Spring has come once more for the small island of Erusea, whipping the Erusean Mail Service back into action for the new year.
With the EMS primarily responsible for any and all mail that comes to or leaves the island, the various departments often put out a recruitment call in order to ensure they have enough manpower to conduct their operations. However, while most departments are able to accomplish this with little to no trouble, one in particular finds itself needing desperate love and attention. Lacking needed funding and potential employees, the Southmere department of the Erusean Mail Service limps by day-by-day. Their skybikes rust and the building has fallen into disrepair, leaving many to wonder why it still remains open.
Not everyone has given up on the department, however. Numerous posters and job advertisements have seemingly sprouted everywhere, eagerly waiting for someone to take an interest in them. You, for whatever reasons you might have, chose to take up the offer, dressing in your finest clothes for an early morning interview at the local EMS office just outside Southmere. Perhaps you genuinely have an interest in helping people, or maybe you were there for the free homemade cookies that had been offered, but regardless, it would soon be obvious that you weren't the only one who answered the call to arms.
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to join the Erusean Mail Service?
With the EMS primarily responsible for any and all mail that comes to or leaves the island, the various departments often put out a recruitment call in order to ensure they have enough manpower to conduct their operations. However, while most departments are able to accomplish this with little to no trouble, one in particular finds itself needing desperate love and attention. Lacking needed funding and potential employees, the Southmere department of the Erusean Mail Service limps by day-by-day. Their skybikes rust and the building has fallen into disrepair, leaving many to wonder why it still remains open.
Not everyone has given up on the department, however. Numerous posters and job advertisements have seemingly sprouted everywhere, eagerly waiting for someone to take an interest in them. You, for whatever reasons you might have, chose to take up the offer, dressing in your finest clothes for an early morning interview at the local EMS office just outside Southmere. Perhaps you genuinely have an interest in helping people, or maybe you were there for the free homemade cookies that had been offered, but regardless, it would soon be obvious that you weren't the only one who answered the call to arms.
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to join the Erusean Mail Service?

Hello various denizens of Roleplayerguild, and allow me to formally welcome you to the Erusean Mail Service!
I created this roleplay to fulfill a craving for something cute and slice-of-life, but rather it be so mundane, I decided to add a unique twist to the concept—skybikes. The Erusean Mail Service maintains a large fleet of skybikes, which are specialized motor bikes that have an appearance of a small aircraft-like bicycle. These skybikes allow the EMS to maintain secure delivery routes to the various faraway towns and villages on the island, allowing everyone to receive their mail on time. In addition, the skybikes also allow the EMS to reach the mainland (and vice versa) in a fraction of the time it would take a freighter.
For this specific roleplay, I am looking for up to five people to join (not including myself). This means the application process will not be first come, first serve, but rather anyone who is accepted will be chosen directly from a pool of applicants, with deciding factors based upon the sheet's merit and uniqueness. If someone is making a similar character to yours, try to see where your character shines differently from theirs (alternatively, you could blast John Williams' Duel of the Fates and fight each other with lightsabers to decide the better of the two).
Additionally, with each and every roleplay I create, I have a list of very basic rules laid out for anyone that wishes to join. Whilst they are simplistic in nature, it is recommended that you read them, as I will be upholding everyone to the rules and will not hesitate to kick roleplayers from the roleplay depending on how severe the infraction is. I have dealt with party poopers and sour grapes in the past, and I don't want to deal with them here. In summary, the rules are here to ensure a fun and welcoming experience for anyone that desires to partake in this roleplay, and I sincerely hope it stays that way until the end.
As a final note, I would like to thank @Burger for helping me with creating the header. The credit belongs to them, as the design was entirely their creation and later inspired the section headers in this OOC.
I created this roleplay to fulfill a craving for something cute and slice-of-life, but rather it be so mundane, I decided to add a unique twist to the concept—skybikes. The Erusean Mail Service maintains a large fleet of skybikes, which are specialized motor bikes that have an appearance of a small aircraft-like bicycle. These skybikes allow the EMS to maintain secure delivery routes to the various faraway towns and villages on the island, allowing everyone to receive their mail on time. In addition, the skybikes also allow the EMS to reach the mainland (and vice versa) in a fraction of the time it would take a freighter.
For this specific roleplay, I am looking for up to five people to join (not including myself). This means the application process will not be first come, first serve, but rather anyone who is accepted will be chosen directly from a pool of applicants, with deciding factors based upon the sheet's merit and uniqueness. If someone is making a similar character to yours, try to see where your character shines differently from theirs (alternatively, you could blast John Williams' Duel of the Fates and fight each other with lightsabers to decide the better of the two).
Additionally, with each and every roleplay I create, I have a list of very basic rules laid out for anyone that wishes to join. Whilst they are simplistic in nature, it is recommended that you read them, as I will be upholding everyone to the rules and will not hesitate to kick roleplayers from the roleplay depending on how severe the infraction is. I have dealt with party poopers and sour grapes in the past, and I don't want to deal with them here. In summary, the rules are here to ensure a fun and welcoming experience for anyone that desires to partake in this roleplay, and I sincerely hope it stays that way until the end.
◈ Be fonz cool
This should honestly go without saying, but anyone who desires to join this roleplay should do so in the consideration of having a good time writing a story with other roleplayers. Please avoid being the asshole that deliberately acts like a dick to others, and treat others how you would want to be treated. Follow all guild rules; don't lash out and start an argument because someone might simply have a different viewpoint. We're here to have a fun time roleplaying, so let's keep it that way.
◈ Posting guidelines
Posts in this roleplay should appear fluid and flow with the scene and setting. In no way should characters in this roleplay be metagaming and godmodding their way through any and all situations that might take place. No one is perfect to the point of an invincible mary sue that knows everything that will happen within the roleplay. Everyone has their own strengths and flaws, including the most average person possible. These strengths and flaws should remain apparent within any post in the thread itself.
◈ Quality over quantity
Whilst I intend this roleplay to be of the High Casual and/or Advanced variety, please avoid fluffing your posts into novels for others to read. No one wants fifty pages describing your character's next meal. Additionally, I would prefer if everyone takes their time and don't rush a post just to have a post up. Everyone has some sort of social obligation, whether that be school, work and so on and so forth. I also don't mind someone having a brain farts as long as they do not hold up the roleplay since I would prefer to keep this roleplay alive rather than it being a desolate wasteland.
As a final note, I would like to thank @Burger for helping me with creating the header. The credit belongs to them, as the design was entirely their creation and later inspired the section headers in this OOC.