In the year 2126, a Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or DMMORPG called Yggdrasil was released. It stands out among all other DMMORPG's due to its unusually high ability for the player to interact with the game. After an intense 12-year run the game servers are about to be shut down. Within the game exists a guild, The De Ordine Imperii (or Empire of Order to those outside of the group), once consisting of numerous members and credited as one of the longest lasting guilds in the game. Now only a of the members remain, the others have left the game, or unable to return for the game's ending for one reason or another. Of those members only a handful remain in time to say goodbye to the game that they have devoted so much time to. In order to celebrate their long lasting friendship, and their openness to other players they have hosted an open guild party for the remaining players who wish to participate in the final hours of the guild. Their guild hall known as Grand Arce Bellum. A grand white marble palace that few have conquered. Boasting renown warriors and talented clerics the guild was not renown as a 10 ten guild but a long lasting one as it had started almost shortly after the guild system was first introduced officially.
When the shut-down time arrives however, it would appear that the people have not logged out...Instead it appears as if Yggdrasil has been recreated as its own reality along with its various NPCs having been brought to life while the group at the party have been trapped in the form of their game avatars, leaving him unable to use the normal player functions, such as General Message, or even to log out. With no other option, the new Empire of Order prepares to find out what has happened...and if they can return to their new world. The world has become much more interesting than it use to be... ===
The guild known as The Empire of Order is traditionally meant to be a guild of humanoids though it was founded by an undead, a dwarf, and a human. The head guild mates were Almighty Greybeard (Dwarf), BorntobeBad (The Undead), and Doux (The Human). The guild was known to be relatively friendly, and heavily based on PVE style combat however a subsection was dedicated to PVP as well. Boasting a sizable wealth, and strong members they steady fastly held onto higher status among guilds though not known to be in the top ten for anymore than a few weeks at a time. Before the shutdown the last guild master also sometimes referred to as the Basileus, or Emperor at times was MaxedUltra who was an old frined of Greybeard before his departure. The common class among the guild mates were Templars, Clerics, Monks, and Paladins. Fighters, Champions, and other warriors were known to be a part of team comps as well. There were only a handful of pure magical users in the game.
1. All basic roleplay rules apply modding, meta gaming, and even god modding in this setting are restricted.
2. For whatever reason I reserve the right to not allow something into this roleplay. For better or worse I may reject something outright as right of gm.
3. I will be limiting the people who can be max level off the bat. Why? Because while Overlord is all about a power scale discrepancy between Momonga, and others that sort of thing is ill fit for a roleplay. If everyone is overpowered then how do I, as GM, stimulate an adventure where we can't just walk into a kingdom and destroy everything they have with our pinky fingers. You may be a high level but at a point I will be asking people to lower themselves down in order to make am more diverse cast.
4. World level items, and such are restricted on a case by case basis. You may ask to have one prior to the rp but I will apply rule 2 as I see fit.
5. Players who are missing for a week without notification will have their player characters killed. I will not tolerate a dead halt in the roleplay.
6. While I will be gm I will be expecting players to make up their own adventures as well. If you don't wish to go with the main group you may make a side story elsewhere. However if it is to have a long lasting connection to an overall plot please include myself in planning it.
7. While traditionally a humanoid guild Empire of Order will be allowing non humans into the guild hall before then. The NPCs won't respect non humans but they won't attack you on sight as per orders of the other 'high beings' in short you may be undead, or a lizardman if you so desire.
8. You may not post your character sheets in the character sheet section until approved of in the OOC. If you want to discuss it privately send me a private message. === Character sheets:
Yggdrasil Username: Name: Race: [Specific Race: Race Type - Human, Demi-human, or Heteromorphic] Gender: [Male, Female, or N/A for certain races] Character Level: [Yggdrasil : 1-100 Levels] Alignment: [ ] Guild/Party Affiliation: (If applicable) Appearance: [Description and/or Image]
Racial Class: [For example Momonga is an Overlord/Elder Lich/Skeleton Mage. Human races don't have this.] Job Classes:… (Be sure to include how far you have advanced in that specialization tree from 1-15) Fighting Style: Strengths: Weaknesses:
(For specifically named weapons other simple/mundane items can be listed without the below) Name of Item: Rank of Item: Appearance: Description of Item: (Enchantments, refinements, etc) Class/Racial Restrictions: Downsides of Item: (If applicable)
(Basic skills like fortify magic, Fortify strength, increase speed can be listed without need as they are self explanatory)
Name: Job Class Specialization: (what class is it from) Effects of Skill: Side Effects of skill: (Some skills may debuff something) Description of Skill:
(Skills with magical costs can have how much mana is used in description, or side effects)
Example: Name: Moving Fortress Job Class Specialization: Champion Effects of Skill: Greatly increases defense, and Physical Endurance of Character. Makes melee attacks less effective Side Effects of Skill: Lowers physical speed of character greatly Description: A skills that allows the user in question to increase their defensive capabilities against physical attackers. Trading greater physical prowess for speed.
How a normal human would view me: Personality: Bio/Lore:
So quick question, I assume everyone online during shutdown got transported to the New World like in the show? Thus having the same nations and geography?
@GreivousKhanFor sake of simplicity yes. Everyone will be at the party hosted by the few active members of De Ordine Imperii who will log out/lag out leaving Greyedout to be the last one remaining assuming no one else signs up to be a member of the faction. When we get 'transferred' to the new world they will all be in the same place so they can party up and decide how to do things while the various npc's swear allegiance to Greyedout and any other De Ordine Imperii members while acknowledging the other beings there with various levels of ambiance depending on race.
Yggdrasil Username: Kazemitsu Name: Kharne Race: Lizardman: Race Type - Demi-Human Gender: Male Character Level: 72 Alignment: Chaotic Good Guild/Party Affiliation: None Appearance: Kharne is a big lizardman. Fairly above average in height and weight, standing at seven feet tall and three hundred four pounds. It's obvious where the weight comes from, his body is heavily muscled and covered by the thick and tough scales his people are known for. Said scales are a jet black with a grey underbelly. His claws are short but sharp and colored off-white alongside his teeth. His most discerning feature, aside from his size, are the dully glowing red eyes he possesses. Nothing else stands out on him aside from his gear which changes every so often.
Fighting Style: Kharne is very upfront and personal when it comes to fighting. Preferring to be in the thick of it, drawing enemies attention to him instead of the foes focusing on the squishier members of the party and guild. He can be more offensive, dual wielding or using a two handed weapon, or more defensive, using a shield. It all depends on his mood. Strengths: Has very high defenses against physical and magical attacks, being of the more tank based classes. Given his race, and class, he is also very strong compared to the typical human. Weaknesses: Racially he hates the cold. His class defenses don't go towards status effects. Has below average speed.
Basic Items: Numerous grades of healing potions. Healing scrolls of varying grades as back-ups. Varying grades of weapons and armors held within Infinite Backpacks. Crafting materials for his Job Classes are carried as well in infinite Backpacks.
Name of Item: Life Drinker Rank of Item: Legacy Class Appearance: A single edged claymore with a serrated edge and no cross-guard. The metal is a deep crimson, the color of heart blood. Description of Item: Each successful attack causes the Bleed status effect thanks to the ripping nature of the blade. If the wielder is damaged the sword will heal based on how much damage is actually inflicted. Class/Racial Restrictions: Limited to Berserk and must have naturally high hit points to wield. Downsides of Item: Low hit point users will be drained constantly of their life bar. Spikes come out of the grip, digging into the wielders hand causing minor damage to the wielder with each attack.
Name of Item: Black Dragon Bone Rank of Item: Relic Class Appearance: Armor made of the bones of a black dragon. It follows the general bone structure, covering his whole body with bone and apparently black dragon hide. Description of Item: Increases the wearers physical and magical resistances based on the users Constitution/Endurance stat x2. The higher the stat, the more effective the armor is. Class/Racial Restrictions: None Downsides of Item: Lowers the wearers base speed by 1/4.
Name of Item: Guarding Girdle Rank of Item: Top Class Appearance: What appears to be a simple leather belt with flowing writing along its length. Description of Item: Increases the wearers resistances to physical status effects such as Bleed, Poison, Cripple, etc by 20% Class/Racial Restrictions: Limited to Guardian Class. Downsides of Item: Increases the likelihood of more mental status effects such as Silence, Magical Blindness, etc by 20%.
Name of Item: Boots of Speed Rank of Item: Low Class Appearance: A simple leather pair of boots with feathers burnt into the sides to signify the fleet footedness they instill. Description of Item: A pair of boots that increase the users speed by 1.5x Class/Racial Restrictions: None Downsides of Item: None
Name: Enrage Job Class Specialization: Berserk Effects of Skill: Increases the users Strength and Constitution by a significant amount. Side Effects of skill: Lowers Intelligence by a significant amount making it more difficult to discern friend from foe. Description of Skill: A skill that causes the user to go into a rage for increased damage output and their own ability to take damage. Due to the anger, unless specifically directed, there's a chance the user will attack allies. The user is constantly cloaked in a red flame-like aura, letting everyone know what's happening.
Name: Cleave Job Class Specialization: Berserk Effects of Skill: Attacks several, to a max of three, enemies in front of the user. Side Effects of skill: N/A Description of Skill: A mighty swing of a single handed, or two handed, weapon that strikes multiple enemies in front of the user.
Name: Greater Cleave Job Class Specialization: Berserk Effects of Skill: An improved Cleave, it strikes more enemies to a total of nine in front of the user. Side Effects of skill: Cleave required to learn, otherwise no side effects. Description of Skill: An even mightier swing that sends a shockwave outwards to strike anywhere from two to nine enemies.
Name: Whirlwind Job Class Specialization: Berserk Effects of Skill: An attack that hits surrounding enemies multiple times. A total of three strikes per enemy. Side Effects of skill: Dizziness after the attack ends, making it harder for the user to enemies for a little while. Description of Skill: A spinning attack that hits multiple enemies in a 360 degree circle around the user. A total of three spins is applied before the user is made dizzy and decreasing their accuracy.
Name: Indomitable Job Class Specialization: Black Guard Effects of Skill: Increases the users overall defense against incoming attacks. Increasing defenses x2. Side Effects of skill: Lowers the users base movement speed by half. Description of Skill: A dull gray aura appears briefly upon use that surrounds the user. It acts like armor against whatever attack is thrown the users way and actually weighs down the user.
Name: Dark Retribution Job Class Specialization: Black Guard Effects of Skill: Upon taking damage the user "sends back" a portion of the damage. Roughly 1/3 of the damage received is returned to the attacker. Side Effects of skill: None Description of Skill: A wavering black aura, like whispy shadows, surrounds the user that returns a portion of damage back to the attacker.
Name: Aegis Job Class Specialization: Guardian Effects of Skill: Increases the users defenses against all incoming attacks including status effects. Making said effects more difficult to apply and reducing damage by 50%. Side Effects of skill: Lowers the users base speed by 50% from the increased defensive "weight". Description of Skill: A flowing green aura that's just barely beyond the surface of the user that reduces incoming damage and status effects.
Name: Shared Pain Job Class Specialization: Guardian Effects of Skill: The user can designate an ally target to take some of the damage they would receive whether it be magic or physical damage. Side Effects of skill: Increases users defense based on the damage received. Description of Skill: The user takes some of the damage, roughly 1/3 of it, directed towards a designated ally. The two are connected by a golden thread that can be passed through without issue.
Name: Taunt Job Class Specialization: Guardian Effects of Skill: Makes enemies more likely to focus their attacks on the user and not their allies. Side Effects of skill: Increases the users physical defense by a small bit. Description of Skill: The user says or does something enemies find offensive to try and force them to attack them. To handle the new attention the users defense is raised a little.
How a normal human would view me: A normal human would probably be terrified given the reptilian nature and sheer size of Kharne. It's doubtful the normal human would try to get past the fearsome appearance. Personality: Kharne comes off as a gruff and fairly grumpy individual. Which is mostly true, but he does have kindness within him since he tends to give out decent gear for new players. He's a loner by nature, preferring to do things himself, which makes it virtually impossible for him to get the higher end gear aside from just making stuff himself. He tends to do well when it comes to teamwork, partially why he chose to go the tankiest route in Jobs and Abilities, that he could. But most people who encountered him would describe him as the laid back grump who aggros everything so the squishies don't die.
Bio/Lore: Kaze hasn't revealed much of anything about his real persona, firmly believing that no one in a video game needs to know anything about him. Just that he has a job, he's old enough to do whatever he wants within the law, and that he likes video games in his spare time. Which he doesn't have a lot of hence his "low level" of seventy two. He has joined guilds before but they tended to not last long before the players left or just quit the game for some reason. After this happening a few times he ignored the guild function since it always bit him in the butt. A little anyway, he wound up with a bunch of guild gear from the guild banks.
While he was an average player, given his lack of time put into the game, he made his character as tanky as he could for his given level. As a test he went after the Meteoric Turtle to see just how much damage he could take. Surprisingly he took its strongest attack, only losing half his health, and causing severe damage to the raid boss. After that he was known as one of the better tanks in the game after taking party wiping amounts of damage without actually being wiped. That was his only real famous feat, the rest is just him playing the game without delving into the cash shops. Unless it was free stuff.
When he heard that the dmmo was going to be shut down he was actually saddened. He had sunk a lot of hours into this and regretted not trying to get to the max level like some other people had. But all good things came to an end unfortunately. During the last hours he stayed logged in, just wandering through the game. Seeing various parties and guilds that remained doing a last run of something. As the timer ticked down he took a rest against a tree. But once zero hit he wasn't forcibly ejected, the timer started once more which confused him. Did they push back the date? He'd have to find out.
Incomplete, just being cautious cuz my computer is crap.
I have an idea, but I don't know if I'll commit to it until later. Sorry.
Yggdrasil Username: xXSlayerXxXKingXx Name: Bard Race: Human Gender: Male Character Level: 72 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Guild/Party Affiliation: Empire of Order Appearance: _____________________________________________________________________***_______________ Job Classes: - Mage Slayer [15] - Lancer [10] - Assassin [9] - Barkeep [6] - Organizer [5] Fighting Style: The role of the Mage Slayer is that they fight magical foes, and often preform anti-magic tactics. The ability of the Mage slayer is to apply debuffs through their attacks. Often focusing down on squishier targets, Bard relies on agility to defeat his enemies. Often times this means he will preform hit and run tactics. Strengths: Weaknesses: _____________________________________________________________________***_______________ Items: (For specifically named weapons) Name of Item: Rank of Item: Appearance: Description of Item: (Enchantments, refinements, etc) Class/Racial Restrictions: Downsides of Item: (If applicable) _____________________________________________________________________***_______________ Skills:
(Basic skills like fortify magic, Fortify strength, increase speed can be listed without need as they are self explanatory)
Name: Job Class Specialization: (what class is it from) Effects of Skill: Side Effects of skill: (Some skills may debuff something) Description of Skill:
(Skills with magical costs can have how much mana is used in description, or side effects)
_____________________________________________________________________***_______________ How a normal human would view me: Personality: Bio/Lore:
I was looking at the roleplay then at the character sheet many times, it is very detailed indeed but it also made me realize that part of the fnun of roleplaying is not having everything laid bare before the reader. Kind of.
Ignore that, I forgot due to the unique premise of this setting, game stats do not mean we know everything about the player. :)!
@ZelosseMr zelosse while nothing personal. A few of my players feel uncomfortable Do rping with you and thus I can't accept you into this role play. Again this is at player request I don't mean any offense
A slight and slender creature wrapped entirely in an ornate white and gold metal shell, resplendent with eight shining white wings reaching far behind her, it is clear that Morningstar is not human. The intricate halo glowing behind her close-helmed head provides a further clue, should one be necessary, and golden light spills through the eye-holes of her Masque, as final punctuation. It is just possible to discern that Morningstar is - or prefers to be - female from appearance alone; some subtle shaping of the breastplate and the general impression of her Mask's impassive face are the only visual clues.
Her voice, however, is unusually resonant, particularly given her relatively small stature, rich and clear and undeniably female. It has an odd half-echo to it, and the perceptive might deduce that she uses a minor cantrip to alter the sounds in some way.
Should her armoured skin be broken, damaged enough that it fractures and peels away - or should Morningstar deem it expedient - what lies underneath fits very few people's idea of 'angelic'. The higher Morningstar levelled her racial classes, the more inhuman that inner form became, and now what lies beneath is a twisted mass of pulsing red-raw meat, tortuous purple arteries and organs of indeterminate function throbbing beneath straining membranes, baleful and lidless eyes glaring at everything and nothing, jewelled pins and golden rings driven at random through her flesh...all in all, a far cry from the 'divine' outer shell.
Fighting Style: A powerful angel and sorceress in her own right, Morningstar fights at range whenever possible, raining down divine and arcane fury from afar. A host of lesser angels attend her, sword and shield against enemies trying to close to melee range. She uses blessed items to aid her allies, and does her level best to remain aloof from the fray of combat. Morningstar can frequently be found flying serenely far above the battlefield, coolly choosing her targets whilst her host and her allies engage below.
Strengths: Powerful magic and puissant lesser angels at her command enable her to rain destruction from afar whilst keeping herself safe. As an angel, she bears innate protection from death magic and the forces of corruption, and requires neither food nor air for her continued existence.
Weaknesses: Focusing almost exclusively on arcane annihilation and divine conjury, Morningstar is incapable of using any physical abilities, and as a creature aligned with Law and Order, she takes a great deal of damage from the inimical energies of chaos.
Basic Items: Greater Healing Potions, Lesser Healing Potions, Greater Mana Potions, Lesser Mana Potions, Exchange Box
Name of Item: Sceptre of the Host Rank of Item: Legendary Appearance: A slender ivory field-marshal's baton, impressed with tiny glimmering golden laurel leaves and topped with an exquisite golden angel figure. Description of Item: Morningstar's favourite item, the sceptre bolsters divine authority and has a chance to rip control of enemy angels away from their summoners. The level of angels affected is contingent on the wielder's own, and the levels of their racial classes. Enchantments: Glow (40m, dispels magical darkness), Divine Law (chance to forcibly shift control of enemy angels to the wielder) Class/Racial Restrictions: Seraph (Angel) Downsides of Item: Restricted to angels; it cannot be wielded by mortals. Even then, command of the Host is reserved for the very highest Circle; whilst lesser angels may hold the sceptre, they will receive continuous damage as a rebuke for their hubris.
Name of Item: Distance-Hungry Ring Rank of Item: Legacy Appearance: A slender golden band set with eight burning diamonds Description of Item: The enchantment laid into the foundation of this item drains a portion of the mana purposed to enemy teleportation magics. The functional effect of this leeching is to force a slight delay on enemy teleportation powers, and a second enchantment provides warning to its wearer. Enchantments: Collapsing Distance Drain (five second delay to enemy teleportation powers, both incoming and outgoing), Silent Alarm (warns the wearer of its activation, without alerting anything else) Class/Racial Restrictions: None Downsides of Item: None
Name of Item: Infinite Flask Rank of Item: Low Appearance: An ivory-and-gold pitcher. Description of Item: Even the driest desert holds little fear for a holder of an Infinite Flask. This useful little artifact never empties, providing sweet spring water in perpetuity. Class/Racial Restrictions: None Downsides of Item: None.
Name of Item: Armour of the Herald Rank of Item: Legendary Appearance: A set of elaborate armour, designed to fuse with and modify the naturally-armoured forms of the angels. Morningstar has customised it heavily from its original, rather plain appearance, turning it into a glitteringly ornate riot of gold and white that draws the eye with its intricate filigree-work. Description of Item: The Herald's armour halves the chance that enemy attacks will disrupt its wearer's concentration when summoning angelic forces. It also cuts received physical damage by 20%. Class/Racial Restrictions: Angel/Holy Saint, only Lawful Good characters. Downsides of Item:If it is wielded by anyone other than a lawful Good angel or saint than it is useless.
Name of Item: Masque of the Herald Rank of Item: Low Appearance: Created by Morningstar, the Masque complements the Armour of the Herald. It is shaped in the form of a serene, youthful face in lustrous white and gold, merging seamlessly with Morningstar's armour. Description of Item: The Mask provides Morningstar with a small boost to her charisma. Post-Yggdrasil, this means that the mask replicates facial expressions consonant with her emotions and speech, although it is naturally very clear she is not human. Class/Racial Restrictions: None. Downsides of Item: Not particularly useful to any human or humanoid race.
Name: Call Upon the Second Circle (12/day) Racial Class Specialization: Seraph Effects of Skill: Summons an angel of the Second Circle to the side of the caster. Side Effects of skill: Alignment must be Good. Description of Skill: The side of the angels never fights alone. They may call upon their divine right to summon help to their side. With this skill, the caster is powerful and righteous enough to bring forth Dominions, Virtues and Authorities to aid in their endeavours. The maximum level summonable through use of this skill is 50.
Name: Call Upon the Third Circle (20/day) Racial Class Specialization: Dominion Effects of Skill: Summons an angel of the Third Circle to the side of the caster. Side Effects of skill: Alignment must be Good. Description of Skill: The side of the angels never fights alone. They may call upon their divine right to summon help to their side. With this skill, the caster is powerful and righteous enough to bring forth Angels, Archangels and Principalities to aid in their endeavours. The maximum level summonable through use of this skill is 30.
Name: Retribution Racial Class Specialization: Angel Effects of Skill: Enhances the damage done to evil and undead-type foes and raises allies' defences against evil magic. Side Effects of skill: If the caster is killed or knocked out, the backlash reverses the skill's effect. Alignment must be Good. Description of Skill: The good don't sit idly by whilst evil moves abroad. They prepare to defend, and they prepare to punish.
Name: Gate Job Class Specialization: Archmage Effects of Spell: The spell opens a stable rift in reality itself, joining two far-distant locations together. Side Effects of Spell: None, save for its significant mana cost. Description of Spell: The pinnacle of transportation magic, sitting at the Tenth Tier, Gates are reliable, quick and usable by others, undeterred by lesser disruption attempts, although they come at the cost of considerable magical expenditure – around 10MP.
Name: Water into Wine Racial Class Specialization: Angel Effects of Spell: Turns water into a wine of the caster's choice. Side Effects of Spell: Drunkenness from over-indulgence. Hangovers the next day. Description of Spell: Water into wine is a classical angelic miracle. Time and practice refines the spell, allowing the user to specify the wine's strength, character and vintage. It has no combat application and is part of the Zeroth Tier.
Name: White Lance Job Class Specialization: Wizard Effects of Spell: Conjures a coruscating beam of white light that inflicts Fire and Holy damage on the enemy. Side Effects of Spell: None. Description of Spell: A useful, rapidly-cast spell for killing low-level enemies. It is particularly well-suited to the extermination of the undead. It requires little mana, around 2MP, sitting at the Second Tier.
Name: Creation Job Class Specialization: Archmage Effects of Spell: It is a super-tier spell that could change the terrain itself. In Yggdrasil, it was used to guard against the heat of volcanoes or the cold of freezing lands, reshaping entire landscapes to the caster's will and whim. Side Effects of Spell: If interrupted, the spell goes awry and randomly changes the immediate surrounds, rather than affecting the caster's target or performing to the caster's design. Description of Spell: Powerful and wide-ranging in its effects, Creation has a sixty-second casting time which must not be interrupted. Part of the Super-Tier, at her current level Morningstar may only use it three times a day.
Name: Arcane Aegis (Specific) Job Class Specialization: War Wizard Effects of Spell: Protects the caster or their designated target from the specified weapon(s). Side Effects of Spell: None. Description of Spell: Manifesting as a rippling green dome (if on the ground) or sphere (if airborne), this powerful ward is a shining defence for whatever it is specified against. A Tier Five spell, mundane weapons are easily shattered, although magic weapons of a potency greater than the Aegis will break it instead. They may be layered.
Name: Greater Magic Seal Job Class Specialization: War Wizard Effects of Spell: Three magic circles appear, each one blasting thirty White Lances at the target(s). Side Effects of Spell: None. Description of Spell: Gleaming white magic circles scribe themselves in glittering light, oriented towards the targets, before unleashing a hail of white beams at the enemy. Once their volley has been fired, they dissipate harmlessly. A Tier Three spell.
Name: Panoptic Eye Job Class Specialization: Wizard Effects of Spell: The caster may survey areas far-distant to her current location, or focus on someone or something to which they have a connection. The Eye itself is completely invisible, and may move from its initial position at a rate of 20 miles/hour. Side-Effects of Spell: If disrupted, the Eye cannot be reformed for six hours. Description of Spell: A gleaming silver mirror pops into existence in front of the caster. It reflects distant people and places, and may be moved by the caster. Powerful anti-scrying defences, at a Tier higher than the spell itself cause the mirror to shatter and the Eye to discohere. A Tier Three spell. The Eye will only observe friendly or neutral entities and the area around them; any attempt to force a vision of an enemy results in immediate discoherence.
Name: The Thunder of Heaven Racial Class Specialization: Seraph Effects of Spell: Ten projectiles of incandescent plasma explode forth, splitting into innumerable smaller spheres and arcing to hit far-distant targets, immolating them - and the surrounding terrain - in explosions of solar fire. Side-Effects of Spell: None. Description of Spell: A powerful barrage from heavenly artillery, this spell calls down the thunder of heaven on the caster's enemies.
Name: Hallowed Ground Racial Class Specialization: Principality Effects of Spell: Consecrates an area - land, sea and air - to all that is Holy, Light and Good. Within this area, the dead are granted permanent rest and the undead suffer penalties to their attack, defence and resistances, whilst those fighting on the side of Good are purified and gain bonuses to the resistance and repudiation of all that is Evil, Dark and Undead. The area affected can be up to Level + 10 metres. Side-Effects of Spell: None. Description of Spell: The caster glows with holy light and beams of golden radiance pour out from them, bathing the area to be consecrated in the light of Heaven. This ability may also be used by clerics. Repeated devotary casting of Hallowed Ground, once a week for a year in the same place, renders the effect permanent.
How a normal human would view me: A normal human would feel awe and fear at the resplendent sight, inspiring and inhuman in one. If they saw her inner form, shorn of its glorious shell, then revulsion and disgust would wipe away any awe previously felt.
Personality: Driven and focused, Morningstar can come across as distant and cold. She cares, but her care is a calculating one, focused on institutions and ideals rather than individuals, in the main. Ruin tended to roleplay her as inscrutable, someone as far removed from mortal affairs as mortals are from the doings of ants. Ruin as a player liked to be the finger on the scales, tilting delicate situations one way or another for power, for favours, or perhaps even for her own amusement.
Since the change, in the post-game world, Morningstar has begun to focus more on the immediate and the individual. A modern, educated human's mind in a world more-or-less frozen in medieval stasis, everywhere she looks she sees ways and means of improvement, of the introduction and propagation of good order and safety to offer to friends and allies. She also sees - up close and personal, visceral in a way a game can never be - the darker side of life; the pirates and bandits, the slavers and brigands, all the unpalatable flavours of evil, and is quick to the crusade against these things wherever they rear their head.
Bio/Lore: Outside of the game, Ruin was a corporate engineer, specialising in arcology design and construction. The game provided an escape from her technically-demanding job, and allowed her to indulge her more creative impulses and flights of fancy, free from the spectre of the bottom line that ruled most corporate arcology designs.
An atheist in real life, she chose to be an angel in the game primarily on the basis of aesthetics, but now that the game world has become real, she is beginning to experience an inner conflict between the hard-science of what had once been the real world and the new - to her - forces of faith and divinity. Looking for God - whether to honour or supplant - may become more than a metaphor for her.
Her job was a demanding but very well-paid one, and whilst having less time than some to spend on the game and her character, she compensated for this with the liberal use of cash-only items, bolstering her gains and her powers during the times she was able to devote to the game.
Although angels were Good and Holy, the aberrant exception to most NPCs' revulsion of heteromorphic races, they were still counted amongst that number by the game itself, and thus were prime targets for many other players. Morningstar was no exception, particularly since, during her initial forays into the game, she preferred to play solo.
Angels, however, in particular the lower ranks, were never meant to fight alone, and after several abortive attempts to go solo, Morningstar caved to the game's system and found a small group of nine other angel players, banding together for mutual support - the clan that became known as the Sephirot, after the Judaic concept.
Whilst initially brought together by the hunts against them, the Sephirot members found a shared joy in the roleplaying aspect of the game. To be the divine envoys, the harbingers of light and hope the angels were portrayed as in the game's lore, however, the Sephirot first had to be strong, strong enough to counter the hunts.
Heteromorphs in general had several strategies for surviving in that time, but, like the Nine's Own Goal, the Sephirot focused on strength and knowledge - the one feeding into the other until, collectively, they were a very prickly proposition indeed. It was very hard to kill the Sephirot themselves whilst countering waves of lesser angels and a continual barrage of spells and powerful racial abilities.
The Sephirot never became an official guild, remaining at ten players, resonating nicely with the symbolism of their name and largely preventing factionalisation and splintering. They explored far and wide, and were generous with their coin and their favours in the field of information, holding fast to the belief that knowledge was power.
Over time, the various members specialised; Morningstar became the clan's artillerist, raining down divine and arcane doom from on high, and later their strategist, coordinating the lesser coterie of angels they controlled. Staying true to their roleplaying roots, the Sephirot campaigned as high-level leaders of the angelic Host, frequently in the vanguard against evil events and guilds, but always fading back from the limelight once the job was done - recalled to Heaven, in their own cant.
In truth, their more sporadic style of play was necessitated by their jobs; many of the original Sephirot were skilled employees, their talents in demand. To make up for their lack of playing time, the group was well-known to liberally use cash items, closing the gap and cutting - as much as possible - the wearying grind of levelling, combining this with copious information bought, found or traded into a lethal combination.
Time was the downfall of the Sephirot, and to a lesser extent the advent of the Guild system. Players were promoted in real life, or married, settled down, found other interests and hobbies and slowly drifted away, particularly since the Guilds both reduced the need for defenders of the weak and made outright conflict with many of them unwinnable for a small ten-member clan, stockpile of cash-only items or no. The Sephirot played the game for a long time - since they lacked the numbers to be a side on their own, they became the tipping points, the pressure which tilted events one way or another, but something of the wild freedom of the earlier days had gone and their choices seemed lesser.
Eventually, only Morningstar was left, a solitary Herald where once ten had stood, roaming the empyting worlds of Yggdrasil even unto the final night.
@RekaiganYou're free to make something if you wish. @Lord Zee I will allow you to submit the character you have in mind no guarantees on if it will be accepted as i have not seen it yet.
@Zelosse I will ask those who have accused if they wish to come forward. They have submitted evidence of prior activities. If they don't wish to give their name, I have asked them, then that is their choice. I ask that you refrain from posting here, and stick to pm's until we can get the whole ordeal settled. I like to think I am a fair man when it comes to things however my first priority is seeing that this roleplay actually starts, and that it stays stable.
@vancexentan I've actually done several overlords Rps in the past using pretty much the same character but this time I've thought about it and would like to do a new character.
I'm not home right now but when I do I'll get to working on it.