Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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There truly is no rest for the wicked. When the Siren Lilith attempted to destroy the key that the vault hunters had recovered from Handsome Jack, it revealed a map of the galaxy, showing the locations of several previously unsuspected Eridian Vaults.

One of the new vaults is located somewhere on the planet Actaeon, a Dahl controlled metropolis of a world. Most of the planet is one big city, controlled with unerring military discipline, and ruled by oppressive military law. The Dahl Corporation noted Hyperion's wealth after the first vault opened(and ignored their downfall after the second) and are greedy for that power for themselves. They're giving the planet a good old searching through, as there is a new three part key that they must acquire. They have one part already, but the rest are a mystery to them.

Enter the Vladof funded AMM, The Anti Military Movement. They are in possession of one of the keys, and have thus far kept that fact a secret from Dahl. They are seeking Vault Hunters of their very own to assist them in getting the missing key, and in stealing Dahl's.


The plot will be chapter based, at the beginning of the first chapter, all of the characters have been specifically invited to a meeting with the leader of AMM, who has some form of proposition for you, with the promise of riches to come. You have been given an address inside one of the many towering blocks in the endless cityscape that is the planet. You have never met this leader, and do not even know their identity. You are accepting this invitation on faith(or whatever passes for faith with your character).

A CS for those who wish to apply. CSs must be submitted through a private message to me, the GM. Do not post them here if I have not given you explicit permission to do so.

Class: You may have a class similar(even the same) as one from the games. Remember that the class and the action skill are not the same, class is just a name for them, a title.
Action Skill: Their ability. Please do not copy/paste one from the games. Make it your own, I like seeing new and creative ones.
Weapon: One weapon to start, we will pick up more as the game goes on. On the subject of weapons: duel wielding is in fact okay, so long as it's reasonable(for example, rifles and launchers require both hands, so no akimbo for them).
Grenade: The type of grenade your character carries.
Shield: The type of shield your character makes use of. As there will be no loot, shield and grenade won't be changing constantly. If you have a reasonable story reason why it should mid game, then that's fine.
Echo Log: Much like the ones that appear in your inventory upon starting a new game in BL2. Just like in the games, the character's stories and personalities will be revealed through dialogue and exposition, rather than explained in full in the character sheet.

Level ups: There will be five. Each one adds a new minor ability to the character, or improves their action skill in some way. The fifth and final one should be particularly badass.

My character, for reference.

Name: Malachi
Role: The Tracker
Wears a faded gray button down shirt, buttoned all the way to his neck. Colorless jeans, black boots and a brown leather coat. He has a flat brimmed hat. Smit's collar is hanging from his hip, clipped to his belt on his left side. On the right side, he has a digistruct holster, hanging low so that his hand can reach it naturally.

Action Skill: Smit the Sniffer. Mal carries a digistruct collar that he can throw out and teleport his trained tracking skag, Smit. Smit is trained to find any number of things, enemies, treasure, drugs, explosives. A chip in Smit's brain translates his sense of smell into a map that appears on Mal's ECHO HUD.

Grenade: A plain ballistic bouncing betty grenade.
Shield: An old discontinued Anshin shield. It heals the wearer when full. Their manufacture has been discontinued due to evidence that the rapid regeneration causes cancer.

Level ups:

Full Metal Jacket: Mal can shoot through surfaces. This includes the bullets from his Bouncing Betty. Also allows him to penetrate armor.

Quick Draw: Mal tunes his digistruct holster so that it can 'struct his guns faster, and at longer range. Allowing him to start aiming before the gun is finished "downloading."

Mines: His grenades can be put on a tripwire so that they don't go off immediately. Good for booby traps.

Hog tie: Instead of summoning his skag with the digistruct collar, he puts it around an enemy and teleports them away, temporarily.

Wes: Mal imports his other skag, and now has two. Wes is bigger and tougher than Smit, but not as smart. He is more attack than sniffer skag.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Strangelander


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Grendel

Role: The Beast (Grendel is very much a close-up fighter, whether it be her claws or shotguns.)

Appearance: Grendel arms have been replaced with hulking robotic replacements that reach partway down her calves, much longer than a normal human's arms that would look ridiculous if not for how scary they are. Her long brown hair is unkempt and constantly gets in her face. She wears baggy cargo pants and a simple garment that wraps around her breasts for modesty, but leaves her stomach bare. Her torso has two thin lines running up one-third and two-thirds of the way across it, further proof of her augmentation. Along her back are six circular ports, though they serve no known purpose yet. (Possibly an upgrade to her action skill?) Her voice has a definite robotic twang to it, but it's still obviously human. Her skin is unnaturally pale, and just underneath her skin along with her veins are softly glowing electric blue circuits.

Action Skill: Rip and Tear, Grendel flies into a combat drug-fueled rage, charging towards enemies at lightning speed and tearing them apart with her claws. Once the drugs wear off, she is temporarily weakened and slower.

Weapon: A Double Barreled Jakobs Shotgun

Shield: A Bandit Roid Shield

Grenade: An old Hyperion slagged Singularity grenade.

Level Ups:
Tentacles and Disappointment: Metallic tentacles with bladed tips digistruct from the ports on Grendel's back and whip around, damaging any enemies near her whenever she uses Rip and Tear.
More Mead: Whenever Grendel uses a health injector, she temporarily gains the ability to stun enemies with her melee attacks.
My Arm!: If Grendel is downed, she let's out an inhuman roar that sends nearby enemies running in fear.
Gentle Giant: When Grendel helps up a downed ally, she can temporarily grant them invincibility.

Echo Log

*distant screaming and clanging, slowly getting louder*

Male Voice: I... I didn't want this. I didn't think it would go like this. Not at all... We were... We were going to... *sobbing*

Female Voice (worried): She's going to kill us all, isn't she? I.. (Suddenly angry). DAMMIT. What am I doing here? I should be out there. We can put her down. They left us guns, didn't they?

Male Voice: *sniffling* Uh, yeah, yeah... There's, uh.... in the locker...

*dull footsteps and metal scraping against metal*

Grendel: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FROM ME? YOU SCARED OF A BITCH LIKE ME? THAT'S ALL I AM, ISN'T IT? YOUR LITTLE... *gun fire then brief silence* Oh... You... How Pleasant... *dull thud and metallic clanging*

Female Voice: What the hell is this shit? A dart gun? You're fucking kidding me?

Male Voice: We... We aren't supposed to kill the subjects... The higher-ups would be pissed.

Female Voice: You think I give a shit? How the fuck are we supposed to know if this would work with all the drugs we've been pumping into them? What if it didn't do anything and she just killed us? You know what, fuck this, fuck the corporations, fuck [redacted], we're getting rid of here. Send her to some hellhole we can forget about. I quit. I'm-

[The tape cuts off]
Ok, I'm still missing two level ups for Grendel but here she is!
A quick question, are we going to start in transit to Actaeon? Grendel will be on the trip, but probably as cargo rather than a passenger. She's here less because she wanted too and more because the lab she came from is trying to get rid of her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Baltimore

Role: The Siren

Age: 14

Appearance: A smaller built girl with a clean bobcut hair style and cute buckteeth. The signature blue tattoos of a Siren are not only in sporadic stripes along her left arm, but they are also found creeping along the left side of her face. She wears a modest black and white dress, with a giant red sash around her waist and tied into a bow on her back, matching the red bow on the back of her hair as well. She is mute and converses either through gestures (usually exaggerated), some form of sign language, or a notebook and pen.

Action Skill: Phaseblock
Baltimore summons a translucent but tangible (trans-dimensional) wall with a stroke of her fingers. This stationary wall dies out after either accumulating a set amount of damage, or some time (30 seconds-ish?) has passed. It is only visible to friendlies in the same way that Lilith and Zer0 are only visible to their teammates and not enemies when using their action skills. Current properties include:

  • Come On In: Oneway blockading, i.e. bullets and teammates from one side can cross over into the other side, but not vice versa. (Think jumping over rocks in Pokemon lol.) Effectively walls enemy bullets, and can help trap or hinder movement.

  • I Love You More: Ricochet properties; not only do shots go through one side, but also anything shot at the unpassable side will rebound, which will help stack damage against enemies.

Weapon: Moloko, i.e. Vladof E-Tech Slagging Sniper Rifle. She prefers to support her teammates from a distance.
Grenade: Longbow Tesla. Dat area of effect. Also down with dem shields.

Shield: Some Booster Shield her dad probably gave her. Shields for everyone! Yay!


Whoo yeah support, let's go! Her skills are totally not named after Eminem songs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Hector
Role: Smuggler
Action Skill: Misdirection- Hector tricks his opponents by throwing a flash-bang grenade, and goes out of sight and gains a slight movement speed increase once in stealth. While in stealth, he regenerates Handgun ammo and Shield. At the end of the stealth, Hector gains increased fire rate and accuracy, if he remains unseen, the increase is doubled and he can draw his second handgun for a short period of time

Grenade: Corrosive Gas Grenade - Used to deal with pesky armored foes and good for clearing out small rooms.
Shield: A new and improved amp shot shield that allows him to hit harder for less of a shield penalty. Ah new technology is great, isn't it?
Echo Log:

Yea, like my question in the interest check, concerning the start, are we all supposed to meet at the same place?
and about your skills, some of mine totally aren't ripped from Firefly. but that's what borderlands does, take pop culture and makes it more awesome
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tunks
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Tunks A Succulent Scent

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Name: Morikir (More-ick-her)

Role: Mechromancer
Robot Name: Maverick

Appearance: Both of Morikir's arms are metal, as well as the middle of his chest. He wears a black hoody with sleeves that are chopped up and barely there, with a leather gun holster that fits around his waist with another strap that goes around his chest for larger weapons and crimson red cargo pants. He is 20 years old, standing at 6'1" with a fit and athletic body. He constantly wear's a 'gas mask' like contraption on his face, with his hood up, but a clear scar can be seen going down his left brow to his left cheek, though no noticeable damage is seen to the left eye itself.

Action Skill: Raising broken robots back to life and using them against the enemies (3 at a time, but as the number increases the life of the raised robots goes down.1 = full health, 2 = 2/3, 3 = 1/2)


Even though Corrosive weapons are super effective against robots, Morikir always preferred to use them over anything else. He enjoys to be more up close and personal with his enemies so shotguns are his primary weapon of choice.

Echo Log:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Strangelander


Member Offline since relaunch

Ok, I've started up my post, which begins with Grendel being unloaded and brought to the AMM (though she has no idea WTF is going on). Anyways, it'll be up tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey tunks, id re read and edit a bit. Skag aint there yet and they're pointing guns at each other
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tunks
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Tunks A Succulent Scent

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

LeoricAquila said
Hey tunks, id re read and edit a bit. Skag aint there yet and they're pointing guns at each other

Aw shit. My Bad. I was in a rush to go to class so I didn't get to read the posts very clearly. I saw that Gisk said that he held out his left hand to show nothing was there, and then I also read the Skag collar thing and figured... Ugh. Haha I"ll edit it.

EDIT: Alright. I changed it. Sorry about that -.-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

It's all good. I'ma wait on Leoric(or anyone else, I guess) before posting agian, just so it's not all me flooding the thread.

Does Morikir have a thing about cigarettes? I was actually going to have Malachi smoke heavily, could be a fun gag.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

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I'll catch up and post tomorrow after class. Haven't read anything yet but yeah, a bit tied up atm. Sorry about that haha. If you guys need to move on tonight/tomo morn before I get something up, don't feel the need to wait for me, I'll catch up later. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tunks
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Tunks A Succulent Scent

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Gisk said
It's all good. I'ma wait on Leoric(or anyone else, I guess) before posting agian, just so it's not all me flooding the thread.Does Morikir have a thing about cigarettes? I was actually going to have Malachi smoke heavily, could be a fun gag.

He used to. But, because of his breathing apparatus he can't anymore. He's been trying to think of a way to, but then the thoughts of his damaged lungs come up and he doesn't. You could mess with him though xD

EDIT: I can't post right now. I'm heading to bed. I should be able to get around to it tomorrow though. Just wanted to check in on everything and what-not
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

A few misunderstandings here.

AMM is not run by Vladof. It is just funded by them, Vladof gives them guns, that's all. AMM is a group of Actaeon citizens who oppose Dahl's strict military lifestyle. Most of them are normal citizens who merely support the group, but there is a small core of armed and ready fighters who have thus far eluded Dahl capture.

Something of note, the only civilians on Actaeon are too old or too young for military service, or else disabled in some way. The youth are seen as future soldiers, the old are seen as respected veterans. The disabled are second class citizens.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ill do some editing tonight then
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Whoo, finally have the chance to read up and post. I'll get something up in a bit!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


We're just missing... Grendel, right? I don't think anyone else has gotten an approved character.

Strange, if you like, I can have Grendel brought in with our benefactor, since it seems that the AMM has captured her? Is that what you're planning? You can give me what you've got so far, and then I can take over and have her introduced along with our host.

Leoric: You're posts are actually a smidge longer than I'd like, at least while there's nothing but dialogue going on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 5 days ago

I got approved! Sorry I didn't see the OOC link on the interst check until now!

Name: Corhog
Role: The Steel Shield
Action Skill: Primal.exe- He enters an upgraded state where he's able to take more damage and deal quite a bit more while also changing appearance and gaining a fully automatic mini-gun like arm attachment though he become fifty percent slower.
Grenade: transfusion grenade- Take back what is yours!
Shield: vladorf absorb- so you can return what is theirs
Echo Log:

Male voice: *panting* is this thing on? This is Henry Gragathemes please send help. Me and my men were sent on a expedition into this forest looking for something people called a monster which I find amazing considering the things that live on this planet. Anyway they got two of us and now there's only three of us left. I am with one, we were separated from the other we need immediate hel-

Female voice: *screams from far off*

Male voice: ..they got her.. Crud. He'll be coming soon. Please send help pleas- *screams* THERE IT IS SHOOT IT! SHOT IT!

Staticky voice: YOUR BULLETS DO LITTLE TO ME HUMANS. *laughs manically*

Male voice: *screams*


Level ups:

Just a wet blanket named Pam- He gains the ability to scan the landscape for any hidden or unseen objects or enemies.

Kablamo!- when in Primal.exe mode he can fire small normal rockets and a fairly slow rate instead of throwing grenades.

Ramming speed!- Corhog is able to cause damage to the enemy in his Primal.exe mode by simply running into them.

Wild wisdom- he can enter a state of enlightenment while standing still that gives his weapon more accuracy and a faster reloading speed

It ain't me!- When in Primal.exe he can now take more bullets, dish out more damage and rather than havering his gun arm attachment his arms retract and he's able to fire an awe inspiring laser from his singular eye with great accuracy and even greater damage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Oooooh yeah, I did forget you. Sorry, man, good to have you over here. Feel free to post, just be careful how you come in.

Actually, how about this: Corhog is the one who brings Grendel in? He's already been working with AMM, and tracking and capturing her was his first job.

Up to you two, though. I'm relaxed about it, this RP is going good so far!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 5 days ago

Shoot! I already posted that would have been awesome! Dang it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Strangelander


Member Offline since relaunch

Hey, sorry I haven't posted h yet. But sure, have an AMM guy bring her in. It's quite possible she was actually sold to the AMM by the lab. Were you going to write that post Gisk, or should I?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I guess Baltimore has an affinity for smaller bots too now. :P This'll be fun to write! (Hopefully I got Corhog's size/idea in my head correctly!)
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