Stray Archer

Name: Odysseus,
Lost King of LiarsGender: Male
Birth and Death Dates: Age of Gods
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapon: Bow, Axe, CQC (Pankration)
A worldly man with a strong amount of self-confidence that extends well beyond hubris. Wise and intelligent, yet will occasionally gloat about his various victories. Acts as a cool professional, treating his Master as a "client" and doing as he's told so long as his own ego is appeased. Prone to bouts of wanderlust in a world free of gods. Aside from his gruff exterior, is quite the charmer. The wish of Odysseus is incarnation, having some "unfinished business" he needs to take care of, despite being reluctant about it. However, due to the circumstances of his summoning...
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: D
Luck: E
Class Skills:
Independent Action: A
Class skill of the Archer class. Allows one’s actions even in the absence of their Master. However, in a situation where one uses an enormous amount of magical energy, backup from their Master becomes necessary. At this rank, it is possible for the Servant to stay in the world for about a week without a Master. Accustomed to traveling alone after being lost at sea for 10 years, Odysseus naturally has a high rank in this skill.
Magic Resistance: B
Class skill of the Knight classes. Grants protection against magical effects, cancelling spells cast on the wielder altogether. Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for this Servant to be affected. Odysseus was capable of resisting the charms of the great witch Circe after consuming a magical herb given to him by Hermes.
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True): A+
Heightened insight cultivated through training and experience. Allows the analysis of the abilities of the opponent as well as the battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning. Through his cunning mind, Odysseus was able to bring victory for the Achaeans in the Trojan War as well as escape multiple predicaments on his way home. As his legend comprised of him accomplishing impossible feats mainly through his wits, it could be said that Odysseus's mind is his strongest weapon, his instincts refined enough to border the supernatural and allowing him to perform high-speed calculations.
Divine Wisdom for Sailing: C
The ability to discern the path ahead with certainty. A form of divine insight that allows the user to distinguish the best possible course to reach a destination. The skill also encompasses the aptitude of navigation used to traverse through treacherous waters and even the Underworld. A skill that Odysseus uses with reluctance due to its association with a certain witch, believing it to be some sort of curse. However, when used in conjunction with his abilities of analysis and prediction, a form of precognition can be utilized.
Nostos: A
Personal skill of Odysseus representing his famous journey and a mutation of the
Disengage skill. The will to return home despite facing various tribulations and temptations. A form of endurance that allows Odysseus to overcome countless hardships in order to reach the end of his journey, allowing him to escape from all matter of fatal situations so long as his destination lies elsewhere. It is best described a powerful curse that ensures the owner's survival further enhanced by his desire to return home. However, because this skill represents the owner's fate of facing a long and arduous journey filled with adversity, it is guaranteed that Odysseus will encounter calamity, as represented by his low rank in Luck.
Noble Phantasms
ΟὖτιςMy Name Is NobodyType: Anti-Unit (Self)
Rank: C
Range: 0
Maximum Number Of Targets: 1
A conceptual defense based off of Ulysses' nature to disguise himself to trick others and a crystallization of the act of outsmarting the cyclops, Polyphemus, by saying that he was "Nobody", therefore evading and later outsmarting the cyclops from eating him and his men. A continuously active effect that masks Ulysses's identity by being "Nobody", allowing Ulysses to obscure anything related to his True Name such as Noble Phantasms and inherent Personal Skills. It is through this Noble Phantasm that Ulysses is able to remain innocuous, hiding his true weapons and capabilities from others as a means of deception.
Through a blessing granted to him by the goddess Athena, Odysseus is also capable of altering his appearance to a degree, allowing him to utilize disguises such as that of a harmless beggar and forcing his presence from being detected as hostile. However, the act of disguising as other Greek Heroic Spirits and further altering the appearance of his statuses are incapable of being utilized in this class container. It could be said that this Noble Phantasm is also a representation of Odysseus's acting skills. An almost foolproof disguise if not for one particular flaw, the disguises provided by this Noble Phantasm are ineffective to those who know the true name of Odysseus, whether it is from Odysseus saying it himself or by associating that "Odysseus is Nobody." Of course due to the Servant's very nature, such a disguise is quite fragile.
Tóxo ApóllonaTrial of the Twelve Axe ShaftsType: Anti-Army, Anti-Suitor
Rank: B+
Range: 1~50
Maximum Number Of Targets: 12
A crystallization of the trial Odysseus's wife Penelope devised for her suitors in order to prove their worth in marrying her. The test was to be able to string Odysseus's bow and fire an arrow through twelve axe shafts, a feat only Odysseus was able to achieve. The Noble Phantasm grants Odysseus the ability to manifest the axes used in this trial. The axes do not carry any noteworthy effects and can simply be used as weapons. Odysseus shows enough proficiency in these axes to where they can be utilized as throwing weapons, and he uses these axes as his main weapon while under the effects of
Outis since they aren't directly associated with him. Odysseus is only able to use up to twelve of these axes at a time and they are capable of staying manifested within the world once thrown. It is only after twelve of these axes are deployed in the battlefield that this Noble Phantasm is able to show is true nature.
Upon invocation, Odysseus draws his bow, firing an arrow meant to recreate the act of "shooting through twelve axe shafts." The arrow will fly through impossible angles, shifting its trajectory mid flight in order to accomplish this feat until the last axe is struck, where it would then fly normally. The arrow gains phenomenal piercing power as it is capable of attacking multiple times with this single arrow, whether it be striking down a group of foes or overwhelming one with attacks from all angles. The only things that could stop this arrow from its flight are walls or defenses solid enough to where the arrow would just break upon impact, if it is caught, or if it is stopped by an effect that specifically defends against ranged attacks such as Protection from Arrows.
Odysseus is capable of changing the trajectory of the arrows on his own so long as they accomplish the feat of "shooting through twelve axe shafts". In other words, he is incapable of changing the trajectory of the arrow unless it hits an axe, allowing it to be stopped if it is caught between one axe and another. It should be noted that after striking an axe, it would be destroyed, therefore not allowing Odysseus to utilize this Noble Phantasm again unless he resets the battlefield with twelve more axes. Also, because this Noble Phantasm is tied to an event that confirms his identity, those who witness Odysseus firing the arrow or hear its invocation are automatically notified of Odysseus's identity. A cunning attack fit for the hands of Odysseus, its tactical applications are matched only by the flashiness of this technique. It should also be noted that the arrows that Odysseus carries are the poisoned arrows of Heracles retrieved from Philoctetes.