Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Generally speaking, your personal opinions on free, casual, advanced. Even arena, tabletop and nation if you want. I'm simply curious.


I'm serious. If I see any bashing I will burn you alive and use your ashes to stuff teddy bears.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Free: Very active, some very fun concepts too, if I couldnget my head around one liner/ shorter posts I'd probably use it often.

Casual: Fits my writing level but is so active that people may lose interest and jump ship or lost the thread if they arent subscribed I also see a lot of fandom stuff there which im not really interested in.

Advanced: Good dedicated RPs with well thought out worlds, but sometimes falls under the weight of its own exposition. Also for whatever reason posting speeds seem to be a little slower, which means retaining interest for a larger group can be challenging.

Tabletop: I dont use it, but would like to, If I could fimd a newbie friendly RP

Nation: Same as above.

Arena: My home, I'll always love it no matter what but it is woefully underused and thats probably because it isnt as newbie friendly asnit could be, which is a shame because everyone ive introduced to Arena has loved it, including.. @Xandrya & @King Tai
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane I've actually looked into the arena before. I just have no earthly idea how to get started. xD Y'all seem like a cool bunch though.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

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Free is for people who just wanna have fun screwing around in whatever setting while not showing much concern for how they write, or improving on their writing. If you want a good time fooling around with absurd ideas, it's the place to be. Great for goofy RPs or extremely edgy stuff; it's a playground of guilty pleasures and teenage desire. It's alright if you don't want to write anything too serious. I don't judge people for just wanting to have fun, I've hosted and participated in plenty of 'free' RPs in the past.

Casual is for all levels. It typically attracts people who want a coherent plotline and more detailed writing, but don't want to write or read 6 paragraphs of fluff in every post like they're in a Steven king or Tolkien novel. Most casual RPs could probably be fit into free depending on the concept and the people posting if they stuck to dialogue, but there's this weird metric where people equate post length to quality, meaning that you won't see many people speed posting in there. It varies tremendously, but my basic idea for 'casual' RPs is anything that isn't absurd, or pretentious. It's where I spend most of my time in role plays, as I don't expect to be held to any nebulous and misguided standards while writing some stuff up.

Advanced is for people who enjoy writing fluff and don't care about pacing when they dump buckets of exposition in a single post. I like to describe it as the horribly pretentious doppelganger of the free section. It is most certainly a place where people who enjoy reading and writing flowery sentences flock to. But despite being flooded with very long posts, and uncommon vernacular, it seems that most advanced RPs are anything but dense. I play a little game sometimes where I take a 9 paragraph 'advanced post' and narrow it down to two paragraphs without losing any of the actual content. Advanced is a place for people who like to write a lot of words. I see it as the least cooperative and/or least engaging section on the forums.

Arena is a shadow of its former self. What was once a bustling community of a bunch of tools who thought that winning was more important than the experience of a fighter, now sits... Well, nobody. Fights are fun, but nobody really cares about them when you turn them into a contest. The entire 'competitive' infrastructure of the arena is a joke, but I know exactly why people liked it. People are too obsessed with winning/their characters though. I know I was. Rarely will you come across somebody who's humble enough too just be in it for the fight. In those cases, it's quite an enjoyable affair.

Tabletop is... Well I don't know what it is. I guess you can use that section if you don't know what roll 20 and discord are?

Nation roleplays are probably the best example of what advanced roleplays try to be. That's all I can say about that.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Arena is a shadow of its former self. What was once a bustling community of a bunch of tools who thought that winning was more important than the experience of a fighter,

@HaleyTheRandom said to keep it civil, calling a community of a sub forum a bunch of tools is exactly not that.

@Dynamo Frokane I've actually looked into the arena before. I just have no earthly idea how to get started. xD Y'all seem like a cool bunch though.

Let me know if you'd like to get set up in an Arena match anytime, I'll walk you through anything you need to know.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Advanced is for people who enjoy writing fluff and don't care about pacing when they dump buckets of exposition in a single post. I like to describe it as the horribly pretentious doppelganger of the free section. It is most certainly a place where people who enjoy reading and writing flowery sentences flock to. But despite being flooded with very long posts, and uncommon vernacular, it seems that most advanced RPs are anything but dense. I play a little game sometimes where I take a 9 paragraph 'advanced post' and narrow it down to two paragraphs without losing any of the actual content. Advanced is a place for people who like to write a lot of words. I see it as the least cooperative and/or least engaging section on the forums.

While I agree with most of the rest, I must say I respectfully disagree. Yes, there's a lot of word and sometimes a lot of fluff, but Advanced to me seems like a group of people that pay particular attention to detail. Sometimes a RP is tossed in here because of super heavy lore. I am just getting started in this section, so I may have to get back with you.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by tex
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It's hard to quantify. Although I could agree that a post with more lexical depth is in fact more detailed, I find myself questioning if those details all retain pertinence. Even if they did, what exactly differentiates them from casual RPs at that point? There are quite a few Advanced RPs that don't involve longer posts, but merely adhere to a lexical superiority. In this case, the only difference is in fact vocabulary. So it would seem that the two defining factors of advanced RPs are Post length, and vernacular. That, and abysmal posting speed. I can see the appeal to flowery writing, otherwise a great deal of novelists wouldn't have sold a single book. There are different kinds of readers/writers.

You can find casual RPs with complex language, longer posts, and heavy lore as well though. So it's at this point that I have to question what exactly separates the two sections. The conclusion I come to, barring post length and language complexity, is actually 'nothing at all' as the actual skill levels between writers in casual and advanced are not too different across the board. It varies tremendously from player to player/from Gm to Gm.

Ultimately, I think any perceived differences aside from those two factors are subjective and most certainly arbitrary. I do admit that there's some draw to the idea of longer and/or more complex writing, as there are plenty of people in the advanced section, but it's hard to admit that people who post in advanced do not enjoy reading and writing longer posts. It seems that the biggest difference in advanced is size/scope, a lot of the time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


I suppose you have a point. Like I said, I'm just getting started in that section of the site. I guess the point in my last post was to say not to dismiss a sub-forum so easily? Casual and Advanced are signifigantly similar - I'll give you that. Though I might add that advanced seems to have major dedication despite varrying posting tendencies. Then again, all of the forums have their own level of dedication. Perhaps my point here is mute. You will have to forgive me for my lack of sleep.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Free Roleplay (17 Viewing)
16,381 Topics, 477,983 Posts

Free roleplay is where I typically mentally place people who;
  • just started roleplaying
  • don't have a lot of time (1-liners are easier to write in a hunch than a 6k+ character post
  • don't feel motivated to write a lot

buy coincidentally also where I mentally place people who;

  • are not very literate
  • don't care much for prose, care more about characters performing actions
  • judgemental as it may be, people who are lazy

People who are in free roleplay typically don't improve their writing a lot, and tend to get stuck in free roleplay. It has it's fair share of characters and I don't mean IC characters, but rather, OOC characters. I know that, in reality, free RP gets its fair share of average writers, but that says nothing when every RP has at least one OOC character playing in it.

On the other hand I'm not really aware of free roleplay starting any drama -- it's generally a quiet place where people rapid fire posts back and forth and that's pretty fine with me. Let the kids have their playground, I'd say, and that's pretty true for free roleplay -- it also helps curb the overflow of people who don't write a whole lot into roleplays that, well, require you to write a whole lot. I'm glad free roleplay exists, both out of my own self preservation (I don't like to RP with people who do free roleplay, sorry) and for their self preservation (they have their own area where they can have fun, and that's important too).

Casual Roleplay (77 Viewing)
9,818 Topics, 1,750,610 Posts

SADLY, this is the mainstay of RPG. I remember back in the day when it was a pretty nice place to hangout in, but I guess over the years either the dynamic of casual RP has changed, or I've become more pessimistic and nostalgic. Either way, where my grips with free roleplay are more qualitative and focused on writing/the actual roleplays, the issues I have with casual RP are almost entirely community based. Most issues that we hear of in the 'mainstream' issues of RP come from here and when you think about it that's not so strange, given that it has 50% of the topics free RP has at this moment, but almost 4x the posts. This is clearly where most people RP, so it's only natural that we hear about issues from this place more than others.

I feel like back in the day, there was a lot more variety in the RP's (not counting the time when literally every fucking RP was a MLP AU of some fandom) where as nowadays it's all centered around the same errr, genre's. Maybe that's just my warped vision, I must admit it's been some time since I actually joined an RP there since none of them seem to interest me anymore (maybe I'm just getting older (and probably not wiser) where as my younger self loved writing about random shit).

Now, these issues are all.. self-inflicted and probably stem from some twisted nostalgia back to the days where I was careless in my writing and didn't really care about improving my writing. I just wanted to play Naruto and kill bad guys and be the le epic xD sensei I was meant to be. However, a real issue for me is that we've seen a condensation from free and advanced towards casual RP, where we have overflow and casual RP is not casual anymore -- with new genre's such as low casual and high casual, I often ponder why we even need an advanced and free section.

Now, I understand that we like to categorize each other, but at that point we're needlessly making shit more complex, and it feels like a slippery slope. What are the actual criteria for any category? The descriptors are already vague as can be and all defer to the ALLMIGHTY POWER OF THE GM to see what the actual standards are for an RP. So if the standards for casual are already vague, what is below that, what is low-casual? Is it just casual roleplay for disinterested people who can't conjure the power to write a 2 paragraph response? What is high-casual? Advanced RP for people who can't conjure the power to consistently write well thought out responses? Why do we need them?

I'm afraid I don't have the answer, it'd be arrogant to pretend I do, and something tells me that there is no catch all answer regardless because some might genuinely feel that the category high-casual describes them, or perhaps there is something else. My personal hunch is that people flock to casual RP not for the standards it prescribes, but because as I mentioned before, this is where the people are.

And to run an RP you need people, it's simple economics.

In turn, this diminishes what casual RP is (in my eyes) and makes it 'general roleplay' where you can basically post whatever the fuck you want. Perhaps this is why I don't like roleplaying here anymore -- you can have advanced, casual, and free roleplayers in one RP, and I'm not particularly fond of that.

Advanced Roleplay (12 Viewing)
1,708 Topics, 261,670 Posts

It used to be elitist writers who feel they are better than the rest, now it's just casual roleplayers that have progressed and become better writers. The standards prescribed don't really hold up any more in my humble opinion and I think any casual roleplayer could write in advanced RP if they put their mind to it. Not everybody wants to do that. That's fine -- roleplaying is a hobby, not a job. You don't always have to improve yourself, least of all if the purpose is 'having fun.'

I actually have very little to say about this place nowadays. It seems very quiet. I don't often see new roleplays because new ideas rarely pass the interest check it feels like.

It'd probably be my go-to forum if I actually found an RP there I was interested in.

Arena Roleplay
694 Topics, 41,570 Posts

The community annoys me greatly. I don't get the purpose of arena roleplay and despite the claims that it requires ''more skill than actual roleplay'' I've never found that to be true. It seems having a big personality and a big mouth is what matters here. It might've been a good fit for me then.

It doesn't really matter either way -- I've seen more activity here from bots than actual roleplayers.

1x1 Roleplay (12 Viewing)
4,079 Topics, 247,931 Posts

Mixed bag, can't really say anything cohesive about it other than I've had some great experiences writing 1x1 RP's and I've had some really, really bad experiences writing 1x1 RP's. The bad outnumber the good, but the few that were good were typically incredibly good.

Nation Roleplay (3 Viewing)
574 Topics, 92,592 Posts

Actually really interested in this -- never had a RP last long enough for me to try it out, since most died once the GM realized how much work using statistics is on his end. I'd still like to try it, but it'd need to be a new game -- there's one incredibly succesful long term nation RP that I was interested in but I think I prefer reading it over anything else.

Nation Roleplay (3 Viewing)
574 Topics, 92,592 Posts

Would also still like to try this but it's hard to find a game I'm interested in -- being new to DND dynamics and so forth I've always felt like I'm too dumb to play (probably true) but after a failed attempt at a DND campaign in my discord group, I've gotten a bit more interested in it and might throw my hat in now that I've seen how 'easy' it is to make a character.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 17 days ago

The quick and dirty Dervs take:

-Free is a section mainly populated by novice your younger roleplayers who feel like it's a good starting point, or just like the easy going flow and lack of structure. I actually stopped roleplaying for years because my original forum's singular roleplay forum shifted into a series of short and fast posts (we're talking dozens a day and if you weren't online, you were left behind), and it's definitely not my speed or style. It's great if you want that kind of thing and something that's not far off from a chatroom style RP, but I feel like speed posting is the worst thing ever. It's a huge time commitment and it pressures you to not take any days off.

-Casual: The great generalist section that exists on a spectrum of people who should be writing in Free but fear the stigma of it to people who should be writing in Advanced but either think they aren't good enough writers for some reason or the pace is too slow (fair point there). In my mind, Casual should be the relaxed middle ground forum where players set up proper OOCs, have some standards that aren't usually detailed, and people write 2-4 regular sentences on average. I like the idea of that, but my experience with Casual's usually been that games have a hard time getting going, lax standards mean you end up with way more problem players or incompatible writing styles (e.g. opposite ends of the Free-Advanced spectrum), and a hard time retaining player interest. Not saying that's the norm, just personal experience. It's actually why I started writing in Advanced.

-Advanced: For people who want to make sure that most players are on a similar level of writing skill and view roleplaying more as collaborative writing instead of games. Higher standards for applying and usually a closer community due to the lower number of players, it's great for those of us who love long and detailed posts that evoke reading a novel or just some really insightful looks into the characters and descriptive imagery. While individual posts take longer to write, the posting rate is usually lower than other sections so if you have a busy life and can't post every single day, working on a parageaph or two every few days is a good way to go. It's not about being pretentious filler, like @Tex suggests, it's like a different style for people who want detailed posts that are more about the story than the game mechanics and actions. The argument that you can turn 8 paragraphs into 2 is missing the point entirely; just because it doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it's not what other people want. Personally, I find short posts that are pretty much jut functional parts without much description or character insight kind of lifeless, but again, different tastes. I don't judge Free players for loving the kind of roleplaying that nearly killed my love for it years ago; they just want different things than I do. It's subjective, like music genres.

1x1: I love the idea of having a singular partner, I just never see anything that appeals to me. A lot of generic pairings, plot ideas that don't click for me/ seem a bit too catered for the thread poster, or forced canon characters just don't really click for me. If I do 1x1s, it's with people I've been writing with for a while for the most part, although that's not to say I don't look for new parters. Just the nature of most interest checks don't fit what I'm into.

Nation: No real opionions on this one since I haven't participated, I just worry that it becomes a real number cruncher and people might be in it to win it rather than just play a game for the sake of fun.

Arena: Again, no experience on the site. I just figure there's a sort of community rules and guidelines for who wins a fight, I'm not sure how I feel about profiles tracking win/lose ratios.

Tabletop: Never tried it, I know people were all but demanding it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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Uh, I think this is going to be the tenth time I've responded to a topic like this, but I love giving my opinion too much to pass up the opportunity to do it again.

Free gets a bad rap because there are no post expectations and one liners are allowed. And well,It's quite deserving of that reputation. But more often than not, you'll find roleplays where the players make some effort to create something legible. But things in here tend to feel sort of "empty" compared to their higher-tiered counterparts. That is to say depth is usually kind of shallow. Don't expect the evil organisation to have a reason for being evil, or for there to be any more to a character than what you get at face value. I don't post in here because I like depth and stuff, but it seems like a good place for people who aren't too picky about such things.

"Casual" is really just a hub where Free and Advanced players meet, as everyone here would be just as happy to post in one of the other sections. as a result, the writing level is all over the place. I mostly RP here because there are a lot of people. There's really not much more to say. Casual doesn't really have an identity.

Advanced is what it sounds like, sort of. I've heard that people in this section are pretentious "holier than thou" braggarts, but I really don't see that type of behavior when I look in threads. There is far more complaining about writing levels in casual than there is advanced. A lot of the people here also post in casual, though they tend to be more literate. I really must put emphasis that I have yet to see the snobby behavior everyone claims to see in the advanced section. I haven't posted here much because, again, there are more people in casual and that's just where I tend to go.

The Arena fascinates me, and I find myself dropping by just to see what's up. The idea of turning RP into a game where you try to outwit and outmaneuver the other person's character with words sounds entertaining. Unfortunately it seems like fights tend to be more decided by who's more stubborn or who has more friends. Glorified popularity contests. It's no wonder few fights ever finish.

The other sections don't interest me all that much.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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Odin pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I'd expand on his point further and say Free, Casual, and Advanced are no longer “writing levels” as they were once described at the height of the site prior to Guildfall. These sections are more like audiences based on commitments, perceived dedication, and social circles. The idea that there is a sense of pretentiousness and elitism in Advanced is no longer a true thing and casual has steadily been improving for over four years now; the average casual RP is yesterday's advanced RP and you can tell that if you read some older threads and archived posts from the site prior to 2014 and compare them to the average thread.

As for the niche, outlier subforums like arena, tabletop, and nation? They have their circle of those interested in them, but a lot of them are very orientated toward a certain attitudes and groups. There are good writers and roleplays in all three of these sections, though for my taste it can be hard to find them from time-to-time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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I don't have any personal experiences with Free, Arena or Tabletop. My opinions of those sections are that Arena is comatose, Tabletop probably has a good case for existing, and that it is embarrassing to be writing on the same website that hosts the Free section.

The Casual section is RPG. It is the steak and potatoes of the Guild, and where more than half of all user activity occurs. Obviously, this is both a blessing and a curse. It means that the section is very active and that new roleplays pop up daily, but it also means that the quality of writing here is very hit or miss and that all of RPG's unfortunate peculiarities (e.g. certain genres being very overdone) show up in Casual in their masses. I have written in roleplays in the Casual section and enjoyed them, but I also know that most of the sorts of threads posted here aren't worth it for me to click on.

Advanced is great. A lot of interesting roleplays crafted by people who both want to tell a good story and know how to do so. I have no complaints. That long-running meme about Advanced RPers being pretentious snobs hasn't had any real basis for years now. More of you people who usually roleplay here should start posting in the Nation RP section. Speaking of...

The Nation RP section is my own personal favourite section of RPG, and the one I post in most often by a wide margin. More worldbuilding happens in each individual sheet posted here than in some entire roleplays in Casual. The stories that can get told here are both of a grand scale and almost always involve a heavy dose of political intrigue--a favourite of mine. The main drawback is the relatively low level of activity, which means that a lot of cool ideas never really get off the ground. I will also eternally take credit for the Nation RP section existing; I swear that I gave the idea to Mahz and he added it in that same day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Karkinos
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For the main three... bruh I don’t even fucking care about the main three sections, to be honest; they rarely play into my judgement of a RP. OOC-wise; what isn’t inspired by my own whims/what or who I want to write, I prioritize concise presentation and a GM who doesn’t come across like an ass, and you’ll find both of those anywhere. Maybe not wordiness on Free.

Actually Free is the easiest to typify because less-critical roleplaying tends to hit the same buttons. I would be more likely to “judge” a Free roleplay because of that, but I also appreciate a environment where RP is boiled down to the bare essentials. Most Free RPs, you can forget about all the complex stuff in a hobby where all your world-building and lore only matters case-by-case, where it’s so easy to fall onto judging people by the objective quality of their posts... when really all you need is a reply. So I see a good Free RP as one I can RP just because without compromising my style. Otherwise it’s the second best meme zone on the site! First is obviously the status bar.

I only have a lot to say about Free because I lump Casual and Advanced together, the biggest difference being activity level. I might also argue that Advanced is slightly more diverse in terms of “genre,” too, but as anime-dominant as Casual is, I can be surprised by how divergent some RPs that crop up are from the norm. Though that makes me sound like I’ve been around a bit, haha.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Free: Did some RP here and each RP hardly lasted long. Not really my cup of tea, but I might partake once in a grand while. Would rather prefer Casual/Advanced over Free, however, due to length and quality of the latter.

Casual: Everyone RPs here, so Casual is also my main RPing spot. Good place for new roleplays, and meeting some new friends. Nevertheless, as others have pointed out, the section is very hit and miss in regards to quality. I don't claim to be the greatest writer, but yes, I have been hesitant to reply to some people in the past.

Advanced: I don't really have an opinion of this section. I'd probably RP here more often if more people were there, or if more RPs caught my interest in Advanced.

Arena: Don't care for. Seen a lot of toxicity in this section, and combat (rather than plot-based) RPs aren't my thing.

Nation: Don't care for as well. Reading what people come up with is interesting, but I can't get into RPing an entire nation.

1x1: If you don't have a trusted friend, RPing here isn't really worth it if you want something other than smut or romance. You might get lucky with a decent partner, but most of the time you'll have to sort through tons of interest checks and hope to find the right partner that doesn't vanish on you.

Tabletop: I like tabletop (having over 12K hours on Roll20), but I'd prefer if there was something other than 5e D&D. Outside the odd campaign, the majority of the RPs I've seen in this section are 5e. Some variation would greatly renew my interest in this section.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Hot takes:

Free: Fast, undetailed, short, real-time roleplaying from people who probably couldn't write a coherent short story for crap but maybe have experience skype or discord roleplaying. Come here if you like waking up to seven new pages since you went to bed. Don't come here if you like grammar.

Casual: The middle ground section. Lots of fandom rps abound. A couple of paragraphs per post allows planned character arcs and stories to be set by the player rather than the community setting up everything on the fly organically, but still allows for more robust interactions and collaborative storytelling than Advanced.

Advanced: The reason there are so many collabs in advanced is because it's the only feasible way to have two characters from different players interact with each other on Advanced. Very insular. Very 'every player is pretty much just telling their own story and may as well write a book', and very 'I use these exact same fluffing techniques to get a college paper up to the wordcount'. Also, be prepared to spend about a month catching up, reading all the lore google docs, and making your CS.

Arena: (tumbleweed)

Nation: I don't know how you play a whole country, but good on you, I guess.

1x1: 80% will probably be taken off-site and turned into erotic roleplays.

Tabletop: Is more fun in a real-time session where people can talk to each other than on a forum. Use roll20 instead. I come here to write.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bee
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free: i try to stay away from here as there's not really much substance to be found here. it's great for people who just want to spend no more than ten minutes on a post, want plots to move faster than lightning, or have just started the hobby. however, you won't expect some lord of the rings type of shit here

casual: this is pretty much what rpg is. a majority of the site's RPs take place here and it's the perfect place to be if you're not serious enough for advanced but more serious than free. it's remarkable how much range this section has. you've got your run of the mill slice of life RPs to RPs that have some seriously impressive world-building and plots. the pace usually isn't as quick as free, but it's not usually slow as molasses either.

advanced: honestly i haven't been here much, but from what i've gathered in my brief time is that the best writing happens here most of the time. here you'll find a level of writing that rivals those you'll find in novels. the worlds you'll find in here are usually complex and very coherent, and the same goes for the characters that are in them most of the time. however, RPs tend to move the slowest here, which is probably because it takes decades for people to write posts.

arena: i didn't even know this place was still a thing.

nation: never seen it, but wrapping my head around the idea is breaking my brain so kudos to those that actually enjoy it

1x1: i consider 1x1s the best form of RPing. there's less people you have to babysit, and more opportunities for plots to go in places you'd enjoy. however, i feel as if it's descended into just a place where horny folks camp out and look for someone to write out their fantasies. whatever they wanna do is their business, but i just feel like there's too many people looking for smut rps. it's becoming increasingly harder to find someone who genuinely wants to do something without smut or without running into an incredibly vague interest check, and it's even harder to find someone who will hold onto the RP for longer than a hot minute. posting an interest check in that section is kinda like using tinder or fishing. very rarely will you hook someone, and it's even rarer that you reel them in. i highly recommend in the case that you do find a good partner that you hold onto them like you would a child, because partners are already hard enough to come by, but good partners are like a diamond in the rough.

tabletop: my perception isn't high enough for this
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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Not used it much at all. But it's got its place, people have fun and enjoy there one liners, quick RP and everyone has to start somewhere and seems good as any. It's fun, fast, and rapidly changing.


Main place I go, its got plenty of options and the odds of mathematical scale, wider groups and so mean thr odds of finding a RP off the ground are higher. There tons of different ideas and lots of variety always coming up.

Well higher casual, my grammar is not up to advanced.

Though it's sad how many RP fail before there poteital relised.


Hyper detailed, grammar focused... Well abit much for me. I like more flexibility though. Maybe abit too exacting for now. Very good, in depth and well crafted universes though. Character sheets carry more detail than some entire role plays.


Fun just look out for the... Rather strange folk there too! Also more smut out there than anywhere else combined!

Good folk, bad folk... Some extremly strange folk.


Got a reputation for being abit. Toxic and a alittle less welcoming of new players. Not exactly a easy place to start out and seems to be a rather small community inside a comunity. Very different writing style and focus on details, exacting aspects like energy counts, armour peircing or not, types of damage and so. Its more technical than role play it seems?


Very diffrent, not had any real experience.

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Not much experience but only game I've played been very fun.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 24 days ago

I have one thing to add about the free roleplay that I just thought of while reading some of the new replies in this thread -- it's very annoying to wake up and see that there are over 10 new pages (or less, most likely more) but it hit me that reading +- 10 pages of one-liners that are mostly conversational back and forths or something is less of a pain than reading 10 pages of casual-length posts (if we go by the standard that the sectional headline has, it would be doable, but the actual standard seems to be much higher than 'around 2 paragraphs') so perhaps it's less of an issue than we might think.

I'd certainly still not appreciate it, but I guess it wouldn't be a dealbreaker or maker.

EDIT: I guess it's also easier to plow through 10 pages of one liners than to plow through this thread where everyone seems to have the exact same opinions.
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