It was about noon at Camp Half-Blood, it was officially the first day of summer now a few days ago the Camp's oracle Rosie spouted out a new prophecy. Some of the kids weren't really sure what to think about it, word around camp quickly spread as everyone started to talk about it. Some of the Apollo kids were working at the archery range, while some of them were also working at the medical tents tending to some of the injured campers who had a few accidents, whether it was from a sparing match or from the Climbing Tower. There was always an injury somewhere.
The Demeter and Dionysus kids were tending to the strawberry fields that were surrounded the camp, as the Athena and Ares kids were either sparing, or practicing while the other half were at the climbing tower. The Hephaestus kids were busy working at the forges within their cabin, building new sets of armor and weapons for themselves and the rest of the camp as well, the Hermes kids were starting to planning on some prank on some of the other cabin counselors. While the Aphrodite kids were tending to some of pegasi in the stables and taking them out for their usual daily flight around the camp as well.
The Hypnos kids were all asleep usually within their cabin, which was most of the day for the most part they rarely ever did leave their cabin unless they really needed to, they mostly did nothing for the most part anyway as well. Some of the Iris kids were tending to Camp Half-Blood's shop, usually anything from weapons to food, nectar or ambrosia for anyone who were going out on a quest. While the others at the camp they were all being kept busy, and some of them were all preparing for a game of Capture the Flag that night after dinner which everyone was looking forward to while the other cabins were planning some kind of strategy. While Chiron and Dionysus, and Rosie were all sitting in the Big House, playing a game of chess while Rosie watched intently.
Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Sword Fighting Arena
Kristin was at the sword fighting arena holding her spear in hand as she started to attack a dumby stabbing it a few times in the chest, while she had her headphones in her ears. She quietly sang to herself as she looked at the others who were in the arena with her a few Ares kids and a few of her other half siblings as well who were either sparing or practicing on other dumbies. Kristin then stopped and sighed a little bit as she wipped away a little bit of sweat as she pressed a button on her spear as it turned back into a small bronze and gold bracelet on her arm.
Kristin walked over and started to take a drink of her water bottle and went over and sat down and started to relax a little bit as she rubbed the back of her neck looking up at the sky. It was a rather nice day seeing very little clouds in the sky right now as Kristin got up and watched a younger half sibling of hers struggling with a sparing partner of his. She was about to stop and help, when Alannah her other sister and cabin counselor went to go and give some pointers and smiled towards her, before making her way towards the exit and do a check on the armory and do a bit of inventory.
Kiera Donovan

Location: Crystal River School, For Troubled Youth - Court Yard
At Crystal River, it was lunch time for everyone on campus, it was a very large private school and it had a rather massive courtyard at the center of the school. Most of the kids were outside there eating and enjoying their lunch the school had all ages K-12 some of the younger kids were in one corner of the courtyard while the older kids were spread about the courtyard some of them were talking. Kiera had only been at the school for about a year now. She walked over and found a spot under a tree which she usually sat in headphones in her ears as she pulled out her guitar and started to play and sing to herself.
Kiera had her lunch bag next to her, they had an hour long break before classes started up again, she noticed a slight crowd started to watch her play. She ignored them for the time being as she continued to play, until she was finally finished, Kiera set her guitar down and smiled slightly. As the crowd started to disperse for now and then Kiera quickly started to dig into the lunch she had made for herself.