War of the Ancients
War of the Ancients
The wrongness of the world struck as soon as your arrived on the shores of Northrend. An ancient power far greater than any mortal knew was at work here. Something greater than the Lich King, greater than the combined might of all the armies gathering in the north! The world felt odd and twisted as one got closer and closer to the anomaly. To those that felt the energies radiating around it, the picture was even more apocalyptic. Time was being unwound around it. Past, present and future all twisted and then tossed around like leaves into a storm. The anomaly was a huge funnel... a vortex that swallowed everything around, even time itself.
Then by the time it was too late to react to it, the realization struck, it was moving. Erratic and with unknown purpose it expanded and contracted, chased after everything living that approached it, tearing nad twisting and erasing them from this very world. It's pull too strong to escape, there was no other choice, but to be consumed. No manner of strength or magic could free you once it had you it's grasp. In a brief moment everything ended. Being swallowed by this monstrous anomaly, this wound in time and space, there was no usually hope for survival, but something happened... Suddenly you were on the other side. A little battered and worse for breath, but alive non the less. There was no trace of the anomaly, just a beautiful night sky, gentle wind and beautiful forests and plains as far as eye could see. You were alive, but... where?
Chapter I: The Well of Eternity
Shaken and battered from the vortex, people have been thrown out at some twisted rhyme and reason and unlikely allies have found themselves. The vortex gathered people and some of them arrived at locations together, others separate, some may arrive later or were forever lost in the anomaly. For now two groups of survivors have appeared. Location: Edge of Grand Plain and Forest(???)
Group one: Heda and Fabios. Thrown out at the edge of a forest, at one side a huge nearly unpassable forest and at the other a grand plain. The moon's light is bright and the surroundings could be seen rather well even without low light vision. The two are in clear view of one another, as if the vortext put them next to one another on purpose. Ancient Forest(???)
Group two: Ivaron and Quiana. The two of you have been thrown with great force in the middle of an ancient dense forest. Trees taller than most you've seen, the forest is dense and light can barely pass through the heavy folliage of the trees. You two are some distance from one another, hidden in darkness, but within hearring range. If one of you calls, the other will hear. Neither of you know the other's there right away though.
(Locations are currently unknown past obvious traits, so don't freak out quite yet. More will be told as you realize it.)
Heda Runeclaw

Location: Ancient Forest(???)
Heda groaned in pain as she slowly came to her senses after the violent impact earlier. When she appeared her... whereever this was, she had appeared in the air like 6 meters up and fell down on her back on the luckily soft soil and grass. Still it didn't mean she was completely out of pain. At first the hit had taken the air out of her lungs, but she slowly calmed down and with heavy breathing scrambled up to a sitting position. Her enchantment was negated so she was in her real size.
Finally getting onto a sitting position she saw an unfamilar scene. It's not that she had seen all nightly forests and plains, but this one was a little bit different despite she herself unable to put her finger onto why that was. For one she didn't recognize the general location, but with it being night, she couldn't also navigate from the mountains in the distance. She had a knack for remembering locations via points of interest and mountains were such points." Ughh..." She mumbled as she moved her shoulder and rubbed it a little, because it hurt. It was then that she had also noticed that there was someone else with her nearby. It was a human, by the looks of it. Her kind generally didn't get too well along with humans because of their shared history, but humans seemed to have forgotten it and she wasn't planning to mention it really.
"Hey, you alright, human?" She called out to him as he was regaining his own consciousness too. She then slowly stood up, towering over him. She was an impressive creature at her regular size just as all Vrykul." Did you get swallowed by that vortex too?" She asked and focused on her tattooed right side of the body where a runic tattoo suddenly started glowing in blue light and all the scratches and injuries from her body vanished." You need healing?" She asked, looking at the man, before returning her attention to the surroundings. An unknown land with unknown foes lurking about. One thing was sure though, that vortex wasn't caused by the Old Gods after all despite it's wrongness. It had felt almost familiar in some manner, but she didn't know why.. yet.