Alright, here's the app for my first year. Let me know everything you want me to change, because my brain kinda went in a few different directions with it, leading to what I can only assume is utter trash.

Name: Igarashi Renzo
Age: 15 (6/13)
Height/Weight: 179cm/ 78kg
Blood Type: B
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Seiyuu/Voice Reference: Tomokazu Sugita
Igarashi Renzo

Name: Igarashi Renzo
Age: 15 (6/13)
Height/Weight: 179cm/ 78kg
Blood Type: B
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Seiyuu/Voice Reference: Tomokazu Sugita
Physique: Kinda fat, but years of farm work has allowed him to remain fairly muscular at the same time. Honestly, if his eating habits weren’t so bad, he’d probably be considered ripped. Quite a bit taller than any fifteen year old outside of an anime has any right to be, and shows no sign of slowing down any time soon. Despite his size, he is also surprisingly agile, earning him the affectionate nickname ‘Acrofat’.
Personality: ESFP – Ren is… well, an idiot, but a loveable one. It’s arguable if he even has an attention span, and it’s affected his academic performance to a massive degree. The fact that his school was so far out in the country that it only had one teacher and six other students didn’t quite help. However, this is balanced out by a level of optimism that most would consider impossible. He is very excitable, often running up to complete strangers and loudly introducing himself. However, he isn’t really very good at it, as although he never means to upset anyone, he can be very blunt in his naïve optimism due to limited experience with actual new people.
He also really likes anime, being one of the few things that can keep him sitting still for extended amounts of time. However, this has had the unfortunate effect of turning him in the dreaded lifeform known as a chuunibyo, and he will often find himself going from his ‘normal’ excited optimism to chewing the scenery, making inappropriately dramatic speeches over the most mundane things.
Likes: Food, cooking, anime, the great outdoors, meeting new people and making friends, martial arts.
Dislikes: Upsetting people, maths, sitting still for too long.
Backstory: Ren’s backstory is a pretty simple one. He was born and raised in a very small rural town in the mountains. He spent most of his time helping his parents with farming stuff or just screwing around with the six other kids in the town, which usually involved running around in the surrounding forests and mountains. However, around the time he turned fourteen, his parents started looking into sending him into the city to stay with his successful older sister, wanting him to experience urban life as well so he could choose which life he wanted for himself. He only arrived in the city very recently, and is still getting used to how different it is.
- School: There isn’t too much that could be considered weird about his uniform. He rarely wears the jacket closed, because it feels restrictive to him, but otherwise its all pretty normal.
- Casual: When he gets to choose what he wears, he usually gravitates towards Hawaiian shirts. He doesn’t know why he likes them so much, he just does.
- Shoes: Ren usually wears boots of some kind, coming to prefer them after ruining every pair of runners he’d ever owned back in his hometown.
Personality: ESFP – Ren is… well, an idiot, but a loveable one. It’s arguable if he even has an attention span, and it’s affected his academic performance to a massive degree. The fact that his school was so far out in the country that it only had one teacher and six other students didn’t quite help. However, this is balanced out by a level of optimism that most would consider impossible. He is very excitable, often running up to complete strangers and loudly introducing himself. However, he isn’t really very good at it, as although he never means to upset anyone, he can be very blunt in his naïve optimism due to limited experience with actual new people.
He also really likes anime, being one of the few things that can keep him sitting still for extended amounts of time. However, this has had the unfortunate effect of turning him in the dreaded lifeform known as a chuunibyo, and he will often find himself going from his ‘normal’ excited optimism to chewing the scenery, making inappropriately dramatic speeches over the most mundane things.
Likes: Food, cooking, anime, the great outdoors, meeting new people and making friends, martial arts.
Dislikes: Upsetting people, maths, sitting still for too long.
Backstory: Ren’s backstory is a pretty simple one. He was born and raised in a very small rural town in the mountains. He spent most of his time helping his parents with farming stuff or just screwing around with the six other kids in the town, which usually involved running around in the surrounding forests and mountains. However, around the time he turned fourteen, his parents started looking into sending him into the city to stay with his successful older sister, wanting him to experience urban life as well so he could choose which life he wanted for himself. He only arrived in the city very recently, and is still getting used to how different it is.
Theme Song(s):
In his mind, DB sways his shoulders and dances
Or, if you want something a little more serious…
In your belief
- Phone: An old iPhone 4, which scares and confuses him to no end.
- Car/Bike: A very unfortunate red bike, which he has named Chiron
- Occupation: Nothing yet.
Theme Song(s):
In his mind, DB sways his shoulders and dances
Or, if you want something a little more serious…
In your belief