Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Genie Log # Four|| March September Six || 2:00 pm

I Just finished fixing up some of the stuff in the basement. As of right now I’ve fixed the facilities basic functions the next task is to get the security robots and the sparring dummies back in action. Overall I’ve actually been doing quite well since I’m doing the fixing up of the place by myself. The guys wanted to help, but since their level of machinery is only at level 4, which is pretty high since we’re academy students, but doing it by myself would be much faster, plus I’m the one with all the tools and money for the fixing the place. They still help round when they can though, but since I’m the only who’s here every day and night I get to do more.

We’ve been doing the whole superhero team for about a week now and so far things are going okay. No one’s died or has gotten injured yet which is a good sign. There was that whole thing four days ago, but that turned out pretty well enough. For the purposes of keeping logs I have to actually write it though.

It was pretty late, around ten, when we got the info that some thieves were robbing a jewelry store. Naturally, everyone went to that location to stop them. When they got the police was nowhere in sight which was expected. The info we got was wrong and instead of three normal human thieves, we found six metahuman thugs with enhanced strength, but nothing stronger than John. It was going well until the van they were using to escape exploded thanks to Lilith, knocking out three of the thieves, but the debris pierced her side. This made Nikki and Seb a little too angry so I had to “advise” to them that they bring him back here so we can treat him or he bleeds out. They did and which left Naomi and John to deal with those guys by themselves. Nikki and Seb got here with time to spare which was great because it allowed me to get the medbay ready.

According to the computer, Lilith was doing okay internally and we only needed to patch him up to stop the bleeding. All in all it ended okay. Lilith knocked most of the enemies down, Naomi and John beat up the thieves and alerted the police after they left, Seb with his enhanced strength carried Lilith away, and Nikki with her knowledge of spiders stitched up Lilith. The only one who crapped up was me since I was the one who gave them the wrong information. Honestly all of this is my fault.
That’s about it for this log. It’s almost three now and classes should be over soon. I should really stop cutting class, but I have to be better so there’s no helping it, plus it’s not like I can’t just go in there and change my grades. LOL

Farah head was lying on top of the digital keyboard. The screen from the computer was lighting her body like a blanket. There were bags under her eyes. One of her hands was resting on top of the computer interface. People who didn’t know her abilities would never figure that she was fixing the computer’s mainframe, trying to figure out who owned it, and organizing files, all while keeping an eye on the news for anything important.

So far it’s been quiet, well it was always quiet in the basement since it’s technically a cave, but news wise it was quiet. The super’s were doing their normal day-to-day routine and there was nothing too important or relevant to notify the team now. "Not like they can do anything about it" Farah told herself. At the moment she was skipping class altogether while they were in the Academy. With the school's security they wouldn't be able to skip class or just waltz out there without anyone noticing. The whole "I'm sick can I go to the nurse's office plea while they sneak off" technique was such a cliche and stupid trope. Plus school was about to go out anyway and once they were alone in the detention room again they could get to the Basement by moving that panel behind the grandfather clock. The best thing about being in detention was that no one was guarding them in the room, the door was time locked to completely isolate those in detention, and no one came down to the lowest levels of the school to check up on them.

Sighing, stretching, and standing up at the same time Farah headed to the galley to get some coffee. “Thank god I fixed that coffee machine working”. She said to herself without noticing that a small alert popped up in the monitor. By the time that Farah was already drinking her coffee and eating a powdered donut there were more alerts about an incident involving a building being taken hostage by a group of terrorist. On the corner, though there was a smaller alert message. The smaller one was different because it was about three escaped prisoners.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Naomi was in her P.E class she was wearing her white gym shirt and light blue short shorts and was with her usual class, she kept going over what happened four days ago with the heist that happened and what happened to Euan, she felt it was mostly Farah's fault, she didn't really speak to the techno girl after that moment even though she never really speaks when ever she was around everyone, she was starting to believe that Farah was starting to put them at risk with how she was. Naomi's class started to play Volley ball, and she joined them, but the first chance she had gotten, sh slipped out of the gym room without anyone noticing she was gone.

Naomi was going to the Detention room so she could get into the basement and into their lair, she made sure to sneak past the school's cameras carefully and quickly she didn't want to be caught on camera for cutting class, when she was outside of the Detention room she looked around to make sure nobody else was around before she entered, then opened the door quickly and quietly, then closed it quickly when she got in, she walked over to the grandfather clock feeling a bit relaxed to be in a familiar setting, she moved the clock then removed the panel, she moved the clock back and replaced the panel to cover the opening.

She started to head lower into their lair, when she was getting close to Farah she could smell the girl, skulked into the galley and stood behind of Techno girl with a stern look on her face, she noticed the alert and was wondering why she wasn't doing anything about it," Starting to slip up now are you ?" Naomi said to Startle Farah. " Now why are you not hurrying to get the team so we can do something about the alert ? I feel that your powers aren't really helping us Farah." she told the Techno girl feeling a little bit angered by her not telling the team about the alert.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Euan felt his side. There was a small scar forming where the shrapnel stabbed him. He grinned, he'd tell the ladies it was a shark bite or something or that he was in a fight with a rampant polar bear. He moved his hand away and let his t-shirt fall to its normal position. He looked at the clock for a while, he still had practically ages to go until the end of the lesson. And, by ages he of course had like 10 minutes left. He looked at the rest of the class, they looked like they were writing something important. What class was he in again? French or something? Euan took out the small card with his subjects on them. They were given at the start of every term and were generally supposed to be memorized and tossed away. Euan was lazy though and just kept the thing in his pocket. He was actually in English, a foolish mistake to make especially since Euan was actually from the French part of Canada.

Euan raised his hand to which the teacher responded with a sigh and a
"Yes, Euan?" Euan responded with a quick
"I need to drain my dragon"
The teacher sighed once more before deciding that since Euan hadn't actually started the class test there wasn't much point in not letting him go. She gave Euan a hall pass and let him leave. She'd have to print out another one soon as she knew Euan would most likely never return the one she gave him. Euan made his way to the bathroom before ducking into the regular detention classroom he was to go to after school. He saw Naomi opening the secret entrance as he entered and followed her in, silently damning her for getting there first.

When Naomi got down she said something about Farah's powers being useless. He leaped down the stairs before exclaiming
"Fear not, Maidens my side is fine!" He then returned to his normal, angry self
"So what's all this stuff about useless powers?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Seb was a bit more fidgety than usual as the last moments of the final class for the day came to a close. His arms and chest itched, lingering sensations from the mission a few days ago, and he looked forward to detention even less than usual, the atmosphere had been far from pleasant ever since. Even distracted by his own concerns, he nevertheless managed to jot down the last few notes on the board before the shrill ringing announced an end to the classes. He ignored several things through habit as he packed up his bag; how quickly the people around him darted away, the looks his “classmates” gave him, and the not-so-quiet whisperings. It was nothing new and without giving them a care in the world, Seb walked through the sliding doors to go spend the afternoon with the usual company.

The doors slid open, though this time with the accompanying sounds of security devices deactivating, and into the plain detention room Seb walked. He waited for the door to click, clank, and whirl itself locked again before he approached the piece that hid the entrance to their group’s “base”. It was child’s play for him to shift the clock aside and access the panel behind it. Stepping down the flight of stairs, he was quickly blanketed in darkness as the entrance closed behind him; leaving him with only the faint sounds that drifted up from below, and those of his own making.

By the time he got down and actually into the basement, he could already see the mood wasn’t great. Naomi seemed irritated at Farah for one reason or another, and Euan was being… well, Euan. Maybe it was a side-effect from his power, but the other detentionee seemed always hotheaded, especially if the little stunt he had pulled a few days ago was anything to go by. Pinching his forehead as the thought made his head hurt ever so slightly, Seb just sighed to himself and wandered off. The basement was certainly big enough to lose himself in, and hopefully then he wouldn’t get dragged into whatever shit storm was in the midst of being brewed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

John was finishing up his history class when it came time to head detention again. he had gotten into another a few days ago with a punk by the name of Edd Goleman who had been harassing a couple of girls at the academy. he seemed didn't understand that no means no so i decided to make him understand while giving him a couple of broken teeth. this had gotten him in even more dentition and he had already just recently finished his last line of detention and now he was back again. the heads of this school didn't seem to like John's idea of handling bullies and slamming punks. after the bell rang, John headed strait for the detention and upon entering the detention room, he saw some familiar spill. he gave a wave to the others in detention and sat down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Nikki Biyung.

Just another usual day of this crap. Nikki was in the middle of history class, getting one of the most boring lectures of all time. Well to be honest with herself, all of them were boring, and getting sent to detention for something she, probably, didn't do only made this time in school much less enjoyable. Like she usually did, she was tinkering with some bugs. She had flies positioned in various parts of the school. The detention room, their secret lair, the principal's office... Etc, etc. While flies don't have vision clear as humans, their compound eyes allow them to pick up moment much faster than humans - In fact the reason why they're so hard to swat is that people virtually move in slow motion to them. Thus, the very moment that someone entered the lair (Man, we need to give that place a name), Nikki knew. Surely enough, a group of people were forming. Enough to warrant going down there. Class was ending soon, which was fortunate, since Nikki has good work to do.

Instead of skipping to the next class, Nikki immediately ducked away from the crowds and sneaked her way straight to the secret lair. Any cameras she passed inconveniently got a spider or a few cockroaches crawling on their lens. She made haste getting to the basement, then she entered the detention room, and moved that little grandfather clock, before climbing down into the lair. Before she entered. Euan was being himself. "Sgt. Glory" the boy she thought was a cliche fool, was sitting down nonchalantly. Seb was doing whatever. But what really caught her attention was the interactions between Naomi and Farah.

It was apparent that Naomi was a little bent over the incident that took place a few days back where a little... "Bad information" caused the group to run into a gang of meta-humans with super strength, when they were supposed to be taking down four thugs. Thankfully, super-strength could do little to counter a swarm of bugs from covering them from head-to-toe biting them (It took a lot of restraint to stop them from crawling into their orifices...). The only thing was that Euan got hurt during the fight. Which has been the cause of a bit of animosity against Farah. Some say that she's unreliable, and the other says it was a little mistake. Nikki knew that she slides onto the latter's side of the scale. However, Nikki really thinks that a leader should be elected, Farah isn't a leader, she's just mission control. Nikki would make a great leader... If she wasn't lacking in the social area. Still, there's only two people really qualified for leadership; Nikki herself, and Naomi. Euan was too hotheaded. John was too much of a boyscout, naive, and weirdly patriotic. Seb was too detached from the rest of the group and his personally changes the moment he changes... For the worst. Nikki was probably the most experienced, being a vigilante when she was younger.

Nonetheless, Nikki figured that she try to defuse the situation. Before it escalates. "Naomi, cut her a break." Nikki says, walking up to Naomi and putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned to the screen and looked at it. Terrorist attacks, and criminals breaking free. What a great city to live in! "Most of these are out of our league, and you know we can't leave the school without getting into worse trouble. We'll have to let someone else handle these..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amestris


Member Offline since relaunch

Lilith yawned, stretching discreetly at the black of her History class, and then quickly writing down some reminders on the back of her pale hand, in a messy scrawl. The teacher’s lecture was killing off her brain cells. Taking out her cellphone, she turned up the volume of her current favorite song and properly adjusted her electric blue headphones. The teacher, blathering on about things she could care less about, didn’t notice. A few songs later, the bell rang and Lilith stood, grateful to use her legs. She packed up and walked out slowly, taking her time. She definitely had no wish to be stampeded over by the other students, eager to get out.

In the hallway, Lilith’s rubber soled combat boots squeaked rather loudly against the floor, making several students and teachers glare and cover their ears, to which she glared back. She headed swiftly towards the classroom used the school used for Detention, as the staff had been none too pleased with the ‘wonderful’ masterpiece Lilith had created on the school wall with spray paint, and had sent her there for vandalizing the school. They were always so ungrateful for her stunts, even though she had so kindly dedicated this one to them. Lilith snickered softly, remembering about the angry, shocked and embarrassed expressions she had witnessed when they saw her work of art.

She swiftly hurried down to the basement, slowing down when she was halfway there. No need to waste energy Lilith could save for angering even more staff. The shadows of the room elongated, calling out for her, reaching out as if she were their mother. She smirked, letting them trail behind her like devoted followers – which they were – then cloaking herself in them. They ‘felt’ cold and smooth, like silk. She arrived at her destination, and walked in to see Farah, Naomi, Euan, Seb, John, and Nikki already there. Nikki was just saying, “We’ll have to let someone else handle these…”

Lilith took a glance at the screen and had to agree. They were still kids, and terrorist attacks were too much. She went to find somewhere quiet to meditate, though still within hearing distance of everyone, in case something came up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mr Allen J said
Just another usual day of this crap. Nikki was in the middle of history class, getting one of the most boring lectures of all time. Well to be honest with herself, all of them were boring, and getting sent to detention for something she, probably, didn't do only made this time in school much less enjoyable. Like she usually did, she was tinkering with some bugs. She had flies positioned in various parts of the school. The detention room, their secret lair, the principal's office... Etc, etc. While flies don't have vision clear as humans, their compound eyes allow them to pick up moment much faster than humans - In fact the reason why they're so hard to swat is that people virtually move in slow motion to them. Thus, the very moment that someone entered the lair (), Nikki knew. Surely enough, a group of people were forming. Enough to warrant going down there. Class was ending soon, which was fortunate, since Nikki has good work to do.Instead of skipping to the next class, Nikki immediately ducked away from the crowds and sneaked her way straight to the secret lair. Any cameras she passed inconveniently got a spider or a few cockroaches crawling on their lens. She made haste getting to the basement, then she entered the detention room, and moved that little grandfather clock, before climbing down into the lair. Before she entered. Euan was being himself. "Sgt. Glory" the boy she thought was a cliche fool, was sitting down nonchalantly. Seb was doing whatever. But what really caught her attention was the interactions between Naomi and Farah.It was apparent that Naomi was a little bent over the incident that took place a few days back where a little... "Bad information" caused the group to run into a gang of meta-humans with super strength, when they were supposed to be taking down four thugs. Thankfully, super-strength could do little to counter a swarm of bugs from covering them from head-to-toe biting them (It took a of restraint to stop them from crawling into their orifices...). The only thing was that Euan got hurt during the fight. Which has been the cause of a bit of animosity against Farah. Some say that she's unreliable, and the other says it was a little mistake. Nikki knew that she slides onto the latter's side of the scale. However, Nikki really thinks that a leader should be elected, Farah isn't a leader, she's just mission control. Nikki would make a great leader... If she wasn't lacking in the social area. Still, there's only two people really qualified for leadership; Nikki herself, and Naomi. Euan was too hotheaded. John was too much of a boyscout, naive, and weirdly patriotic. Seb was too detached from the rest of the group and his personally changes the moment he changes... For the worst. Nikki was probably the most experienced, being a vigilante when she was younger. Nonetheless, Nikki figured that she try to defuse the situation. Before it escalates. "Naomi, cut her a break." Nikki says, walking up to Naomi and putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned to the screen and looked at it. Terrorist attacks, and criminals breaking free. What a great city to live in! "Most of these are out of our league, and you know we can't leave the school without getting into worse trouble. We'll have to let someone else handle these..."

Naomi sighed and put a hand on her forehead, she didn't like what she was saying either, but she felt she needed to say it or it would have never been said by anyone, she turned to Nikki," What building is under hostage, and who's taking it hostage ? " She asked with urgency, she sounded really concerned and fearful," Which district is this happening in ? " Naomi sounded really worried while she looked at the screen with a terror-stricken look on her face to match the tone in her voice,

Naomi started to leave the basement in a hurry, her gym class was already over and she wanted to get her clothes, she left out through the same route she used to enter their lair, she skulked her way to the girl's locker room and changed her clothes quickly while another class was about to come in, she left the room before the other class entered the locker room,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“What alert?” Farah said with a sense of sarcasm. “oh you mean the one about that building full of super powered terrorist and the equally super powered heroes who are in the process of taking care of it? Yeah I noticed. ” She did notice, a few minutes ago when she touched one of the panels in the lobby alerting her that a computer had a message for her. Sighing she headed to the computer and placed herself on her chair where she worked. Honestly, she could have made it worse by saying something snarkier, but the others were coming around so she decided to stop herself.

“According to here the building in question is in the gold district, and the building that’s being targeted is this.” With one tap of her finger a large video feed popped up on the screen. The video was showing a large golden building in the middle of the golden district, it was just a plain building, but the sheer lighting and magnificence easily made it an attraction. Tapping another finger the video began playing.

“We are here live in front of Stargate enterprises where a small group of terrorist has taken hostage of the building. As of this moment we have received no information from the terrorists, but we have received information that six of our city’s heroes are now in the scene and are dealing with the terrorists in action. This is Carol Jones from HeroTV news stay tuned for more information. The following is made possible by these sponsors.”

The video stopped just before a tongue in cheek commercial about a sports drink as modeled by a speedster hero, Sixspeed. “As much as I want to hack into a Stargate I doubt that they’ll need us there. This one sounds more promising.” She was referring to the smaller alert from the city jail, but before Farah was able to explore the other alert more Naomi left. “You guys should follow her lead, go get changed into something more comfortable.” Farah paused to remember something. “I think all your costumes are in the lockers in the sparring area. I possibly should have told Naomi that.” Watching her teammates leave she began working more and more with the other alert.

The message was just a small blurb from Metropolis State Penitentiary. According to the blurb, three of their few metahuman prisoners escaped during a prison transfer. The three people in question were C-List one time villains called “The Blood Brothers”. They were taken out a by a recent graduate student from MASH. The whole thing was covered by HeroTV and skyrocketed the young boy’s career, who is now calling himself ”Tenfold”. The same Tenfold who’s currently at Stargate dealing with terrorists.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Nikki Biyung.

Seems to Nikki that everything solved itself. Mostly. Like Nikki suspected, the hotel being held hostage was being handled by someone else. Someone more experienced in the matter. As much as she would love to be with the big wigs that solve such problems... She wouldn't try to get ahead of herself - Neither should the rest of the group. However, shortly enough, Farah pulled up a smaller alert that seemed more suitable for the group. Three no-named supervillains known as the 'Blood Brothers'. A generic and cliche name, but names never determine a threat. She figured that they should be rounded up quite easily.... If the information isn't bad this time around. Nikki was going to trust Farah this time around. If the information is 'bad' again, then she'll have great reasons not to trust Farah. Hopefully this will go better than last time.

"Okay," Nikki said, responding to Farah. Perhaps it would be a great idea to get suited up. She thought class was still going on... But Nikki would pick superhero work over class any day. Regardless, she left their lair, and started walking towards the sparring area. She took a good look of the place - This place is where the more egotistical heroes come to stroke their egos. This was one place that she generally avoided for good reason. Because her powers weren't really 'sparring material' and the fact that she had little in terms of strength - Actually, she's just lying to herself. She never liked the concept of sparring, plain and simple. Nikki walked up to her locker and got suit up out of it. For a moment she found herself staring at it. Nikki remembered the day she weaved this outfit out of spider silk and cloth, got the mask from a costume shop, and started calling herself the swarm. It was a glorious day when she stopped using hoodies as her costume. Then she remembered when she stopped being a (technical) vigilante and started working with the Detentionee's. Funny, the more she does something new, the less it feels... new. It feels like the same old now. Just like before.

Those thoughts aside, Nikki got dressed up in her armor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Seb let a reluctant sigh out as he came to a stop before he could vanish amidst the winding tunnels below the school. It seemed like there might actually be a job for the “team” today, hopefully one that would work out better than last time. With the mish-mash that formed up the Detentionee’s though, him included, he was dubious that the job would go smoothly. “Oh well, there goes a peaceful afternoon,” he muttered to himself as he turned around, passing Nikki by as he went to stand behind Farah. He had been too far to actually hear anything of real importance about the three and figured a bit of information on what he was getting into would be nice.

It wasn’t like he needed to get changed or anything, the transformation was grotesque enough that he was completely unrecognizable even if he only went part-way. It was hell on his clothes if he didn’t have a chance to throw them off before a fight, but between getting other Heroes called up for a monster on the roof tops, or running around shirtless, his options were fairly limited. He dismissed the thoughts with a shake of his head and yet another sigh as he finally reached “mission control”.

Hands on the back of her chair, and leaning ever so slightly on it to catch her attention, Seb muttered, “Mind bringing up any information on the three you can find Farlah?” Despite his apparent reluctance, Seb actually itched for a chance at some real work. His part in the last job had gotten cut short thanks to Euan after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amestris


Member Offline since relaunch

Lilith got up and stretched a little stiff from her meditation. She took a moment to practice using her powers, warming up for the job that was coming up. She started with blending into shadows, then turning them into small objects, finishing off with turning them into shiny dual daggers, so she could use them in hand-to-hand combat if need be. Honestly, she wasn’t sure they were up for it. The Blood Brothers, despite being C-List, were still older and more experienced. They were probably even stronger than the team. She shrugged mentally. Even if they lost, some other – more competent - heroes would come to defeat them. Not that she hated the team; it was just a fact that there were stronger people out there.

It was another fact that they hadn’t been a team for long. Lilith was so used to working alone, and she had always felt that most heroes were too egotistic, and would just ruin everything if it meant a chance for more glory. She felt pretty fortunate that this team wasn’t so conceited. She absentmindedly polished her shadow knives with her shirt, ripping it in the process, before realizing it was rather cold. Well, colder than normal.

Shaking herself out of her trance, Lilith found that she had unconsciously cloaked herself, turning her figure into a black, icy mass. She cursed herself for letting her shadows get out of control, and then dispersed them, the black matter retreating to their proper places. She then meandered down the tunnels, making sure to keep her powers in check, taking a definably slower pace than what she had gone at earlier. Finding the niche she stashed her costume in, she set down her daggers on the floor and changed quickly. Thankfully the place wasn’t too far from where the computers were placed; otherwise she would have lost it. She stuffed her other clothes into the small alcove, then pulled on her combat boots and walked back down to the others while slipping on her trench coat and pulling down the hood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

John wanted to intervene in the terrorist hostage crisis, but the others decided to go after the Blood Brothers who were a trio of average level super-villains, so John decided to follow the team. he went to get his costume which was an outfit just like the clothing of US military soldiers, and along with his costume he also got his good-sized American flag. the flag was about the same size as the flag on the moon, but the pole was about as thick as a spear. he suited up and rejoined the others. while his flag with one hand, he asked, "so what's the plan? if the Blood Brothers pose a threat to the civilians then we should contain them as quickly as possible to avoid any good amounts of death."

He was glad to possibly be getting some action for once, and he hoped that it would be an improvement over the last act of heroics he partook in. some of the heroes had gotten careless and that had costs a good amount of money in property damage. he tested his American flag to make sure his powers were ready, he made the fabric stretch and wonder about like a floating snake. he then made it wrap around his backpack and pick it up, bringing back to John. yep, his powers were ready for the fight, he just hoped that the others were also.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
Avatar of FiroIV

FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Farah, Genie, it was mission time so she regulated herself to use their aliases. She watched the team return one by one, but really she ignored them since she was busy communicating with computer. “One of these days” she told herself quietly as she continued the sentence in her thoughts ‘I’m gonna have to upgrade this thing and put in a voice recognition software, doing everything by myself is a drag’ At the moment everyone else probably wouldn’t understand what she was doing, but she was doing her job, gathering information. To the group they would probably think that she was just sitting there hands on top of the large black desk, but really, she was making sure that this time around the info she found wasn’t a bad.

Without noticing, that the team had returned Farah had found a substantial amount of info on the team. With a wave of her hand, a great number of images, articles, transcripts and a map came up on the screen. Feeling the presence of her teammates nearby her began explaining the images above. Pointing to three nearly identical pictures, she spoke. “Okay these three are the Blood Brothers, identical triplets.” Waving her hand elsewhere a video feed popped up on the screen and began playing. “What you’re all watching right now is a captured footage of the three brothers using their abilities. They are all hemokinetics, which means they can control their blood as they see fit. From what I could gather, they use it differently, but I’ll keep digging to find some more info on how exactly.” The video was short, but it sufficed. The three brothers weren’t putting much of a fight since they were fighting a caped crusader in the video, but it proved that the three were in fact hemokinetic metahumans.

She moved her hands again ant the map came up. “Okay so since their escaped a few hours ago the last place I could track them was here.” Pointing to the map on the screen, she said “Using various cameras I pinpointed their location here in this small warehousing district by the abandoned industrial docks on the south side of town.” She swiped her hand on top of the monitor and smaller pictures popped up. The images all depicted the same abandoned warehouses. “As you can see it’s not the nicest place, but because it’s in the black district it’s been pretty much left alone which is why it’s an ideal place for them to hide in.” The images were old, but they were what she could find in such a short notice. “In any event I’m positive that they are there because if they’d left that area multiple security cameras would have spotted them by now, but they haven’t so they either learned how to teleport or they’re still there.”

“That’s all I have for now, but so far it sounds pretty straightforward. I went through their original case file and it seemed like they weren’t all that powerful when they were fist caught, but….” She did not want to say this, but she had to. “In the years that they’ve been in prison I doubt that they’ve only been slacking around. I haven’t gotten through to the reports yet, but since there are a lot of it I don’t think it’s a sign that they have good behavior. So it’s best if you all get prepared for anything. I’ll go through them as fast as I can, but you guys should get going. I’ll keep in touch via the earpieces so make sure to turn them this time.” Honestly, she wanted to get this over with the moment those alerts popped up she felt bad, ominous even. This would be the first time that they would be dealing with villains. They were an inexperienced team and they can do fine doing simple recon and patrol, but they were going after super villain criminals now, that was a whole different thing. She turned around and sat back in her chair getting ready to go do some work before anything blows up in their faces.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just as fast as she had disappeared from the team and skulked in the darkness, she returned and rejoined the team, she first went to her locker and began to put her super clothes on, or ninja clothes on in her case, she saw Farah bring up photos of the escapees, she listened quietly while Farah explained what they were capable of, secretly she hopped that Farah's info could go either way. If it was wrong she could convince some of the others to drop Farah from the team and get their info from a different source, if it was right then Naomi could just breath a little easier, and start to slowly trust Farah's skills again." Are you sure that the location is right ? And are you also sure of the powers ? " Naomi questioned Farah in a cold tone.

Naomi was holding the bad info over Farah's head, it wasn't her thing, but seeing her friends hurt isn't either, she didn't want anyone to get badly hurt, or herself, if she did then she would probably have to tell her father about everything, she was hiding secrets from her clan about what she was doing and hid that she was in a ninja clan from the rest of the team, even though it would be best to tell them about her clan, she figured she'd tell both sides later about what she was doing nearly every night. When Naomi was fully dressed she walked over to Farah and put a hand on the Techno girl's shoulder telling her," No more bad info Farah." Naomi turned to everyone else." Come on Ladies and Gentlemen, Let's save this city's future from these bad guys !" Naomi yelled before crunching her knuckles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amestris


Member Offline since relaunch

Lilith nodded slowly, taking the information in. The Blood Brothers had a pretty good location; somewhere they knew the lay of the area and had an advantage. Or at least, she hoped they knew, the black district being rather shady. She didn’t want to be dealing with idiots who don’t know how to pick their battleground properly. However, abandoned warehouses are well – abandoned, and there would be plenty of shadows, which worked in her favor. Her left hand twitched, and she nervously fingered the bottom with her right. She was sure this would go fine, considering even if they lost, some random hero would come and get all the glory of beating the terrible villains and saving the lives of a group of losers. It was just battle jitters. Though there was the fact that they didn’t know what the criminals had been up to, and chances were that they might even die. Lilith dug her nails into her palm, forcing herself to stop being so pessimistic.

After calming herself down, she heard Naomi asking Farah if she was sure about their location and powers. It was pretty smart, considering how serious this mission was. False information has killed lots of heroes and villains alike, and she had no desire to get killed that way, either. Lilith forced herself to focus, and managed to escape her own thoughts just as Naomi was saying, “Come on Ladies and Gentlemen, Let's save this city's future from these bad guys!" Lilith nodded once, letting the girl’s spirit and enthusiasm build up her adrenaline and confidence, thanking her mentally. She could still feel herself shaking, and furrowed her eyebrows and took deep breaths to calm herself down. It would definitely not be any good for her to go into a fight with blood-manipulating criminals and shaky knees.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Apparently Farah didn’t hear him or had and chose to ignore him, Seb didn’t really know which one it was. What little he knew of her powers was that it involved technology in some way, the specifics weren’t clear. He’d make sure to find out the specifics, if she was willing to tell, after this. Guessing she was busy was better than assuming she was being rude, so he left her to that and strolled just a bit away from the computers to wait for the others.

Thankfully he didn’t have to wait around for too long for the others to get changed. The other members were quick enough to meet back up in the main room so things could get started. He turned from the others’ costumes with a small smirk, they seemed like such inconveniences, to face the computer screen with all the information on it. Farah’s voice was slightly indistinct as he scanned over what had been called up; he hadn’t exactly tuned her out, but his attention certainly was split between listening to her and taking in the available info. He snapped out of it when the opened windows closed with Farah’s turn away, and turned to his attention to his teammates.

While he wasn’t one to stir up trouble with others, he wasn’t quite able to hold back a sigh at Naomi’s declaration, even if it was quiet on his part. They weren’t saving the city, they were arresting a trio of small time crooks, even if they were metahumans; hell they were trying to not fuck up on that. Grimacing, Seb rubbed his forehead and felt the nubs that had begun to protrude. While a partial transformation had been perfect for getting his head into the proper mindset for a mission, its effects on his personality were already starting to show. “Come on, let’s just get going already,” he grumbled out to the others as he picked up the earpiece, popped it in place, and turned to leave. He wasn’t quite at his peak just yet, but even with only the beginnings of the change, he could feel his body brimming with energy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Naomi was seriously getting on her nerves, but she let it pass for now. They were about to go anyway and she’d rather not stall them. If she was going to say anything quite rude it would have been something like ‘If you wanna do my job do it for all I care, but you can’t or you’ll suck at it so you’re stuck with me being you little go to info girl.’ The technopath kept her ruder thoughts to herself though. Instead she said something more evidentiary and logical rather than purely emotional and, well, bitchy. “Look I get it, but the video feed shows their powers, CLEARLY. And if they’re not at the warehouses then that means we’ll just have to keep looking.” She left out a “well mostly me” part.

Watching the team leave, she felt a great burden on her shoulder. “This blows” she whispered to herself. She hoped that no one heard her or if they did she hoped they did not misunderstand her words. What “blows” was the fact that at this very moment they were going somewhere dangerous without any “eyes” for her to monitor them properly. Speaking of eyes at least she had ears. “Guys, earpieces. I don’t have any or a lot of eyes on the ground with you at the least let me hear stuff and report as much as you can.” She reminded them. One of the biggest blunders that contributed to their last “big” mission was the fact that she didn’t know what they were doing. The most that she heard were screaming, shouting and a lot of grunts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amestris


Member Offline since relaunch

Lilith thought that Farah seemed rather irritated at Naomi when she assured them of the information. Well, I guess I would be pretty annoyed too if someone doubted my powers and how much control I have over them. Besides, Farah’s smart, and logical, plus she has the powers needed for the job. I’d definitely rather her do all the tech stuff than anyone else on this team, she thought. She distractedly picked at her nails as she walked away with the others. She thought she heard something coming from the direction of the computers, but shrugged it off. It probably wasn’t her business anyways. Pondering the upcoming fight, Lilith reviewed battle strategies and ways she could defeat them. Her power could be pretty useful, since there would be plenty of shadows around.

Lilith heard the tech remind them of the earpieces, and wondered if they could get micro cameras. She had been saving up for some new video games, but she wouldn’t mind using the money for something that would help the team. She had seen some cheap ones on the internet, and besides, it was hard to talk while fighting, and if they weren’t careful enough, they could be overheard and ambushed. Some criminals probably had enhanced hearing, or could enhance their senses. Putting on the earpiece, she thought about how many people were on the team. There were seven of them, six minus Farah, since she didn’t need one. Maybe she would talk to her about this later.

Blinking, she realized she had let her own thoughts ensnare her again. Lilith would have scowled, but she decided to maintain her emotional control, and it would be weird if she suddenly started glowering with the others around, and she didn’t want anyone to think she had anything against them. She chose to narrow her eyes and grit her teeth over having a mini bitch-fest. She was quite done letting her mind get carried away. Stepping into the shadows, she traveled to the black district, anxious to get the fight started.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

John was annoyed at the rudeness that Noemi showed to Farah, but he didn't say anything to her, right now he just wanted to get on with fighting the Blood Brother. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, we need to get moving and bring the criminals we are about to face to justice. we shall fight for truth, justice and the American way."

he held his flag firmly in his right hand and turned to look at Farah. he then asked, "So how will we be getting to the area?"

he saw Lilith disappear into the shadow and snorted, why was she rushing into battle without their help? it was a foolish move and could be fatal regardless if the Blood Brothers were C-list villains. they were suppose to be a team and the last thing they needed was a couple of loose cannons. he was ready to take on the villains and with the wondrous American flag as his ally, he was ready for anything that the Blood Brothers would dish at him. his flag would see some action and this would a great time to see how his powers fare in a battle against real super-villains.
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