Wα΄ AΚα΄ TΚα΄ CΚα΄Ι΄Ι’α΄α΄

βΊ In Character Information
Your name was on a certain list and you are one of the six few that have been chosen to participate in a government experiment which they entitled "The Changed" at an unknown university known as "School For The Unique". Since your name has been chosen, we would like for you to report to your high school office immediately and there, you will be given further instructions.
Your name was on a certain list and you are one of the six few that have been chosen to participate in a government experiment which they entitled "The Changed" at an unknown university known as "School For The Unique". Since your name has been chosen, we would like for you to report to your high school office immediately and there, you will be given further instructions.
Fear has taken over, you can no longer hear anything and your body goes pale from the letter because your name was on the list. Looking around, you notice that people are pushing you but you cannot feel it. Other people are hugging their friends and crying along with them. The other five people that are to join you are already in the office, waiting for the instructions as they were also chosen to be changed. Your parents are also in the office, crying for having to send you away to God only knows where and men in black suits hand each of you a bag with your own name on it.
You're scared and surprised as tears roll down your face and you feel as though your throat is closing up. You weren't even given the chance to say goodbye to your parents or anyone else for that matter as the men in black suits usher you and the other five people out of the office now. Once those office doors close right behind you, you know that your life is definitely about to change.
Once you and the other five arrive at the unknown university, you are taken into a room together, where you all breath in a gas that alters your genetics and the process is terribly painful. With this gas and process, you are given special abilities, powers almost and each of you have a different power whether it be flight, anything elemental or anything psychic and so forth. From there, you are given instructions to train and hone your newfound abilities but then you find out that you and the other five must fight to the death with the winner becoming a super solider for the United States military.
But something happens that the scientists did not quite expect and even remotely hope for, you and the other five teenagers escape the facility and they are now searching for you. As soon as you get out into the fresher air, your abilities are suddenly amplified and become a little bit stronger. With this newfound freedom, you are stronger and are ready to kill the people that have changed you.
A war is about to break loose within the city of Seattle and it is up to the six of you to destroy the governed experimentation before they choose another six to change.
You're scared and surprised as tears roll down your face and you feel as though your throat is closing up. You weren't even given the chance to say goodbye to your parents or anyone else for that matter as the men in black suits usher you and the other five people out of the office now. Once those office doors close right behind you, you know that your life is definitely about to change.
Once you and the other five arrive at the unknown university, you are taken into a room together, where you all breath in a gas that alters your genetics and the process is terribly painful. With this gas and process, you are given special abilities, powers almost and each of you have a different power whether it be flight, anything elemental or anything psychic and so forth. From there, you are given instructions to train and hone your newfound abilities but then you find out that you and the other five must fight to the death with the winner becoming a super solider for the United States military.
But something happens that the scientists did not quite expect and even remotely hope for, you and the other five teenagers escape the facility and they are now searching for you. As soon as you get out into the fresher air, your abilities are suddenly amplified and become a little bit stronger. With this newfound freedom, you are stronger and are ready to kill the people that have changed you.
A war is about to break loose within the city of Seattle and it is up to the six of you to destroy the governed experimentation before they choose another six to change.
βΊ Out Of Character Information
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another thread and roleplay made by yours truly, HushedWhispers! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone that showed interest as you guys made this roleplay possible. I also would like to thank you lurkers out there for taking at least a gander at the roleplay. This roleplay will be very much High Casual and realistic along with set in the modern world. It will be both character and plot driven, which means that whatever my character or your character does can effect other characters and direction of the roleplay along with the plot set in place. Roles will not be first come, first serve and absolutely no reservations. This is a small group roleplay so once the roles are taken, I will not be adding anymore or altering the story in any kind of way. I think it's best to say that we start on the day that they have already escaped but if you have any ideas regarding to the roleplay, do not hesitate to PM me so we can discuss it.
βΊ Interest Check Information
Ideally, I would like three people to express their interest before I set up a thread and make this roleplay possible. Be mindful that this is a superpowered roleplay focused around six escapees from the government. Myself, the GM, will be throwing in plot devices that I come up with and whatever ones someone else comes up with though they will be credited in the OOC beforehand.