A word on the Trainee classes. Honestly, all Trainee classes I have here I developed simply because I wanted to complete the charts. There will not be many Trainee-class NPCs in the game. You’re not expected to start as a Trainee, doing so is giving you an intentional disadvantage to start with. That said, you can conspire with other players if you, like, want to all start as Trainees and force me to adapt the story after that, or something. Heh.
Trainee class
Regular class Regular class
Promoted class Promoted class Promoted class Promoted class
Shaman Mage
Druid Summoner Sage Mage Knight

Pupil – A magic-user in training. They can use anima magic or dark magic to a low degree. After a time they naturally promotes themselves to Shaman or Mage depending on what magic they take preference for. Uses Anima and Dark.

Mage – A user of anima-magic. Typically dressed in colorful hoods, they fancy many kinds of elemental magic that can have far more varied uses than just in combat. They’re usually pretty fast. Depending on their choices they can either perfect their skills as a Sage or they can take the more aggressive direction as a Mage Knight. Uses Anima.

Shaman – A word used to describe a user of dark magic. Usually dressed in dark robes, these slow magicians can terrorize their enemies with their powerful spells and actually has decent defense. From there, a shaman can choose to perfect his dark arts by becoming a Druid or dabble in the arts of spirits by becoming a Summoner. Uses Dark.

Sage – A magnificent master at the arts of anima magic and are also capable of dabbling in light magic. They’re skilled, fast and experienced. That along with the ability to use staves makes them one of the most versatile magic-users around. Uses Anima, Light and Staves.

Mage Knight – A riding anima mage, who also holds the capability to use staves or swords should the need be. By being able to utilize the speed of a horse, magic and a physical weapon with skill they become an aggressive force to be reckoned with. Anything they cannot beat with magic, they beat with swords. Outperformed by other classes in respective fields, though. Uses Anima, Swords and Staves.

Druid – A powerful dark magic-user which phenomenal powers can out-magic most enemies in his or her way. Well versed in the use of dark and anima magic and even staves, they’re slow but tough to kill and their spells are the most powerful of any class. Uses Dark, Anima and Staves.

Summoner – By dabbling in the mysterious arts of spirits, a Shaman becomes a Summoner with the ability to summon phantoms or monsters to do his bidding. While their dark magic or stave-ability pales in comparison to the Druids, summoners are able to summon their own minions to fight for them. When phantoms and monsters come to your aid, who needs attack-magic? Uses Dark and Staves.
Pirate Fighter
Berserker Warrior Warrior Hero

Journeyman – A strong-willed newcomer to the arts of war who wields an axe to battle. Inexperienced, they usually need to find their place on the battlefield soon enough. Depending on how they are trained, a journeyman naturally becomes a Pirate or a Fighter. Uses Axes.

Fighter – An experienced axe-fighter on the field of battle, they fight mainly with mobility and the powerful swings of their axes. Skilled at what they do, one does not do well in underestimating them. From there, a Fighter can train himself to become a powerful Warrior or a skilled Hero. Uses Axes.

Pirate – A journeyman who took to the journeying part of his trip and who’s fighting style became more savage because of it. Skilled at traversing terrain and sea and fighting with savage abilities, they are faster and stronger than a Fighter but can’t take as much punishment. May give in to brute strength completely and become a Berserker or refine his/her ability and become a Warrior. Uses Axes.

Hero – A heroic and skilled battler on the battlefield, they are viewed as role-models of the fight. Capable with swords and axes alike, their skill and power combined leaves foes gasping at their ability. Often the leaders of mercenary bands. Uses Axes and Swords.

Warrior – A truly powerful, yet oddly skilled, warrior of the battlefield. The pure power outputted by these tremendous people, yet with such undisputable skill, there is nothing one can do but view them with awe. While not quite as skilled or refined as a Hero, the Warrior makes that up with true power combined with their skill and speed. Can wield bows as well as axes. Uses Axes and Bows.

Berserker – A term for those who gave up on trained skill long ago and fight purely with instincts, muscle-memory and self-taught abilities, these axe-wielding terrors can cross mountain or ocean alike with ease and still arrive fresh enough to mutilate an opponent with their unmatchable strength, which is the highest of any class. Quite tough, too. Uses Axes.
Knight Cavalier
General Great Knight Great Knight Paladin

Recruit – An inexperienced lance-wielder relatively new to the field of combat. They do their very best, and one should make sure to keep them alive for the sake of seeing their futures. Recruits face the decision to either don the heavy armor and become a Knight or step up on a horse and become a Cavalier. Uses Lances.
Cavalier – A fast and versatile riding soldier with the capability to wield both lances and swords to battle. While rather lightly armored, their quick movements on their horses and fast attacks make them great assets on the battlefield. Later during their career they can chose to wear that heavy armor anyway to become a Great Knight or swear their oaths to become Paladins. Uses Lances and Swords.
Knight – Heavily armored lance-wielding plate-walls that are impeccably hard to kill without the right equipment. While vulnerable to magic, the armor of these beasts deflect most mediocre physical blows aimed their way. They can step up on a horse to become Great Knights, or toughen their armor up further to become Generals. Uses Lances.
Paladin – The ultimate riding warrior, these skilled riders wield both lances and swords with impeccable skill and speed as well as hold up the ideals of their nation under the words of hope. These are often the prides of their respective nations. Often bound to service of the government, they are viewed as great bringers of justice in many places of the world. Uses Lances and Swords.
Great Knight – A powerful armored riding knight that has full control of the entire spectrum of the weapon triangle. Swords, lances or axes. Their huge armor make them impeccably hard to wound and their versatile skill and great power makes underestimating them due to their relatively slow riding-speed a mistake you won’t have time to regret. Uses Swords, Axes and Lances.
General – The ultimate armored behemoths of the battlefield, Generals walk powerfully forward covered from head to toe in nothing but heavy heavy armor. Wielding all weapons of the weapon triangle, one better hope they have a magician handy to break the low magic-resistance of these beasts lest they have to go toe-to-toe with these monstrous warriors that can hardly be wounded. Uses Swords, Axes and Lances.
Myrmidon Mercenary
Assassin Swordmaster Hero Ranger

Squire – A sword-wielding person who is new to the arts of wielding this weapon. Often assigned to older and more experienced sword-wielders for teaching, they will soon be able to choose if they want to become a more skilled and fast Myrmidon or a strong respectable Mercenary. Uses Swords.

Mercenary – A skilled and strong sword-user who can overpower most situations s/he is confronted with by sheer experience and prowess. Skilled, strong and generally all-round, they are a dependable addition to any solid team of fighters should a tactician desire it. After a while, they may become an even more dependable Hero or take a horse and become a fast Ranger. Uses Swords.

Myrmidon – Very skilled swordsmen that rely on their undeniable ability and skill to hit hard strikes and dodge blows. They’re a bit fragile, but they’re all very dexterous. Not to be looked down upon lest you might get a head shorter. They can perfect their swordsman’s arts and become Swordmasters or refine their abilities to kill into deadly Assassins. Uses Swords.
Ranger – A strong, fast and undeniably skilled rider that perfects his or her ability with both the sword and the bow. With deadly accuracy with a bow on a distance and great skill with a sword in close, they eliminate the archer’s fear of enemies coming too close without them being able to help it. Their speed and strength along with their versatility make them fearsome opponents. Uses Swords and Bows.

Hero – A heroic and skilled battler on the battlefield, they are viewed as role-models of the fight. Capable with swords and axes alike, their skill and power combined leaves foes gasping at their ability. Often the leaders of mercenary bands. Uses Swords and Axes.

Swordmaster – The most skilled warriors of the sword. These masters of the blade can easily pull off seemingly impossible stunts and slay the most dangerous of opponents and dodge as if they could read the whole battle around them. They better, as they are usually not well-armored, but if you think that makes them easier to kill you are sorely misled. Their skill is unmatched world-wide, and any swordsman might aspire to match the grace with which they carry their blades. Uses Swords.

Assassin – Masters of killing. Their dexterity makes them almost impossible to hit and they know every part of the human body which leads to death. An Assassin holds abilities of stealth and picking-skills which allows him to access or steal into anywhere he wants to then commit his murder with unmatched skill before leaving without a trace. Uses Swords.
Thief Brigand
Assassin Rogue Berserker Warrior

Lawless – Petty thieves and beggars on the wrong side of the law that have picked up small swords or axes to defend themselves with. Their style is quite haphazard and their thieving-skills cute at best, but in the future they might refine their thieving arts to become Thieves or decide to simply overpower their victims as Brigands instead. Uses Swords and Axes.

Brigand – Savage axe-users who travel far and wide often in search for victims to plunder. Often a danger far across the world, brigands are usually kept in check by local militia but that does not make an encounter with them out in the open more pleasant. They sacrifice skill for superior strength and toughness, and they have special abilities to cross dangerous terrain and find loot when plundering. If a Brigand lives long enough, they might become an even more dangerous Berserker or find the skill to become a great Warrior in their own right. Uses Axes.

Thief – Skilled pickers of locks and stealers of possessions, a thief is also a commendable wielder of swords in their own right. Fast and unpredictable, you can expect them to jump around a lot and stab (or steal) when you least expect them to. Thieves also are known to have far better eyes than the rest of the classes. They might perfect the thieving and backstabbing arts by becoming Rogues or become far more deadly as Assassins. Uses Swords.

Warrior – A truly powerful, yet oddly skilled, warrior of the battlefield. The pure power outputted by these tremendous people, yet with such undisputable skill, there is nothing one can do but view them with awe. While not quite as skilled or refined as a Hero, the Warrior makes that up with true power combined with their skill and speed. Can wield bows as well as axes. Uses Axes and Bows.

Berserker – A term for those who gave up on trained skill long ago and fight purely with instincts, muscle-memory and self-taught abilities, these axe-wielding terrors can cross mountain or ocean alike with ease and still arrive fresh enough to mutilate an opponent with their unmatchable strength, which is the highest of any class. Quite tough, too. Uses Axes.

Rogue – The ultimate thieves, the rogue is a lightning-fast individual capable of picking through almost any door or stealing away someone’s entire pocket without them even realizing what just happened. While they are fast and deadly in their own right, they lack the extreme combat-skills of an Assassin or others. However, they are very skilled, and the capture of such a criminal is difficult as they seem to slip through every trap or restraint imaginable. Uses Swords.

Assassin – Masters of killing. Their dexterity makes them almost impossible to hit and they know every part of the human body which leads to death. An Assassin holds abilities of stealth and picking-skills which allows him to access or steal into anywhere he wants to then commit his murder with unmatched skill before leaving without a trace. Uses Swords.
Faithful (Female)
Cleric Troubadour
War Cleric Bishop Valkyrie Mage Knight

Faithful – A person of the church that is capable of healing with staves to a limited degree. Should they decide to follow their beliefs, a female Faithful can focus on either magic power to become a Cleric or on movement on the battlefield to become a Troubadour. Uses Staves.
Troubadour – Riding females that travel across the battlefield quickly towards where their ability to heal with the staff is most needed. They lack the magnificent healing powers of a Cleric, but due to their mobility and speed they are highly favored by military to bring to a battlefield. After sufficient training, a Troubadour may become a Mage Knight or a Valkyrie. Uses Staves.
Cleric – A female member of the clergy that uses staves to heal the wounded to great effect. They are very revered for their priceless skill with staves to save lives. Often dressed in white robes to show their location to someone seeking to be healed. An experienced enough Cleric might find herself capable of promoting to either a Bishop or a War Cleric. Uses Staves.
Bishop – Major members of the clergy that wields powerful evil-banishing light-magic as well as strong life-saving staves for good use. A symbol for goods combat against evil, Bishops are known for doing their best to support those around them with their powerful magical abilities and great wisdom. Of course, not all Bishops are like that, but the true magical force which backs their actions is undeniable. Uses Light and Staves.
War Cleric – A cleric who has had enough of being protected by others can step to the frontlines wielding huge axes. They are powerful warriors of the clergy, able to tear a hole in the enemy ranks with their axes before turning around to heal damaged companions. Not as good a healer as a Bishop, but are quite physically tough and can keep up with physical classes. Quite a marvel to witness in battle. Uses Axes and Staves.
Mage Knight – A riding anima mage, who also holds the capability to use staves or swords should the need be. By being able to utilize a horse, magic and a physical weapon with skill they become an aggressive force to be reckoned with. Though, the other physical classes likely overcome their swords. Uses Anima, Swords and Staves.
Valkyrie – Riding sacred maidens of magical powers who wield light magic as well as staves to their advantage. The fastest moving light magicians in existence and rival Bishops as healers, they can swiftly bring their evil-banishing life-saving powers where needed. While not as offensively powerful as a Bishop, they surely can reach where they’re needed in time when a Bishop might have fallen behind due to lack of horse. Uses Light and Staves.
Faithful (Male)
Priest Monk
War Priest Bishop Sage Bishop

Faithful – A person of the church that is capable of healing with staves to a limited degree. Should they decide to follow their beliefs, a male Faithful can become either continue on the path of a healer as a Priest or wield their magic for a more protective power as a Monk. Uses Staves.
Monk – Light-magicians that are typically part of the clergy. People in need often call on the Monks to banish monsters or similar creatures of evil, because that is where they excel. A monk can, with the proper training, develop to become a Sage or a Bishop. Uses Light.
Priest – A staff-wielding individual who excels at healing and using staffs for other purposes. They are valued highly by all nations and therefore spread widely through towns in their respective churches and in many different military divisions in order to always be available to heal when needed. A Priest that has done well can go on to become either a War Priest or a Bishop. Uses Staves.
Sage – A magnificent master at the arts of anima magic and are also capable of dabbling in light magic. They’re skilled, fast and experienced. That along with the ability to use staves makes them one of the most versatile magic-users around. Uses Anima, Light and Staves.
Bishop – Major clergymen that wields powerful evil-banishing light-magic as well as strong life-saving staves for good use. A symbol for goods combat against evil, Bishops are known for doing their best to support those around them with their powerful magical abilities and great wisdom. Of course, not all Bishops are like that, but the true magical force which backs their actions is undeniable. Uses Light and Staves.
War Priest – A priest who has had enough of being protected by others can step to the frontlines wielding huge axes. They are powerful warriors of the clergy, able to tear a hole in the enemy ranks with their axes before turning around to heal damaged companions. Not as good a healer as a Bishop, but are quite physically tough and can keep up with physical classes. Quite a marvel to witness in battle. Uses Axes and Staves.
Archer Soldier
Sniper Ranger Halberdier Paladin

Villager – Term for those who usually do not fight and are fresh to the start. They usually wield normal hunting-spears as lances or bows usually for hunting, as those are the skills they usually gain from home. Should a villager gain in skill, he will sooner or later discard the use of the other weapon to become a full-time Archer or Soldier. Uses Lances and Bows.

Soldier – Basic lance-wielding soldiers. Moderately armored, skilled and strong, they are the world’s best balanced soldiers on the battlefield who can easily match most other classes when gathered in a balanced bunch. An experienced soldier may consider being promoted to a stronger Halberdier or stepping up on a horse as a noble Paladin. Uses Lances.

Archer – Capable men and women wielding bows. These people are well-known for their ability to use bows and crossbows on a distance and can take out skilled enemies before they even have the chance to prove their worth. They are also able to operate Ballistae. A skilled enough archer may be promoted to a Sniper, while others might wish for more mobility as a mounted Ranger. Uses Bows.
Paladin – The ultimate riding warrior, these skilled riders wield both lances and swords with impeccable skill and speed as well as hold up the ideals of their nation under the words of hope. These are often the prides of their respective nations. Often bound to service of the government, they are viewed as great bringers of justice in many places of the world. Uses Lances and Swords.

Halberdier – Strong, skilled and well-armored foot-soldiers. Just as well-balanced as the Soldier, the Halberdier takes it up a notch with their only weakness being their sole use of lances. Balanced, fast, strong, armored and skilled they give other classes a run for their money when they fail to respect the great masters of all that are the Halberdiers. Those are dependable military men, and they show it. Uses Lances.
Ranger – A strong, fast and undeniably skilled rider that perfects his or her ability with both the sword and the bow. With deadly accuracy with a bow on a distance and great skill with a sword in close, they eliminate the archer’s fear of enemies coming too close without them being able to help it. Their speed and strength along with their versatility make them fearsome opponents. Uses Swords and Bows.

Sniper – The most skilled archers become Snipers, whose aim is inescapable. Then can hit improbable targets over long distances, shooting their inexplicably well-aimed arrows with such force it makes viewers gasp in awe. For an enemy facing a Sniper, they better have very good armor or be good at dodging fast, because otherwise those arrows will quickly find every fatal spot on the human body. Uses Bows.
Pegasus Trainee
Pegasus Knight Wyvern Rider
Falcon Knight Dark Flier Wyvern Knight Wyvern Lord
Note on these. The Pegasus is native to Frelia and as such the Pegasus Knights are mostly exclusively used by them and Jehannas Sky Guild, whose leader is formerly Frelian. The Wyvern in the meantime is native to Grado making Wyvern Riders more common there, but once again they have in the past sold Wyverns for use of Jehannan mercenaries due to Grado’s depleting reserves of gold. In addition, Pegasi only allow females to ride them, meaning males have to jump the trainee stage and go through the tough challenge of immediately mastering riding the Wyvern.
Flyers are all very weak to arrows.

Pegasus Trainee – A willing rider of flying animals practicing with a lance on a small Pegasus. After receiving enough training the Trainee can continue on to a real combat-Pegasus as a Pegasus Knight or make a bond with a powerful Wyvern to become a Wyvern Rider. Uses Lances.
Wyvern Rider – Those who have made bonds with these flying animals become bound to them. A rider of these powerful beasts can traverse the battlefield fast and powerfully with quick and forceful charges which can split lesser men in pieces. They typically use long axes for striking, as Wyverns are too wild to properly stab from. After having become a more proficient rider and getting a better bond with his beast the Wyvern Rider can become either a powerful Wyvern Knight or a feared Wyvern Lord. Uses Axes.
Pegasus Knight – Sticking to the Pegasus, the female white riders of these graceful beasts are skilled acrobatics of the air who can quickly and with great maneuverability dodge any attack their way while making it to their destination where they can run their opposition through. They are viewed with envy by those countries that cannot have their own troop. Also famously resistant to magic. As a rider becomes more experienced she may multi-task by dabbling in magic as a Dark Flier or perfect her skills with the white winged horse and become a legendary Falcon Knight. Uses Lances.
Wyvern Lord – Perfectly synchronizing with his or her bond to the wyvern, the Wyvern Lord can perform almost unimaginable tricks in midair in a way a Wyvern Knight simply cannot. Their wyverns sensing for them, they become aware of everything around them and can react in turn. Wielding both swords and axes, they are well balanced, fast and powerful riders of the sky which upon sight from the ground any sane man would quiver in fear from the power of the individual soaring overhead. They move as a single individual, and they are strong together. Uses Swords and Axes.
Wyvern Knight – Personally mastering the art of riding a wyvern without needing to perfect the bond, the Wyvern Knight beats the Wyvern Lord in sheer power. With powerful dives of a strong monster driven to attack, the Wyvern Knights leads their deadly monster to incredible speeds and charges of such force they can blow straight through any armor using both lances and axes. These beasts on the battlefield are rightfully feared, because one of these can easily tear you in half. Uses Axes and Lances.

(sprite by Penultimate_Pi)
Dark Flier – Choosing to dabble in the latent magical potential of a Pegasus Knight, a Dark Flier commands spells while on top of a Pegasus. The female warriors become exceptionally versatile as the speed of the Pegasus is combined with the power of Dark spells in addition to already wielding lances. While learning magic means the Dark Flier cannot match other final promotions of the flying classes physically, those who dismiss their potential are in for a harsh lesson. Uses Lances and Dark.
Falcon Knight – Flying through the sky with unparalleled speed, the sword or lance wielding female riders of these impressive and beautiful beings mask the unparalleled deadliness these riders bring. With unmatched skill throughout the sky, these masters of flight flow unmatched to their destinations, coordinating their attacks and their movements perfectly while in mid-flight for deadly maneuvers that other fighters in the air can only gawk upon. And all the time, they retain their beauty and their grace. Such perfection. Uses Lances and Swords.
Other classes

Lord/Great Lord – Exclusive though optional choice of class for those who are sons or daughters of royals as well as main characters. Different from the other classes in the game, a Lord can pick for themselves how they wish to look, how their strengths and weaknesses are to be distributed as well as what weapon they wish to use. They may use a single weapon-type to start with, and upon promotion to Great Lord they may choose to gain an additional. The GM will, of course, survey the choices and pass judgment. Having more than one weapon to start with is a no.


Manakete – A race of dragon-people with wings sticking out of their back. Called “Great Dragons”, they shy away from humans and live on their own, but possess considerable ability to sense demonic energy. Using Dragonstones, they can transform themselves into enormous dragons which are strong, mighty and almost invincible… for a set amount of times per battle. Unlike human weapons, Dragonstones contain a certain charge and when expended Manaketes can do nothing until it has charged again. Due to the efforts of a certain sage, a few Manaketes dropped in 300 years ago and are currently living in Caer Pelyn with the humans there, reasonably at peace.

Dancer/Bard – Using a special kind of magic, these entertainers are able to bless the warriors of the world with energy, morale and overall ease their spirits. They gain additional speed, movement and are more likely to perform well in their next engagement this and next turn, though these entertainers can only boost a single individual per turn, but that boost may well be the difference between life and death.

Civilian – Those who cannot wield any weapons at all. If you do not fight and do not match in any other class, this is where you end up. Depending on the circumstances, this class might be temporarily renamed (like, Queen, Merchant or Pontifex), but it really doesn’t matter at all because they’re all the same regardless.
I apologize if some class was described unfairly or incorrectly. I am only human. You're free to bring this to my attention of you discover anything like that. Thank you very much for reading.