There truly is no rest for the wicked. When the Siren Lilith attempted to destroy the key that the vault hunters had recovered from Handsome Jack, it revealed a map of the galaxy, showing the locations of several previously unsuspected Eridian Vaults.
One of the new vaults is located somewhere on the planet Actaeon, a Dahl controlled metropolis of a world. Most of the planet is one big city, controlled with unerring military discipline, and ruled by oppressive military law. The Dahl Corporation noted Hyperion's wealth after the first vault opened(and ignored their downfall after the second) and are greedy for that power for themselves. They're giving the planet a good old searching through, as there is a new three part key that they must acquire. They have one part already, but the rest are a mystery to them.
Enter the Vladof funded AMM, The Anti Military Movement. They are in possession of one of the keys, and have thus far kept that fact a secret from Dahl. They are seeking Vault Hunters of their very own to assist them in getting the missing key, and in stealing Dahl's.
The plot will be chapter based, at the beginning of the first chapter, all of the characters have been specifically invited to a meeting with the leader of AMM, who has some form of proposition for you, with the promise of riches to come. You have been given an address inside one of the many towering blocks in the endless cityscape that is the planet. You have never met this leader, and do not even know their identity. You are accepting this invitation on faith(or whatever passes for faith with your character).
A CS for those who wish to apply. CSs must be submitted through a private message to me, the GM. Do not post them here if I have not given you explicit permission to do so.
Class: You may have a class similar(even the same) as one from the games. Remember that the class and the action skill are not the same, class is just a name for them, a title.
Action Skill: Their ability. Please do not copy/paste one from the games. Make it your own, I like seeing new and creative ones.
Weapon: One weapon to start, we will pick up more as the game goes on. On the subject of weapons: duel wielding is in fact okay, so long as it's reasonable(for example, rifles and launchers require both hands, so no akimbo for them).
Grenade: The type of grenade your character carries.
Shield: The type of shield your character makes use of. As there will be no loot, shield and grenade won't be changing constantly. If you have a reasonable story reason why it should mid game, then that's fine.
Echo Log: Much like the ones that appear in your inventory upon starting a new game in BL2. Just like in the games, the character's stories and personalities will be revealed through dialogue and exposition, rather than explained in full in the character sheet.
Level ups: There will be five. Each one adds a new minor ability to the character, or improves their action skill in some way. The fifth and final one should be particularly badass.
My character, for reference.
Name: Malachi
Role: The Tracker
Wears a faded gray button down shirt, buttoned all the way to his neck. Colorless jeans, black boots and a brown leather coat. He has a flat brimmed hat. Smit's collar is hanging from his hip, clipped to his belt on his left side. On the right side, he has a digistruct holster, hanging low so that his hand can reach it naturally.
Action Skill: Smit the Sniffer. Mal carries a digistruct collar that he can throw out and teleport his trained tracking skag, Smit. Smit is trained to find any number of things, enemies, treasure, drugs, explosives. A chip in Smit's brain translates his sense of smell into a map that appears on Mal's ECHO HUD.
Grenade: A plain ballistic bouncing betty grenade.
Shield: An old discontinued Anshin shield. It heals the wearer when full. Their manufacture has been discontinued due to evidence that the rapid regeneration causes cancer.
Level ups:
Full Metal Jacket: Mal can shoot through surfaces. This includes the bullets from his Bouncing Betty. Also allows him to penetrate armor.
Quick Draw: Mal tunes his digistruct holster so that it can 'struct his guns faster, and at longer range. Allowing him to start aiming before the gun is finished "downloading."
Mines: His grenades can be put on a tripwire so that they don't go off immediately. Good for booby traps.
Hog tie: Instead of summoning his skag with the digistruct collar, he puts it around an enemy and teleports them away, temporarily.
Wes: Mal imports his other skag, and now has two. Wes is bigger and tougher than Smit, but not as smart. He is more attack than sniffer skag.