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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Please be advised this story may contain sarcasm, swearing, crying, bleeding, injuries, and references to things that may not exist in this universe.

Yesterday was supposed to be a good day...

The outskirt of the city of Gardenia was relatively quiet, all things considered. Despite the sun only just rising, a majority of the town was already up and running as was typical for farmers and the like. The low buzz of the people at work could be heard in the distance, though the only sound heard by the city's walls were a pair of feet dragging themselves through the dirt as their owner paced frantically. If her elegant dress didn't give it away, then the crown perched on her head certainly gave away the girl's status. Princess Marigold was distressed, gloved arms crossed as she walked around. Her blonde hair trailed behind her, whipping around anytime she would suddenly stop to look around. Her normally sweet face was contorted with worry, her restlessness apparent.

Nearby a knight watched her with concern, his head following her movements. He shifted slightly, his silver armor clinking with every turn, until finally, the princess came to a stop. "Your Highness, we are early, so some waiting is to be expected. Ma'am," He tried to assuage her anxiety, his muffled voice ringing off his helmet.

Shaking her head, Marigold threw him a look. "Please, Alexander, I can't understand you," She said, annoyed.

"Apologies, Highness," After struggling much longer than he probably should have, the knight popped his helmet off, his messy blond hair popping out. He let out a sigh of relief. "Phew! Oh, um, I was just saying we're early, Princess, so a little waiting is to be expected. Ma'am."

Rolling her eyes, she pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers. She should have known better than to have brought a freshly inducted knight, but she needed someone connected to the castle to accompany the group. Honestly, she would have preferred to go with them, but with the current state of chaos the castle was in, it simply wasn't possible. Of course, she did congratulate herself; managing to juggle her royal duties and pulling together a last second rescue party was no easy task.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle 3594

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gardenia Outskirts
Early Morning

Being the dutiful maid she was, Cyndyr found herself an early riser.

Each morning Cyndyr would rise from her bed at the first sign of dawn, being up and ready before the world would wake up at the sound of a rooster's crow. Cyndyr did not mind her waking routine whilst others would frown at it, for the morning dew was glistening, the air was crisp and not a person had been in sight.

All and all, it was the perfect time to practice the posaune, away from the uneducated idiots that would laugh away at a simple misnote as Cyndyr played an angelic song.

Waltzing into the gardens with the brass instrument in hand, Cyndyr took a deep breath as she raised the pousane to her lips. By then, Cyndyr already knew what she was going to play, inspired by the gentle flowers of the Gardenian countryside. A tale of love–the solemn sound of a passionate couple, yet star-crossed!

If only Cyndyr had someone in similar regard. If only.

Playing her heart out, Cyndyr took a long pause to normalize her breathing once the sonata ended. Holding the pousane in her hands, Cyndyr took a long look at her audience, a group of roses that were dancing with the aid of a soft breeze. It was as if Cyndyr held her own mini-concert, but she knew full and well that while a flower may be beautiful, it was unable to hear a beautiful sound. Perhaps sometime in the far future someone would egg Cyndyr to walk on the stage, with pousane in hand, but alas, for now her company was with the flowers that grewy strong and plentiful throughout the wandering countryside.

"Beautiful..." Cyndyr uttered, smiling at such a sight, yet her gaze was not long. There was still the task of meeting one of the royal princesses, Marigold Roselia, for Cyndyr was among those hired for a secret rescue party to rescue the other princess.

Returning to the interior of her small cottage, Cyndyr placed the pousane back in its carrying case. She did not have to worry about necessities or other various supplies, for Cyndyr had already packed what she assumed she would likely need for such a journey. A change of clothing, a few pans and cooking utensils, for example.

Hefting her bag over her shoulders, Cyndyr grabbed her pousane's case by its handle, and took one last look behind her at what she had built up over the past years. Maybe she would return, but for now, Cyndyr had a story to play apart of.

A grand tale of a ragtag bunch of misfits going on a quest to save the princess, after all. What could possibly go wrong?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Look at the silver lining, Seri, at least you’ll be far from those idiots you dislike healing so much!

Sericea Primrose sighed as she walked forward, hands buried in the pockets of her crimson longcoat as she headed for the city gates that led to the countryside.

Her sister’s sheepish words echoed in her head, reminding her that she didn’t have to deal in a crowded cathedral with a bunch of barely competent clerics and the people who relied on her to coordinate and heal the injured. At the end of the day she wondered what she hated more – that she had to journey with a bunch of separate idiots or that she had to take orders from someone representing the royal crown. There was little Sericea hated more than taking orders from someone who didn’t know what they were talking about and a stuffy knight who had never left the capital wasn’t exactly someone who had right to boss her around. She was pretty sure that he was going to get himself injured from his “knightly” bravado and she was going to have to heal him as if it was her civic duty to do so. She could only imagine the sort of person he would be. She moved her lips to a fake smile as she thought about the prospect of dealing with someone like that.

But it was deal with the idiot knight or deal with a whole slew of idiot clerics and mumbling idiots. Plus, the bandits were the cause of a lot of her suffering so they needed their just desserts as well; they had ruined the festival for her, after all.

As she thought over the prospects she noticed that only two people stood at the gates, ready to get the princess back. She had a feeling the rest of the “team” had been running late. While she kept her expression pleasant her emotions internally were rather livid. She didn’t like her time being wasted. She moved forward, making eye contact with the knight and gave the proper courtesies to him and the noble she recognized as one of the lesser princesses of Gardenia.

“I certainly hope this is not our entire group.” She uttered, politely.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HowlsOfWinter
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HowlsOfWinter sad but rad

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Carriage | Heading to Gardenia Outskirts | Mood: Cranky

The first rays of morning light came seeping down the mountainsides, quietly sneaking through the woman's curtains whilst she slept in the comforts of her bed. The room lit aglow with warm light, painting a picturesque scene that almost seemed ethereal. It was a perfect sunrise. The sleeping beauty remained in deep slumber, her peaceful face hinting of a happy dream.

Unfortunately, the morning's tranquility wouldn't last for very long.

The sunlight slowly crept to her bed and filtered through her thin eyelids, jolting the woman awake. But it wasn't the light that awoke her — it was the weird sensation that engulfed her entire body. The hairs on her body stood on end, sending a light shiver down her spine.


A blinding ball of light engulfed her for a brief moment, and she fell off the bed with a painful thud.


Every trace of the woman had vanished into thin air. In her place, a naked child lay on the floor, rubbing her head as she released a sigh of vexation. She blinked several times, in an attempt to help her eyes adjust to the sunlight that was directed right at her defenseless figure. She furrowed her brows as she stared at the window with heavy eyes, seemingly angry at the sun. She has regarded it with distaste ever since she fell victim to a wretched hex.

The transformation always made her body feel all weird and prickly. It never failed to wake her up every single morning, much to her bitter annoyance. The girl allowed herself a few moments to sulk, before pulling herself up to get ready for the day. She was only beginning to remember the job she has been assigned to, and it caused her to groan internally. Was there no way for her to refuse a princess' request? It had been a long while since was last hired — thanks to a certain witch — and she has grown accustomed to her dull, stagnant life. It conveniently fit her laid-back nature. Children didn't have to work!

To make matters more complicated, she was entirely sure that the sheltered princess was unaware of her current.. predicament.

After a few groans and incoherent mutters, the young girl forced herself to bathe and get dressed. The importance she placed on her appearance was evident no matter what form she took. As per usual, she was dressed in fine silks, embroidered with floral patterns and dragons. Her golden skirt complemented the warm undertones of her fair skin, and she wore her hair up in small buns. Once she was satisfied with the way she looked, she puffed up her chest and smiled proudly at her reflection in the mirror.

Before prancing out the door, she grabbed a vase that looked to be ordinary furniture with low value. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The vase was actually a summoning relic, which she used for all of her summoning rituals.

With a lack of eagerness, the girl hopped into the carriage and headed for the outskirts of Gardenia, where she would meet the others and introduce herself as Alicia Clemens; the summoner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexander continued to watch the princess pace, his words falling on deaf ears. After stifling a yawn, he ran a gloved hand through his hair. Honestly, he wondered what she could have been thinking with this small group. If he recalled correctly, it would be a team of four to confront the kidnappers, possibly battle, and then bring the other princess back to safety. It sure sounded simple enough, but if his Captain had taught him anything, it was that nothing in life was ever simple. Ever. Maybe he would have had more confidence if he wasn't so brand spanking new, but he hoped his combat abilities would make up for it. He did graduate at the top of his class! And had zero actual experience. But he was a quick thinker! Only because he was usually caught off guard. Man, the more he thought about it, the more he realized his recruitment was a mistake.

Stealing another glance at the princess, he noticed she perked up. Alexander stood at the ready, noticing what looked like a bundle of pink approaching them. Pink hair, pink coat, short stature. A mage? His blonde eyebrows were raised as he studied the approaching girl, choosing to remain quiet as Marigold gave a sigh of relief. "Okay, it looks like the cavalry's arriving at last," She stated, nodding to Alexander. "Make sure to give them your respect, they have graciously volunteered for the job."

"Yes, ma'am," Alexander replied, cheerfully waving at the mage. "A pleasure to meet you! I am Alexander, knight-in-training!"

Marigold couldn't help but give him an odd look. "You've...already graduated," She reminded him, the hope in her face slowly slipping away.

The man opened his mouth to defend himself, though he closed it. Shoot, he was so used to introducing himself as such that he completely forgot. "Ah...Right!" He sprang back to life, letting out a nervous laugh. "My apologies, Miss...?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle 3594

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gardenia Outskirts

As Cyndyr rounded a corner, she had reached her arrival destination, and was met with three peculiar faces for her to get to know.

First, there was the princess, blonde and fair. Her arms were crossed as Princess Marigold paced about, with a face plastered with worry. Cyndyr had almost cringed as she watched the princess dig her heels deeper each time she went back and forth, digging a rut within the ground over the path she walked. What of her noble dress being dirtied by the dust she was kicking into the air?!

Still, Cyndyr chose to kept her mouth shut. No one would directly speak ill of the king or any of his family, after all.

Next, there was a blonde knight, doubtlessly the princess' bodyguard. His armor shined, free of any sort of dirt, apparent of his newbie status. It seemed Alexander, the knight, was quite forgetful, as he went forth and announced himself as still a squire, despite Princess Marigold correcting him. At least he keeps himself clean, Cyndyr thought.

Finally, there was another female, this time with a crimson longcoat and lengthy pink hair. The girl had gone as far as to pay her respects to Princess Marigold, yet she had not spoken her name. Still, whoever the girl was, she at least seemed nice enough to Cyndyr, who set her belongings down gently nearby to rest her arms.

"Excuse me," Cyndyr announced to avoid rudely interrupting the ongoing conversation, "Cyndyr Pyrebrooke at your service, your highness." Cyndyr continued, curtsying with the edges of her dress before the princess and her guests. To the knight and the pink-haired girl, Cyndyr gave each a respectful nod.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alexander nearly jumped in place at the new arrival, saved only by the weight of his armor. As his eyes examined the young lady, he couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow, slightly confused. A maid? Here? The blonde tried to remain neutral, though a thought occurred to him. Marigold had given him a slight debrief before the meeting, stating that he was to be accompanied by three others in this covert mission. Or at least, that was what he had assumed; the princess had a tendency to say a lot of things he didn't understand. She talked a lot, and fast, and--well, it didn't matter, the point of it was that those three others were supposed to be people that were experienced. Warriors. The pink haired girl was probably a mage of some sort, this one girl was...a maid. Maybe she had other combat skills he wasn't aware of?

Shuffling over to Marigold, he cleared his throat as he decided to address her in a quiet voice, "Highness..." Before he could continue, Marigold nodded, confirming his thoughts. Hm, he was prepared for the frontline, but he supposed he had hoped to have more support. Well, not that kind of support, more...power?

Marigold nudged him, shooting him a glare. "Thank for for coming, Miss Primrose, Miss Pyrebrooke," She composed herself rather quickly, her eyes briefly flickering to the sky. "I assume Lady Clemens is on her way, but time's arrow marches forward, and it is no longer a luxury we can afford to waste."

Alexander straightened up as Marigold looked at him expectantly. "Today we gather on a mission of utmost importance: the rescue of Her Highness Princess Dahlia!" He was probably a little louder than he needed to be, but at the very least he was making sure he was heard. "Our sources tell us that the bandits plan to hold Her Highness hostage while negotiations are being made! We will break through their stronghold and retrieve her!"

"Minus the repetition, that's the general idea," Marigold commented somewhat dryly, though she nodded in agreement. "I want to keep this as quiet as possible--should my father learn of your mission, I fear it will only serve to worsen him. That being said, you will be rewarded handsomely on your return. Alexander here will be in charge--" Wait, she wanted him in charge?! She didn't say anything about that! Alexander's jaw dropped, and he let out a nervous laugh, interrupting the princess. After a slightly awkward pause, she ignored him and continued. "The Dylo Pass is rife with bandit activity, you'll find my sister there. I will leave you in his...capable hands."

The knight felt all eyes on him, a low chuckle trapped in his throat as he avoided eye contact at all costs. Okay, this was it, this was the real deal. So what if he just graduated? So what if his pressing anxiety was threatening to crush his windpipe? So what if his nerves were weighing down on him more than his armor was? Clearing his throat again, the knight nodded, throwing on an entirely unconvincing smile. "Ahaha...well, then, ladies, onwards!" He managed to scrounge up enough enthusiasm to raise his fist in the air.

Eyeing him warily, if Marigold had any doubts, she was doing a very good job at hiding it. Instead she would agree with Alexander, clasping her hands together. "May Harmonia watch over you," She offered, letting out a small sigh of worry.

Alexander opened his mouth to respond, though he recalled what the princess said about time. Instead of responding, the young man turned on his heel and began to march. And march. And march. And march...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Carlyle 3594

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gardenia Outskirts

Whatcha lookin' at, bub? Ain't never seen a maid before?!

Cyndyr felt the knight's eyes fall upon her, as if he had second thoughts about this mission. Were it not for his armor, the very sight of Cyndyr had surprised Alexander, who was now shuffling towards the Princess. Perhaps the knight was lucky that his true calling wasn't among the shadows of the night, for he would've been an awful rogue. Alexander looked like he was about to say something, but was soon cut off by a jab from Princess Marigold.

From the gist of what was said, they were to be led by the blonde knight. Much like Alexander, Cyndyr begun to have second thoughts of her own. This knight appeared to be dimwitted, and lacked confidence. If this is what Princess Marigold wanted, then so be it, but surely there was someone more experienced to lead this rescue mission!

"We'll be sure to return with your sister, your highness." Cyndyr stated with a final curtsy, plucking her belongings from where they sat. The knight was already off on his way, and so Cyndyr moved to catch up with him.

Hopefully this little "rescue mission" doesn't end up being a waste of time.
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