In a world with superheroes and super villains, there's people in the world with powers that choose to be civilians. Some of these civilians have found a club where they can feel like they belong. Those with super powers that have a desire to be treated like anyone else are welcome here. Some even choose to work for the club. The owner has always been there to help those that just want to fit in and has a tendency to make sure his staff is taken care of.
The World
For this rp we will be focusing mainly on just one city and the club that all the characters work at. The club itself seems rather small, but is larger than it seems. Immediately walking in, there is a hall that leads into a large, open area with a stage for a DJ. There's a room off to the right that leads to a bar and restaurant area. There are stairs that lead up to a lounge area, and is generally reserved for parties and other events.
Out side of the club is a very well off part of the city. There's higher end apartments, local shops and restaurants, bars and even a community college. Further out there's more fast food places, and lower end apartments. Busses run almost all night, those that are just commuting within the downtown area will find busses that don't require payment.
These are some of the popular heroes in this world. They are a topic of local discussion. Feel free to make up your own heroes to talk about as well! I wouldn't mind adding more to this list.
Fire Bird and Knightingale
These two are the stars of the show. They are the most popular super heroes out there. They are generally referred to as the twins, due to being women of a similar age, both having a bird themed name, and often showing up to stop crime together. Fire bird has fire based super powers, while Knightingale has quite the scream. Fire bird is seen as the more serious of the two heroes and Knightingale has a tendency to seem more impulsive and social.
Zeus the Mighty
This man is the typical superhero. He’s got super strength, super speed and flight. His hair is always perfect and his smile is always bright. People tend to roll their eyes when someone brings up Zeus, but he does have this certain charm to him once people get past the annoying obvious grabs for attention.
The Ghost Detective
A more elusive hero. He’s never been seen in the news and is believed to be an urban legend. People believe the ghost detective can see through walls and cannot show up on film. There has never been confirmation that this hero exists at all, but plenty of people talk about him enough that it feels like he exists.
She's probably the most scary of the heroes, but still has a good cult following. Her costume and theme make her look much like a horror show. She looks much like a victim of horrible frostbite. Her costume looks frosted over, parts if her skin look blackened. She has frost breath.
Written by @Timemaster
The King of Diamonds
Paul Salazar, also known as the King Of Diamonds in the villainous circles, is a business man that controls most of the drug trade in the area. Nothing can be tied to him, of course, and in the eyes of the public Mr. Salazar is an example. Using his ability, to make people around him incapable of deception, he became a business man/crime boss. No one knows much about his origins but one thing is certain, as soon as Mr. Salazar appeared he had a lot of money to his name and soon became the cities most known philanthropist.
The Beast
The Beast appeared about 6 years ago and since then has wrecked havoc every time he surfaced. It has the power to be impervious to pain, super strength and the ability to heal itself fully by devouring the corpses of fallen enemies (this also allows it to see the memories of the person for a few seconds). The intelligence of the Beast is considered low by most people but when fighting it becomes a predator with the instincts of one.
It is about 2.3m in height and 1.5m wide, has multiple mouths (all across it's body) and two eyes. Its skin is black with a greenish tint around his head. The eyes have no pupils and are red with the ability to see in infrared. All this making him a deadly predator that fought most of the high profile heroes.
Professor Fear
George Williams was a philosophy teacher at one of the high schools in the area until his power manifested. The power to manifest, control and enhance the fears of others. In his normal human life, George, was a man full of fears. Always scared that something might happen to him, be it something minor or something big. He was paranoid in other words. His power manifested while he was at school and someone hit him in the head with a ball, unwillingly. George woke up soon after, changed. He realized that his fears were unfounded when he could control them. That day is still considered a dark moment for all normal people, before he was stopped by Frostbite, he managed to make 20 students kill themselves by manipulating their fears and other 15 students to injure themselves.
His appearance is of a normal human, except for the tattoo with the fear symbol which he put on his forehead. He stands to about 1.56m, with a long and shallow face as if he hasn't eaten in a long time with black hair and gray eyes.
Grace Wilma Bogart, also known as Nullify is one of the least known villains in the area. She has an average build with long yellow/blue hair, green eyes and she stands to about 1.7m high. Her past is familiar to those that live in the slums of the city, orphan, and petty thievery since she could run. Her true criminal career started when she was 15 and her powers first manifested. Grace has the power to nullify light, heat and the powers of other super powered persons for as long she concentrates. She is enveloped in an aura that makes powers stop working, heat stop burning and light stop shining. While no longer in the crime scene after landing a big job, there are rumors that she will resurface soon.
Speedy is, in short words, the fastest man. When he was a child, Speedy found out that he is faster than most people and that speed only continued to increase until he became what he is today. No one has seen him clearly as he is always moving but it is believed that he is a male human of about 25 years old. Speedy is also known in the criminal underworld to be a addict of the drug, which he named himself after, Speed. Currently, Speedy is known to be a pacifist as he never killed or injured anyone in his career.
- Be able to post at least once a week. Please give notification if this isn't possible or if you are going to be gone for a bit.
- Please try to post at least a paragraph. And please write in third person and past tense.
- If you have ideas for plot, then please speak up! This is meant to be more a more collaborative plot.
- Stick to the standard rules of roleplaying, no god-modding, no meta gaming and don't take control of other people's characters.
- If you plan on playing a character that is a child of a hero or villain, or your character is a retired hero or villain, please PM me and talk to me about that first.
- Darker themes are definitely welcome!
Character Creation
Positions and Staff
Thomas Clark [played by Zitacamron95]
Alexis Willians [played by Timemaster]
Jacob "Brawn" Johnsom [played by Tyler Night]
Wait Staff:
James Albright [played by webboysurf]
Donavan "Donnie" Citrilin [played by AnaSilan Sunja]
Character Sheets