Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
We are ALWAYS WANTING and ACCEPTING new players!
We will help you find a way to participate to the best of our abilities. Click on the map to join the Discord Server!

The drums of war continue to beat even after the fighting has ceased--this is the nature of war. Each drop of blood spilled, a seed sown. This world is no different. - Rinkoo

Atren was a world that had undergone many changes and seen many cataclysms. Even as the world had reached the brink of destruction, however, there had always been brave heroes to pull it back. Goodness, no matter the situation, had always prevailed in the end. There had been loss, there had been war, and there had been death--but it always ended with the triumph of the benevolent. It always ended with humanity's refusal to allow the darkness to consume their world, in one way or another. In honour of Atren's many heroes, each of the major cities had constructed an "Arena", where they could relive the trials and tribulations of these gloried few that had saved their world as both a living chronicle of their deeds and as a way to remember that the Light blossomed within everyone when needed. It became a common rite of passage--a way to mark spiritual, if not literal, adulthood--to begin a pilgrimage to visit each of these Arenas and progress along the same path of the ancient heroes. Even if they did not succeed, reaching each of the temples and seeing the beauty inherent in the world was enough to mature and humble those who attempted the pilgrimage: and thus were born the Rites.

The most recent of these cataclysms had been the East-West war. Conflict can grow from even the smallest seed of discontent, and the West had grown a crop of bitterness unlike any known in recent memory. The political games of the East--namely those of Lifan, the capital of the known world--had largely ignored the Western cities. Ward, Toran, and Strondar were tired of being ignored and overshadowed by the East, and when their attempts at recognition were met with the scheming and bureaucracy of the political system they decided that words would not get them what they wanted and resorted to steel.

Victory was almost assured--for the East. The East boasted not only the headquarters of the Mage's Guild (the center of magical learning in Atren), an invaluable tool to any war effort, but they simply had that many more people than the West. The East pressed their advantages fairly quickly, bringing the fight to the West through a series of skirmishes in the narrow strip of land between Ward and Lifan. The East pressed the West back to Ward after a little under two years of fighting, and begun the infamous three month Siege of Ward. Ward, to this day, boasts that no enemy has ever breached its walls--but no longer with the gusto of bygone eras. Ward knew that once they fell, the rest of the West would soon follow. Ward could read the writing on the wall--their true enemy in the war was not the East, per se, but time. It was only a matter of time before they lost everything they held dear, and so they sued for peace, expecting to have to capitulate to the demands of the East.

Strangely enough, the peace that was reached ended up being largely palatable for both sides. The West gained the increased representation in Lifan's central government that it had desired, and the East gained a number of trade agreements and treaties that benefited their causes--affording them much more profitable trade with the West. Lifan, additionally, gained authority over the Arenas of the West, which had formerly managed by the cities independently. With this new control, in order to celebrate the peace that had been reached, Lifan suggested that each of the cities hold festivals in order to entice would-be pilgrims to undertake their Rites.

Now, ten years later, it is time for a new generation of youths to undertake their Rites. Preparations for grand festivals are underway, and those who did not get to complete their Rites due to the war, and the adjustment back to normal life that followed, are arriving at the city of Toran to complete the first leg of their journey. Young and old come together in remembrance of the light, ready to make their way across the world. But even now, as the light gathers, so too does the shadow. Calamity waits, ready to strike, as the seeds of violence sown in the war are beginning to bear their bitter fruit.

Hi there, and welcome to Natrelmon! Natrelmon is a thread that takes the primary mechanic of pokemon--that is, creature capturing and battling--and applies it to an entirely new world with a rich history, a fully fledged magic system, and a plot all its own. Natrelmon is comprised of a lot of information, which can be very difficult for new players to get into without being overwhelmed, so we'll do our best to give you the information in bits and pieces as and when it becomes pertinent to you!

For now, let's focus on the basics:

You are the equivalent of a "trainer", undergoing a journey known as the "Rites" (as described in the introduction)! This is a journey that mimics that of the heroes of the past and is meant to be taken as part of coming of age. In increasingly modern times it is done less and less, but the central government has recently made an incentive to send people on their Rites--and that's where your story begins!

In order to make the rites less confusing, we'll give you a brief explanation of the world's history below:

As described in the history, the heroes of eld undertook a journey to shatter the Black Gate--a gateway to the Void, where the souls of the dead go--and the people in this world remake the pilgrimage from city to city in memory of that journey. The greatest of the four heroes are still to this day worshiped as gods:

Seiryu, Lord of the North

Suzaku, Lord of the South

Byakko, Lord of the East

Genbu, Lord of the West

And there is a fifth, known as Akasha, who went through the Black Gate before its destruction to ensure the sanctity of our world from the Void. In order to ensure that magic would never again wreak the havoc it had before, Akasha implemented several edicts, which are the basis of all magical laws. These are described below:

+ Getting Started +

Natrelmon can be a bit daunting to get into, as it has been running off and on for over 10 years now, but a lot of the information won't become important to you until later on.

It's easiest just to fill out the bio format, which is listed below, with help from us on the Discord server if necessary!

We do not have strict requirements on bio length, but we do expect the presence/illusion of effort. Short and sweet is perfectly acceptable.

+ Bio Format +

[b]Relic Description[/b] Relics convert to the style of the trainer. Some use bracelets, some use keys on a chain around their neck, some use stones embedded into a glove.
[b]Starting Natrelmon:[/b] [url=natrelmon.forumotion.com/t93-starting… here[/url]
[b]Starting Spell Schools:[/b] [url=natrelmon.forumotion.com/f9-spell-dat… here[/url]
[b]History: [/b] We aren't really looking for anything too astounding. Natrelmon is very much about development as you go. The few that have trainers that are returning from last incarnation have changed a lot over the course of the thread. The history can be simple one to two paragraphs.
[b]Noteworthy Skills: [/b] Examples of this would be having some kind of survival training, skill with computers, etc.

+ Dice Notes +

Natrelmon's random aspects are very heavily determined by dice on our database forum. When starting off a new character you will also make six rolls for a chance at a gift, which can have a significant impact on your character.

Each week you will have the opportunity to roll for two wild Natrelmon. Additionally, you will be able to make one Library roll. The Library is a special roll that allows you the chance to acquire special items and knowledge, some of which are one of a kind. It is important that you make these rolls weekly as we generally will not allow you to make up rolls that you've missed. Rolls are a benefit of staying active.

It is important to note that for Wild Natrelmon rolls you have the choice to type up fifteen sentences before you search. If you don't, you don't get the ability to reroll, simple as that.

If you do, you may reroll if you don't like what you got. You can continue this process as many times as you like, with the caveat that for each reroll beyond the first you write twice as much as you wrote previously.

Because Library rolls are so powerful, you are only given two a week with no chance to reroll.

If you don't want to make an account on our database forum--which is perfectly okay!--you're going to need the following form to let us know what rolls to do for you:

[b]+ Rolls Request Form +[/b]

[b]Type of Rolls Requested:[/b] (You may use one form for both library and wild rolls - identify how many of each bearing in mind YOUR professions)
[b]Professions Applicable to Rolls:[/b] (Scholar/Herbalism/Tracker)
[b]Other Roll Modifications:[/b] (Lucky Gift, Herbalism Potions, Divine Items)
[b]Declarations:[/b](Some Professions will ask you to declare an item/Natrelmon - do this for each roll it would apply for)
[b]Specializations:[/b] (Some professions will ask you to specialize in something, identify if your profession is applicable to the roll request)
[b]Zones:[/b] (ONLY applicable to wilds, please identify search zones)
[b]Highest Level Natrelmon:[/b] (ONLY for wilds. Identify Natrelmon AND level)

+ FAQ +

Q: Is this thread open to more bios?

A: Yes, Natrelmon is always open to new trainers! Even if the thread has gone on for awhile and people have moved past the first few cities, you are free to jump in. The Admin team will ensure that you either start caught up to the other trainers or you have the means to do so. We won't leave you behind.

Q: Can I make my own Natrelmon?

A: Sort of. Natrelmon has a system to allow for the cross breeding of two Natrelmon. This will allow you to create a fair number of custom creations, especially if you have the Breeder profession. In general we do not really add player created Natrelmon outside special circumstances.

Q: Someone is trying to kill my character! Is that allowed?

A: Yes. Killing other players is allowed. If you are worried your trainer isn't powerful enough, I'd suggest travelling in a group and staying away from dark areas. In general, you shouldn't have to worry too much about being killed - but bear in mind that it is possible.

Q: I noticed it is modern times, can I have a gun?

A: No, guns are highly regulated by the society and only members of the police force have guns. You can, however, use other weapons such as knives and similar weapons, but they will cost you money in order to have them.

Q: Can I have more than one character?

A: No, at this time we are only allowing one character. Certain exceptions may be allowed to this if there is a compelling reason you need to use two characters. Simply wanting more rolls is not a compelling reason.

Q: Why can't I make up my own spells? X spell sucks.

A: For balance reasons, we do not allow trainers to make their own spells. Lore wise, there is an entity that governs the rules of magic and only a special few NPCs are capable of breaking those rules. Player characters will not ever be allowed to create their own spells. However, you can gain access to special and secret spell schools that can give you a fighting edge.

Q: I rolled [secret piece of information]. Can I tell people?

A: Yes. If you have gained some secret information or ritual spell, you are free to tell other players. We have no restrictions on this.

Q: What do new characters start with?
A: Currently, new characters receive the following:

- 25,000 N to start
- 2 Starting Natrelmon, or Natrelmon of choice up to Semi-Rare
- 2 Bonus Library Rolls
- Instant level 15 for one Natrelmon, level 10 for the other
- 3 Bonus Wild Rolls with one guaranteed U+
- Rank III in two schools of magic (you select two to start with)

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Innue
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Innue Sheep God

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Info pending.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Payldue


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Alright! We are ready to go. I'll be reviewing bios here in the OOC and answering questions in the Discord server!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

You know you can count on me for steady inoffensive mediocrity.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Most accepted.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Most accepted for both.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tsukai
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Tsukai Pathfinder

Member Seen 20 days ago

I will be dropping a CS later today for approval
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Tsukai
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Tsukai Pathfinder

Member Seen 20 days ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Celaira
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Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Most accepted, @Celaira.

Once you add professions (check on the site or ask in the Discord), Luciano is accepted also.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Collab's finally up, ya'll
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Payldue


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Beware my power
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Payldue Have you been shuffling your feet on the carpet?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Most accepted, @Eklispe. Post them in Characters and make your intro at your leisure. Preferably before rolls reset tomorrow (^:
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JohnLichman


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: John Sarriah
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Often confused as a younger boy [she is very aware of this, and realizes the name does *not* help]; petite, short, professional and clean with a hint of flair; dark-skinned \\

Hometown: Lifan, raised near a cemetery
Personality: Solitary, quiet, studious, somewhat naive but business savvy, vegetarian, views Natrelmon as equal to humans, generally prefers to work at night
Relic: John carries a large wood-bound tome, closed tightly and hung from her hip with silver chains strung through the spine. When she captures a Natrelmon, she details what she observes about them in the book to deepen her understanding. This information is diligently studied and updated each day before she sleeps.
Natrelmon: Karrie [Elwis, Lv15 F] \\ Tress [Naachi, Lv10]
Spell Schools: Windspeaking III \\ Searsinging III

Professions: Mage \\ Merchant
Noteworthy Skills: Defiantly dedicated and a quick study, fluent in legalese \\
When she was young she read a book that described humans with the ability to project their soul outside of their physical body, and decided to spend six months meditating until she had taught herself to do it using handwritten notes in the margins as her guide. [Astral Projection]
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tuujaimaa
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Tuujaimaa The Saint of Wings / Bread Wizard

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Most accepted. You know what to do.
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