Damn, and I wanted to make a Sorcerer
@TwilightShadow Aw man but that sweet Buckybooty.
Yeah makes sense to not romance the original cast. Really romance should stick to between PCs and not with GMPCs.
A prologue could be like "Well what the hell is the point of this if we're just gonna skip past the consequences of it anyway." and just slow the RP to a crawl. So I personally don't like that idea.
I don't mind either of the titles, they both work. Personally I prefer the Phase 2 title but that's just an opinion
If it seems like I'm being an authoritative buttface than I don't mean for it to come off that way, I'm just trying to give some things to avoid based on experience, if y'all think I'm wrong than tell me so, thick skin and all that.
Also, I was having a friend of mine go over the OOC form (that I have finished and will be posting soon after I edit some minor things) and she suggested that we don't have our OC's romance certain MCU characters like Bucky and Loki since that has been done a lot and can get quite "cliche". I agree with her on that but I want to see what you all think of it. Would everyone be all right with certain MCU characters being off-limits?
@jorcoolI mean...isn't all FANdom RP fan-fiction in some way?
Yes, but not weird romance fan fiction unless you choose to add that