. Witch Covens look on with apprehension at Valda's impending coronation, knowing that Valda's Coven will gain immense prestige with a Witch Queen on the throne. Young children still flock to Wizard Tower, little hopefuls just dying for an Ordinary Wizard to catch a glimpse of them and appoint them as their Apprentice. Alchemie slowly grows more and more influential in the castle, with now four Alchemists working in Alchemie Way. Scribes craft new, elaborate Live Maps that reflect the movement of each being within the Castle walls.
Yet make no mistake, my dears. Something wicked this way comes.
☆ Premise ☆
Without the Darke, there cannot be Lyte; one must always follow the other. No one knows this bitter truth better than the residents of the Castle, located in the Small Wet Country Across the Sea. After Nera Hawthorn, a Port Witch, had been exposed as the murderer of Queen Meliscente and her husband, Fendrel Silvers, the Castle enjoyed what many called the beginning of a new Silver Age.
Relations with the Eastern SnowPlains had been mostly restored, thanks to Emperor Taj bringing the head of the Port Witch, Malekith Darkling, and convincing Empress Astris he had been responsible for the death of Princess Snaera and Grand Magician Peter Wylie. Of course, the fate of their late emperor continues to be a mystery, one which several messengers from the country indicate that they are pushing for the Castle to become involved in. Empress Astris is placing blame with the Land of Long Nights and it seems the two countries may go to war.
For the witches, the devastating war between the Port Witch Coven and the Wendron Witches was thought to be the worst that could happen. Many Magyk users find themselves fainting in the use of Charms or spells - witches and wizards alike. The Sick Ward at Wizard Tower is filled with Magyk users from all walks of life. Some have fallen into comas - others are not so lucky. Despite Arya's best efforts to find a cure through Physik, nothing can alleviate these symptoms. The only clue as to a cure for this Sickenesse points towards the Queste, a dangerous journey that has killed all but one ExtraOrdinary Apprentice who undertook it.
And out of the ashes has come a far more powerful Fleur La Mallificium, proclaiming herself to be a Witch Messiah and ready to receive all witches in the area to unite under a one true coven. Those at Wizard Tower look on with apprehension, having never seen such a unified group of witches ever before - and some fear that if they are not careful, the so called One True Coven will cause even Wizard Tower to fall.
Time Frame: Medieval-esque era far in the future; starting day of book three is November 5th, 12508 Rp Tags: Fantasy, Medieval, Adventure, Romance, Slice of Life, Magyk, Politics, Dragons, High-Casual, Advanced, Character Development, Lore, Suspense Type Of RP: This is a high fantasy adventure roleplay primarily played in the Castle, a city-state located where London once was. As a warning, character death is possible as this roleplay uses Lady Amalthea's randomization system - however, the odds of death are lower than in my other roleplays. Goal of the RP: Put an end to the rise of murders in the Castle and catch those responsible. Enter the Saecular Games and rise to victory. Stop the impressment of Port sailors by the Eastern SnowPlains. Advance in your trade and gain more power and prestige; protect your legacy and establish yourself. Fight for the Darke or the Lyte. Character Requirements: 13 years or older
☆ Premise ☆
In the Small Wet Country Across the Sea, there stands the Castle. Home to Wizard Tower where the strongest Magyk users in the land are trained, it is governed by Queen Valda the Wild. Despite the hardships that have befallen the Castle, the Silver Age continues and spirits are high. Its walls and moat keep the Darke of the Forest at bay, protecting the children of the Castle from witches, werewolves, and the occasional chimaera. Trade has kept the state wealthy with neither the people nor their Queen going to bed wanting for food.
Yet as is too often the case, the reign of Queen Valda the Wild is not without hardship. Caught in the midst of a war between the Land of Long Nights and the Eastern SnowPlains, impressment of Port sailors by the Eastern SnowPlains demands action. The Land of Long Nights blames the Eastern SnowPlains for the robbery of a sacred relic, whereas the Eastern SnowPlains has determined that the Land of Long Nights ordered the murder of their late emperor. Queen Valda must make a choice, as war is on the horizon and her decision could change the Castle forever.
To add to the tension, some Castle residents are being found in alleyways. The manner of death has been determined to be suicide - yet none of them had given any prior indication of being suicidal. No one has claimed responsibility for these deaths, though some place blame on the Witch Messiah and her coven, saying that it is her revenge against the Castle. Whispers of a mysterious force called Hellfire do nothing but complicate matters.
Life goes on. Bruce Banner and Myth the Muse's son has reached six months of age. The new ExtraOrdinary Wizard has started to search for a lucky young child to become their apprentice. The Castle continues to grow and prosper, with talk of a new addition being added to Ramblings. Children still run up and down Wizard Way, playing games and talking about the heroism of Castle legends. Alchemie climbs ever more to prominence, with Fyre helping to heat the Castle during the cold winter months. The Saecular Games, held every 110 years, have returned to the Castle, allowing individuals from all across the world to engage in feats of athleticism, cunning, and strength.
No one is safe.
☆ Characters ☆
1 indicates character was active in Book One; 2 indicates character was active in Book Two
Amarantha1,2 - Leader of the Army/Bodyguard of Princess Luna (006400 @KazAlkemi) - killed by Fleur
☆ The Castle ☆
Welcome to the Castle. Existing for centuries in the Small Wet Country Across the Sea, the Castle began as a small village where its inhabitants built a wall and a ditch around it to keep out wolverines, witches and warlocks. As time went on, the walls were expanded, and more houses were built. Later, when a baby was stolen by the Darke Forest Creatures, they worked on the wall they have now and they dug the ditch deeper. On MidSummer Day, they breached the banks between the ditch and the Moat was built.
The summer before the Moat was built, a pretty barge arrived with a young woman and three daughters. They had dark hair, violet eyes and spoke a different language. The woman was given the best house and was made Queen. Her house later becameThe Palace. She never explained where she came from or why she left. Many years later, when one of the queens descendants was Queen, Hotep-Ra arrived and healed the Queen's daughter, who was ill. For this, he was made the first ExtraOrdinary Wizard and built the Wizard Tower.
With the reign of Queen Zienna, the Small Wet Country Across the Sea was unified underneath the Castle, turning the Castle from a city-state into a proper ruling power. It is relatively new as a monarchy of this size and has had some stability issues stemming from this.
The place where the queen and her family live. Currently, Valda and her siblings live there. Long ago, the Custodians resided there for ten years after the assassination of a former queen (Queen Cerys). At one point, it was also inhabited by a family of wizards under the rule of Queen Jenna.
The Manuscriptorium is located at Number 13, Wizard Way. It is a place where the scribes, copy and/or make incantations, potions, books, charms, spells and many more. The place is watched over by the Chief Hermetic Scribe. There are many kinds of scribes in the Manuscriptorium. It also has a hatch that leads to the Ice Tunnels. The One and All Spell is applied in the Manuscriptorium which means if one door was locked all doors were locked. Altogether the Manuscriptorium is a busy and wealthy place, because many people come and go at all times.
The Ramblings is a large building where a large amount of Castle residents live. The Ramblings spans along the river for three miles on the East side of the Castle. It houses several family rooms and some factories, shops and schools. The Forest, where the Wendron Witch Coven is located, is also near the Ramblings. The Ramblings is from a time where Castle inhabitants practised a bit of magic themselves. All the safe charms and spell that had soaked into the stones over the year kept the Dark Domaine from covering it.
The Wizard Tower is a 21-story tower where Ordinary Wizards, Apprentices, and the Extra-Ordinary Wizard live. Above the top level there is a golden pyramid with a library inside; the entrance hall has a Magykal floor that displays greetings and information to all comers. For example, if the Crown Princess were to visit, the floor would say WELCOME, PRINCESS. Transit between floors is accomplished via the Magykal stairs, which rotate; any Wizard can control them. The top two floors are where the ExtraOrdinary Wizard and the ExtraOrdinary Apprentice live. All others are for Ordinary Wizards, two to a floor. The Tower is where most of the Wizards in the Castle live. It was created by Hotep-Ra, who was the very first ExtraOrdinary Wizard.
The Tunnels - A series of tunnels underneath The Castle which were once completely covered in ice. When Alchemie returned to the Castle, the Fyre used caused the Ice Tunnels to melt. These tunnels are now more like underground rivers. These tunnels run from the castle, under the ocean, through the Peepe on the Isle of Syren, all the way to the House of Foryx.
The Great Chambers of Alchemie and Physik - Most Alchemie conducted in the Castle happens here. It is where the Fyre can burn the hottest, even serving to partially heat the Castle during the winter months.
Message Rat Headquarters - To communicate, people hire Messenger Rats. Using the spell Speak, Rattus Rattus they can have rats deliver verbal messages to friends, family, and others.
The Port is a bustling city downriver from The Castle. It lies between the ocean and the Marram Marshes, and is supported primarily by the traffic from incoming ships arriving with goods. It is an exciting and enjoyable place to many, but also perilous and more dangerous than The Castle, and is the home of the detestable Port Witch Coven. It is also known to contain a few passageways, one known as the Smugglers Bolt, which stretches from the Port to The Castle.
The Marram Marshes The Marram Marshes are located south of the Castle. Difficult to navigate and dangerous to be in, most people avoid visiting the Marram Marshes unless they absolutely must. The main reason anyone goes there is to visit the Dragon Keeper.
The Forest is a dangerous place near the Castle, because lots of dangerous creatures and witches live there. It is covered by thousands of trees and there is no residential locations apart from the Witches village.
☆ Paths ☆
In this roleplay, there are several paths that you may undertake. No path is superior to another, though some paths have limited space allotted to them. These paths will be marked with an *, and simply mean that you must inquire with the GM for availability. If the path does not have an *, that just means that we have no limit on how many characters can choose that path.
In addition to there being paths, there are also various stages on these paths. In most trades, you begin as an apprentice. As you study and learn, you are eventually promoted to Senior Apprentice. Once your master deems you have learned enough, you then "graduate" and become a master of the craft in your own right.
The first Queen documented in history arrived floating on a wooden barge from an unknown land and came to rest near the small village which was to be The Castle. Although the Queen practiced different rituals, ate different food, and even spoke a different language, the villagers came to respect and admire her. The villagers built a palace for the queen that was added to many times over the years.
The Queen is the head of The Castle. The royal line passes through the female. The Queen lives in The Palace. There is a slight magical element to being the Queen, as all Queens have violet eyes and are unaffected by Wizard eyes. However, most members of the Royal Family regard Magyk as being weird.
The eldest daughter of the Queen is the Crown Princess. Before their coronation, a Crown Princess undergoes a process called their Journey. This is where they learn special Magyk known only to Queens and learn more about the inner workings of the Castle. Each Crown Princess has a copy of the Queens Rules in order to guide them.
The younger daughters are then called Princesses-in-Waiting. Many Witch Covens attempt to CradleSnatch a young princess, a process which binds the child to a particular Witch Coven. The ultimate goal for the Coven is to CradleSnatch the eldest princess, as to one day of a member of their Coven become the Queen of the Castle. This would then elevate them above all other Covens in terms of power and prestige.
By tradition, members of the Royal Family wear red.
A wizard is someone with Magykal powers. Their eyes turn bright green when they are exposed to Magyk lessons. The exception to these eyes is the Queen and Queenling; their eyes stay violet even when they learn Magyk.
The ExtraOrdinary Wizard is a very powerful wizard and in charge of the Wizard Tower. There is only one ExtraOrdinary Wizard at a time and one apprentice, if they have one. The ExtraOrdinary Wizard is the Guardian of the Wizard Tower. When the ExtraOrdinary Wizard dies or steps down, the apprentice will take over as the new ExtraOrdinary Wizard. The ExtraOrdinary Wizard wears purple robes by tradition, along with the ExtraOrdinary Wizard's headband, belt, and the Akhu Amulet of Hotep-Ra.
The next highest type of wizard in terms of rank is an Ordinary Wizard. These are the most common and simply require successful completion of an apprenticeship to an Ordinary Wizard in order to obtain this rank. Some of them live in Wizard's Tower, while others elect to live with families elsewhere in the Castle. Their apprentices are the next lowest in rank. Some wizards also are born with the ability to shape shift. While they are able to freely shift when they are younger, as they grow older, they can become stuck in one form or another. Ordinary Wizards wear blue robes.
After the apprentices, there are the Sub-Wizards. They are currently in training to become Ordinary Wizards but they are not apprentices. This is because even those without magyk can be a Sub-Wizard - for example, those whose eyes never turned green. Sub-Wizards can only become Ordinary Wizards if they are born Wizards. Otherwise they remain Sub-Wizards. Sub-Wizards wear pale blue robes.
Finally, there are the Hopefulls. These are young wizards that seek apprenticeship to Wizards in the Wizard Tower and dream above all else, to become the ExtraOrdinary Wizard's Apprentice. Most Ordinary and ExtraOrdinary Wizards were Hopefulls at one point. Usually, they become apprenticed to a Wizard through enrollment in one of the Wizard Tower's Open Magyk classes, where their talent was then observed.
All apprentices, no matter what, wear a set of green robes.
Witches are Magykal persons who use, so-called, 'Natural Magyk'. Witch Magyk, unlike that of Wizards, does not require the Imprinting of Charms, as instead Witches take random influences and make up their spells as they go along. Witches seem always to have blue eyes, just as Wizards always have green eyes - this is a side-effect of the Witches' brand of Magyk. The only exception is with members of the Royal Family, as their eyes remain purple.
Further, much like the Magyk used by Wizards, Witch Magyk has a Darke and a Lyte side. The exact distinction between Darke and Lyte Witch Magyk is that Darke Witch Magyk is based around causing harm or performing unconscionable acts, and Lyte based around not causing harm or unconscionable acts.
Practitioners of Darke Witch Magyk include the Port Witch Coven. Lyte Witch Magyk is performed by White Witches; such as the Wendron Witches. The Wendron Witches are also known to use various herbs in their spells. Herbalism is a part of Witch Magyk - at least the Lyte variant as the Port Witch Coven does not often use herbs.
White Witches do not meddle with the elements of nature and prefer to use Potions and Charms. They also rarely join a Coven and tend to be independent. Their Darke counterpart is called the Renegade Witch.
One notable witch technique is the art of FootFollowing - this causes them to perfectly retrace a target's steps, as long as they can find three footprints. The downside is that they cannot stop until they reach their target, no matter what.
Physik, the science of healing, is studied by those called Physicians. It is often paired with Alchemie and it is not uncommon for someone to study both together to use in tandem. In essence, these are your healers. If you're hurt, you want a Physician at your side, whether it's an odd Sickeness or a stab wound.
Physicians use Potions, a drinkable form of liquid Magyk made by mixing certain ingredients together. They tend to get along rather swimmingly with White Witches because of this. They require no innate Magykal talent as well and tend to live in the Forest.
Physicians wear white by tradition.
Available Roles
Physik Apprentice
Filled Roles
The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain. Bards say that the multiverse was spoken into existence, that the words of the gods gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial Words of Creation still resound throughout the cosmos. The music of bards is an attempt to snatch and harness those echoes, subtly woven into their spells and powers.
The greatest strength of bards is their sheer versatility. Their spells lean toward charms and illusions rather than blatantly destructive spells. They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and a natural aptitude that lets them do almost anything well. Bards become masters of the talents they set their minds to perfecting.
Currently, no bards can hail from the Small Wet Country Across the Sea, as the Words of Creation and Magyk through song are not widely believed there. In fact, most in the Castle would laugh if told a mere musician could perform Magyk.
Alchemie is the science of energy and creation which is paired often with Physik. Those who study Alchemie are called Alchemists.
Alchemists often deal with transmutations of metals, such as turning lead into gold. They also claim to hold the key to eternal life and the ability to fundamentally understand the universe and its properties in a way that not even Magyk can achieve. There are rumors that Alchemists can manipulate reality itself. In today's terms, Alchemie can be thought of as the marriage of Physics and Chemistry.
Throughout history wizards and alchemists have often quarreled, mainly because of stereotypical views of each other's professions. For example, Marcia Overstrand, the 776th ExtraOrdinary Wizard, often voiced her complaints of Alchemie being 'all smokes and mirriors' while the famous Alchemist Marcellus Pye described Wizards as 'chickens.'
The Chief Hermetic Scribe is the scribe who is in charge of the Manuscriptorium. They oversee the other scribes and clerks who work there, as they copy and/or make incantations, potions, books, charms, and spells. The CHS (Chief Hermetic Scribe) is selected through the Pick. All scribes currently employed put their pen in a container, which the youngest scribe leaves in the Hermetic Chamber overnight. In the morning, a single pen will be sitting on the desk. The owner of the pen becomes the new CHS.
Scribes are incredibly important for day-to-day life in the Castle. Conservation, Preservation and Protection scribes, for example, work with restoring damaged documents to their former glory. Scribes are also responsible for checking the Live Map (though this is primarily done by the Inspection Clerk). This map shows a real time image of the Castle and its inhabitants, allowing for threats to be monitored instantaneously. The scribes also keep a wealth of knowledge and have just about any book you could possibly need.
Of course, to become a scribe you must pass the Mansucriptorium Entrance Exam, which includes a portion on speed writing.
Scribes wear dark blue robes.
Available Roles
Inspection Clerk
Conservation, Preservation and Protection Scribe
Transcription Scribe
Junior Clerk
Filled Roles
Even the Castle has its share of rogues. Most of them live up to the worst stereotypes of the class, making a living as burglars, assassins, cutpurses, and con artists. Often, these scoundrels are organized into thieves’ guilds. Plenty of rogues operate independently, but even they sometimes recruit apprentices to help them in their scams and heists. A few rogues make an honest living as investigators, finding individuals who do not wish to be found and even tracking down stolen items.
As adventurers, rogues fall on both sides of the law. Some are hardened criminals who decide to seek their fortune in treasure hoards, while others take up a life of adventure to escape from the law. Some have learned and perfected their skills with the explicit purpose of infiltrating ancient ruins and hidden crypts in search of treasure.
There are relatively few Knights currently at the Castle, though in the olden days they were much more common. Largely the reason for the lack of these warriors falls with Wizard Tower. Some three thousand years ago, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard convinced the Queen that Magyk would provide a better defense than a sword ever could.
Before then, Knights would be taken in for training at a young age, beginning as a page and moving their way up through the ranks until the Queen granted them a knighthood. But in these times, it is more often the case that the Queen, impressed with great acts of bravery and physical strength, will bestow a knighthood to one of her subjects. The Crown Princess and Princesses-in-Waiting can also bestow a knighthood upon a subject.
Skilled with the sword, with a pure heart and intentions, a knight is an agile and desired friend - and a fearsome but honorable foe. The fighter role is intended for characters who have not yet been knighted, yet have the skills to become one.
Available Roles
Current Warriors
The Young Army once exclusively recruited at a young age, stealing children from their families. Founded in the Castle itself, there was a long period during which it had been expelled from the Castle. Queen Valda allowed them to return, under the condition that only those over the age of 18 were allowed to fight, they could not be taken in for training younger than the age of 13, and that the Young Army would have to run children's homes.
Although the organization used to only take boys, girls are now eligible to join. Each soldier is assigned a number once admitted (i.e. Septimus Heap was called Boy 412). Unlike previously, where real names were kept in a file and never revealed, soldiers have the option to use either their real name or their number. Many stick with the number for tradition.
The current leader of the Young Army is Amarantha (formerly known as 526).
The majority of trade the Castle sees comes from the Land of Long Nights. Once a year, the Northern Traders will come to trade at the Trader's Market, leaving roughly a month before the Big Freeze sets in. They are typically male, although a female Northern Trader is not unheard of - but would certainly still raise a few eyebrows. Northern Traders also often have Night Transformers. These animals take one form by day and another by night. For example, the creature may be a small ginger cat with a black dipped tail by day. At night, however, it is a sleek panther with an orange dipped tail.
The Castle also conducts some trade with the Eastern SnowPlains, primary in metals and ingredients for Alchemie. Its third largest trading partner would be a league in the Far Countries, from which the Castle imports a fair deal of exotic spices and silk clothing.
All traders need a license from the Hanseatic League before they can trade.
A ghost is the form that all people and animals must take when dead. The person recently deceased must wait a year and a day in the place of their death before he or she can fully enter ghosthood. Ghosts can choose to Appear to the living if they desire. They have no substance and thus will pass through objects. Ghosthood also has its laws that all ghosts must follow. A ghost may also be a haunting spirit such as a Spectre or a Shadow.
They have numerous abilities, such as choosing if they wish to be Seen. However, a Spirit-Seer can alwaysSee a ghost, no matter what.
Available Roles
You have to die first - so, hopefully none!
☆ Countries of Origin ☆
Just as in our world, your knowledge can vary depending on where you grew up and the people you were exposed to. In the CS, there is a place for you to identify the cultural background of your character. Did they grow up in the Castle? Or perhaps did they move from the Eastern SnowPlains as a young child? Are they travelers, having seen more of the world than most have before in their lifetime? Or do they live in the wilderness, apart from civilization?
The answers to these questions, logically, will impact your skills. Please see the various cultural backgrounds below - and note that some paths are specific as to what your background can be. The GM will then give you your cultural skills once your CS has been completed and submitted for approval.
Description: The people of the Small Wet Country Across the Sea tend to be polite and hardworking, able to trudge on through the worst of times - push them too far and a temper can come out, but it usually will take a while to form. They primarily rely on trade with the Land of Long Nights, with most food stuffs coming from the Farmlands region. Magyk is seen as weird and useful; alchemists are distrusted and witches are downright despised.
the Palace, located in the capital city of the Castle
Current Ruler: King Alvis Forseti Bohrsen (married)
Description: It is a cold and harsh land, but made warm by the comfort of friends and families. At Yuletide, you feast and celebrate the return of Baldur, the God of Light, from the clutches of Hel, the Goddess of Death. You praise the All-Father and dream of seeing Valhalla once you perish. You might be fluent in the Olde Tongue and interestingly, you may be a Spirit-Seer. A Spirit-Seer is a person who can See ghosts, no matter what - a rare gift.
Fljotshverfi - Capital
Current Ruler: Empress Astris Ivana Marya Aleksandra (Married)
Immediate Successor: Crown Prince Erik Lazar Nikola Aleksandar (Unmarried)
Official Language: Serbian
Political System: Oligarchical Empire
Capital: Ledenigrad
Description: A religious and strict land, etiquette and customs come just as easily to you as breathing does. But do not let this stuffiness deter you - the Eastern SnowPlains is also called the Land of Mysteries. Individuals with impossible gifts call this land home, though they will never tell you how they came to be that way. The land is rich with secrets and hidden power.
Immediate Successor: Asha the Magykal, Advisor to the Emperor (would serve as interim ruler)
Official Language: Alletong; Vispraat; Towerkuns Wêreld
Political System: Elective Empire
Capital: Die Baie Ringstad
Description: The Big Wild Land is a country of paradoxes. For such a large and populous society, it has relatively few laws. Citizens largely govern themselves, electing officials to represent them and their interest on regional councils and congresses. All children are allowed to freely explore and personal liberties are held to be sacred. Justice here may seem to be vigilantism to outsiders. It's largely noted for being an isolated nation, yet also the most educated and advanced in the world.
Description: An incredibly warm climate, the Lagoon gets its name for its floating cities. Its inhabitants travel by boat rather than horse, taking advantage of natural currents in order to traverse the small country quickly. The majority of its wealth comes from fishing, yet they also serve as a popular holiday destination for those with the means to travel - namely, the royals of other countries. There is no Magyk system here.
Dolceprato - Capital
Current Leader: Orazia Siragusa (Sole, Unmarried), Eugenio Zappala (Luna, Married), Pietro Lo Bue (Stella, Married)
Description: Located on an island consisting mostly of active volcanoes, the Ashen Isle is a land of great contrasts. The danger and destruction of the volcanic eruptions is contrasted with the great fertility it brings upon the land. The small island is split between three separate city states: Sole to the North directly at the foot of the largest volcano: Etna, Luna to the Southeast and Stella to the West. These three states are distinct in culture and often at odds with each other, but able to become stalwart allies from those without. An isolationist state, there are commonalities among the three mini-nations: a strong agricultural backbone growing fruits such as citrus, a fierce independent streak among the people and a focus on family.
Each of the major city-states also possesses a particular quirk. Sole, often considered to be the "main" state, is notable for often being lead by women, and having a special women only special warrior caste that act as the leaders. Luna is well known for their use of Magyk, the only of the three states that widely practices it. Most notable is their lack of restrictions of societal stigma against Darke Magyk. Finally, the city of Stella is known for their craftsman and mastery of the arts. It is often described as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, due the the major architectural planning and beautification that occurred roughly a milennia ago and has been kept up since.
The wilderness has always been your home; or maybe you only adopted it recently. Whatever the case, your days are filled with surviving off of the land, knowing how harsh and unforgiving nature can be - but also its hidden beauty. Whether you are a White Witch in the Forest, a student of the Darke in the Badlands, or just one of the few who prefers the company of the wilderness, you're a nomad.
☆ Magyk ☆
Magyk refers to the powers of wizards and witches. These include the ability to sense things and to cause others to forget things. Most people can perform a few basic spells but in order to do more advanced forms of Magyk or Darke Magyk, a person needs to have talent at Magyk. Magykal talent has a chance of occurring in anybody but being related to other people with the talent will increase that person's chance of having it through inheritance. The seventh son of a seventh son is said to have extraordinary Magykal powers.
Wizards' eyes become green when they are exposed to Magyk. The Heap Children as an example used to have either blue or grey eyes but their eyes turned green in color once they had learnt enough Magyk. Witches' eyes can vary although the most powerful witches always have blue eyes. Zelda Heap is a good example with her sky blue eyes which indicate that she is a white witch. Warlocks are male witches (rare) so they also have blue eyes. Witches, unlike wizards can be born with their magical eye color or develop it later.
Using Darke Magyk affects Magykal green eyes and gives them little flecks of black until eventually the green is lost. Ultimately, whether or not a person's eye color will change depends on two things: their ability to do Magyk since non-magykal peoples' eyes won't change no matter how much Magyk they are exposed to. Or in the case of with the talent for Magyk - the amount of Magyk that they are exposed to.
Frequently, but not always, Darke Incantations are Reverse chants, which are almost always evil, and only make sense if read backwards, hence their name. Usually alchemists use and explore Darke more than wizards.
Please read through the instructions for this character sheet carefully. There are some sections that you cannot fill out until the character has been approved by the GM, as I'll be giving you the information to put in those sections (such as the Darke name and occupational skills). I also recommend completing your general skills after you have received your occupational skills, as there cannot be any overlap.
And to nip this in the bud, you must pick one of the Paths above. Other Paths will become available throughout the RP, but we're starting with these main ones for now. As far as names go, consider the following guidelines...
The Small Wet Country Across the Sea: Names tend to be very much a mixture of common English, Latin, and Faux-Medieval. The Land of Long Nights: Names are mostly Norse The Eastern SnowPlains: Names are typically Serbian or relating to weather deities The Big Wild Land Over the Ocean: Names are typically Indian or Afrikaner The Lagoon: Names are typically English, Latin, Faux-Medieval, or Italian The Ashen Isle: Most names are Sicilian or Greek
[hider=Character Name] [hr.][hr.][h1][b][i][center][color=???]Character First and Last Name[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]Character Image[/img][/center] [hr.][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=???]Name:[/color][/b] (Full Name) [b][color=???]Darke Name:[/color][/b] *Leave blank - GM will tell you what to put here* [b][color=???]Age:[/color][/b] 13+ [b][color=???]Birthday:[/color][/b] Date and month only [b][color=???]Birthplace:[/color][/b] (example: the Ramblings - contact the GM for assistance if you wish) [b][color=???]Residence:[/color][/b] *Leave blank - GM will tell you what to put here* [b][color=???]Gender:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Culture:[/color][/b] See the possibilities listed under Cultural Skills in the OOC [b][color=???]Education:[/color][/b] What trade were they educated in? [b][color=???]Position:[/color][/b] Pick from one of the possible roles listed under paths [b][color=???]Alignment:[/color][/b] What would their Dungeons and Dragons alignment be? i.e. True Neutral, Chaotic Good, and so forth.... [hr.][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=???]Height:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Weight:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Build:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Eyes:[/color][/b] ~Remember, some professions have specific eye colors~ [b][color=???]Hair:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] [b][color=???]Personal Style:[/color][/b] 1-2 paragraphs telling us about their personal style. Remember, this society has a medieval feel. So no jeans and t-shirts - think tunics, dresses, robes...You may also write about personal grooming habits. Some professions have specific colors that you [b]must[/b] wear, so do consider this. It's entirely possible they're a wizard and they [i]hate[/i] blue - tell us about it![hr.][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6][center][color=00a651]Positive Trait[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Negative Trait[/color] * [color=00a651]Positive Trait[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Negative Trait[/color] * [color=00a651]Positive Trait[/color] * [color=ed1c24]Negative Trait[/color][/center][/color][/i]
[b][color=???]Sexuality:[/color][/b] (What your character's true sexuality is, even though they may not be aware of it. This is set in stone when submitted, and a character deemed 1 sexuality may not flip to be attracted to something else later on) [b][color=???]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] (No pre-formed couples. Any relationships at this point must be with an NPC character). [b][color=???]Personality:[/color][/b] Minimal 2 paragraphs that tells us how the characters mind works. Take your time with this, as you won't understand your character otherwise. [b][color=???]Habits:[/color][/b] Minimal 2 [b][color=???]Hobbies:[/color][/b] At least 1 [b][color=???]Fears:[/color][/b] 3 real fears that make your character unhinged (You will be expected to play to these fears. They will be noted by the Gm and used against you ~grins~) [list][*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=???]Likes:[/color][/b] 6 minimal [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*][/list] [b][color=???]Dislikes:[/color][/b] 6 minimal [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [hr.][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=???]General Skills:[/color][/b] Max 7 - History must reflect these knowledges. These are things [i]not[/i] associated with your occupation. For example, running, cooking, swimming, sword fighting, CounterFeet...These are all skills that you wouldn't associate with your path. If you're confused if a skill would be general or related to your occupation, contact the GM or look at a previously accepted CS for examples. [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=???]Cultural Skills:[/color][/b] DO NOT FILL THESE OUT! Once you have filled out everything BUT your skills, submit the sheet to the GM for approval. If approved, you will receive your occupational and cultural skills from the GM and you can then fill in your general skills. Once that is done, submit your CS for a final approval. [list] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=???]Occupational Skills:[/color][/b] DO NOT FILL THESE OUT! Once you have filled out everything BUT your skills, submit the sheet to the GM for approval. If approved, you will receive your occupational and cultural skills from the GM and you can then fill in your general skills. Once that is done, submit your CS for a final approval. [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=???]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] Max 7 - This includes your clothing, any trinkets you're carrying, any [b]Charms[/b] you keep on you...If it isn't listed here, you don't have it on you. Period. [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=???]Residence:[/color][/b] Max 7 - This is your stash basically - all your items that are not on you at all times. General things need not be listed like a bed, blanket and so forth. Somethings are just a given. But things like Weapons stash, books, files on people, books, special mementos, and so forth are something that need to be listed out and very detailed. Make sure to know that this will be updated through out the RP - weapons get lost, ropes break. Again, keep this grounded in reality. You won't have an arsenal! Bare bones to start folks. [list][*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [hr.][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3]
[b][color=???]Your Path:[/color][/b] At least one paragraph. Why did you choose this path? Was it chosen for you? If this path is selective, why were you picked and not someone else?
[b][color=???]General History:[/color][/b] At least three paragraphs. Tell us your life story. Who were your parents? What did they do? Where'd you grow up? Were there any defining moments in your lifetime? Any hardships you encountered? What made you the person you are today?
[b][color=???]Thoughts on the Murders:[/color][/b] At least one paragraph. Why do you think people are turning up dead? Did they have it coming for being criminals? Or is vigilantism?
[hr.][center][img]Character Image[/img][/center][hr.][h3][b][i][color=???][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=???]Character Quote:[/color][/b] Something they say a lot or live by [b][color=???]Theme Song:[/color][/b] What would be playing when they walk up if we were in a movie? [b][color=???]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Read the rules to check for what you need to include here [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.[/color][/sub][/hider]
☆ Relation Sheet ☆
You will record your thoughts and opinions on other characters. To start the RP, you are required to have one relation to start with. If you're having trouble coming up with one, let me know and I can sort it out for you. There'll be periodic moments throughout the RP where I ask that you update these.
[hider=Relations][center][hr.][hr.][h1][b][i][color=red]The Scroll[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr.][h2][b][i][color=???]Character Full Name[/color][/i][/b][/h2][img]Character Image[/img] [i][color=???]"Character Quote"[/color][/i][hr.][hr.]⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣ ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣ ⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣[hr.][hr.] Symbol [b][color=???]Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character (No more than 1-2 sentences)"[/i] [hr.] Symbol [b][color=???]Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i] [hr.] Symbol [b][color=???]Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i] [hr.] Symbol [b][color=???]Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i] [hr.] Symbol [b][color=???]Name[/color][/b] Symbol [i]"Overall Thoughts On The Character"[/i] [hr.] [/center][/hider]
☆ Mysteries ☆
Some elements of this RP have a bit of a mysterious turn to them. Solve one of the below mysteries and you will receive a reward. Previously solved mysteries have been listed as well, with information as to what the answer was. Those ones can be found under a hider.
Baby Dawn
Mystery: Who is Dawn's father?
Timeline: Solve this case before the end of Book Three
Reward: Spoiler for a Skyrose RP
Arya Rincewind
Mystery: Who is Arya's father?
Timeline: Solve this case before the end of Book Three
Reward: One Day Extension Card
Violet and Silver
Mystery: Who is the other vigilante terrorizing the Castle?
Timeline: Solve this case before the end of Book Three
Reward: One +5 Bonus to a Roll Card
Queen Meliscente
Mystery: What happened to the Queen?
Solution: Nera Hawthorn (alias of Esren Carlan) bewitched Luna's mind using Concilium and gained access to the Queen's Room. She then used the Time Stone to accelerate the Queen's lifespan to the end of her days, causing her to die soon after.
Solution: Nera Hawthorn (alias of Esren Carlan) used Darke Magyk to give Fendrel over to the Other, killing him. Meliscente then hid the nature of his death to keep confidence in the Royal Family.
Sleuth: Group Effort
Gas of Doom
Mystery: What the fuck is going on with Tristan's farts, Fyror's heart attack, and Amarantha getting clammy?
Solution: The Eastern SnowPlains was attempting to kill Tristan, in order to prevent him from becoming engaged to Princess Luna of the Castle. They did not want the Land of Long Nights to form an alliance with the Small Wet Country Across the Sea.
@ihinka I prefer real life faceclaims, but it honestly depends ^_^ Just let me know what you're interested in using and it's likely fine. I'll be posting two of my CS's in the CS tab momentarily which should provide some examples
I have a rough outline of what I want my character to be, however I am being a bit hesistant, partially because starting a new RP is a bit nerve-wrecking since how quickly they can die, but I am not entire sure if this RP is for me. So I will lurk a bit longer. In particular, I am not a fan of super-long and detailed character sheets. What is the point about writing a novel about a character, when the RP itself is their story.
I do not expect you to change your RP just for me, I just expect common courtesy. I say all of this because I feel it is only fair to you to say that I might not join and my reasons why. I do still believe I can do this RP, I am just not going out on a limb for it.
@Leotamer No worries - I completely understand being hesitant about joining a RP given how a large majority of them die quickly. I will say this, if it reassures you at all, that I have had only one RP fail that I GM'ed in my time at the guild. Since then, I've completed two RP's (each lasting around 8 months) and am currently also GMing one that's hit over the 1 year mark. Our lovely Co-GM (@BlueSky44) also has a RP going strong around the 9 months mark currently. I don't mean this to sound like a humble-brag or anything, but rather to demonstrate that I strongly believe this RP will last. But of course, if it isn't for you, there's no harm. ^_^ Feel free to lurk.
I'm inclined to play a Wendron witch, and find out for myself if there is any grain of truth about the rumors that they (we) took over by getting the Queen killed.
Is there any restriction about the gender of the character? Are there both female and male members of the coven?
This is my first time here at roleplayer guild, how should I proceed?
Name: Princess Valda Kaur Kaimana Sarai Darke Name: Adlav Age: 16 Birthday: February 25 Residence: The Palace, Queen's room Gender: Female Education: Magykal Instruction by the Wendron Witch Coven Position: Crown Princess/Witch
Height: 5 feet 6 inches Weight: 121 lbs Build: Lean Eyes: Purple with flecks of blue Hair: Flaming red and curly Skin Tone: Pale Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: A scar down her back running diagonally starting from her right shoulder and going down. Personal Style: She is a wild child, so her choice of dress generally reflects her past. She doesn't care much for nice clothes, generally choosing to dress in a simple blue dress that allows her the ability to run around if she so chooses. The idea of comfort as well adventure affects her choice of clothing. Though because of her royal position, she has taken to wearing a red cloak to go along with the dress, and has a gold circlet on her head.
Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Valda was not raised to really be royalty. A lot of what she says and does can only be described as eccentric by those around her. She doesn't care what others think of her, having not grown up in the castle. The princess is very energetic, constantly running around and having bundles of energy. Though she isn't the best when it comes to these things, she is determined, and trying to find out where she truly belongs in the world.
She didn't really grow up around other people, causing her to have an aggressive streak that no one would want to be caught in the path of. Her aggression can cause problems with her interactions, but she tends to try to keep it down for the sake of everyone else. She also is adventurous, having spent most of her life in the forest, and not with a lot of other people. Sometimes Valda tries to get out of the castle to explore because of this. The problem is, because of her history, she isn't the best at keeping her head and being patient. Her impatience can cause problems, making her not the best person to be kept waiting.
Habits: Twisting her hair, Going barefoot Hobbies: Sneaking out of the castle Fears:
Retaliation from the Port Witch Coven
Night time
Large Crowds
The Palace
Formal Clothing
Castle Etiquette
Cards On The Table
General Skills:
Running - The ability to run long distances at speeds greater than those unskilled.
Shelter Construction - The ability to construct a makeshift shelter using spare materials and parts, especially in manners that those unskilled would overlook.
Survival - The ability to keep oneself and others safe while in unknown terrain.
Plant Identification - The ability to recognize plants native to the Castle and distinguish them from non-native plants. This includes a general knowledge of their applications - i.e. poisonous plants v medicinal plants.
Forest Knowledge - The knowledge of how to navigate the Forest without great trouble. This includes basic survival skills for wilderness type settings.
Navigation - The ability to bring a craft, such as a boat, from one point to another.
Swimming - The ability to swim great distances without drowning or excessively tiring. This includes being able to tread water for up to five hours.
Occupational Skills:
Queenling Magyk - The ability to perform spells recorded in the Queen's Rules. This also includes knowledge of the Committal and Reverses for CradleSnatching, which may be performed by memory. Successful memorization is not guaranteed.
Lyte Witch Magyk - The ability to use Magyk in harmony with nature and the universal forces. This form of Magyk does not allow for harm to be caused or the performance of other malevolent acts.
Divination - The ability to predict the future through the use of specially carved runes. This includes a Three Rune Cast and a Nine Rune Cast, as well as the ability to read runic writings.
Riding - The ability to ride a horse at twice the speed of an unskilled rider. This includes trick riding and basic care for the horse.
Injury Transference - The ability to transmute an injury from one person to another, including its associated damage and pain. The witch must prepare herself to transfer the injury before the injury initially occurs. Once the injury has happened, it cannot be transferred.
Witch's Road - The ability to leave one's body and review events that have already happened to them. With consent of another, they can also relive another person's memories. Note that while the memories are real, they are distorted by the mind and may not accurately reflect true events.
Bluff - The ability to erroneously persuade another person that you can perform a given task or that a given event will happen.
What Is On Your Person:
Clothing - simple blue dress with boots, as well as a red cloak, and a gold circlet on her head
Set of runes
A dragon ring
A Copy of the Queen's Rules
Spare clothing
Books about the history of the Castle
Witch's Cloak
Your Path: Valda didn't have a choice of what her path was. She was born a Princess, but was raised a Witch. Her life was practically planned out for her, especially after she had been found. There was no choice for her, since she could not change who she was. Now, she was being put on the throne, and learning everything anew after growing up with the Wendron Witches.
General History: Valda had been taken from her home when she was very young. At two years old, she was CradleSnatched by the Wendron Witches, and she hardly remembered her family. They kept everything about her past a secret from her, and did their best to keep her hidden, in hopes they could prevent someone from recognizing her. The witches and the forest were all she knew as a child, and for most of her life.
She learned the ways of the witches. They taught her skills relating to their way of life, and other things she needed to know in order to live in the Forest. Not once, did anyone mention who she was, and she never asked. They were her life as far as she was concerned. Valda as a child always asked them why her eyes weren't blue like the rest, and were purple instead. No one would answer her, and eventually she stopped asking. Little flecks of blue started to appear in her eyes when she was 12 years old, and it made her happy, thinking that she might be able to blend in with the rest of the coven better.
It wasn't until she was 16 years old that she learned the truth of who she was. A group of wizards and guards showed up one day from the Castle. Her eyes were a dead giveaway to them, but she didn't really know the significance until they took her from the witches in the Forest, back to the Castle. That, was when she learned who she was, that she was the first born daughter of Queen Meliscente. Apparently she also had siblings too, a true family that she hadn't known existed. Her life was flipped around as she went from a Witch to the Crown Princess in a matter of days. All of it was strange and new to her, for she didn't remember living in the Castle at all, but she was going to try at least. There definitely were a lot of rules, and the lifestyle was very different than that of the Wendron Witches. She had no idea what she was going to do with her life now, but she guessed she'd just have to roll with it to see what would happen.
Thoughts on Queen Meliscente: Valda hadn't really known her mother too well. She had gotten to become better acquainted with the woman in the month before her death. Queen Meliscente seemed like a kind woman, and Valda wished that she had had more time with her mother, their time together was far too short. Valda believed that it had been an illness that had taken her mother's life, since that is what she had been told. She had no reason to believe that anyone would want to kill her.
Character Quote: "Starting out life believing your one thing, but suddenly it turns out your not who you thought you were. Personally, I hate it!" Theme Song:Phil Collins- On My Way Anything Else: Dr. Strange; X-Men: Darkness Rising *By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
Here is Cuyler *beams* Just need the fill ins from the GM and he'll be completed.
Still debating on making another but I'm sticking with one for now.
Cuyler Eysteinsson
Character Summary
Name: Cuyler Eysteinsson (KIEL-ər) Darke Name: Relyuc Age: 18 Birthday: June 19th Birthplace: Land of Long Nights Residence: The Hefring - Traders’ Docks Gender: Male Education: Apprentice Tradesmen Position: Foreigner/Runaway
Height: 6’1” Weight: 180 lbs Build: Built to hunt animals for food and creatures that would harm his younger sibling, Cuyler has a strong upper body which dominates over the rest of his body. His legs are strong enough to hold him over the sea on long travels but is only capable of running short distances. Eyes: Deep green with flecks of a light brown, shines in the sunlight to give them a golden colour Hair: Blonde Skin Tone: White with olive undertones; tans easily. Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Long scar across right pectoral; Scared and dry hands; Burn markings anterior forearms; Right ear pierced with an emerald inlaid in silver. Personal Style: Often found wearing a woven, navy blue tunic with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark brown, leather vest to keep uniformed and fitted. Wears a simple belt of same colour to his vest, with notches for a couple knives. Wears black linen for pants and sheep lined shoes he made himself; gets hot in the summertime but doesn't have anything else. When hunting or traveling in addition to the knife belt he wears a quiver strapped across his back. During the winter months he’ll layer up with animal furs. Cuyler generally keeps the hair on the sides of his head trimmed down, along with the sideburns. The rest of his hair is kept pinned back with a strip of leather, helping him to blend in to the woods surrounding. Recently he has started to grow a bit of a beard but confesses he is a bit a neat freak and keeps it trimmed at all times, despite living in the wilds.
Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Cuyler is a bit of a lone wolf. Tragedy struck him a few years back and he prefers his own company on most days, although he still enjoys going into market to trade and catch up on the latest news. This idea of being on one’s own though has its complications and makes one more of a target, especially with his size. When he goes to the Small Wet Country for the Trader’s Market he almost always ends up in several fights now. Cuyler is calculating. He doesn’t do anything without thinking it through, weighing all the options and always makes sure he has a backup and a get away option. If it involves something of his family's tragedy though, you can guarantee Cuyler will follow his heart before his head. But he isn’t always so quiet. He enjoys drink as much as the next male and will charm his way into anything if he sees an opening. With a smile he inherited from his mother and the whimsical look he gets in his eye, you can always bet he is up to something. Habits: Picks underneath fingernails with his knife; His shirt sleeves have to be folded four times on each side and he generally fixes these twice a day. Every morning he checks that he is still wearing his necklace and when he is thinking about his neck move or before going on a hunt he can be found constantly touching the place where the ring lies. Hobbies: Enjoys carving things out of wood; has made a flute out of wood and can carry a tune Fears:
Drowning (odd right?);
Sirens (or banshees if those are a thing).
Summer Rain;
The sea.
Summer heat;
The Forest;
Cards On The Table
General Skills:
Astronomy - The ability to read the heavens and use the movements of the stars as a map. This includes knowledge of the phases of the moon and their significance in indicating the time of year, as well as the impact on the tides.
Bow and Arrow (Hunting) - The ability to hunt various game with skill and precision. This does not include the use of a bow and arrow as a combat weapon, nor does it include the use of a crossbow.
Carpentry - The ability to craft various items out of wood. This includes basic sketching and design, as well as the use of geometry for calculations.
Music - The ability to carry a tune and read music. This includes a slight proficiency in various instruments, though the user is by no means an expert of them - they simply have a knack for musical performance.
General Fighting - The ability to meet a foe in combat. This skill includes basic proficiency in brawling, yet not combat with weapons.
City Knowledge (the Port) - The knowledge of where to find various shops and other locations at the Port without great trouble.
Cooking - The ability to prepare a dish without poisoning oneself or others.
Occupational Skills:
Boating - The ability to pilot a small water craft, such as a rowboat or canoe, without capsizing.
Hide - The ability to be able to find a hiding place just about anywhere and remain there undetected for extended periods of time.
Blend - The ability to blend into a large group of people and effectively disappear, becoming one of many.
Trading - Skill in the transfer of goods or services from one person or entity to another, often in exchange for money.
Navigation - The ability to monitor and control the movement of a craft from one place to another across expanses of water.
Knots - The knowledge of a great variety of knots, such as survival knots and knots used for rigging on vessels.
Sailing - The ability to sail a vessel across great distances. With a large or medium vessel, the assistance of a crew is needed but it is not required for a small vessel.
What Is On Your Person:
Sister’s gold armband which is designed with the living tree Yggdrasil, inlaid with precious jewels that he wears on a long silver chain around his neck since his sister was only ten when she last wore it.
Navy Blue Tunic; Black linen pants; Sheep lined boots;
Night transformer: Norwegian Elkhound, female. White and dark grey coat with black ears by day; Wolf with black coat and dappled, white/dark grey ears when transforms at night.
Heat Spell;
Quiver of arrows (ten) and bow made by his father; once Cuyler came into possession of the bow he whittled nordic symbols into it, along with a wolf in the middle of the bow on either side. A symbol of strength, ferocity and loyalty.
Two knives on belt;
Flint & Steel.
Nordic Blade;
Extra arrows (five usually);
Hand carved flute;
Lock of hair from his fair sister’s head;
Various pieces of wood for crafting or design making;
Winter furs for clothing;
Clean Spell/Charm.
Your Path: His father was a carpenter by trade and therefore was raised into the craft. The skill came naturally to Cuyler and at a young age he was often found at his father’s heel with a knife and chunk of wood trying to carve designs; hence the many scars on his hands. Hunting is a skill all Northern Traders must be accustomed to in order to survive the long journeys and keep their families alive.
General History: Son to Eystein, a carpenter by trade and Hilda an exceptional homemaker, cloth weaver and star reader. When Cuyler was born to Eystein, his fate was set and he was molded to take over his father’s craft. Lucky for both of them, Cuyler had a raw talent for it. While Cuyler enjoyed his father’s craft immensely he was also found begging his mother for tales of the stars and stayed up most nights with his mother to learn the positions of the stars and what each start meant in relation to its position. Four years later Cuyler was no longer the baby of the family and he welcomed his baby sister Brenna, with open arms and a few short tempered looks. Life continued on and Cuyler became more involved with his father’s work, going over to his first Trader’s Market when he was six and brought back sweets for his sister. They were inseparable most days and Cuyler was her fierce protector. When Cuyler was fourteen and Brenna only ten, tragedy struck. Their village in the Land of Long Nights was attacked. Earlier that day Cuyler and Brenna had a rare fight, where Brenna ended up storming off and Cuyler went back to his work. Upon the attack Cuyler was in a panic, he hadn’t seen Brenna in hours. Despite Cuyler’s protest’s, Eystein valliantly went out to find his daughter, leaving Cuyler to care for his mother. The fighting drew closer to their hideout and Cuyler decided the best way to protect was to fight. Cuyler would soon realize that his rash thinking would be a mistake. Death was all over the village and in the distance he heard a high pitch scream which could only be that of his sister’s. With his distraction he was knocked unconscious. His mother was then raped and taken by the raiders, never to be seen again. When Cuyler came to, blood soaked the ground around him and no one was left alive. Cuyler wandered the battlefield until he came to two bodies that looked to familiar for comfort. For a day Cuyler knelt at the feet of his father and sister, praying and asking for forgiveness. He made a vow then to find the raiders who did this, who wielded strength and Magyk no single man should have. Cuyler believe Magyk should have its limitations. He rose then after to formulate a plan and out of the shadows came a dog, local to the Land of Long Nights. Cuyler scowled at the gangly thing and ordered it to return to the forest but it never left. That night Cuyler would see the white dog transform into a black wolf with height close to his own. This night transformer became Cuyler’s companion whom he named Thia, after a constellation. Along his journey's to find these people he heard many stories, including more on witchcraft and what else was in this world. He had seen many things at The Port and Trader’s Markets but when they returned home to the Land of Long Nights he seemed to forget these things. From then on he believed that witchcraft had had a hand in his family’s death and he would find the coven who gifted these men and end them all. This in turn led him to leaving the Land of Long Nights and he now resides in the Small Wet Country. His life hasn’t all been hell bent on vengeance however and Cuyler is still heavily involved in his family’s craft and trades all over the country to make his living and bring some semblance of normalcy to his life.
Thoughts on Queen Meliscente: Not much is know about the Queen for Cuyler. Being across the sea, the Northern Traders pretty well fend for themselves, generally only going to the Small Wet Country to trade at the yearly Traders Market. It was a tragedy nonetheless and Cuyler wouldn’t be surprised if the witches were behind it all. The crown princess is a witch now after all.
Character Quote: Anger is a pilot who always steers his ship onto rocks. It is a poor guide… but an excellent motivator. Theme Song: The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (Glitch Mob Remix) Anything Else: Favourite Witch: I have two: Rowena from Supernatural (badass) and Piper from Charmed (equal badass but on the healthier side). I believe it is important to post at least once a week because then you are active within the story. You can keep up easily, communicate better with the other RPers and have a better opportunity to collab with people. Posting once a week means you are invested in the RP you have chosen to take on and have a level of excitement and appreciation for it. *By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
@KazAlkemi Looks good, just one quick edit needed. Please swap out the descriptions on his general skills to read the following:
Astronomy - The ability to read the heavens and use the movements of the stars as a map. This includes knowledge of the phases of the moon and their significance in indicating the time of year, as well as the impact on the tides.
Bow and Arrow (Hunting) - The ability to hunt various game with skill and precision. This does not include the use of a bow and arrow as a combat weapon, nor does it include the use of a crossbow.
Carpentry - The ability to craft various items out of wood. This includes basic sketching and design, as well as the use of geometry for calculations.
Music - The ability to carry a tune and read music. This includes a slight proficiency in various instruments, though the user is by no means an expert of them - they simply have a knack for musical performance.
General Fighting - The ability to meet a foe in combat. This skill includes basic proficiency in brawling, yet not combat with weapons.
City Knowledge (the Port) - The knowledge of where to find various shops and other locations at the Port without great trouble.
Cooking - The ability to prepare a dish without poisoning oneself or others.
Name: Rhys Asher Darke Name: Sy Age: 29 Birthday: December 20 Birthplace: The Ramblings Residence: Number 13 Snake Slipway Gender: Male Education: Wizard Apprenticeship Position: Rogue/Ex-Wizard (Ordinary Wizard)
Height: 5 foot 11 inches Weight: 220~ pounds Build: Extremely muscular Eyes: Green with tiny flecks of black Hair: Brownish-red, or Reddish-brown Skin Tone: Golden Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: He has a tattoo of a list of deeds in his life, good or ill, all in his own code. It follows the side of his waist up to his chest and down to his lower thigh. Personal Style: Rhys is one to dress simply but well. Displays of extravagance do appeal to him, but he doesn't see it as something to boast about constantly. So he settles for a basic shirt, vest or tunic in a darker color that compliments the shirt. A set of breeches, their bagginess or lack there of depends if he is looking for work, company, or is just comfort. Generally these are in a color that matches his tunic, though sometimes he forgoes this in favor of what he can grab first. Knee high boots, or soft shoes depending on what he needs.
He despises blue. To the point he will refuse any clothing of it's color, unless it's for his chosen profession. He also hates green. Both colors he once held above all else in his youth. But his experiences that made him turn from the path, also made him despise what he once held dear. Rhys does not wear any jewelry, save when he needs to. Seeing it as a waste and useless, save for when it helps him blend in. He also wears leather armor and a large dark cloak from time to time. Depending if he needs them.
Sexuality: Straight Relationship Status: Single Personality: Rhys is a ruthless creature. He comes off as warm, even friendly. But it's a facade that hides his frigid coldness. He will kill, torture, or deal out horror without remorse. Rhys has no love of anyone other than himself, though he's proven himself to be a experience liar otherwise. Often luring his quarry into private situations with friendly words then driving a dagger into their throat.
But he wasn't always this way. He once was kind. Wanting nothing but to be the ExtraOrdinary Wizard himself. A dream that was dashed against the stones by his mentor. He thus harbors a special hatred of wizards, wytches and magyk users. Though it's not quite hatred as he would claim it. But a strong dislike, as he will not go out of his way to do harm to them if it doesn't suit him. Habits: Pretending to be a friendly, smiling face. He also has a habit of adding to his tattoo after key points in his life, or deeds he finds important. Hobbies: He enjoys coming up with codes in the forms of knots, swirls and dots. His own personal way to plan out things and record things. He also has a hobby of flirting with the ladies and putting nothing of himself into the bargain while he steals their heart. Fears:
He fears to wear the blue robes again, should he be forced into that profession once more.
He fears being deprived of his magyk and his weaponry skills. For he could live with one or the other. But to lose both would rend him useless in his own eyes.
He fears feeling for someone or someone feeling for him outside of the bedroom. Not caring for attatchments.
Likes: 6 minimal
Playing with people's perception of him
A good fight and kill. Though he does not care over much for the kill, it's more the skill that goes into it.
Good clothes and weapons
Dislikes: 6 minimal
Wizards, wytches, magyk users
Those who try to cheat him
People in general
The color blue and green
People trying to change him
Ragged clothes
Cards On The Table
General Skills:
Knife fighting
Sword fighting
Rooftop running/climbing
Playing at the smiling man
Occupational Skills:
Advanced Magyk - The ability to perform intermediate spells without the aid of a Charm. This includes the ability to perform advanced spells, such as MindScreen, with the aid of a Charm. Success without the use of a Charm is limited unlikely for advanced spells.
Wizard Etiquette - The knowledge of how to behave amongst wizards. This includes awareness of political relations and customs, such as Questes and the ExtraOrdinary Wizard.
Charms and Spells - The knowledge of incantations for the most commonly used spells by the practitioner. This includes the ability to create new Charms - however, the Charm must be made immediately after the thought has formed or it will lose power.
Potions - The ability to turn Magyk into a liquid form by mixing together various ingredients
ShapeShifter - The ability to take the form of any living creature and retain a human consciousness. However, this ability becomes more unpredictable with age.
Basic Principles of Darke Magyk - The ability to sense Darke Magyk and understand its basic functionality. This includes knowledge of defenses to take against it, as well as an understanding of the power of Darke names.
Basic DeCyphering - The ability to identify and translate Magykal symbols with the aide of a guide for comparison.
What Is On Your Person:
Five knives- (Boot, both forearms, Belt, and back of his waist)
Mercenary Sword
A hidden purse under his tunic for stolen goods
A small satchel he conceals with magyk
A length of Rope
A small pouch of chalk for climbing or running roofs
A case containing poisons and Sleeping Draught (A potion that can knock someone out)
Building lay outs of Wizard Tower, bits of the Castle, the tunnels and city
A stash of knives, two other swords, and a grapple hook
Books on wizard Magyk that he stole from his mentor before fleeing, he adds more books as he kills and raids wytches and wizard's workrooms.
A small room, tightly bound by his spells where he puts captives if he needs to.
A stash of ingredients for making more poisons and potions.
A stash of ropes and lockpicks in a small chest under his bed.
A well made bathing room- he's got a weakness for cleanliness.
Your Path: Rhys doesn't see that he chose this path for himself. To him? He was forced here by cruel fate and a man's cutting tongue. He couldn't remain in the tower. Being the 'wizard whore's son' as he mentor put it before his death. Though he doesn't regret this path, he sees it as his right now to do as he will. And hell to anyone who gets in his way.
General History: Rhys never knew his father. For all he knew his life started life poor. Destitute. For such a person, who had the potential of magyk, could no position be better than a Hopeful? So after living lean, learning the basics of stealing to help his mother, Rhys left that behind to become a hopeful. By then he was versed in pickpocketing, rooftop running, knife fighting and such skills. It was shortly after he became a Hopeful his mentor- Ordinary Wizard Erik Halaway- took him on as a apprentice. Appreciating the young lad's cleverness and ruthlessness. Though back then, his ruthlessness was more on himself than others. Something his mentor- a wizened and crotchy old bastard- tossed more fuel on. Knowing his apprentice dreamed of becoming the ExtraOrdinary Wizard and where he came from- for Rhys had been far more trusting and fully honest with his mentor- Erik taunted the boy. Declaring the son of a whore would never make it to become a ExtraOrdinary Wizard. Constantly making cutting remarks about his failures, and the praise Rhys did get grew less and less as he grew close to becoming a Ordinary Wizard. It did not help that Rhys was trying to jump his apprenticeship to Blaise Rowland
He he did become a Ordinary Wizard, Rhys truely hated his mentor. And many others, seeing slights everywhere. His mother's death did not help matters. She left him nothing, never mind she had nothing left to give. This was where the scale was tipped. During a experiment with his former mentor, Erik said the wrong thing. Something Rhys goes out of his way to not remember, and to try to forget. Rhys whirled in fury and killed the man with a brutal blow. His knife silencing the man's voice and ending his life slowly. Rhys then staged a lab accident to explain the death of the mentor. As well as his own. Taking things that would normally be destroyed for his own reasons, and fled to the city.
Since there he took up his childhood function of a thief and killer. Finding the latter far too easy which unnerved him at first, but he later accepted. He became a rakishly handsome man. Ruthless in all he did. Though the first few years of his newly shaped life were hard, but Rhys gritted his teeth and strove through it. He paid hired men to teach him the sword and others for other skills. Doing whatever he had to in order to survive. Several times and still even now, he feigned love for a woman in order to use her house as his own. Then left with her life, her purse, or her heart depending on if he saw it as needful. Though he does own a house under a false name, and rents the lower rooms of the storefront to a fence. Keeping the upper-rooms for himself.
Thoughts on Queen Meliscente: Rhys Asher sees it as a annoyance. It's stirred up trouble. He does not like this new Queen to come as she is a magyk user, but he doesn't think she did it. For rare is a child that turns on her mother. Though he does question if she did do it from time to time, and his hatred has opened the door to doubt. For he does believe the Queen was killed by Darke Magyk. He just seems annoyed it wasn't him.
Character Quote: "My dear. I just don't care. There's nothing between us, and never was." Theme Song: [youtube]azlyrics.com/lyrics/firstaidkit/wolf.… Anything Else: Rhys (Because I'm cheeky): Posts *By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
Here is Cuyler *beams* Just need the fill ins from the GM and he'll be completed.
Still debating on making another but I'm sticking with one for now.
Cuyler Eysteinsson
Character Summary
Name: Cuyler Eysteinsson (KIEL-ər) Darke Name: Relyuc Age: 18 Birthday: June 19th Birthplace: Land of Long Nights Residence: The Hefring - Traders’ Docks Gender: Male Education: Apprentice Tradesmen Position: Foreigner/Runaway
Height: 6’1” Weight: 180 lbs Build: Built to hunt animals for food and creatures that would harm his younger sibling, Cuyler has a strong upper body which dominates over the rest of his body. His legs are strong enough to hold him over the sea on long travels but is only capable of running short distances. Eyes: Deep green with flecks of a light brown, shines in the sunlight to give them a golden colour Hair: Blonde Skin Tone: White with olive undertones; tans easily. Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Long scar across right pectoral; Scared and dry hands; Burn markings anterior forearms; Right ear pierced with an emerald inlaid in silver. Personal Style: Often found wearing a woven, navy blue tunic with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark brown, leather vest to keep uniformed and fitted. Wears a simple belt of same colour to his vest, with notches for a couple knives. Wears black linen for pants and sheep lined shoes he made himself; gets hot in the summertime but doesn't have anything else. When hunting or traveling in addition to the knife belt he wears a quiver strapped across his back. During the winter months he’ll layer up with animal furs. Cuyler generally keeps the hair on the sides of his head trimmed down, along with the sideburns. The rest of his hair is kept pinned back with a strip of leather, helping him to blend in to the woods surrounding. Recently he has started to grow a bit of a beard but confesses he is a bit a neat freak and keeps it trimmed at all times, despite living in the wilds.
Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single Personality: Cuyler is a bit of a lone wolf. Tragedy struck him a few years back and he prefers his own company on most days, although he still enjoys going into market to trade and catch up on the latest news. This idea of being on one’s own though has its complications and makes one more of a target, especially with his size. When he goes to the Small Wet Country for the Trader’s Market he almost always ends up in several fights now. Cuyler is calculating. He doesn’t do anything without thinking it through, weighing all the options and always makes sure he has a backup and a get away option. If it involves something of his family's tragedy though, you can guarantee Cuyler will follow his heart before his head. But he isn’t always so quiet. He enjoys drink as much as the next male and will charm his way into anything if he sees an opening. With a smile he inherited from his mother and the whimsical look he gets in his eye, you can always bet he is up to something. Habits: Picks underneath fingernails with his knife; His shirt sleeves have to be folded four times on each side and he generally fixes these twice a day. Every morning he checks that he is still wearing his necklace and when he is thinking about his neck move or before going on a hunt he can be found constantly touching the place where the ring lies. Hobbies: Enjoys carving things out of wood; has made a flute out of wood and can carry a tune Fears:
Drowning (odd right?);
Sirens (or banshees if those are a thing).
Summer Rain;
The sea.
Summer heat;
The Forest;
Cards On The Table
General Skills:
Astronomy - The ability to read the heavens and use the movements of the stars as a map. This includes knowledge of the phases of the moon and their significance in indicating the time of year, as well as the impact on the tides.
Bow and Arrow (Hunting) - The ability to hunt various game with skill and precision. This does not include the use of a bow and arrow as a combat weapon, nor does it include the use of a crossbow.
Carpentry - The ability to craft various items out of wood. This includes basic sketching and design, as well as the use of geometry for calculations.
Music - The ability to carry a tune and read music. This includes a slight proficiency in various instruments, though the user is by no means an expert of them - they simply have a knack for musical performance.
General Fighting - The ability to meet a foe in combat. This skill includes basic proficiency in brawling, yet not combat with weapons.
City Knowledge (the Port) - The knowledge of where to find various shops and other locations at the Port without great trouble.
Cooking - The ability to prepare a dish without poisoning oneself or others.
Occupational Skills:
Boating - The ability to pilot a small water craft, such as a rowboat or canoe, without capsizing.
Hide - The ability to be able to find a hiding place just about anywhere and remain there undetected for extended periods of time.
Blend - The ability to blend into a large group of people and effectively disappear, becoming one of many.
Trading - Skill in the transfer of goods or services from one person or entity to another, often in exchange for money.
Navigation - The ability to monitor and control the movement of a craft from one place to another across expanses of water.
Knots - The knowledge of a great variety of knots, such as survival knots and knots used for rigging on vessels.
Sailing - The ability to sail a vessel across great distances. With a large or medium vessel, the assistance of a crew is needed but it is not required for a small vessel.
What Is On Your Person:
Sister’s gold armband which is designed with the living tree Yggdrasil, inlaid with precious jewels that he wears on a long silver chain around his neck since his sister was only ten when she last wore it.
Navy Blue Tunic; Black linen pants; Sheep lined boots;
Night transformer: Norwegian Elkhound, female. White and dark grey coat with black ears by day; Wolf with black coat and dappled, white/dark grey ears when transforms at night.
Heat Spell;
Quiver of arrows (ten) and bow made by his father; once Cuyler came into possession of the bow he whittled nordic symbols into it, along with a wolf in the middle of the bow on either side. A symbol of strength, ferocity and loyalty.
Two knives on belt;
Flint & Steel.
Nordic Blade;
Extra arrows (five usually);
Hand carved flute;
Lock of hair from his fair sister’s head;
Various pieces of wood for crafting or design making;
Winter furs for clothing;
Clean Spell/Charm.
Your Path: His father was a carpenter by trade and therefore was raised into the craft. The skill came naturally to Cuyler and at a young age he was often found at his father’s heel with a knife and chunk of wood trying to carve designs; hence the many scars on his hands. Hunting is a skill all Northern Traders must be accustomed to in order to survive the long journeys and keep their families alive.
General History: Son to Eystein, a carpenter by trade and Hilda an exceptional homemaker, cloth weaver and star reader. When Cuyler was born to Eystein, his fate was set and he was molded to take over his father’s craft. Lucky for both of them, Cuyler had a raw talent for it. While Cuyler enjoyed his father’s craft immensely he was also found begging his mother for tales of the stars and stayed up most nights with his mother to learn the positions of the stars and what each start meant in relation to its position. Four years later Cuyler was no longer the baby of the family and he welcomed his baby sister Brenna, with open arms and a few short tempered looks. Life continued on and Cuyler became more involved with his father’s work, going over to his first Trader’s Market when he was six and brought back sweets for his sister. They were inseparable most days and Cuyler was her fierce protector. When Cuyler was fourteen and Brenna only ten, tragedy struck. Their village in the Land of Long Nights was attacked. Earlier that day Cuyler and Brenna had a rare fight, where Brenna ended up storming off and Cuyler went back to his work. Upon the attack Cuyler was in a panic, he hadn’t seen Brenna in hours. Despite Cuyler’s protest’s, Eystein valliantly went out to find his daughter, leaving Cuyler to care for his mother. The fighting drew closer to their hideout and Cuyler decided the best way to protect was to fight. Cuyler would soon realize that his rash thinking would be a mistake. Death was all over the village and in the distance he heard a high pitch scream which could only be that of his sister’s. With his distraction he was knocked unconscious. His mother was then raped and taken by the raiders, never to be seen again. When Cuyler came to, blood soaked the ground around him and no one was left alive. Cuyler wandered the battlefield until he came to two bodies that looked to familiar for comfort. For a day Cuyler knelt at the feet of his father and sister, praying and asking for forgiveness. He made a vow then to find the raiders who did this, who wielded strength and Magyk no single man should have. Cuyler believe Magyk should have its limitations. He rose then after to formulate a plan and out of the shadows came a dog, local to the Land of Long Nights. Cuyler scowled at the gangly thing and ordered it to return to the forest but it never left. That night Cuyler would see the white dog transform into a black wolf with height close to his own. This night transformer became Cuyler’s companion whom he named Thia, after a constellation. Along his journey's to find these people he heard many stories, including more on witchcraft and what else was in this world. He had seen many things at The Port and Trader’s Markets but when they returned home to the Land of Long Nights he seemed to forget these things. From then on he believed that witchcraft had had a hand in his family’s death and he would find the coven who gifted these men and end them all. This in turn led him to leaving the Land of Long Nights and he now resides in the Small Wet Country. His life hasn’t all been hell bent on vengeance however and Cuyler is still heavily involved in his family’s craft and trades all over the country to make his living and bring some semblance of normalcy to his life.
Thoughts on Queen Meliscente: Not much is know about the Queen for Cuyler. Being across the sea, the Northern Traders pretty well fend for themselves, generally only going to the Small Wet Country to trade at the yearly Traders Market. It was a tragedy nonetheless and Cuyler wouldn’t be surprised if the witches were behind it all. The crown princess is a witch now after all.
Character Quote: Anger is a pilot who always steers his ship onto rocks. It is a poor guide… but an excellent motivator. Theme Song: The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (Glitch Mob Remix) Anything Else: Favourite Witch: I have two: Rowena from Supernatural (badass) and Piper from Charmed (equal badass but on the healthier side). I believe it is important to post at least once a week because then you are active within the story. You can keep up easily, communicate better with the other RPers and have a better opportunity to collab with people. Posting once a week means you are invested in the RP you have chosen to take on and have a level of excitement and appreciation for it. *By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.