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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Draven Stagnum

Location: Northrend

"It's cold!" The voice was an affront to Draven's ear, unpleasantly shrill and raspy at the same time. Zepar, the imp, was not typically a quiet thing. Though Draven mostly hated him, he also cherished the company. If it weren't for Zepar, Draven would have no one to speak with at all. Once he turned to the dark arts, the world turned its back on him in kind. Now he lived mostly in seclusion as a hermit, selling potions and narcotics in order to afford the necessities to get by and to fund his studies.

"Amaaazing observation," Draven finally said. "I'm sooo glad you mentioned it." Each word was drawn out a little too long, emphasizing the high dose of sarcasm in his voice. He pulled a hood up from his form fitting coat and wrapped it around his head, trying to keep the chilled wind off of his face as best he could. You could hardly see him in his black and silver accented attire through the heavy snowfall. As for Zepar, you couldn't see him at all, regardless. The imp lived in a stealth shroud almost exclusively, living between phases of reality, hardly ever allowing himself to be seen by anyone other than Draven. The warlock often looked like an insane person, seemingly talking to himself quite often. The truth is, he wasn't talking to himself. However, the insanity part was up for debate.

"How long are we going to be here? Where is this thing? I don't see it! I wanna go home! It's cold!"

"Oh my Lords, you have got to shut your mouth before I just up and murder you!" The imp pounced up upon a nearby rock and perched, crossing its arms around itself in a huff, like a stubborn child that wasn't getting their way. Draven rolled his eyes and moved passed him. They had traveled quite far to get here and it took a great deal longer just to gather the resources to make the trek.

Back at the shores was a modest boat allegedly anchored with a small crew aboard that Draven had hired to ferry them over. They were reluctant to take the deal despite the fact that Draven was offering a very generous amount of compensation. He wasn't unaccustomed to the uneasiness of the people he dealt with. He was a warlock. Warlocks were generally considered scum, no matter what corner of the world you were on. It was a way of life he grew to accept. However, he also had grown to know that there is a little bit of sin in everyone and those sins can be exploited. All it took to assuage their apprehension was to offer up some shimmerweed, a tantalizing narcotic that brought about a sense of euphoria once imbibed.

A while back, Draven heard rumors of a town in Grizzly Hills whose inhabitants were falling victim to the Worgen curse. Many mystical adventurers sought to aid in the predicament while others chose to find the power causing the transformations, rumored to be a ritual of sorts, so that they could harness it for themselves. Draven found himself in the latter category. If he could master the ritual or at least find the tome in which it was written, he could command power that would change his body to be as strong as that of the great wolves. A handy thing in dire situations.

Grizzly Hills was quite a ways off from where they docked, though, and the captain and crew of the boat had no intention of following them into the chilly continent. Draven had asked them to at least wait for his return, but the way in which they agreed made him suspicious. Chances are, they would leave him as soon as he disappeared from sight.

"Hey, Dray! Do you-"

"I swear to the Fel, if you do not stop your persistent whining, I will set you ablaze right here and now and warm myself up with your flaming remains, you little-"

"Hey! That's not nice! I was going to say do you feel that?" Draven looked at the imp, still huddled on the rock, and furrowed his brow as if trying to understand. He closed his eyes and just reached out with his will, trying to tap any arcane influences. Then he did feel it, afterall. And, my word, was it strong. A smile crept over Draven's face, his eyes still shut, mentally caressing the power in the air.

"Oh, wow... What is it," he asked the imp, barely able to contain a joyous huff of laughter. "It's beautiful."

"Beats me, but I don't like it... We should leave. IT'S COLD!" Draven's eyelids parted and the warlock's pupils beamed like lasers into the infernal creature across the way.

"Look, Zepar. I wasn't leaving before, and I'm definitely not leaving now." The imp suddenly looked offended, or was it fear in his eyes? It didn't matter. Zepar tried to open his mouth to speak, but Draven would have no more of it. "There's power here, Zepar! We've got to find it!" The imp began to raise a hand as if to block an incoming strike, and started stuttering out a response. "No! No more complaining, no more whining! I'm doing this with or without you, but if you insist of accompanying me, you will do so silently!"

"Dray!" The imp finally managed to blurt it out, it's eyes as wide as they could possibly be as the demon looked at Draven. No... past Draven. "Behind you!" The warlock scoffed before turning and, immediately his face was the mirror image of Zepar's. With a healthy dose of shock, fear and excitement, Draven found himself beheld to a spiraling vortex of immense power. As the wind swirled and the snowflakes fell, Draven stood there, mouth agape, witnessing the vortex like a babe would look upon a candy store. He took a solid step forward, much to the imp's dismay.

"What the Fel are you doing?" Zepar called out. Draven just began to laugh, the volume of his chortling growing exponentially louder with each advancing step. "Dray, this is a bad idea. You don't know what's on the other side of that thing..." The slow and steady walk turned into a brisk jog as Draven began hurrying toward it. He outstretched his arms wide as if preparing to embrace the thing with a great big bear hug, all the while cackling out with a disturbing sense of glee.

Zepar slapped the palm of his hand against his face and dragged it down. He shook his head violently as he whispered to himself. "Nope. Nope nope nope. That guy's an idiot. Should have left him a long time ago. Nope. Capital 'N', Nope." He looked back up to see Draven nearly there, nearly at the breach and with one last squeal of glee, the warlock just hurled himself into the quantum rip. Zepar starred on, flabbergasted that the warlock actually did it. Just hurled himself into unknown peril, all the while giggling like a little girl. Zepar let out a long, drawn out sigh. "Motherfu- Alright, dammit. Hold on, Dray, you miserable idiot! I'm coming!" With that, the imp leapt off the rock and began bounding toward certain danger. With one final pounce, Zepar let out a maniacal "WEEEEEeeeeeee" as he let the vortex swallow him whole.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Suramar(plaza)

The cage suddenly turning into a oven by some magical bullshit. Only serves to further ingrain hatred towards the gold eye elf. Although in the process he manage to learn the other elfs name. And that was Illidan another familiar name to him. Tyrande bid him farewell before she left promising to try to get him out of the cage. The other elf Illidan did some more magic bullshit to rack great pain on his body. He made a promise that when he gets out he is gonna punch that elf in the face consequences be damed. Seeing no one else is going to bother him. He figured he could get some shut eye. And made himself comfortable. But peaceful sleep did not come.

In his dreams he was knee deep in hoard of daemons. Every swing was true and fell a daemon. But yet there numbers was endless no matter how many he fell. Gronar was interrupted when a hand touch his shoulder with a voice following soon behind.

"Wake up, Gronar."

Gronar awoke in familiar surroundings of his families dwelling the dying embers of the fire provide a small amount of illumination. Scanning the room he soon spotted a more aged orc warrior sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You were having quite the restless sleep my son. Dreaming of battle?" He older orc asked the orc child on the bed.

The orc paused before he spoke "Yes...." He earn inquisitive stare from his dad. The young gronar sighed "We learn about daemon from the shaman."

" I would not worry about them Gornar. We are Warsong if we meet the legion again. We shall defeat them like last time." Gronars father explain to him resting a hand on the orclings shoulder. "Now get some sleep you have a long day tomorrow your uncle Varkic wants you to help him with his wolves."

Gronar said nothing else as the memory faded away to be replaced with the cage he was currently stuck in. He quickly check the time to find it was about midday when he woke up. The rest of the day past uneventful much to Gronar displeasure. As he was bored out of his mind in-till he saw the elf woman form yesterday along with a new elf. "Hey, did that raven-guy say I can leave this cage? I got some unfinished business with a certain elf." He asked Tyrande.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Suramar(Plaza).- When the female nightelf heard Gronar's words, her face assumed an extremely sad expression. It was a mixture of disappointment and anger as she closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head." I'm sorry, Gronar. I tried asking Lord Ravencrest myself and even pleaded to the head priestess of Elune... Lord Ravencrest had decided on your execution." She said, her voice was clearly showing her anger at the decision." The Head priestess said she cannot do anything either now that the decision is taken..." She added, but frankly she suspected the older night elf woman might not have been interested in the orc's wellbeing, planning to leave natural order do it's thing instead.

Still after saying that, she threw a look at the guards nearby. They had wandered far enough from the cage that they can speak without trouble, mostly out of respect to her. Her new companion also did something to the surroundings, but that wasn't easy to sense to anyone even her." Gronar since I couldn't get Lord Ravencrest to show mercy, I decided to have my other friend meet you. Gronar this is Malfurion. Malfurion, this is Gronar." She introduced the two of them.

"Nice to meet you, Gronar." The male elf greeted him and he was both curios and friendly. Didn't seem to show the arrogance most other night elves the orcs around here had. Even his near identical twin with the golden eyes had it, only the priestess and Malfurion didn't seem to as far as the orc had seen for now.

"Gronar, my friend heard your tale from me. He was very curios and said you should meet his Shan'do, his teacher. He will help you escape." Tyrande explained to the orc, as she kneeled by his cage, followed by the male night elf. He wore really simple clothing, unlike his other brethren around here. Even the guards were more fancily dressed.

"That's right, but not right away... I cannot have them suspect Tyrande in helping with this." Malfurion explained to the orc." I will return to free you later tonight... towards dawn. For now though can you explain to me, what exactly you felt when you get here through whatever it was that took you?"

(Alright, Gronar here will be able to explain along these lines: A mistake in the world. Somethign that shouldn't be. It twists time and space. It devours past, present and future and also spewes it out randomly. You can make it as orcish as you wish in the description.)

Draven, Location: Mountain(???).- Draven's conciousness would slowly return to him as his body felt like it was ran over by horses. He was laying on a really rocky surface and it was night as the only light he had was the moonlight. The weather was rather warm though, even for a mountain. There weren't any animals making noise around him and the whole location was rather serene. His summon wasn't present around right now, but he did feel there was somethign weird going on. His magic energy felt bustling and almost unstable right now.

At a look around, he would be able to spot that he was really high in the mountains... at cliffs that were almost too steep for him to get down. He would have to begin searching for a way down probably, but also at the same time, it was night. Was it safe to scale down mountains in the dark?( He will easily be able to locate a few nice overhangs where he can make a shelter if he chooses, or he can try to explore, where he will find a really nice nearly staircase like rock formations at one side of the cliffs. Still dangerous to walk at night though.)

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Ancient Forest(???) - Cenarius Glade

Heda was really at the verge of panicking inside. A flood of memories flooded her mind as she recalled the lessons she had as a child. History of this time period were a lil bit hazed for some reason, but she couldn't get out of her head that the sundering will be really soon. There were no visible signs that the demons were here either. Thus while Fabios was busy explaining things to Cenarius, Heda was trying to figure out what to do now. Dealing with time was messy... only the bronze dragons knew how to do it safely as far as she was aware... Maybe they should try to contact the dragons first.

"Well basically the gist of it." She suddenly confirmed the paladin's words." His kind is a sub-type of mine, thus the size difference normally." She added with a smile. This much should be fine." As of how we arrived here, it's a long story." She said with a frown and started to explain." Where we live, at our lands there was a terrible magical anomaly. We were drawn to it to investigate and it swallowed us, sending us in your domain." Well she explained all of the story of the anomaly too in addition to that, but made sure to not indicate time travel in any way.

"This is... concerning..." Cenarius replied, his voice still mighty." A magical anomaly like that might be tied to the well... and it's been rather turbolent for a while now. The aristocrats are probably planning something dangerous." The words of the guardian of the forests, struck Heda hard. The Lord of the Forests suddenly turned away." Before we talk more, I meed to confirm a few things. Please be my guests for the moment, but don't cross the flowers." He smiled and Heda made sure to place a hand on the paladin's shoulder as the demigod vanished.

When there wasn't a presence around anymore she took a deep breath and spoke in human language." We are very screwed!" She said to him." If I'm getting this right we are pre-sundering! And if the well is turbolent, then it might mean the first war is about to begin really soon!" She told him with great concern in her voice." We might be anywhere from a day to a few months from the time the Legion is summoned to this world." She told him." The Well of Eternity... so this is why my runic tattooes feel like on fire."

"What do we do? If we get involved we might alter the future!" She asked of her paladin companion, it was as much as his decision as hers." We might need to seek the Bronze Dragons... they deal in the flow of time. Maybe they can return us... or help us avoid altering the timeline?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Draven Stagnum

Location: Mountain(???)

"Draven, what are you doing?!" Jennea shouted as she ran into the room, her decorative robes marking her as a trainer of Mages ruffled behind her. A young Draven looked up from his book, his eyes glowing green, with a twisted grin that inspired fear. "Put that book down!" With a quick gesture, Jennea hurled a gust of arcane force, knocking Draven to the back of the room, his body impacting the wall so severely that it left a crater in its wake. Draven slowly fell limp to the ground, losing all consciousness. As Jennea examined him, she shook her head with disappointment before turning around to grab the discarded tomb off the ground.

"How did you even get this?" she whispered to herself as she looked it over. The title read 'Grimoire of Agony'. Her eyes shifted to the unconscious young pupil once more. "You are flirting with evil, young man."


Draven's eyes fluttered open, glassy and red as his skull felt like it was containing several small explosions within his cranium. All he could see as he looked up from where he lay was the night sky, littered with stars. Some of the constellations he recognized, but he couldn't quite grasp a sense of direction. With an audible groan, Draven pushed himself up to a sitting position, his body wrenching with pain during the process. He fell, that much was certain, and landed on unforgiving rock. He was amazed his body held up and there wasn't any blood pooled around him.

"Zepar... where are we?" he croaked out as he rubbed his face, trying to coax his senses of perception to return to him. After a moment of silence, he called out again. "Zepar! Where-" He placed his hands back on his knees and looked around, a little heated, but suddenly realized Zepar wasn't here. He was alone. "Huh..."

The warm night air carried no sounds at all, as a matter of fact, and the sheer sense of isolation started to take over. As the warlock briskly surveyed his surroundings, he could only make out the silhouettes that were formed by the moonlight, but there was no mistaking the fact that he was on elevated terrain. Draven growled through an attempt to stand up, still battling his bodily aches as he did, and gave a long drawn out stretch as his joints began to pop and his musculature began to loosen. After a deep breath, he looked around once more, but with a keener eye. He found himself on the cliffs on a mountain that overlooked the surrounding area and the way back down was a long one. He didn't recognize this place at all. It looked and felt different.

As his bodily aches began to decease, he realized underneath it all was a foreign tingling sensation. It felt like the epitome of excitement, a rush of energy that he had not intended to summon, and it was beginning to course through him, slowly at first, but eventually through his entire being. He looked at his own two hands and was amazed to see them shaking, trembling. He felt like he could move this entire mountain with his will, if he were so inclined, the energies within him beginning to blaze like an ever growing bonfire.

"Where... am... I...?" Draven asked himself through a curious smirk. He was tantalized by this new development. The more important question, however, was What do I do now?

Draven pushed off his clothes and picked up his scepter, which had come loose from its holster and landed a few paces away from him. As he stuck it to the ground and leaned upon it, the warlock weighed his options. As he glanced around the deserted mountain top, the warm air caressing his face, he decided that there were no answers to be found up here, which left only one other option; he must descend.

The warlock walked slowly at first, his shoes crunching and cracking the dry vegetation below, as he made his way toward what looked like several jagged rocks formed in such a way that might aid him in his endeavor of climbing down to the mountain's base. Pausing for just a moment to reconsider the idea, Draven eventually shrugged. It's this or nothing. With that, he took the first descending step and, before long, another, venturing deeper and deeper into the night and hopefully toward answers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios raised an eyebrow as Heda clarified the distinction between human and Vrykul. Wasn't the plan that they give out as little information of their past - now the present's future - as possible? "Aye, and they'd do well to remember the tale of the Drust." Fabios muttered in annoyance. Beyond that he kept his silence, waiting for Cenarius to be gone until he spoke to Heda once more.

He cracked his neck as he looked to the sky in contemplation, humming a hymn under his breath. After a few stanzas he stopped, giving his thoughts to the Vrykul. "Well, at least we can say that travelling through time is possible, eh? I was always taught it would be unlikely for such to be possible, for alternating events of the past in even the most minute way would make the scenario under which you went back in time an impossibility, and thus all your actions would be annulled." The Knight paused to smooth out his hair, cursing under his breath as a paler one came out between his fingers. "Then there are two other alternatives. The first is that we were supposed to be here, our travel here cyclical as we set in motion the very events that brought us here by being here. The other, quite absurd, is that anything works because magics and the forces that be in this universe don't make any sense."

Fabios laughed a little, walking over to the flowers. "In that situation, I don't think going to the dragons will make a difference too large. But, I will listen to what you have to say, how will we reach these dragons?" Fabios queried, trying to put his finger tips past the border of the flowers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location: Suramar(plaza)

Well now it seams Gronar well have to add this lord Ravencrest to his list right after the golden eye elf. Only a day here and he is adding more people to the list. Gronar felt that list is gonna get bigger before he left. She did introduced a new elf to him Malfurion. Another familiar name to Gronar. And the orc was getting annoyed with the feeling that he knew them.

"Greetings." He returned Malfurion greeting.

Unlike most of the other elves here he didn't have his head up his own ass. On top of that he was offering to help him escape so there was that. The elf informed him that the break out would happen later that night. So Gronar was gonna have to wait before he was freed. Malfurion asked about portal. Gronar though over the question trying to remembering the details before he answered.

"After that portal spat me out here. Everything felt off like you just chugged down a mug beer but it tasted like bad wine." Gronar tried to explain to the best of his ability. His faced scrunch as he tried to remember. "That how I remember it ."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Suramar(Plaza).- Malfurion's face had a rather bad feel to it as he heard the colorful analogy to what the orc had experienced. Despite the weirdness of the words, a really bad feeling couldn't help, but creep into his heart. An instinct whispered to him that what the orc was describing was tied to the well of eternity in some way. He swallowed, his mind wandering for a bit.' No... no way, even the highborn wouldn't be that reckless... then there's Queen Azshara, there's no way this is happening without her knowledge if it is so...' The horrible feeling that was grasping his heart was getting ever stroger with each passing moment. He had to bring this orc to Cenarius so they can try to unravel this mistery!

"Alright, I will come for you in some hours, Gronar." The young man stated with low voice as to not alert anyone and stood up. Tyrande joined him as she gave the orc another look.

" May the Mother Moon, guide over your future, Gronar." She gave him a blessing." I hope we meet again in the future." She added as she joined her companion and with a final wave of goodbye by Malfurion the two of htem started heading back towards hte temple of Elune, where he was going to leave her. THere was no way anyone can accuse her of helping hte escape if she was in the temple nearly the entire night of it.

Back at Gronar, the guards had returned closer to him, some sighing some wondering aloud why would a respected priestess of Elune would give such a beast her blessing.

~roughly 8 hours later~

The night was slowly coming to it's end. There were a few hours of it still, but the night elves around had lessened in number as they were heading home by now. Then there were the ever vigilant guards who suddenly seemed tired. Their expressions and the expressions of everyone else in the plaza beside Gronar suddenly turned hazy and flushed as they just sort of were in a powerful daze. As if half alseep or drugged.

Suddenly Malfurion dashed to the cage." Alright, time to run, no time to waste time!" He stated as he pushed a seed into the keyhole of the cage and moment later a big plant burst out of it, tearing the cage open." Follow me! Quick!" He added as he lead Gronar to the closest edge of the city where there were a pair of huge nightsabers, waiting for them." Can you ride? Even if you can't the cat's know the way, just hop on them, we have just a few more minutes before the spell wears off!" He added. They needed to get into the forests before the guards chased after them.
(Will be able to ride the cat right away due his riding training of similar enough beasts.)

Draven, Location: Mountain(???).- Draven's luck was holding good right now, even in the dead of night, the moonlight was giving him just enough light as to not tumble down the rocky cliffside. Still the big stone staircase he was walking down, seemed almost too precise to be a natural creation. Someone had carved big stairs into the mountainside it seemed. Aside that there was nothing else out of hte ordinary for the moment.

It wasn't until halfway down the staircase when he would heard the flapping of wings. Massive wings at that, there was something that was fast approaching. Aside hte sound of wings, the air was rumbling as if whatever was getting closer was massive. It wouldn't take him much time to spot the reason for the sounds because just across the bright moon, he would be able to see a massive shadow! Wingspan in teh dozens of meters, massive horns on their heads and shiny scales even in the dead of night on the moonlight! There was a massive red dragon that was approaching his position!

The dragon didn't seem to have noticed him quiet yet and the mountain staircase had just enough rocks around it as to allow him to hide himself in the shadows if he so chose and wait out for the dragon to pass him by. But what would a dragon be doing here? Alternatively maybe he could negotiate with the dragon? Red dragons were known for their intelligence and this one was clearly of some age given his size.

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Ancient Forest(???) - Cenarius Glade

"Hmmm... that shouldn't needless be the case..." Heda suddenly said after some thinking." Time's... fluid so to speak... or so I heard. It takes time for the echoes of our arrival to reach the future... probably, so we can in theory keep the timeline proper and not alter the future or yes our arrival here could be a cycle." She nodded, not feeling great about each possibility. This was going to be a war unlike any other seen in millenia. Even the second war which scorched so much of Azeroth in the future would pale in comparrison to what was going to happen here, if what she recalled was true." There's one more point of interest... " She suddenly whispered.

"Recall that vortex that swallowed us? How it spewed out time and space, past, future and present in chaotic manner?" She asked." What if... something went wrong in the past and past didn't flow as it should have? The Bronze dragonflight, the keepers of time would be responsible for keeping time from unwraveling. That anomaly seemed oddly stable, as if something was keeping it from expanding." She added, recalling her impressions of it." Almost as if... something or someone was holding it in check..." Heda added, throwing a look at Fabios." Either case, this is just a theory at this point. We should figure out what's exactly the point in time we are and how we should proceed. If we warn them of the invasion too early, we could destroy our future and if we skip the precise point, we could doom the world..." She mumbled, looking at the glade again and noting the flowers once more." We cannot leave, they will stop us..."

"Look, for now let's search the whole Glade and see if there's a place for us to escape form. We can figure out what to do after getting away from here, because if the Lord of the Forests want's to extract the information from our minds, there's little we could do to resist him for longer than a few days at most." The Vrykul warned Fabios." Also... try to not allude to how he got defeated in the future... That will NOT be a good thing for him to hear."

Heda was just about to start inscribing some runes on herself to help with the searching of the glade for any possible escapes, when she spotted a dryad peaking curiosly at them from behind a tree. She had leaves in her green hair and a rather adorable looking face with slightly rounded out cheeks, giving her a more childish look. The dryad seem very interested in the two fo them and especially at Fabios. When she realized that she was spotted, the Dryad panicked and tried to run away, only to hit head first into a low hanging branch, knocking herself out."..." Heda was at a loss for words as she looked at Fabios." Hmmm should we go help her out?" She asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Draven Stagnum

Location: Mountain(???)

"The Titans were a race of colossal, planet-sized beings," Jennea explained, "composed of arcane magic and the primordial matter from which the universe was born. They roamed across the cosmos like walking worlds, imbued with the raw power of creation itself." Draven looked on, his eyes wide with the possibilities of such power.

"Where are they now?" he asked innocently.

"Many of them seemed to have disappeared for one reason or another, but some say they're still around out there somewhere. In any case, in their absence they've chosen others to watch over Azeroth." This information seemed to pique the young man's interest.

"Who?" he asked eagerly.

"The dragons."


Draven looked up at the massive red dragon that seemed to be approaching, an enormous flapping silhouette against a moonlight backdrop. He considered his options for a moment He was nearly halfway down this mountain, but even once he reached the bottom he feared he would continue to have no more knowledge about where he was or what had happened in transversing that portal. His eyes glazed over a rocky hiding spot before looking back up at the creature, that much closer now. A smirk grew on Draven's face. It was never the safe roads that excited him. He was grinning in the face of the road less traveled.

As he watched the creature, goosepimples began to form on his arms. It was majestic and awe-inspiring. He was tempted to prepare a spell just in case, but from what he knew of dragons, any spell he had would be like hitting a Tauren with a pea shooter. So he decided to embrace uncertaintly.

"Hey!" the warlock shouted, his hands cupped around his mouth to precisely direct his voice at the scaled miracle above him. "Don't suppose you could give me some idea as to where I am?"

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios sighed at Heda's reply, wiping his face down as he stared at the sky. There was an itch at the back of his throat at the same time a few nasty memories surfaced. He half-listened to Heda, mildly annoyed at her response coupled with the lack of some nectar to drown his sorrows lead to a feedback loop of frustration. Moments ago the Knight was in good humour, but the sudden change might give those with him at least some insight to his volatile personality.

He spun from his position snapping back a retort at the Vrykul. "Right, we go away, and prance off to find your damn dragons what folk never see actually doing anything. Run off to death because you thought you could cheat the plans of the universe. Or perhaps you feel cheated and think you can get fair? No Heda, I might be your 'sub-type' as you so colourfully expressed, but I'm a man who sees right — not a sub-Vrykul to give you prestige. Remember the damn lesson of the Drust." Fabios realized already that he had made a mistake by starting his tirade, but it was too late to swallow his words. "Prance off, I won't stop you. But I'm here and I will stick with what I know, fighting evil and doing my Fatherland proud; maybe I'll make a better future by actually trying."

Looking at Heda Fabios traced her gaze to see the Dryad, to whom he looked with an upraised eyebrow. She seemed startled at being discovered and went hit a tree. The Paladin shook his head with disdain and shrugged as she suggested going to help the stricken stag-lady. He stepped out of the flowers, or at least he tried. Quite quickly he was struck by magics - a work of Cenarius to keep his "guests" no doubt - making him recoil. He only kept standing through will-power a few moments, enough to look at Heda before falling to his knees and placing a hand on her shoulder for stability. "Wake me up before he gets back." he said quite simply, before falling at last with a heavy thump.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Suramar(plaza)

He bid the two elves farewell as they left him alone again for now. The orc deiced to ignore the guards comments he will be out of here in a few hours. While he was waiting for night to fall he began to do some small exercises to get to work his muscle loosen up for later. As he did he mentally went over what he would do after he escape. First on the list was to find out were he was.

As night came in Gronar waited for the signal for the escape. The telltale signs that it was coming was the thinning of the people. As there was less and less elves in the court yard. To the orc it seems this would be the best time to break him out. Soon even the guards began to fall asleep. Then suddenly Malfurion ran up to the cage and broke the lock with magic.

"Don't need to tell me twice." The orc responded quickly following Malfurion. Despise not being the stealth of people they made it to the night-sabers without any problems.

"I know how to ride. I prefer wolves." he said as he climbed on the back of the large cat.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Suramar(Plaza).- "Wolves? I see." Malfurion only replied as he got onto his mount." We've got a long way ahead, a few hours of fast travel at the very least." The night elf added as he waited for his companion to get into the cat so they can depart and once onto the road, he led Gronar right into the forest, away from roads and trails, but still leading the way with a finess and knowhow as if he had done it a million time and instead of wild forest this was a paved pathway. For the orc it was slightly harder, but having some experience with the Dire Wolves, this wasn't too much difficult, especially when the nightsaber seemed to know the way by itself, moving between and around trees with incredible grace.

Not even a few minutes after they had left into the forest, the sounds of horns were raised loud into the air as the city guards had realized the escape. It would be a little before they were after them though.

~~~~~ a some hours later come noon ~~~~~~~

The journey of Malfurion and Gronar had continued mostly unchallenged so far. The night elf seemed incredibly adapted to moving during day time in difference to most his kind." If we continue at this pace, we should be at my teacher's sanctuary at nightfall." He said, this night elf was a younger man among his kind. It wasn't untypical for him to have a teacher in some craft. Who was his teacher so far he had not said since htey were kind of busy, but now as he slowed down the nightsaber, Malfurion suddenly frowned and Gronar's cat followed suit as it stoped, sniffing the air and growling around like it's kin that the night elf rode. The mounts were nervous about something.

"Something's... wrong. The forest's too quiet... nature seems disturbed." Malfurion said and looked at Gronar. Then without warning something as big as a nightsaber jumped at Gronar's direction. The orc's mount reacted just in time as it dodged barely, leaving a nasty gash on one of it's hind legs, but the orc was thrown clean off hte mount. Somehow though, the orc instead of tumbling down or falling onto his back, after a quick roll across the earth, found himself thrown back onto his feet! A remarkable feat of atheltics, especially for someone of his musculature!( Flipping hell, I rolled him a roll for how he fare the fall and he nat 20ied that)" What is that?!" Malfurion shouted as a second beast jumped at him, but his mount was better prepared and it engaged the strange beast in turn. Sadly the night elf was thrown off the seat violently, sending him rolling across the ground and hitting a tree. He was concious and not too hurt though.

He had never seen such beasts before. They resembled grotesque wolves? dogs? cats? Something in between? They had four legs and a huge maw, but their most sticking out feature was the pair of tentackles on their backs that were moving menacingly as they were fighting with the nightsabers and seemed to be winning. The night elf might not know these beasts, but the orc did. He recognized htem from the stories and from lessons taught by those who trained him. Those were felhounds... the forerunners of the legion! And where were two there might be ever more!

Draven, Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase).- Out in the mountain, the mighty red dragon was doing a mission of importance he had deem worthy, having noticed a weird anomaly of magic origins around these parts so close to... even if there was no way mortals knew of this location, he had no right to be careless. This rather young, but powerful red dragon, flew fast in search of answers, when something tiny had caught his attention. There was a little creature of humanoid origins out on one of the old staircases in the mountain. The being seemed male and was calling out to his attention, this surprised the red dragon as he started to descend at the location at the staircase.

Apparently his concerns had not gotten unfounded here. Well he was about to do his duty to his queen and that was all that mattered in the end.

The dragon lowered to a height close enough to get a good look at the small human and gave him a good lookover, he was not overly pleased by the energies eminating from this man. They were... unsettling and unpleasant. The masive wings were fluttering, causing gusts of wind before suddenly a bright light shone and instead of a dragon, now there was another person on the staircase, standing a few steps above Draven." This is rather surprising, too se a mortal who isn't running for his life at the sight of a red dragon." The dragon stated with rather amused voice non the less. He was tall, had pale hair and somewhat pale skin. He resembled a high elf more than anything actually. He wore a elegant red robe too." Tell me, mortal, how is it that you found yourself here, maybe if you answer me this small riddle, I will answer yours and let you alive. And if you tell me your name I will also tell you mine to boot." The dragon replied, there was no arrogance in his voice despite the words he had chosen. This was a red dragon in the prime of his strenght after all. Not many creatures upon this world could match that, especially among the mortals." Because, you see... Mortals aren't supposed to appear among these parts. Magic is supposed to keep anyone from getting close anywhere close to this region."

Heda Runeclaw

Location: Ancient Forest(???) - Cenarius Glade

Heda was not overly impressed by the human's outburst. They always seemed to have an issue when the truth to their origin was revealed to them. She had gotten a notice of that a few time in the past too! Was it so bad that their so proud human race originated from the Vrykul? That their kind was just a type of evolution or maybe devolution of the vrykul? Frankly some of her kind despised these humans for being inferior in every way, but she wasn't of the same opinion. Humans were part of their kind, albeit smaller in size and they certianly were not worse... aside in maybe physical performance, but mentality and abilities, humans were just as able as any Vrykul, maybe more. She was about to argue with the man further about the really fragile nature of time when the following shenanigans of him getting knocked out by Cenarius's defenses.

She facepalmed, having warned him to not step out of the flowerline. If they had to, she was going to pull the dryad in her real form by reaching over, but now it seemed that was not the solution." Welp... that could have gone better, keepers." She mumbled as she returned to her proper huge form, making sure to move Fabios's body to the center of the glade and making sure he's on the soft grass. Once that was done, she kneeled by the flowers so she can reach furtehr outside, without having her feet step beyond the ring of flowers and managed to pull the dryad into the glade, placing her to rest on the grass nearby. She gave her a look over, didn't seem like anything was broken or the like. She had just knocked herself out via the impact, she was going to wake up soon enough. Same with Fabios, the flowers only put him to sleep really.

Having confirmed, there was nothing else left to do, she pulled a brush and with the special ink drew a rune across her cheek, as her eyes suddenly were saturated in color. Rune of trueseeing was a good thing. After an hour of searching through every part of the glade she realized what was wrong, it was something just outside the glade a tree. Her eyes brimmed up with hope." Show yourself, I know that you are there and what you are." The being didn't show up, but after a few more repeats, a voice finally replied.

"Fool, you will expose us both to the keeper of the forests!" The voice replied as a lizardy head formed across the surface of a tree. It was made of bark.

"He's not here... yet and I need you to bring me away... I have important news for the Aspects." She replied as the draconic face in the tree was shocked.

The following talk was unheard to anyone, but the two still awake and present, but come the time Cenarius returned, he found his glade one guest short as if Heda had vanished into thin air and none of his defenses could give him an answer how.

~~~~~~~~Fabio's Dreamworld~~~~~~~~

They were everywhere, as far as eye coud see, ORCS! Fabious was just one of the many fighting against the orcs under Admiral Proudmoore. Reinforcements were impossible to find now, more and more of his comerades around himself fell. Fabios could slay countless orcs, but more were constantly present. How long had this continued for? It would feel like years for him since this battle started, it was endless and he knew it was not real. As much as this would feel real and alive to him, this was not real. This battle had passed years ago, orcs had won, the mighty admiral had fallen to the bottom of the oceab and Fabios was just one of the survivors from then. Yet there the image of his Admiral was! Fighting proudly and bravely along his men and his crew!

And yet another wave of orcs assailed the ship. Powerful were these images, painful they were, but they were just that, memories and dreams of battles long passed. He would be able to snap out of the trance and flow of this nightmare. None of the orcs would fight him now, he is just a observers in this madness... of visions of regret and pain. There in the distance the admiral finally fell under the might of the horde and yet everything repeats anew as if the world was put in reverse, the battle returns to it's start and all begins anew with a mighty battle cry and horns. Cannons roar and mighty cries fill the air on both sides and there the admiral is once more atop his ship, ushering his men into battle!

Fabios was dreaming yet this was not a simple dream, he was not awake either, but fully concsious of it now. He was standing atop Proudmoor's flagship, yet no one minded him anymore. Battle was about to start again in a vicious cycle. Was there a way out of this nightmare?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

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Draven Stagnum

Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase

"Now, Draven, if you are stopped in the street by a gang of thugs with muscles and weapons and the like, and they demand you give them your coin, what do you do?" The mage trainer, Jennea, looked at her pupil thoughtfully, trying to read his thoughts on the matter. Draven squinted, sensing that there was a catch to this scenario. Nevertheless, he went with his gut.

"I'd take them all down," he said plainly as a matter of fact.

"Draven, that's foolish," Jennea scolded. "You're one person against heavy odds. At your skill level, trying to take down that many criminals at once would be inconceivable. You've got to think smarter. Don't go running head first into the impossible." Draven looked at her with a crooked grin.

"It's only impossible if you decide you can't do it."


Draven looked at this new image of a being, a person of tall stature clad in red. He heard fables of this sort of thing; Dragons taking on humanoid forms. He regarded every inch of this creature with scrupulous visual investigation. It was amazing to behold.

"Answer you these questions, two, eh?" Draven moved a bit to his left, attempting to look at the being from a different angle. "I'll do the easy one first. I'm called Draven." He felt its power emanating from it. It was a different signature, a different flavor than the energies that radiated off the portal. "I know a bit of... hocus pocus, too. Not nearly on your scale, no pun intended," he huffed, clearly intending the pun. "You had another question. Another. Anotherrrrr.... OH! How I got here." His voices trailed with each sentence, his focus wavering as he analyzed the shape shifted dragon before him.

"Truth is, I haven't the foggiest. One minute I'm looking for a scroll, next minute I find myself headfirst in a portal. And now my imp's gone! Have you seen him?! Answers to Zepar. An unpleasant creature, but he keeps things interesting." Draven instinctively patted his pockets as if the imp could have somehow been misplaced in one of them before ending with a shrug. "In one side, out the other, and here I am on the steps of a mountain talking to a Dragon." He managed to let a few chuckles escape his mouth. "What a fricken day, eh?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade - Dreamscape

As the Paladin hit the ground his eyes closed, and a faint snore emanated from the man. He wouldn't be prepared for Heda's absence nor that of the dryad as his breastplate heaved up and down with great breaths and eyes moved rapidly with dreams.

Once more unto the breach.

The Tauren swung his totem and at this distance there was no parrying it. Fabios's sword flew out of his hand and he barely rolled out of the downwards smash. He jumped to a stand with plated fists outstretched, a display to which the bull man offered a laugh. "Your mistake, filth." A quick lunge let him land a punch to his foe's nose before he ducked under another wide swing of the totem. From his lowered position he made use of the Tauren's momentum to place both of his hands on his nose ring and pull as hard as he could. Fabios shuddered internally at the noise of the ring tearing out of the creature's face before he dived under the beast's left flank as it started swinging in a maddened rage. Seeing his opportunity the Knight hopped on his enemy's back wrapping one arm around its neck for stability. Satisfied with his grip he brought down the nose ring he was still holding into the depths of either eye, grinning as the bellows of anger changed to those of pain. Finally the vile thing collapsed with a glob of spit sent into its eye.

Fabios picked up his sword and turned to his next threat, a younger dark spear troll winding up to throw a namesake weapon. His long blade went to sever the weapon before a plated fist shattered the troll's right ear. Still alive the troll raised both arms defensively before his face, blood running down his cheek. "Please, mon! I just want to stop the fightin', I just want to go!" An amused look crossed the Paladin. The lad may or may not be genuine, but that didn't matter. He gave up the right to live the moment he stepped on the sovereign holdings of Kul'Tiras and Theramore. He squatted before the troll with a genuine look of mercy and sympathy as he would give to real people. Fabios smiled, before a swipe of his blade cleaved the invader in two. With that he went back into the melee, parries and ripostes, giving ground slowly to the endless invader. He turned at some point to see Lord Daelin fall, but there was no time for lamentation as a goblin explosive landed ever so close to him. The blast threw him aside and he lay concussed for a second or two to catch his breath. He arose, and met his first enemy, a quite large warrior of the new horde. The Tauren swung his totem and at this distance there was no parrying it. Fabios's sword flew out of his hand and he barely rolled out of the downwards smash.

He stopped, and everything stopped around him. The Knight took off his helmet, letting the more youthfully red hair he had in the dream world flow down on either shoulder. Well, he wasn't supposed to be here and he didn't want to be here. So, he could try to figure out why this was going on so damn long. The Knight laughed at this prospect and quickly unbuttoned the holster of one of his pistols. Gently placing the barrel to the roof of his mouth and pulled back the hammer. Fabios almost pulled the trigger, before he realized he had a bit of unfinished business here. Putting the weapon away, he decided to sprint towards his home. A chance to see the raven curls of Anastasia once more, the bright smile of Solomon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Suramar(plaza)

There was one thing he was certain of was that prefer wolves over the nightsaber. Either way Gronar was glad to out of that cage and back into the open air. The nightsaber he was riding helped him navigate the forest as they pealed off the path. The orc couldn't help but grin as the sounds of horns echoed through the forest.

Several hours later Gronar realized the saddle was meant for elves not orcs. He was going to ask how much longer when Malfurion answer his question. But both nightsabers stopped and something seems to disturbed there mounts. Gronar didn't have the time to ask when he was attacked by the felhound. Executing a perfect recovery from being knocked off the nightsaber Gronar squared off with the felhound. 'Why is there a felhound was here? Is there a warlock nearby?' He thought examining the pair of daemons.

"Its call a felhound. Its a daemon just kill it." Gronar informed Malfurion as he charge the daemon. Has he closed the distance Gronar quickly formulated a plan. As he got close to the daemon he launched himself at the Felhound to deliver a drop kick to it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Forests around Suramar(Forest Path).- The words that the orc spoke were not familiar to the night elf druid. Warlock and demon weren't something he had heard before. He suspected warlock might mean some kind of spell caster, but as for demon this was completely outside his knowledge, but judging by the felhounds in front of them, he judged them to be bad things. Such abomination wasn't natural to the world. Nature was screaming at it's presence and the corruption it was spreading with it's mere existence in this world.

Taking que from the orc, Malfuirion quickly raised his hands as he tried to use a magic as to help his nightsaber kill the abomination, but the moments magic energy was gathered and wines burst through the ground, the creature's tendrils that were on it's back, surged forward and stabbed into the wines, then it was as if the life of the vines was drained along with all hte magic! The felhound was actually devouring the magic he used! The druid felt absolute horror at this monstrous abomination." It sucked out hte magic!" He cried out as he prepared to use somehting else.

As for the fight on the orc's side, things were going better. Gronar was a big and strong orc with the prime of his life. His attack was fast and deadly. As the felhound was currently busy fighting with his nightsaber, it didn't even manage to react to the dropkick, he delivered onto it's head. This caused hte hound to be stunned for just a moment as it was suffering from the impact on it's head. The nightsaber used this chance to lunge at the beast, bitting it on the neck, bringing it down, but it suffered a bad injury in return as it brought down it's target. Gronar's mount was out for the count, it's wounds were too big to recover right away. It was out of life danger though, just was going to need a proper healing and rest.

Meanwhile Malfurion had gathered his magic a second time. He called out to the trees to give him their excess leaves, he called out to the wind to bring those leaves power. He surged his energy into the leaves to give them durability. Then the wind picked them up and hurled them at the hound. The hound was using it's tendrils to wave at the wind but it wasn't effective. The leaves that were picked by the wind were spinning and moving at lightning fast speeds. Like dozens of tiny razors they were cutting out at the beast as the wind created a whirlind around it.( Nat 20ed the attack. This group has luck with nat20ies) Soon after the beast fell, his carcas tattered nearly to minced meat." What manner of creature is this? Felhounds, there shouldn't be such a creature on Kalimdor!" Malfurion commented as he ran to the fallen mount and checked to confirm it wasn't a deadly injury. The druid used a little spell to make the wound heal faster, but decided to leave the cat here." We are not far from the glade now, follow me." He explained and started running, feeling concerned that more beasts might be lurking around here.

"Gronar, you knew what these things were... where did they come from?!"

Draven, Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase).- The dragon's expression was neutral as he observed hte mortal creature in front of him. It carried the stentch of the fel, it was using fel energies for sure. He nodded when a name was given, so this Draven was a warlock. The dragon just looked at him with his eyes, eyes filled with power and quite a bit of wisdom to them. Among dragons he could be seen as some of the younger ones, especially for the position he was holding right now. He nodded and smiled at the human." Well, can't say it's exactly well met, but it's decently met... I guess?" The dragon replied, ignoring the scale pun." You may call me Korialstrasz, mortal." The dragon stated as he took a few steps to cricle around the human, studying him. Draven would be able to sense the magical fluctuations being clearly let out, the dragon wasn't even hiding the fact he was using magic to study him.

"I see... a portal, hhm?" The dragon mused to himself as he studied the energies on Draven. His body carried energies that were somewhat specific and there was usually only one source of them as far as he was aware... The bronze dragonflight dealt with these magical fluctuations he was sensing on the creature, but the bronze dragons never spoke much about what they were doing. The aspect of time kept it's secret. Was it possible this creature was tied to some kind of experiments from the Bronze flock? But the bronze were always very secretive and careful, they wouldn't let out an experiment running amok and then there was the fel energy and the fact he didn't recognize the race of this creature.

Draven's comment about an imp, made the dragon frown, sure enough... demons." You see, Draven, your presence here is a bit of a problem." The dragon stated and casually returned to hte edge of the stairs." I do not know what manner of creature you are, but... you see, you deal with the Fel." The dragon stated and narrowed his eyes." The Fel shouldn't exist upon this world... your presence is a damnation to it." He stated, but didn't really do anything agressive." You see, problem is, we've been sensing more and more dangerous magical reactions across Kalimdor... and just a few hours prior other fel energies appeared somewhere upon this world." The dragon stated with flat voice." My queen demanded that I bring to her the source of the current anomaly. So here's your choices. You acompany me to meet my queen without you bringing any demons into this world or I make sure you cannot bring anything or even move and then bring you to my queen." Korialstrasz stated with a smile. His queen was naturally the Aspect of Life, Alextrasza.

Fabios, Location: Cenarius's Glade(Dreamworld).-

The world where Fabios was currently at wasn't following the laws of reality. Just as he thought of leaving to see his wife and children, he had arrived there in but what amounts to a single step. The house looked like it did in his memory before any tragedy could strike. His family would be there, waiting to him at the gate, their faces covered with smiles and joy at his return. All in all it was an idealic dream, a dream you could lose yourself in if it wasn't for the fact he knew it was just that a dream.

Still dreams were a fickle thing, unstable and wild, constantly changing and prone to turning into nightmares. Especially for someone like him who had went through so many tragedies in his life. There between his eyes the idealic image of better times in a blink of an eye was replaced by a house ablaze and the bodies strewn about without regard. There were no orcs here anymore, there was just a ruined house and the remains of his family.

'A life of tragedy... fills my realm.' Suddenly a melodic etherial female voice would reach his ears. Then the dream turned frozen, then it rewinded back to the point where his family was smiling back at him.' What a peculiar creature you are. Tell me, mortal, after all the tragedy in your life, why are you still struggling? Will you ever be able to put it all behind you before your life burns out and find happiness again? Or are you just drifting through life in search of a quick way to die while brining enemies down with you?' The voice asked him with curiosity. There was no way to find the source of the voice, but he will feel it come at him from all sides.

'Or rather if you could spend eternity, in this moment and relive all the happy moments, would you want to wake up?' The voice once more asked as the dream shimmered and then it was another scene. This was the birth of his child instead.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Fabios Odyssean

Location: Dreamscape

The old soldier raised a foot to leave the battlefield but already his destination was before him. He wasn't an idiot, and noted upon this but right now his goal was just to once more see his beloveds. Running forth the man laughed, falling to his knees with both hands going upon his red hair. They went down across his face to wipe grimy tears until either palm fell to his heart. His adorations were interrupted quite quickly however, as there was death and destruction around him.

A vile voice spoke to him but he didn't listen, looking down once more to the crossed palms before his heart, for now just kneeling. He ignored the speaker instead turning to his own inner thought, wondering just how to react to everything.

Transported to the birth of Solomon a light smile again came to Fabios as he stood up. The Knight stepped over to his wife pressing a hand to her cheek, running it down momentarily to calm himself and allow for a semblance of sanity to return. The Paladin then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before looking to the sky. "I'm going to wake up, and I'm going to hurt you. However how much I hurt you can be reduced if you release me sooner. Tick-tock, scum." With that the Paladin again turned to his wife to make use of what moments of reunion he had.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Draven Stagnum

Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase

Draven looked up at his new associate, whose name sounded like an utterance one made when they sneezed, and gave a happy shrug. "Yeah, sounds good!" he exclaimed, not intending to put up any fight with this being. The frowned upon use of Fel magics didn't seem limited to the world he came from. It was obviously going to be marked with suspicion here, too. More interesting, however, is that the dragon mentioned Kalimdor. Draven was beginning to suspect he wasn't in a different world at all.

"So how are we to do this, then? A bit of magic or... maybe a saddle?" The idea of riding on the back of a dragon was both exciting and hilarious to him. He crossed his fingers, hoping for the latter.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Location: Forests around Suramar(Forest Path)

A solid hit that he landed on the felhound from his drop kick gave an opening to the nightsaber to kill the daemon. Gronar kept an eye on the fehounds corpse just in case it was not dead. Satisfied that it would remain dead he turn his attention back to Malfurion to see how he was fairing. He saw Malfurion shred apart the other felhounds with leaves. The orc stood aside as Malfurion went to heal the wounded nightsaber. Malfurion informed him that they were close to the glade they were traveling and followed after the druid.

"Half right. Felhounds aren't from here. According to what the shamans told me they are the vanguard of the Burning Legion. We had to deal with them in the last expansion. He said following after Malfurion. He realized that if he had to tell the elf what a felhound is he would have to tell him what the Burning Legion is. "The Legion in the words of my old shaman teacher. A band of demonic asshole that travel the stars invading planets. For what ever asshole daemon reason."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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World Narrative

Gronar, Location: Forests around Suramar(Forest Path).- The night elf was even more confused about what the orc was saying. Still he did pick up on some of the meanings in those somewhat vulgar words. These creatures supposedly didn't belong to their world and were external invaders. That would explain why they seemed so... foreign and so malicious! They brought death and corruption with them and he could feel the very world hurting at their presence, at least somewhat less now that they were dead. Still even the carcasses seemed to seep corruption into nature.

"It seems even more important we find my shan'do, my teacher. He might be able to provide us with aid on matter!" Malfurion stated as he was leading the way through the thick underbrush in the forest. Their progress was fast though, it was almost as if the forest itself was making a path for them, allowing them to pass freely through what appeared to otherwise be unpassable wall of bushes and thorns and trees. At the end of the pathway Malfurion led him through was a huge tree. It was one of the biggest trees that Gronar would have ever seen in a normal forest. It was twice as big as the other ancient trees in the forest they were in." Gronar, this is the guardian of the glade." Malfurion explained as he placed his hand on a white patch of bark." To enter you need to do the same." He urged the orc.

"Do not be afraid if you feel a tingling sensation, the tree will be learning from you, remember you as to allow you entry next time too. It doesn't mean you harm." The druid explained. This was an ancient protector of this glade, an incredibly ancient tree. It held powerful magic inside it and served as the last line of defense to Cenarius's Glade.

Draven, Location: Mountain(Mysterious Staircase).- "You are quite the arrogant mortal, aren't you? To wish to ride upon a red dragon just like that! HA!" The red dragon burst out in laughter as he looked at Draven and shook his head." You are lucky that the only way to enter where we are going to is through flight." He added as his blody hovered up and started morphing again, regaining it's immense size. He reached out on of his front claws and turned it upwards, nodding his huge red head to the warlock.

"Hop in." He indicated the warlock to get into the front limb." Either you stay there on your own or I grab you like an animal and carry you that way. Also call me... Kras for short." He added, waiting for the warlock to move so they can get going." I know that you mortals tend to have troubles with our names." As for the flight, do not worry, you will neither fall or feel hte wind... I've got magic to protect you."

Fabios, Location: Cenarius's Glade(Dreamworld).- The epherial laughter came again, as feminine and gentle as before, but clearly amuzed. No visage was to it yet, now Fabios could sense a strong presence somewhere just beyond the limits of his perception. This was a dream and drems didn't play by his rules in the end." How amusing, you are an incredible little mortal. So much will and so much pain." The voice spoke." And arrogance, but that I can forgive." The voice added as the stability of the dream seemed to shake for a moment." Release you? How wrong you are, little mortal." The voice continued with a chuckle." I was neither the one who brought you here nor am I the one who holds you here."

"It was YOU who came into my domain by some weird concidence directly to me." The voice simply stated and Fabios would now be able to see a pair of brilliant eyes somewhere in the distance as if looking at him through some boundry." And this, these are YOUR dreams, what your heart yearns for... what it regrets... what it pains at the mere recollection of." The voice added with gently voice." But it seems our meeting is at it's end, little mortal. We may yet meet again. Now it's time for you to wake up." The voice added as the presence vanished. The dream started to fade as if the presence that just left, was what was keeping it together. Then the paladin would finally wake up, to face Cenarius and a really shy dryad who was also awake and now looking at him from around a nearby tree.

"I see, you've finally woken up, my guest." The keeper of the forest stated with serious voice." But you see... there's just you left in my glade..." The demigod explained and looked back at the paladin." Are you per chance aware where your companion went? My sentries didn't see or sense anything. They just know she vanished after you were knocked unconscious over 5 hours ago. My daughter Nisha woke before you and brought you some water..." The demigod continued as he pointed out to a waterskin that was laying full by Fabios's feet.

"You see, your friend's disappearance is yet another concerning sign. Maybe of my kind demand I hand you over to them for interrogation as your presence here could spell danger for the world. Dark things are walking Kalimdor as of the last day." Cenarius added and looked Fabios right in the eyes." I am reasonable to keep you here and safe for now... rather than risk your sanity in interrogations."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Dreamscape - Cenarius Glade

Fabios looked about, opening and closing his fist a few times and rolling his neck to test the false reality of the dream world. It seemed his intangible captor had something to say but he didn't really listen to her nonsense, instead momentarily thinking about past, present, and future of when he would at last wake up. Coming to a few conclusions he knew he'd soon be using, he spoke up to the voice.

"Shut your mouth, whore." He stated quite simply. "Shut your mouth. My dreams don't have some witch breed spouting nonsense. If this is my dream then be gone from it, if its your world then I hereby claim it for the Glory of Kul'Tiras and the Light - therefore it's now mine, and you will get the hell out. Or at least leave me be." The man said, genuinely just wanting to be left alone.

It seemed his wish was granted, yet only momentarily as he left the world of dreams and once more went to the land of now. He sat up, growling faintly as he rubbed his helmeted head. Cenarius was quite clearly unhappy with him, but Fabios was ready for the stag-man.
The Knight stood taking off his helmet, brushed himself off and then placed the piece of armour back on his head once he was yet again dignified. "Do you think I'm an idiot? I know you, and your... your slimy kind. You'll see what I give willingly as a sort of test, before forcing the rest out of my damn brains. Send me to interrogations, don't, say whatever the hell you like. I don't know know what happened to that stupid Vrykul, I fell down unconscious after stepping out of your pansy circle to go help her, or one of the stag lasses anyway." He said, pointing a finger to the Dryad behind the tree. "I help one of you animals and all the thanks I get is a threat to be turned over to some sadistic elf bastards. Well so be it, I wouldn't mind the last thing I do being spitting in their smug faces."
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