It is the great age of meta-humans and superpowers superheroes and super villains are not only common place, but often time they are given the celebrity treatment. Here and now being a superpowered hero (and some villains) is a legitimate job complete with sponsors and an entire channel dedicated to watching their heroic exploits. It is because of this that an academy was built in for the sole purpose of fostering the would be superheroes with metahuman abilities in hopes that they will also become one of the world's greatest superhero. If only being a superhero was that easy.
Welcome to the Metahuman Academy for Superheroes, or as its abbreviated by the students "M.A.S.H.". Located in a secret facility in the city the students in the academy are taught and trained to become the superheroes they all want to be. The thing is though not everyone's really superhero material. In spite of all the grandeur that the academy is known for the facility is also known for being elitist, and quite fascist when it comes to those that become superheroes.
With the school there are a variety of students and not everyone fits what the image that school wishes it had. Like the majority of the population, and the government the school wants a superhero that's strong, fast, can fly, invulnerable, and possesses the ideal image of a caped crusader. Those who don't fit these "ideal" qualities they are labeled as the outcast and constantly the target of ridicule and mockery by those who are the favorites in the academy. This often leads the outcasts in Detention, a lot. As such after a while the name Detentionee's caught on, the term they use to refer to those losers who don't possess the ideal hero image because they either lack the standard powers, have a more "flavorful" personality, and a back story that isn't quite sparkly clean.
The Detention room is located underneath the school, in the basement. It is there that they discover a secret path that leads to a secret room underneath the school. The secret room in question is more than a room, it's actually an old as that's obviously been used by some sort of superhero in the days of past. Using this base as an inspiration they decide to do something that no one has ever done before in the recent meta human history. They decide to start a revolution. Instead of wasting their time they in the basement Detention room they decide to do what many of them were told they could never do. They became heroes. And heroes they will be, if only it was that was easy,
Using the secret room underneath the detention room as a base they decide to become heroes that aren't like those who mistreated them. Unlike those heroes who use their brute strength and perfect ideals they decide to be smart. Using their so called lame powers they'll become heroes that don't just beat up bad guys, put people and jail and stop criminals, no they'll do that and more. Instead of simply being drones that stop every disaster that comes their way, they'll actually pursue the bad guys and permanently, as much as they can, clean the city of all the true evil that there are. They'll do what the so called heroes haven't done in ages, be actual heroes and most of all they'll learn what it really means to save people, and not just those are wearing civilians.
Welcome to the Metahuman Academy for Superheroes, or as its abbreviated by the students "M.A.S.H.". Located in a secret facility in the city the students in the academy are taught and trained to become the superheroes they all want to be. The thing is though not everyone's really superhero material. In spite of all the grandeur that the academy is known for the facility is also known for being elitist, and quite fascist when it comes to those that become superheroes.
With the school there are a variety of students and not everyone fits what the image that school wishes it had. Like the majority of the population, and the government the school wants a superhero that's strong, fast, can fly, invulnerable, and possesses the ideal image of a caped crusader. Those who don't fit these "ideal" qualities they are labeled as the outcast and constantly the target of ridicule and mockery by those who are the favorites in the academy. This often leads the outcasts in Detention, a lot. As such after a while the name Detentionee's caught on, the term they use to refer to those losers who don't possess the ideal hero image because they either lack the standard powers, have a more "flavorful" personality, and a back story that isn't quite sparkly clean.
The Detention room is located underneath the school, in the basement. It is there that they discover a secret path that leads to a secret room underneath the school. The secret room in question is more than a room, it's actually an old as that's obviously been used by some sort of superhero in the days of past. Using this base as an inspiration they decide to do something that no one has ever done before in the recent meta human history. They decide to start a revolution. Instead of wasting their time they in the basement Detention room they decide to do what many of them were told they could never do. They became heroes. And heroes they will be, if only it was that was easy,
Using the secret room underneath the detention room as a base they decide to become heroes that aren't like those who mistreated them. Unlike those heroes who use their brute strength and perfect ideals they decide to be smart. Using their so called lame powers they'll become heroes that don't just beat up bad guys, put people and jail and stop criminals, no they'll do that and more. Instead of simply being drones that stop every disaster that comes their way, they'll actually pursue the bad guys and permanently, as much as they can, clean the city of all the true evil that there are. They'll do what the so called heroes haven't done in ages, be actual heroes and most of all they'll learn what it really means to save people, and not just those are wearing civilians.
The story will be about this group as they slowly become a renowned group, that will go head to head with the other heroes (that are basically government pets), villains (that aren't all that bad), and (the main antagonist) an evil mastermind who's been manipulating the superheroes, school and the general populace to ensure that his plans are running smoothly all while the "heroes" are off dealing with his pawns.
The story will normally be divided during the daytime and the night time, more on the nighttime. During the day our characters are in MASH so hero activity is normally pretty low. At night is when most of the action will take place.
(Will be filled in.)
Metropolis - Metropolis is one of the largest, and most populated cities' on earth. It was, in the past, called New York city, but due to an incident involving various supervillains and superheroes it was severely destroyed, and then rebuilt using the various powers, and abilities of the heroes turning it into one of the most scientifically advanced and futuristic city in the world. In spite of it's glory there is evil lurking in all corners of the city, between common criminals, gangs, villains, super villains, and cosmic threats the city has yet to fall thanks to the "heroes", the academy, and the mayor.
Within the city there are two so called "districts" that show how the different classes in the city live. The gold district is where the majority of the rich and powerful live. Known for the golden lights, the shiny buildings and the high end shops. The gold district is what Metropolis is really known for. The Black Disctrict is the place that is reminiscent of old New York city, it's dark, dirty, and where the majority of the crime takes place. The black district is the ugly part that the "heroes" and the mayor are trying to hide, instead of helping it.
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The Metahuman Academy for Super Heroes "M.A.S.H" - Located in the Gold District is MASH, the place where metahuman attend, learn to home their powers and hopefully become superheroes. MASH accepts any and all meta's of any age, and teaches them the standard education curriculum along with some more specialized classes. The school is one of the handful of places that are openly accepting metaumans, as such it is not rare to have some international students.
Due to the nature of the academy certain measures were taken to ensure that the students, staff, and civilians were safe. For example each wall has been reinforced with Nth metal to avoid constant damage done to the building by the students; a thin dome force field surround the entirety of the campus to ensure that no unwanted projectiles escape the campus, and no unwanted projectile come to the campus; there are a number of security cameras that watch the exterior of the building; and the whole school itself is guarded by professional metahuman staff.
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The Basement - The Basement is the secret cave/headquarters that lies underneath the academy. Whatever it was, the Detentionee's decided to use it as their base they after they discovered a secret doorway heading to it from one of the classroom that's used for Detention in the academy. It is old, outdated, and in need of repair, but as a base it is highly functioning in that some of the facilities and tech works. For example the large computer is still functioning, but has lost most of it's data, a sparring area complete with robot opponents that only need some power and the storage room, although empty of anything that indicates whoever owned the place still has some equipment that can prove useful. It also has a med-bay with a computer AI nurse, a galley with a small kitchenette/bar and pantry that doesnt have food or booze, a lounge room with an old pool table, dart board and darts, a small , but fully functional laboratory, an empty hangar, a holding area for prisoners, and a few bedrooms with their own bathroom. One of the biggest assets that reinforced the usage of the basement as their headquarters are the various tunnels that connect to the underground sewer system of Metropolis essentially allowing them to go anywhere within the city.
1 (a typical scene in the sewers/tunnels)2 (one of the many exits that can be used in the sewers)
(See first image for a rough idea on what the basement looks like.)