Yggdrasil Username: Greyedout
Name: Lord Grey Andal
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Character Level: 91
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Guild/Party Affiliation: Empire of Order
Racial Class: None
Job Class:
Fighter [15]
Paladin [10]
Sword Lord [10]
Knight [12]
Shield Lord [6]
Warlord [8]
Sword Saint [10]
Fighting Style: A sword master who specialized in fighting, and countering magical, and physical users though not as an outright tank. Uses healing techniques to assist allies, and self in order to last longer in combat. Directly fights other opponents using his martial, and magical talents to overwhelm the opponent in a strong offensive while maintaining a great defensive.
Strengths: Spread out skills gives him the ability to stand against magical, and physical enemies, Strong endurance, protection from death magic, protection from general magic, strong physical strength.
Weaknesses: only slightly above average speed, no stand out magical talents, no ranged physical abilities, little protection against holy magic (does not count as weakness to holy magic as he is not undead), lacks ability to enchant items, only has medium strength single heals.
Basic Items: Greater Healing Potions, Scrolls of Communication/Healing, Basic Swords (Top-High class ranks stored in guild hall), Lesser Healing Potions, Horn of the Battalion (summons group of soldiers from guild).
(Note for Greater, Mastered, Almighty wording choices: They are to denote stronger variations of the move, or stacking them.)
Strength Boost (Greater, Mastered, Almighty), Defensive Stance (Greater, mastered), Protection from Undead, Protection from Magic, Protection from Evil, Temporary Bless Weapon, Healing Touch (Greater, mastered), Shattering Blow (greater, mastered, almighty), Unfaltering Stance (Greater, Expert), Crushing Blows (Greater, mastered), Ward from Magic (Greater, Mastered), Contain Evil, Exorcise Evil (Greater, Mastered), Detect Evil, Detect Evil Intentions, Ward Magic, Holy Aura, Immunity to Mind Alteration, Turn Undead, Holy Protection, Greater Luck, Discern Enemy
How a normal human would view me: A normal human would view me as a righteous warrior knight. In reality investigation would prove me a cynical jaded individual.
A honest man with many faults Grey tended to roleplay himself as a righteous, and strong individual while in Ygdrasil however now that he is stuck in this world he has somewhat reverted to his 'normal self'. He is a bit hedonistic, and lustful around women but it is not a single minded pursuit. He is also no great romantic he may flirt but he will not go overboard with it. He takes great care to maintain himself as a paladin to those around him but he is less than devout when it comes to it . Seeing himself as strong even without his paladin specialization he believes that even if he loses it due to his activities he will be fine. Though he may not show it he is capable relishing combat loving the chance to destroy his enemies. Finding it enjoying to overcome an obstacle or prove how weak someone really is. Though this does not mean he has a love for it he simply enjoys a good fight which is why he got into the game in the first place. He can be spiteful, and treacherous if he believes it is necessary. As while he maintains that laws should be upheld he does not maintain that corrupt laws, or ineffective law needs to be in place. One must maintain a strong base, and maintain that order must be maintained.
He does not view himself as a superior being, and does not like lording himself over others but takes his place in the guild as Lieutenant, and now Baselius, seriously because of his aforementioned ideals. While not a great leader he is suitable, and capable of ruling. He hates slavery, and views the practices of drug dealers and felt that people like that never prosper. However he does consider himself as a combative pragmatist willing to use dirty tactics if it secures a victory for his end though he is rather blunt, and straightforward in most regards.
In real life Grey was said to be in his late twenties, and rather lazy in real life. He lacked real interest in his job, and his social life. Video games, and DnD were his life for the most part often going out of his way to find something more interesting in a fantasy world than real life. However he it was not an obsession with this way of life that led him to MMO's, nor was it really that he felt that he was a loser. He just found life to be incredibly dull, and boring. With no real attempt at finding too many real life friends he quickly found MMO's to be more engaging. He joined Yggdrasil after his close friend Ivan, also known as TooCoolz4Schools, went up and signed up as well after their last game Fantasy Star Online shutdown two months prior to Yggdrasil's release. As a day one player Greyedout found that he was being outclassed by better people around him, and even people like Ivan were getting ahead.
Deciding to join up with the meta game a bit more he devoted more of his time in real life to power leveling, and going through the game as best as he could. Power leveling, and grinding to match up with others. When the guild system came out he did not initially join a guild, and instead partied with Schools for a week instead. He joined the Empire of Order after finding out his friend Almighty Greybeard was looking for players. Becoming an officer in the guild as one of the first recruits Grey was charged with defending their forts, and armies while helping new players settle in. Though mostly humans were in the guild he made sure others were accepted into the group for diversity. He found himself more focused on guild matters rather than real life. His first npc he based on a few different anime girls but made her more of a squire to him in order to assist him in defense of the tower. He made other npcs at time for more purposes but the npc known as Yuna Starcross was his favored NPC out of the group.
As the guild went on for many years he got more, and more focused on real life matters due to their importance in order to keep himself alive, and thus his player level stagnated, and he lost focus. While he still maintained a presence at the guild he was less influential. He rejected an appointment to guild master, Basileus as dubbed by Doux the first master of the guild. He even participated in the claiming of their castle which resided as the base. With Yggdrasil ending he has decided for one last hurrah with his friends but he is in for more than he bargained for.
Name: Lord Grey Andal
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Character Level: 91
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Guild/Party Affiliation: Empire of Order
With dark purple hair that is slicked back, and a slim face one could say that some would view Grey to be handsome in his avatar form though it was not created for that purpose. Grey has pale white skin, and moss green eyes. He typically wears his armor though when he's not, and is in more of a casual mood he wears some rather simple silk clothes. He wears an amulet to his chosen god, The Forgotten Master, around his neck though it is not required for much, and does negligible statistical boosts. He is considered slightly taller than average height for a human and packs some muscle.
Armor Only

Armor Only

Racial Class: None
Job Class:
Fighter [15]
Paladin [10]
Sword Lord [10]
Knight [12]
Shield Lord [6]
Warlord [8]
Sword Saint [10]
Fighting Style: A sword master who specialized in fighting, and countering magical, and physical users though not as an outright tank. Uses healing techniques to assist allies, and self in order to last longer in combat. Directly fights other opponents using his martial, and magical talents to overwhelm the opponent in a strong offensive while maintaining a great defensive.
Strengths: Spread out skills gives him the ability to stand against magical, and physical enemies, Strong endurance, protection from death magic, protection from general magic, strong physical strength.
Weaknesses: only slightly above average speed, no stand out magical talents, no ranged physical abilities, little protection against holy magic (does not count as weakness to holy magic as he is not undead), lacks ability to enchant items, only has medium strength single heals.
Basic Items: Greater Healing Potions, Scrolls of Communication/Healing, Basic Swords (Top-High class ranks stored in guild hall), Lesser Healing Potions, Horn of the Battalion (summons group of soldiers from guild).
Name of Item: Grand Blade of the Imperial Throne
Rank of Item: Relic
Description of Item: A single handed sword with a gleaming silver blade, and an ornate gold hilt.
Enchantments: Additional Damage Against: Humans, and Undead. Holy Blade (Can effect those with spiritual protection).
Class/Racial Restrictions: Paladin, Humanoid
Downsides of Item: Is restricted to Paladins. Other who attempt to pick it up may, or may not be able to depending on affinity and racial class. Those who can will receive continuous holy damage without specialization.
Name of Item: Death Blade of Killing Intent
Rank of Item: Relic
Appearance: A massive two handed sword. Jagged, and black in color. The handle is wrapped in crude leather.
Description of Item: A dungeon reward. Belonging to a boss this weapon is meant to cause massive damage to living characters, and pierce defenses.
Enchantments: Massive Damage to Living. Armor Piercer (Ignores armor defense up to legacy), Magic Piercer, Sunderer (Weakens targets with hit)
Class/Racial Restrictions: None
Downsides of Item: Sword causes drop in defense, and magical resistance.
Name of Item: Shield of God's Choosen
Rank of Item: Legacy
Appearance: A sleek white shield in the form of a kite.
Description of Item: A item obtained from a limited time event. Used by holy characters to fight mages, and evil oriented characters. Perfect for those with the intent to fight magical enemies.
Weapon deflects magical attacks back at enemies. Can cause holy damage on contact with evil, or undead.
Class/Racial Restrictions: Paladin/Templar
Downsides of Item: None. Shield is pretty standard anti-magical shield. One could argue its simplicity makes it poor.
Name of Item: Armor of the Forlorn King
Rank of Item: Legendary
Appearance: A golden silver, and gold armor. Etched with old runes, and with enchantments it appears to always be polished despite damage, and dirt.
Description of Item: An item set given to him by his old friend Greybeard after his departure. Having had one of his alternative accounts being a armored paladin like Greyedout. It is a very powerful set of armor set that is top tier. The armor halves physical damage dealt when hit directly. It also prevents instant death when inflicted on by undead. When HP would be reduced to zero from a single attack it is prevented. This only works once per battle.
Class/Racial Restrictions: Paladin/Templar/Holy Knight/Holy Saint, only Lawful characters.
Downsides of Item: None. Legendary tiered armor leads to little down falls outside of it needing to maintain one's class, and affinity. If it is wielded by anyone other than a lawful Holy character than it would be as useless as any steel plate armor. The only relative downside is that it is heavy armor and those with lower strength, or constitution will suffer penalties due to the armor size. It does not have any additional magical defenses as it can be wielded by the magical Templar, and saints.
Rank of Item: Relic
Description of Item: A single handed sword with a gleaming silver blade, and an ornate gold hilt.
Enchantments: Additional Damage Against: Humans, and Undead. Holy Blade (Can effect those with spiritual protection).
Class/Racial Restrictions: Paladin, Humanoid
Downsides of Item: Is restricted to Paladins. Other who attempt to pick it up may, or may not be able to depending on affinity and racial class. Those who can will receive continuous holy damage without specialization.
Name of Item: Death Blade of Killing Intent
Rank of Item: Relic
Appearance: A massive two handed sword. Jagged, and black in color. The handle is wrapped in crude leather.
Description of Item: A dungeon reward. Belonging to a boss this weapon is meant to cause massive damage to living characters, and pierce defenses.
Enchantments: Massive Damage to Living. Armor Piercer (Ignores armor defense up to legacy), Magic Piercer, Sunderer (Weakens targets with hit)
Class/Racial Restrictions: None
Downsides of Item: Sword causes drop in defense, and magical resistance.
Name of Item: Shield of God's Choosen
Rank of Item: Legacy
Appearance: A sleek white shield in the form of a kite.
Description of Item: A item obtained from a limited time event. Used by holy characters to fight mages, and evil oriented characters. Perfect for those with the intent to fight magical enemies.
Weapon deflects magical attacks back at enemies. Can cause holy damage on contact with evil, or undead.
Class/Racial Restrictions: Paladin/Templar
Downsides of Item: None. Shield is pretty standard anti-magical shield. One could argue its simplicity makes it poor.
Name of Item: Armor of the Forlorn King
Rank of Item: Legendary
Appearance: A golden silver, and gold armor. Etched with old runes, and with enchantments it appears to always be polished despite damage, and dirt.
Description of Item: An item set given to him by his old friend Greybeard after his departure. Having had one of his alternative accounts being a armored paladin like Greyedout. It is a very powerful set of armor set that is top tier. The armor halves physical damage dealt when hit directly. It also prevents instant death when inflicted on by undead. When HP would be reduced to zero from a single attack it is prevented. This only works once per battle.
Class/Racial Restrictions: Paladin/Templar/Holy Knight/Holy Saint, only Lawful characters.
Downsides of Item: None. Legendary tiered armor leads to little down falls outside of it needing to maintain one's class, and affinity. If it is wielded by anyone other than a lawful Holy character than it would be as useless as any steel plate armor. The only relative downside is that it is heavy armor and those with lower strength, or constitution will suffer penalties due to the armor size. It does not have any additional magical defenses as it can be wielded by the magical Templar, and saints.
(Note for Greater, Mastered, Almighty wording choices: They are to denote stronger variations of the move, or stacking them.)
Strength Boost (Greater, Mastered, Almighty), Defensive Stance (Greater, mastered), Protection from Undead, Protection from Magic, Protection from Evil, Temporary Bless Weapon, Healing Touch (Greater, mastered), Shattering Blow (greater, mastered, almighty), Unfaltering Stance (Greater, Expert), Crushing Blows (Greater, mastered), Ward from Magic (Greater, Mastered), Contain Evil, Exorcise Evil (Greater, Mastered), Detect Evil, Detect Evil Intentions, Ward Magic, Holy Aura, Immunity to Mind Alteration, Turn Undead, Holy Protection, Greater Luck, Discern Enemy
Name: Slayer of the Damned
Job Class Specialization: Paladin
Effects of Skill: Additional Damage against evil, and undead. Double damage if both.
Side Effects of skill: No additional damage against neutral, and or chaotic characters. Alignment must be evil.
Description of Skill: A blessed skill of the Paladin class. Used for dispatching evil.
Name: General of Man
Job Class Specialization: Warlord
Effects of Skill: Buffs nearby allies' strength, and speed.
Side Effects of skill: Does less for allies who are not humanoid.
Description of Skill: A rallying cry for the men around the warlord. Meant to boost the strength of one's allies to unprecedented heights.
Name: Arrow of God's Chosen
Job Class Specialization: Paladin
Effects of Skill: Does blessed/holy damage against foes. Is meant to be thrown at medium range and can't be used for melee.
Side Effects of skill: Only minor damage to non evil/undead
Description of Skill: A blessed javelin of conjured mana made by the paladin this skill is made to harm one's enemy when distance is an obstacle.
Name: All Mighty Sundering.
Job Class Specialization: Sword Saint
Effects of Skill: The blows dealt by the sword saint allow one to quickly deplete the enemy's stamina while dealing consistent damage.
Side Effects of skill: Once the initial flurry is stopped the skill is canceled.
Description of Skill: Activated before a series of strikes. The more consistent the strikes the more weakened the opponent becomes.
Name: Unbreakable Wall
Job Class Specialization: Shield Lord
Effects of Skill: Significantly diminishes damage (magical damage depends on gear)
Side Effects of skill: Unable to move while under this skill's influence.
Description of Skill: Huddling behind one's shield the shield lord blocks, and withstands the oncoming assault!
Name: Wrath of the Almighty
Job Class Specialization: Paladin
Effects of Skill: Massive Universal (Hits for neutral) damage to all enemies (and allies) in target radius. Area of Effect attack. Debuffs enemies magical, and physical powers, and removes buffs if survived. Those who are flung into the sky likely will suffer fall damage.
Side Effects of skill: Massive mana cost, and long casting time.
Description of Skill: An attack that destroys, and annihilates the enemies. Calling down the power of gods to smite the enemies in front of them. The user kneels and performs the chant expelling their magical energy to wipe out all those who stand in the radius of a large area. The attack appears in the form of a lightning bolt from the sky that explodes and causes the damage.
Job Class Specialization: Paladin
Effects of Skill: Additional Damage against evil, and undead. Double damage if both.
Side Effects of skill: No additional damage against neutral, and or chaotic characters. Alignment must be evil.
Description of Skill: A blessed skill of the Paladin class. Used for dispatching evil.
Name: General of Man
Job Class Specialization: Warlord
Effects of Skill: Buffs nearby allies' strength, and speed.
Side Effects of skill: Does less for allies who are not humanoid.
Description of Skill: A rallying cry for the men around the warlord. Meant to boost the strength of one's allies to unprecedented heights.
Name: Arrow of God's Chosen
Job Class Specialization: Paladin
Effects of Skill: Does blessed/holy damage against foes. Is meant to be thrown at medium range and can't be used for melee.
Side Effects of skill: Only minor damage to non evil/undead
Description of Skill: A blessed javelin of conjured mana made by the paladin this skill is made to harm one's enemy when distance is an obstacle.
Name: All Mighty Sundering.
Job Class Specialization: Sword Saint
Effects of Skill: The blows dealt by the sword saint allow one to quickly deplete the enemy's stamina while dealing consistent damage.
Side Effects of skill: Once the initial flurry is stopped the skill is canceled.
Description of Skill: Activated before a series of strikes. The more consistent the strikes the more weakened the opponent becomes.
Name: Unbreakable Wall
Job Class Specialization: Shield Lord
Effects of Skill: Significantly diminishes damage (magical damage depends on gear)
Side Effects of skill: Unable to move while under this skill's influence.
Description of Skill: Huddling behind one's shield the shield lord blocks, and withstands the oncoming assault!
Name: Wrath of the Almighty
Job Class Specialization: Paladin
Effects of Skill: Massive Universal (Hits for neutral) damage to all enemies (and allies) in target radius. Area of Effect attack. Debuffs enemies magical, and physical powers, and removes buffs if survived. Those who are flung into the sky likely will suffer fall damage.
Side Effects of skill: Massive mana cost, and long casting time.
Description of Skill: An attack that destroys, and annihilates the enemies. Calling down the power of gods to smite the enemies in front of them. The user kneels and performs the chant expelling their magical energy to wipe out all those who stand in the radius of a large area. The attack appears in the form of a lightning bolt from the sky that explodes and causes the damage.
How a normal human would view me: A normal human would view me as a righteous warrior knight. In reality investigation would prove me a cynical jaded individual.
A honest man with many faults Grey tended to roleplay himself as a righteous, and strong individual while in Ygdrasil however now that he is stuck in this world he has somewhat reverted to his 'normal self'. He is a bit hedonistic, and lustful around women but it is not a single minded pursuit. He is also no great romantic he may flirt but he will not go overboard with it. He takes great care to maintain himself as a paladin to those around him but he is less than devout when it comes to it . Seeing himself as strong even without his paladin specialization he believes that even if he loses it due to his activities he will be fine. Though he may not show it he is capable relishing combat loving the chance to destroy his enemies. Finding it enjoying to overcome an obstacle or prove how weak someone really is. Though this does not mean he has a love for it he simply enjoys a good fight which is why he got into the game in the first place. He can be spiteful, and treacherous if he believes it is necessary. As while he maintains that laws should be upheld he does not maintain that corrupt laws, or ineffective law needs to be in place. One must maintain a strong base, and maintain that order must be maintained.
He does not view himself as a superior being, and does not like lording himself over others but takes his place in the guild as Lieutenant, and now Baselius, seriously because of his aforementioned ideals. While not a great leader he is suitable, and capable of ruling. He hates slavery, and views the practices of drug dealers and felt that people like that never prosper. However he does consider himself as a combative pragmatist willing to use dirty tactics if it secures a victory for his end though he is rather blunt, and straightforward in most regards.
In real life Grey was said to be in his late twenties, and rather lazy in real life. He lacked real interest in his job, and his social life. Video games, and DnD were his life for the most part often going out of his way to find something more interesting in a fantasy world than real life. However he it was not an obsession with this way of life that led him to MMO's, nor was it really that he felt that he was a loser. He just found life to be incredibly dull, and boring. With no real attempt at finding too many real life friends he quickly found MMO's to be more engaging. He joined Yggdrasil after his close friend Ivan, also known as TooCoolz4Schools, went up and signed up as well after their last game Fantasy Star Online shutdown two months prior to Yggdrasil's release. As a day one player Greyedout found that he was being outclassed by better people around him, and even people like Ivan were getting ahead.
Deciding to join up with the meta game a bit more he devoted more of his time in real life to power leveling, and going through the game as best as he could. Power leveling, and grinding to match up with others. When the guild system came out he did not initially join a guild, and instead partied with Schools for a week instead. He joined the Empire of Order after finding out his friend Almighty Greybeard was looking for players. Becoming an officer in the guild as one of the first recruits Grey was charged with defending their forts, and armies while helping new players settle in. Though mostly humans were in the guild he made sure others were accepted into the group for diversity. He found himself more focused on guild matters rather than real life. His first npc he based on a few different anime girls but made her more of a squire to him in order to assist him in defense of the tower. He made other npcs at time for more purposes but the npc known as Yuna Starcross was his favored NPC out of the group.
As the guild went on for many years he got more, and more focused on real life matters due to their importance in order to keep himself alive, and thus his player level stagnated, and he lost focus. While he still maintained a presence at the guild he was less influential. He rejected an appointment to guild master, Basileus as dubbed by Doux the first master of the guild. He even participated in the claiming of their castle which resided as the base. With Yggdrasil ending he has decided for one last hurrah with his friends but he is in for more than he bargained for.