First Night of Gellor Rising
The drums resonated throughout the grand arena, the sound pounded at ones chest. The sound of the crowd, intoxicating. The jeering and leering as two unlucky souls fought one another down in the arena. A distraction for the masses, an outlet for their violent tendencies. A change in their dull lives from the standard routine of their jobs. A smile curled at the bottom of Kheris' lips. This would truly be a day to remember, for while now the two combatants were merely average slaves with no powers whatsoever. The main event was going to be one that truly shook the world, and changed it in the coming age. Too long had he sat idle and let his neighbours get away with their transgressions, their foray into his borders. Manipulation and deceipt, he'd start with Othea and carve his way through Azukhar until he took down the Dominion. Possibly his biggest threat, but they too would kneel before him. Then he'd cast his sights to the rest of this world, for beyond the great sea there had to be something, not just vastless ocean.
As the fight concluced Kheris rose, slowly and delicately. Not a single item of his jewelry moved, as if it dared not for fear of it's life. He was the master of his body, his environment and even his attire. He walked forwards towards the podium, arms at either side with his palms up towards the sky. As he got closer and closer to the balcony edge more and more fell silent. Until there were barely any murmurings within the crowd. This is what many of them had come here for today, to hear their lord speak to them. He was after all, their God. He focused on his voice, and the soundwaves that he would create from his speech. Pushing power into them from his relic he spoke, in a clear voice that could be heard throughout the Arena. It wasn't shouting, but his voice was clear as day for all in the arena to hear. "My people. It brings me great joy, to see you all here today." He lowered his arms slowly as he spoke, moving his right in a sweeping motion from one side of the arena to the other indicating he was truly speaking to everyone present.
"Today is a great day, for I, your Lord, wish for you to share a truly historic moment with me. For while I may be a God, you are my people and what would I be without each and every one of you." He smiled, and paused for a moment. There was some slight chatter in response to what he said. He didn't bother tuning into any of it, it was hardly relevant. Yes, there was some discontent towards him however it was so marginal it barely required his attention. The majority stood with him, and that was what is important. He raised his hands again, and the arena silenced once again. The faint beating of drums could be heard, as they hit their cue. Slowly at first, as he would go on to speak the drums would increase in volume and tempo. "For now, my people. I wish for you to relax, as we watch the demons that Mareth has provided for us fight one another, fight in order that they may regain their humanity and redeem themselves in the eyes of your Lord. For I am a forgiving, and merciful God-" He actually had no interest in any of the Gladiators ever becoming one of his chosen Demi-Gods. The relics didn't interest him for study, or for absorption and the people that weilded them proved too unpredictable.
Bar one. Kheris had kept him alive, but far from him for another reason entirerly and word on the wind was that there was another one out there. Vigilance would be required, that was for sure. He already had Krig scouring the shadows for the other. Clouds began to form over the arena, thunder rumbled in beat to the drums. Anyone outside the Arena would just see a single grey cloud forming over the Arena, and nowhere else. "-may the games begin!" A single bolt of lightning struck the centre of the arena before the cloud disapated. Doors all around the arena floor opened, releasing gladiators into the arena all at once as the drums cut out. Kheris merely nodded, turned and moved back towards his throne. Something pulled his attention.
He looked up to see a strange bird hovering above him. Kheris felt it looking directly at him, then it merely turned and began to fly towards the sea to the west.