"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
"That...is not very encouraging..."
A classic tale of a ragtag bunch of misfits going on a quest to save the princess. What could possibly go wrong?
Today was supposed to be a good day...
Hark! For on this day, approximately one thousand years ago was the beginning of this glorious country, marked as Founder's Day. Named Gardenia for the numerous flowers held precious to this land, it was King Jonquil I who founded our country after seceding from the Magnolian Empire. With the legendary Sprout Staff given to him by the Goddess Harmonia, he ensured the land was both fertile and produced anything that was planted to the ground, and so Gardenia became prosperous for centuries to come. Every day on this year, the people would take a day from their plows and scythes and celebrate.
So you can imagine the shock when a bunch of no good bandits burst through the castle, kidnapped the princess, and fled outside the city before the guards could get to them.
In exchange for the princess' safety, those darn bandits want the Sprout Staff. But there's no way they can give up that relic without essentially dooming the entire country! Not only that, but poor King Spruce has fallen ill due to his daughter's disappearance, with his Queen weeping uncontrollably next to him, so you have the entire Council squabbling amongst themselves trying to figure out what to do.
Fortunately for the kingdom, the spare to the throne, Princess Felicia, decided to take matters into her own hands. If the Council was going to sit around arguing all day, then she needed to get her sister back, especially with her father's health at stake. Discreetly forming her own rag-tag group of misfits, she has promised them riches in exchange for quietly getting the princess back in one piece.
Here's hoping they succeed...
Hark! For on this day, approximately one thousand years ago was the beginning of this glorious country, marked as Founder's Day. Named Gardenia for the numerous flowers held precious to this land, it was King Jonquil I who founded our country after seceding from the Magnolian Empire. With the legendary Sprout Staff given to him by the Goddess Harmonia, he ensured the land was both fertile and produced anything that was planted to the ground, and so Gardenia became prosperous for centuries to come. Every day on this year, the people would take a day from their plows and scythes and celebrate.
So you can imagine the shock when a bunch of no good bandits burst through the castle, kidnapped the princess, and fled outside the city before the guards could get to them.
In exchange for the princess' safety, those darn bandits want the Sprout Staff. But there's no way they can give up that relic without essentially dooming the entire country! Not only that, but poor King Spruce has fallen ill due to his daughter's disappearance, with his Queen weeping uncontrollably next to him, so you have the entire Council squabbling amongst themselves trying to figure out what to do.
Fortunately for the kingdom, the spare to the throne, Princess Felicia, decided to take matters into her own hands. If the Council was going to sit around arguing all day, then she needed to get her sister back, especially with her father's health at stake. Discreetly forming her own rag-tag group of misfits, she has promised them riches in exchange for quietly getting the princess back in one piece.
Here's hoping they succeed...
A land of plants and lots of vegetables and fruits, said to have been blessed by the Goddess of Earth, Harmonia. Supposedly, the Goddess granted the first king a magical staff that made the land fertile. Said staff is kept under tight security, only accessible to the royal family and passed down through generations.
That being said, Gardenia is a world of magic with a low level of technology, focused more on mages and knights. And princesses. Travel throughout the land is usually by carriage or good old fashioned walking. Numerous festivals are usually held in the capital, so seeing people travel isn't uncommon, even with the precense of monsters. Said monsters are usually low level the closer you are to civilization, easy enough for adventurers to tackle on but difficult for the common folk. As a result, carriages usually hire adventurers to protect them.
While there is a Goddess to worship, her church is on the modest side, well known but doesn't really dominate the land as there are other Gods and Goddesses. The big three would be Harmonia, Goddess of Earth, Cenobia, Goddess of Weather, and Aurelios, God of Fortune.
That being said, Gardenia is a world of magic with a low level of technology, focused more on mages and knights. And princesses. Travel throughout the land is usually by carriage or good old fashioned walking. Numerous festivals are usually held in the capital, so seeing people travel isn't uncommon, even with the precense of monsters. Said monsters are usually low level the closer you are to civilization, easy enough for adventurers to tackle on but difficult for the common folk. As a result, carriages usually hire adventurers to protect them.
While there is a Goddess to worship, her church is on the modest side, well known but doesn't really dominate the land as there are other Gods and Goddesses. The big three would be Harmonia, Goddess of Earth, Cenobia, Goddess of Weather, and Aurelios, God of Fortune.
Gardenia is considered to be full of hicks and farmers. Partially true, as having a green thumb is practically hereditary and knowing things about nature is commonplace. Still, the countryside has its people on the ignorant side and they don't really like change. The stagnant is rather threatening to outsiders, with the only major city being its capital, Gardenia. The lack of creativity on the capital's name has also been the butt of a lot of jokes.
The unbiased opinion of Gardenia lies in its spirituality. While not the most advanced, its untouched forests are home to many spirits and woodland creatures, its connection to the heart of the world fairly prominent. Most folk live and breathe farming, but it is known to have those that study magic come to practice magic safely without harming anyone, and their springs and rivers are said to have healing properties. As a result, healing potions are a great way to make a living, with apocetharies a rising industry in the country with the popularity of potions.
Calyx is an oddity in the nation with less emphasis on nature and more on reading. They're all about their fancy technology and trying to make things 'easier', but they're a bunch of jerks. Well, they're more about getting more knowledge so they're more snobby than anything. Chances are, if you've come across that one asshole that cuts into the conversation to make a correction, they're from Calyx. The city of Sophen is essentially a massive pile of libraries with inns squished in between them.
The unbiased opinion of Calyx is that they believe knowledge is power. Numerous scholars from around the world flock to the ever growing country. If Calyx has no knowledge on the subject, chances are it's being studied there. Despite being an empire, their military is relatively normal, though they're known to have a vagrant experiment going out of control every other month.
Stigma is currently going through a succession crisis, with two Dukes at each other's throats trying to seize power. Luckily, Stigma people are pretty independent, governing themselves and focusing on their magic. The most powerful of mages are said to come from Stigma, with its capital, Lorelai, being the most prominent birthplace. Thing is, all that magic leads to a lot of destruction, so chances are if you aren't a mage, you're one of those poor construction saps having to rebuild something after a resident mage sneezed and blew everything up.
The unbiased opinion of Stigma is that they believe magic is king. Every flavor of magic runs rampant through the country, the cities usually dividing themselves by types of magic. Anytime a medical malady happens, the best healers are usually found in Stigma. Unfortunately this also means that a lot of the crazier mages are also from Stigma. So Stigma has a stigma of crazy mages. Ironic, isn't it?
Stamen is filled with muscle-headed war-crazy warriors. Out of the six hundred years they've been around, only fifty of those years combined have been times of peace. Since they're the source of Gardenia's military, they're known to get into numerous fights on the border of Gardenia. Which no one really cares too much about, as the current general is not very good at being bad to his troops despite trying to come off as a hardass. He tries hard to be intimidating but doesn't seem to realize that he's actually very fair. Explains why he has such a large following, at least.
The unbiased opinion of Stamen is that if you want to learn how to beat a man into a pulp with a weapon of your choice, you may as well learn from there best there. Stamen's militaristic government prides strength above all, and nearly every person knows how to defend themselves. They're proud, they're loud, but they have their own dignity and honor to uphold. Still, their stubbornness leads to a lot of fights whether they mean to or not.
The unbiased opinion of Gardenia lies in its spirituality. While not the most advanced, its untouched forests are home to many spirits and woodland creatures, its connection to the heart of the world fairly prominent. Most folk live and breathe farming, but it is known to have those that study magic come to practice magic safely without harming anyone, and their springs and rivers are said to have healing properties. As a result, healing potions are a great way to make a living, with apocetharies a rising industry in the country with the popularity of potions.
Calyx is an oddity in the nation with less emphasis on nature and more on reading. They're all about their fancy technology and trying to make things 'easier', but they're a bunch of jerks. Well, they're more about getting more knowledge so they're more snobby than anything. Chances are, if you've come across that one asshole that cuts into the conversation to make a correction, they're from Calyx. The city of Sophen is essentially a massive pile of libraries with inns squished in between them.
The unbiased opinion of Calyx is that they believe knowledge is power. Numerous scholars from around the world flock to the ever growing country. If Calyx has no knowledge on the subject, chances are it's being studied there. Despite being an empire, their military is relatively normal, though they're known to have a vagrant experiment going out of control every other month.
Stigma is currently going through a succession crisis, with two Dukes at each other's throats trying to seize power. Luckily, Stigma people are pretty independent, governing themselves and focusing on their magic. The most powerful of mages are said to come from Stigma, with its capital, Lorelai, being the most prominent birthplace. Thing is, all that magic leads to a lot of destruction, so chances are if you aren't a mage, you're one of those poor construction saps having to rebuild something after a resident mage sneezed and blew everything up.
The unbiased opinion of Stigma is that they believe magic is king. Every flavor of magic runs rampant through the country, the cities usually dividing themselves by types of magic. Anytime a medical malady happens, the best healers are usually found in Stigma. Unfortunately this also means that a lot of the crazier mages are also from Stigma. So Stigma has a stigma of crazy mages. Ironic, isn't it?
Stamen is filled with muscle-headed war-crazy warriors. Out of the six hundred years they've been around, only fifty of those years combined have been times of peace. Since they're the source of Gardenia's military, they're known to get into numerous fights on the border of Gardenia. Which no one really cares too much about, as the current general is not very good at being bad to his troops despite trying to come off as a hardass. He tries hard to be intimidating but doesn't seem to realize that he's actually very fair. Explains why he has such a large following, at least.
The unbiased opinion of Stamen is that if you want to learn how to beat a man into a pulp with a weapon of your choice, you may as well learn from there best there. Stamen's militaristic government prides strength above all, and nearly every person knows how to defend themselves. They're proud, they're loud, but they have their own dignity and honor to uphold. Still, their stubbornness leads to a lot of fights whether they mean to or not.
Old but gold, the Roselia family is directly descended from King Jonquil I who founded the kingdom. Currently at the throne is King Oliver Roselia with his Queen Iris. They have two daughters, one which is the kidnapped Princess Dahlia, the other Princess Marigold who is currently taking over any royal duties while her father is ill and the instigator of the quest.
Hark! Abandon hope, all ye who enter here!
Thou shalt respect they teammates! (Be cool, stir up drama IC not OOC)
Thou shalt post in accordance or notify the GM when a post is not forthcoming! (Post when you can, if you can't let me know)
Thou shalt diverge in shenanigans! (This is a parody for all intents and purposes. Light hearted, so have fun with it.)
Thou shalt not attempt to control thy companions! Except when necessary! (No god modding, bunnying allowed if the situation calls for it)
Thou shalt be in understanding that the situation may change! (Rules, lore, and other things may change based on feedback or on a whim)
Thou shalt respect they teammates! (Be cool, stir up drama IC not OOC)
Thou shalt post in accordance or notify the GM when a post is not forthcoming! (Post when you can, if you can't let me know)
Thou shalt diverge in shenanigans! (This is a parody for all intents and purposes. Light hearted, so have fun with it.)
Thou shalt not attempt to control thy companions! Except when necessary! (No god modding, bunnying allowed if the situation calls for it)
Thou shalt be in understanding that the situation may change! (Rules, lore, and other things may change based on feedback or on a whim)
[center][img]Character Image Here![/img]
[h3]Character Name Here![/h3]
Personality Trait ♦ And Another Trait ♦ As Many as You Please ♦ Well, Maybe a Cap of Seven, No Need to Go Overboard![/center]
[indent]What do people call you?[/indent]
[indent]How old are you? Or how young?[/indent]
[indent]This can be ignored if you opt to use a picture, or can be used for additional details such as height, weight, etc.,[/indent]
[indent]A basic 'what kind of person are you' sort of thing. Doesn't have to be long, but try to sell me who your character is. Keep in mind this should probably tie in with your character's strengths and weaknesses.[/indent]
[indent]Warrior? Knight? Thief? Beastmaster? Town Drunk? What are you and what do you do?[/indent]
[indent]Where do you shine? You can be as awesome and amazing as you want...provided your weakness offsets it. Feel free to be as crazy as you want (short of bending reality, let's not go there), keeping in mind that the stronger the character, the more incompetent they should be. On the other hand, the more competent your character is, the less strengths they should have. Remember, the team is underqualified for a reason, they certainly come off as super special awesome on paper, but in practice it should be a whole other story. Feel free to ask if any of this is confusing![/indent]
[indent]You have PHENOMINAL COSMIC POWERS...and itty bitty living space. The better your strength, the bigger this weakness is. Make it as comical and silly as you want![/indent]
[b]What were you doing when the princess was kidnapped?[/b]
[indent]At the time of the kidnapping, the Founder's Festival was going on. Eye witness reports say that the bandits came bursting out of the castle with the princess in tow, running straight through the festival and out the Western Gate. What did you see? What did you do?[/indent]
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