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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

  • Name: Meltlilith
  • Class: Alter Ego
  • Appearance:"Humans never seem to learn."
  • Personality: As the Alter Ego of pleasure, Meltlilith is equal parts sadist and a maiden in love. Borne from the emotions of the cast-off Sakura AI within the Moon Cell (which thus became the existence known as BB), Meltlilith cares not for humans or their actions. Rather, her actions show a near-total contempt for those around her, regardless of her status, save the target of her affection (if any). To that extent, Meltlilith is also incredibly harsh to others; as she sees and acknowledges the fact that she is a monster, and thus attempts to create distance from humans and paint herself thus. That being said, though, the incidents that she has found herself wrapped up in have caused her to reconsider her beliefs and, at the very least, respect beauty that exists outside of her perception of the world... At least, to some extent. She still seeks love as a maiden, and pushes her own will upon others without care for their own feelings. Despite her own desires, she dances on the battlefield, a so-called 'monster' of her own volition who acts, lying to herself all the while.
    But if, by some chance, one manages to push past the barriers she has put in place and gives her a reason to love, she shall dedicate her everything to them. Not as a weapon to eliminate enemies, but as a simple maiden desiring the heart of another.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A+
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: B. Cancels spells with chants under three verses. Higher-level spells will have difficulty sticking, if at all.
    • Riding: B. The ability to ride vehicles and animals that exist in the world. Barring things such as Phantasmal Species, Meltlilith is able to use such things as she pleases.
    • Independent Action: A. The ability to maintain existence in the world without a Master and act without the direct command of one. This skill also allows Meltlilith to exist for up to a week without being maintained by a Master's mana.
    • Goddess' Essence: B. A skill that can be described as an upgraded version of Divinity; in addition to all the benefits and demerits thereof, this skill maintains her mind, body, and soul. This, in other words, means that she is far more resistant to things such as mental interference and that her form will never change regardless of consumption of food or exercise. As Meltlilith is comprised of multiple divine existences, this skill manifests as such.
    • High Servant: A. An abnormal being (Alter Ego) composed of Artemis, Leviathan, and Sarasvati, this Skill essentially exists to denote Meltlilith, a member of the Sakura Five, as an existence beyond normal Servants.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Crime Ballet: A. As a ballet aficionado, Meltlilith re-configured her combat style to draw influence from the performances she learned of. The graceful movements she executes coupled with her high agility, in short, makes her able to weave through continued assaults without so much as a glance.
    • Sadistic Constitution: A. A skill that strengthens Meltlilith's combat capabilities. The longer she remains in battle, however, the more pleasure that she derives from the pain of others and the less composure she maintains. Her defensive abilities drop in turn, so extended combat can be dangerous if not properly moderated.
    • Melt Virus: EX. A so-called 'cheat skill' derived from Absorption and delivered by means of leg-based piercing attacks. Though ordinarily able to break down or copy even the most terrifying of enemies in order for Meltlilith to consume their abilities for herself, her manifestation here has led to it becoming far less lethal in nature. While higher dosages of the virus are still able to break down enemies and allow Meltlilith to consume them to strengthen herself, smaller amounts will only instead lower the parameters of any enemy who falls victim to it. Additional strikes will both allow Meltlilith to take in the elements broken down by the virus and inject more into the enemy's system.
      Survivors will regain their former abilities provided that they recieve proper care thereafter, but the virus can remain in their system if not treated properly (by either Meltlilith herself or by someone able to nullify its effects). The effects on Meltliliths herself will wear off if she did not consume the entirety of her target, lasting for different amounts of time depending on how much was absorbed.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa — Sarasvati Meltout
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Though originally an Anti-Army (or Anti-World) Noble Phantasm, her current Saint Graph limits this to a physical attack. Though it shows its true colors when targeting noncombatants, its usage against other Servants (at least, in this context) becomes a combat dance of sorts. Circling the enemy faster than the human eye can see, consummating in a whirlpool-esque torrent of slashes from her feet that serve to fill her enemies with her virus and crush them mercilessly under her heel—this is how she executes her foes.
      Needless to say, the current her has no particular intention to strike down civilians—doubly so given the state of the world she has been summoned into.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good (Yes, really.)
  • Changes: Closer to her GO iteration in terms of abilities and personality. In other words, Melt Virus has been nerfed and she's less sadistic and selfishly one-sided. Additionally, there is a plot-related reason for as to why she is able to be summoned here, but that will become a plot point later on. Probably.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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  • Name: Benienma
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: The Innkeeper and the Enma
  • Personality: By her appearance, Benienma is a young girl who appears quite precious. Indeed, this can hardly be considered to be incorrect, but to assume she is immature as her looks would imply would be a mistake. Her demeanor, on most occasions, can be compared to a loyal, polite samurai. An official of the afterlife with a serious and considerate personality, Benienma is a very honest girl, but also one who is willing to be a blade for her master and strike down evildoers to protect the innocent. She does not bear ill-will towards those that are free-spirited, even if she is not among them. Her sense of duty to her Master is paramount. However, in spite of this cool-headed demeanor, in reality Benienma is a very sentimental girl that holds every kindness done for her close to her heart. She is also a proud cook and is happy to dispense(rather harsh, but insightful) cooking lessons. Indeed, she instructed many legendary youkai after their deaths. Due to spending time as an innkeeper(and still maintaining one), Benienma is versed in the art of caring for others as well as the art of the sword, due to taking the stance of someone who supports those who could be called 'good humans'. She takes equal pride in both. While, of course, she is a loyal and serious Servant, there are some things that can result in a more childish response from her. Getting a day off, the swordplay of a certain swordsman, and the Noble Phantasm of a certain Archer can cause this reaction(in positive, negative, and positive ways, respectfully). Even if she is a serious girl, she is not one to hide her happiness.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: D
    • Endurance: E
    • Agility: A++
    • Mana: B
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: B
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: A. The cancellation of spells A-rank and below. Even High Thaumaturgy is incapable of penetrating Saber's anti-magecraft defenses.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Eye of the Mind(False): A. The innate ability to detect danger, a technique that can be compared to foresight.
    • Independent Action: A. Even without the support of a Master, Saber is capable of remaining materialized for up to a week before disappearing.
    • Presence Concealment: A. The capability to obscure one's presence as a Servant. At the rank of A, it is possible to disappear completely.
    • Inn Creation: B. The capacity to create a territory for the service of one's Master and allies. Differs from Territory Creation in that it is not the workshop of a magus, but rather an environment designed to serve others. Can be utilized for the rest and healing of those designated as 'guests'.
    • Ventriloquism: EX. Saber is capable of speaking even in spite of the removal of her tongue, due to intensive training. As a result, it is impossible to silence her, nullifying the effects of skills that rely on the cancellation of beneficial effects applied to herself.
    • Basket of Stars(Big): EX. The basket of recompense. By preparing wicker baskets before battle, Saber is capable of creating a basket that, when unsealed, unleashes negative effects upon the targets. These effects include weakening their defenses and their capability to attack, as well as temporarily rendering it impossible to utilize their Noble Phantasm. However, the targets' injuries are also mended by this skill, as it is fundamentally a gift.
    • Basket of Stars(Small): EX. The basket of gratitude. The other half of the coin when compared to the woven baskets that induce a curse upon the enemy. This basket, when unsealed, instead grants a boon to allies. Blades are sharpened by magical energy, mana is replenished, and a measure of Magic Resistance is temporarily applied. Additionally, injuries are mended to an extent. However, the healing capabilities of the basket of gratitude are indiscriminate, and enemies are also relieved of a measure of damage.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Jyū-Ō Hanketsu - Tsuzura no Michiyuki
    • Rank: A
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: An enormous wicker basket is summoned, and from it is issued forth a blistering wind and the Hyakki Yagyō in the form of sparrows. This assault disorients the enemy, allowing them to be captured in the basket. While the enemy is captured within, it is almost impossible to escape, and a passage to a space where judgement can commence is created. Within, sparrows representing the ten kings that pass judgement upon the dead preside over Saber's deliberation. After judging the target guilty, Saber unleashes a single slash that pierces the basket and cuts through the one trapped inside. It is not impossible to survive this sentencing, but Servants of the Chaotic Evil alignment are assuredly killed. Additionally, the chance of being slain outright increases for Servants of a Chaotic Alignment, and increases further for those of an Evil Alignment. Even a Servant that survives will be gravely injured and incapable of continuing to fight until their wounds are mended. Perhaps this is the difference between those of pure intent and sinners.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name: Nursery Rhyme ("Alice")
  • Class: Caster
  • Appearance: The Heroine of Children
  • Personality: Polite and cheerful, but also childlike in her view of the world. She tends to be rather friendly to others and can be quite the chatterbox sometimes, and seems to find it hard to show malice towards others, even her supposed enemies. As the Heroine of Children, she cares deeply about children and one of the few ways to make her angry is to upset or hurt them; it doesn't need to be physically either, as there are certain other Heroic Spirits she despises due to the stories they wrote as humans. She also can't stand bullies, and isn't afraid to make this fact abundantly clear. Despite having the identity of "Nursery Rhyme", the embodiment of her namesake, she insist on being called "Alice" instead, and occasionally refers to herself as such in the third person. Even though she claims to hate bad ends and love happy endings, she seems perfectly fine with actually fighting; it's possible that her childlike innocence doesn't entirely grasp the concept leading to her seeing it as a game and her battles simply being playing with the other Servants. She is especially fond of tea parties and will often try to set one up when left to her own devices.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: E
    • Agility: C
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Territory Creation: A
  • Personal Skills:
    • Self-Modification (A): Due to her unique existence, Nursery Rhyme's form is more mutable than other Servants, allowing her to modify her attributes almost at will.
    • Shapeshift (A+): Nursery Rhyme possesses the ability to change her shape and appearance in order to reflect her Master's favourite stories. However, due to a previous summoning, she prefers to remain in the form of a small girl influenced by Lewis Carrol's Alice books.
    • Meanwhile... (A): A heavily degraded form of an ability Nursery Rhyme used to have known as "The Queen's Glass Game: Perpetual Engine - Maiden Empire". The original version allowed her to rewind time to allow her playtime to go on forever, but due to neither being on the unearthly territory of the Moon Cell nor recieving the necessary backup from a certain young girl, Nursery Rhyme is only able to use it on herself in a much more limited fashion. With it, she can rewind her own personal time, healing herself, removing any negative effects and restocking her mana supplies.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Nursery Rhyme: A Tale For Somebody's Sake
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Appearance: Whilst the focus of this Noble Phantasm is the book she holds, as a Reality Marble its appearance when activated is more like the background than the foreground. Its true appearance, however, is none other than Nursery Rhyme herself.
    • Effects: A Reality Marble embodying the concept of nursery rhymes, fairy tales and children's fables, a gateway to Nursery Rhyme's inner world; although Nursery Rhyme herself is a product of this Reality Marble, creating an infinite loop where there is no beginning or end, just like the very concepts she embodies. Without fully activating it, she is able to pull concepts from this inner world and use them in the real world, basically turning fantasy into reality; due to a past encounter, however, she is especially fond of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and so often pulls concepts and characters from the Alice books. This includes card soldiers, griffons, mock turtles, and most dangerous of all the manxome Jabberwock. She also has the ability to call forth the Nameless Forest, but due to how dangerous it is to both friend and foe she is rather reluctant to do so. Invoking the name of the Noble Phantasm will fully activate the Reality Marble, unleashing Nursery Rhyme's inner world and transforming the surrounding area into a facsimile of Wonderland itself, a world built on the nursery rhymes and fairy tales, a dreamlike land where nothing is ever as it first appears. Nursery Rhyme is almost like the queen of this whimsical reality, and as such can instantly summon multiple beings from the stories and poems that she is the embodiment of. However, like all childhood fantasies, the Reality Marble is ephemeral and fleeting, and will eventually collapse and return the world to its usual state.
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Changes:
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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  • Name: Kobayashi Seria
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "Were you talking to me?" Seria is around 144 cm/4'9 in height.
  • Personality: Seria is a fairly prideful girl. She is also a highly competitive one. Perhaps it is for the best that she now dwells in a location where competitions between Servants are frequent, as she absolutely would desire to prove the superiority of the figure that she has summoned. Indeed, as the child of a rather accomplished magus, Seria values her own power a great deal. She also has a somewhat caustic personality, often rather surly and aggressive towards others and quick to point out what she sees as personal failings. However, beneath this prideful and aggressive attitude, there is another side to Seria. Knowing her family sent her to Fusang in hopes of continuing the family line, something she currently has no interest in, has left her quick to push others away. This is not simply due to disliking the fact that her future is being decided for her and that she is being pushed towards a certain outcome, but also due to more personal reasons she is unwilling to be forthcoming with. Due to her petite size, she is sometimes mistaken for being younger then she actually is by a few years(usually about 13), something she dislikes.
  • Abilities: Seria was born with a high number of magic circuits. Not only was she born with a large number, they were all also of a very high quality. As a result, she is a highly capable magus with an excellent capacity for performing potent spells consistently and in large numbers. Additionally, her Affinity is for not one, but two elements: Fire and Earth. This allows her a greater deal of versatility when casting spells, and increased compatibility with many destructive and defensive spells as well. Among these include igniting objects, generating 'bullets' of fire, and superheating a patch of the earth in front of her in order to create magma. She is also versed in various staples of magecraft such as reinforcement. It can be said that Seria could be considered prodigy when magecraft is considered.
  • History: Seria is the daughter of a union between the British magus Riandra Vionne Escarola and the Japanese magus Kobayashi Nobuhiko. This union was a very practical one, and while her parents did come to love one another the initial intent behind their marriage was purely in the name of producing an excellent heir by taking advantage of their highly compatible bloodlines. And, indeed, this goal was accomplished with the birth of Seria. As soon as she was capable of comprehending it, her training in magecraft began. She excelled at her understanding, and her upbringing brought with it a great deal of pride. She should be proud of her capabilities, proud to be the daughter of such a powerful union of magus bloodlines. And indeed, she was instilled with this pride, and a highly competitive attitude. For a time, Seria did not mind that aspects of her life had been planned ahead of time. After all, as the daughter of two powerful magus bloodlines, it was only right that her life would be directed towards maximum success. It was only recently, when it became clear that her family desired for her to further bloodline, that she began to find herself growing unsatisfied with this direction. Indeed, Seria was sent to Fusang with the intent to advertise her to potential suitors, among other reasons.
  • Other: Seria is fluent in both Japanese and English, though her Japanese is somewhat better than her English due to her upbringing in Japan. She is also sufficient in Mandarin.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

  • Name: Gilgamesh
  • Class: Gilgamesh
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
    It is impossible to talk about Gilgamesh without acknowledging that his ego is colossal beyond reckoning, even to the extent that someone who should never reasonably lose a fight is entirely capable of doing so based on the size of his own pride. Anything the king does is absolute law and right simply because he is the one doing it. If someone unworthy annoys him, then Gilgamesh thinks it's perfectly fine to just eliminate them on the spot.
    Fortunately, whilst he maintains that the world and everything in it belongs to him, the act of actually administering it would be an excessive amount of work--one that he is in no hurry to take back up again so long as humanity itself doesn't fail and disappoint him too much. Fusang City, with its high proportion of Servants, magi, and advanced technology, does a lot to counteract the more negative aspects of modern culture--he's not in such a bad mood that he's inclined to just administer judgement at the drop of a hat.
    Collecting things is more like an act of breathing, and as a wealth magnet he has no need to ever consider working, so his current attitude can be described as simply pleasure-seeking. Or, if one felt particularly brave, calling him a NEET.
  • Stats: Let it never be said that the King of Heroes is physically meagre.
    • Strength: B
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: A
    • Noble Phantasm: EX
  • Class Skills:
    • Independent Action: A. Backup from the Master is required for the use of Noble Phantasms. However, with Gilgamesh being Gilgamesh, he probably has something to get around that requirement amongst his countless treasures.
    • Magic Resistance: C. Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals. Does not include the resistance of his armour to magical attack, however.
  • Personal Skills:
    • Charisma: A+. At this point, it is no longer popularity or skill, but rather a kind of spell (curse) in itself. Often praised as the greatest king, Gilgamesh’s ability to command and lead great armies is excellent. An egotistical Gilgamesh radiating with self-confidence will surely boost the morale of his army to an extremely high level.
    • Collector: EX. The 'talent' to collect high quality goods—a 'luck' that draws rare items into the possession of the Servant. As a collector of treasures, and having gathered all the fruits of civilisation into his treasury in life, Gilgamesh has incomparable success at gathering high quality goods and treasures into his possession.
    • Divinity: B (A+). Two-thirds god and created specifically by the gods, Gilgamesh would naturally have the highest rank of divinity below fully transforming into a god--but his own dislike of the gods ranks this down.
    • Golden Rule: A. A skill that measures one's ability to acquire money--at this rank, he's fated to a life of incredibly luxury. Money will fall into his lap without any effort. This, like Collector, stems from his acquisition of all the world's treasures during life.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
      • Name: Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure
      • Rank: E-A++
      • Type: Anti-Unit (at least, when being directly weaponised)
      • Appearance: Again, when directly being weaponised.
      • Effects: Gate of Babylon is the connection to the King's Treasury; the way Gilgamesh accesses the vast, uncountable treasures that he has access to. They can be summoned to his hand, pull weapons out, or--and this sums up the vast majority of his fighting tendencies--arrange weapons floating in the air only to railgun them at the current target of his displeasure.
        The contents of the treasury include the prototype for every Noble Phantasm and any item that humanity would later construct--including his armour and such things as Enkidu--and this means that it might be the most multi-purpose NP possible. This includes everything necessary for the purposes of using a meal. It also includes a noble phantasm that retrieves everything else fired from it.
        People can also be transported in the treasury.

      • Name: Sword of Rupture, Ea.
      • Rank: EX
      • Type: Anti-World
      • Appearance: Yes, it's a drill.
      • Effects: The most powerful offensive Noble Phantasm. When Enuma Elish is released, depending upon the level, the vortex it creates can merely be a torrent capable of overpowering even Excalibur--or it can begin to pull in the entirety of the World and show the hell before creation. If not stopped, it would indeed destroy the world just as it supposedly formed it in the first place.
        Aside from being usable on every scale from obliterating a single target upwards, trying to understand it with enhanced senses is a bad idea. Deities could probably understand the Divine Construct, but it's still magnitudes above the creations of deities of human origin.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Changes: He's canon!
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

• Name: Hinami Asakura
• Age: 24 (apparent), over 400 (presumed real age)
• Appearance:

• Personality: Hinami is normally a calm and collected person. After all, she has seen enough of the world to know that hasty and ill-thought ideas never go forward for long enough. That said, she’s not one to dwell in an endless recursion of schemes and countermeasures as well.
After setting her sights on a goal she’ll work relentlessly towards completing it, though her methods may vary depending on her current physical state. In fact her whole way of being tends to do so as well, becoming more brash when she’s younger and more cold and calculating when she grows older.
She enjoys working on mysteries, reading, and coffee but isn’t too fond of drinking and smoking. If pressed, she would say that she likes cats and dogs in an equal way, but Hinami avoids keeping pets for the same reason that she tends to put on a cold mask to avoid making deeper relationships with other humans. Living a life that’s just too long tends to make you desensitized to the value of bonds that’ll come and go no matter what you do. Though, deep beneath the surface she harbors the desire to have and raise children, which is just about the only thing she was unable to do in her whole life, despite falling in love and getting engaged in relationships multiple times over the years.

• Abilities: Hinami is both skilled and knowledgeable enough to be considered equal to a Magus with the rank of Grand; the apex of modern magecraft. In fact, she could hold such a title if were not for the fact that she’s at odds with the Association. Hinami is experienced in most, if not all, system of magecraft known to the Association, but prefers to use elemental invocation spells whenever possible.
However, what makes her an uncommon individual in the eyes of the Association are her Mystic Eyes, which are a byproduct of being awakened to her Origin, known as Motion. In practice, Hinami’s Origin is connected to circular motion and cycles, making her whole life always go in circles. It’s usually represented by the fact that she grows and then young, always trapped between the early days of elderhood and the late days of childhood. Her Mystic Eyes reflect this, with the ability of reversing the flow things (usually entropy) when she’s on her deaging cycle and speeding the same flow when she’s aging forward.
The fact that Hinami’s Mystic Eyes edge on the territory of Magic is the main source of the problems she has with the Association who would do anything to get their hands on them, including slapping a Sealing Designation on Hinami’s back.

• History: A magus that is old enough to be considered a legend between within the halls of the Mage’s Association. In fact, it is common knowledge that she might as well be older than the Association itself, but after living (existing) for such a long time, even Hinami isn’t sure of it anymore. In fact, she forgot even her real name — if she ever had one to begin with.
Her story began centuries ago, when she was a mere normal girl that happened to be the only survivor of a village decimated by a plague. Her life was spared thanks to the compassion of an alchemist that took her under his wing, teaching her the basics of magecraft. To the great majority of people in the same situation as she, her story would end here, as she lived the rest of her days with her teacher, inherited his talents and passed them forward to her own chosen disciple.
However, that wasn’t the case for Hinami. During the time she lived with her teacher, she got awakened to her Origin and, as befits any who does so, was enthralled by it. The first time she noticed this was shortly after she finished training her own pupil and became a hermit seeking a secluded place to pass the remainder of her days.
Nevertheless, death never came to Hinami. Instead of getting older, she noticed that her complexion became more and more jovial with each passing day and, after a few more decades — when she was just a child once again — her aging process reverted once more and she began to grow older, only to repeat the same cycle anew.
After this point she has been living in the shadows, in a manner not dissimilar to individuals such as the Head of the Makiri clan, seeing the world of mystery grow into the world of technology and finally have the two of them meet up in their search for the Root.
While Hinami usually tried to keep to herself for ages, she couldn’t avoid the pull of her Origin, directing her to Fusang City. In fact, she came to believe that her whole existence was meant to guide her to this place, to see the possibilities that come when two paths to the Swirl mix up together.

• Other: Using her Mystic Eyes accelerates the aging/deaging process in an amount proportional to the amount of energy she manipulates. Because of this, not even Hinami is sure of how old she’s. Furthermore, she’s currently at a deaging cycle, so she can use the “Regression” aspect of her Mystic Eyes. She has about twelve years’ worth of energy to manipulate before she begins to age forward again and is forced to use “Mystic Eyes of Advancement” for the next seven decades or so.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

  • Name: Alkyrieaze von Einzbern.
  • Age: 9. Well... physically 9, and she seems to have been born 9 years ago. Her mental age doesn't really match properly in either direction.
  • Appearance: Normally, this would be covered up.
  • Personality: Alkyrieaze rather embodies how the Einzbern are, even at the best of times, not the most sane of families--even in comparison to your average magus. At least in her case, this is mostly from an odd combination of childish naivete and adult awareness; with what she's been taught and is aware of, she has a frighteningly blasé attitude towards most adult topics, such as violence. If a Servant were to threaten to cut her to pieces, it would probably not even register, and angry she can have a frighteningly violent streak.
    On the flip side... she's still a child whose socialisation has mostly been via homunculi that in many respects act as Servants, a very cold and uncaring "grandfather", and a long-dead hero. Childish pursuits do strongly hold her attention, and she's easy to influence as such.
  • Abilities: In the end, she's an Einzbern homunculus patterned after Justeaze, with all of the nigh-limitless magical energy that implies--certainly more than enough to comfortably sustain a Servant of any demand, or even several lesser Servants. Despite her age, her alchemical abilities are suitably advanced, allowing for any form of transmutation or refinement of precious metals, and the rest of the necessary base package for the Einzbern--mostly consisting, ironically, of healing magecraft no use for her. Like most of their homunculi, Alkyrieaze does not possess the slightest hint of combat ability beyond theoretically being able to make someone that has combat ability, but that's not much of an issue for once. And she'll gladly learn more magecraft if anyone makes the poor choice of exposing it to her (or if lessons are offered).
    When not ill, the reinforcements on her internal organs theoretically allow her to run without ever getting out of breath or her heart rate increasing, breathe toxic atmospheres, and eat without ever being full. Of course, her general poor health prevents making much use of those. She could make better use of how Acht improved her eyes--Mystic Eyes of Charm aren't bad, even when they just make you seem impossibly cute--but that would cause trouble.
  • History: After their failure with Illyasviel, the Einzbern thought it hopeless, with the grail no longer operational it was simply impossible for them to obtain the Third Magic--or, obviously, win the Holy Grail War as Jubstacheit had come to view his goal. But when the city was being built, in the exact place to mass-summon Servants... the family stirred once again, aiming for a different sort of perfection--a homunculus with all the ability needed to be a Master, but more of a human then even Illya had and able to live properly in such a city for the long term... long enough to perhaps recreate Justeaze's work.
    And then sacrifice enough Servants to obtain their goal.
    Of course, this first took some time--to have such a human homunculus and suitably raise them in the city, even after its founding, couldn't be immediate. And then, after Alkyrieaze's birth... all the flaws stemming from trying to create someone so human predicted a short lifespan--too short--rather than the near-limitless one that their plan might need. It was almost considered time to start again, but one last thing was attempted first: taking those weak and flawed internal organs, magically enhancing and reinforcing them, then putting them back in. Acht being Acht and not caring about his creations' feelings, she got to be conscious for all of this... at the age of six.
    Still, it seems to have worked, and so far there's no immediate indication Alkyrieaze's long term growth has been inhibited--her health is now actually good, albeit she's still susceptible to frequent illnesses. She even took to the direct route to alleviate her loneliness after once more returning to the city from the Einzbern estates: summoning a Servant. School wouldn't help; the Einzbern aren't good at making homunculi with only childish knowledge: she inevitably wound up skipping all the way to tertiary education.
    Since it's been a few years since then, they probably have some compatibility.
  • Other: Alkyrieaze isn't the only Einzbern in the city--naturally, they've ended up with a very big, fancy house--but she's the only "unusual" one. In that respect, the other homunculi defer to her where necessary.
    And it means the 9 year old is the one with the best access to their enormous wealth.
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Just going to drop this in here.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

• Name: Mordred "The Knight of Treachery"
• Class: Saber

• Personality: Mordred is a problem child, simply put, she seems to exist solely to cause spite and exasperation on others and enjoy the spectacle while doubling over in laughter. Even though she's a delinquent she still holds the pride, but not the code of honor, of that comes with not only being one of the Knights of the Round Table, but also being the rightful — in her eyes — heir of the Camelot's throne. As such, she's quick to pick fights with whoever she feels like and will use whatever means she needs in order to win.
There was a time when Mordred also held a great, boiling mix of contempt, and admiration for her father that caused her to be an extremely unstable individual on top of her already problematic attitude. However, after being summoned to countless Grail Wars, she eventually found a Master that helped her sort her feelings. Now, instead of hatred, Mordred holds an insecure admiration towards her father. She still desires deeply to be recognized by the king she admires so much but now Mordred feels like she should do everything it needs to impress, instead of spite, her father even if it means to begin another rebellion.

• Stats:
• Strength: B+
• Endurance: A
• Agility: B
• Mana: B
• Luck: D
• Noble Phantasm: A

• Class Skills:
— Magic Resistance B: Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.
— Riding B: Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill, even vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in, for they are no exception. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts.

• Personal Skills:
— Instinct B: Through this ability, it is possible to halve the penalties inflicted by visual and auditory interference.
— Mana Burst A: At Rank A, even a stick can become a weapon of great power. A normal weapon that is not on the level of a divine Mystery can be destroyed in one blow. Can also raise one's defense several times over.
— Battle Continuation B: Did not give up even when pierced with a Holy Spear and ended up giving the King of Knights a mortal wound.
— Charisma C-: Mordred's Charisma fully shows itself during a rebellion.

• Noble Phantasm(s):
• Name: Secret of Pedigree "Helm of Hidden Infidelity"
• Rank: C
• Type: Anti-Unit (Self)

• Effects: The helmet her mother Morgan gave to her along with the words "You must not remove." Within the Status, personal skills, Noble Phantasm and anything connected to the True Name is masked. However when Clarent: Radiant and Brilliant Royal Sword is released, the helmet must be removed.

• Name: Clarent "Radiant and Brilliant Royal Sword"
• Rank: C
• Type: Anti-Unit

• Effects: The sword denoting the right of succession of the throne that was stored in King Arthur's armory. It is described as "more dazzling than any silver, and is a treasured sword with worth excelling or at least not inferior to "The Golden Sword of Promised Victory." Because Mordred stole the sword without acknowledgement, the rank is lower than the original.

• Name: Clarent Blood Arthur "Rebellion Against My Beautiful Father"
• Rank: A+
• Type: Anti-Army

• Effects: Clarent's full power released form. Original was an ornate, sparkling white silver sword, but when invoked it is dyed with dark red blood and warps into an unsightly form. The blade is clad in wanton hatred and fired. A demonic sword of calamity.

• Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
• Changes: None that aren't already canon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

  • Name: Arsene Lupin I
  • Class: Assassin
  • Appearance: "I always look so much younger without the sideburns."
  • Personality: Arsene Lupin is everything you'd expect from a French aristocrat- he has impeccable manners, is quite a charmer, speaks courteously, and is a master thief. As one of the progenitors of the Gentleman Thief archetype, Lupin does not steal to gain material wealth but for the thrill of the act itself. The innocent have nothing to fear from his crimes- like Robin Hood, they quite often stand to gain from them. He prefers to steal from those of deplorable character- or those who do not appreciate their art or treasure- and prefers to redistribute what he doesn't keep for himself to those more willing to share and appreciate their valuables. Despite his criminal nature, he's a thoroughly pleasant person, and loves nothing more than making friends and pursuing beautiful ladies. Just don't mention his still-living grandkids.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: C+
    • Endurance: D
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: E
    • Luck: B
    • Noble Phantasm: B+
  • Class Skills:
    Presence Concealment (A)
  • Personal Skills:

    • Charisma (C)- Lupin maintained a sizeable network of criminals. Some say that it still operates today, so great was the loyalty of its members.
    • Disengage (A+)- Lupin is an expert in evading the authorities- and pursuers.
    • Expert of Many Specializations (A)- Lupin, in order to achieve his criminal ambitions, made a broad study of a number of martial arts, scientific disciplines, and professional skills. These skills include Academia, Eye For Art, Human Observation, Instinct, Lucha Libre, Medical Techniques, Musical SKill, Natural Insight, Ninjutsu, Oriental Martial Arts, Poison Resistance, Yoga, and many more. He can use these skills at a proficiency of B rank.
    • Hideout Creation (A)- Lupin created a number of hideouts, each outfitted with what was, for the time, the most cutting-edge of security measures. Snares, traps, warning bells, networks of electric wires and acoustic tubes, moving floors, hidden stairways, escape measures, and other ingenious devices honeycombed these buildings. This lets Lupin not only evade security measures, but also build and improve them.
    • Golden Rule (C)- Due to his talents as a master thief, Lupin always lived comfortably on his ill-gotten gains.
    • Master of Disguise (A+)- Lupin is capable of disguising himself in ways that seem impossible- he can alter his posture and face in such a way that master detectives- including Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Ganimard- are willing to testify in court that they do not recognize him. Even Magecraft of the highest orders has trouble penetrating these disguises.
    • Robust Health (C)- Arsene Lupin discovered the secret of the Fountain of Youth, granting him eternal youth- which may have hastened his demise as his aging enemies sought to pry the secret from him.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Phantom Thief
    • Rank: EX
    • Type: Anti-Treasure/Anti-Gate
    • Appearance: n/a
    • Effects: Arsene Lupin is a master thief, capable of impossible heists, disguises, and general feats of larceny and deception that surpass the Magecraft of any era. Whether it's stealing Vatican gold by impersonating the Pope, organizing a daring heist while trapped in jail under 24/7 surveillance, breaking out of an impossible prison by swapping places with a random vagrant, or even outwitting Sherlock Holmes himself, Lupin can always find a way to commit the perfect crime.

    • Name: The Secret of Sarek, The God Stone
    • Rank: B+
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: A lustrous glowing green jewel atop Lupin's cane, masterfully cut into a rounded shape.
    • Effects: The God Stone isn't just a pretty stone- it's an insanely radioactive jewel! The God Stone is capable of firing mana-infused atomic lasers that have catastrophic effects to those it hits- ranging from outright disintegration on a failed END check to basic mana-induced physical and magical pollution. With a specialized filter, it can heal those it hits instead.

    • Name: The Iconic Hat, Garder ton Chapeau/Ill-Gotten Gains, The Lupin Collection
    • Rank: B+
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: A number of shelves holding thousands of treasures- both magical and mundane.
    • Effects: The Lupin Collection isn't a weapon or ability. Rather, it's a collection of everything Lupin ever stole. Includes Papal Vestments, magical weapons, trinkets from the Age of Gods, antiques, and a key found in the deserts around Mesopotamia. By reaching through his hat, he's able to access this collection remotely.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Changes:
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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  • Name: Arturia Pendragon
  • Class: Saber
  • Appearance: "Ex..."
  • Personality: A strong-willed, stubborn girl who is nevertheless extremely brave and filled with determination, Saber can be said to be one of the pinnacles of knightliness. Truly, she is the King of Knights. So dedicated is she to her knighthood that she considers herself to be a knight before she is anything else. While she is honorable and dedicated, she will not show mercy to her foes if they do not show honor and dignity themselves. A monster, it seems, will be treated as one. Saber has a strong sense of justice, and in all likelihood would first seek to eliminate any foes who choose to harm innocents or plan to do other actions that could be considered evil. Opponents who behave in an honorable fashion are treated with honor and respect, but Saber is not above concealing her weapon to gain an advantage in that regard. In spite of being a proud knight, Saber is riddled with regret and guilt for what she believes were her failures in ruling as King. While she adheres to a philosophy of a king ruling for their people, she still believes that it is her fault that Britain fell. Still, while she has these regrets, there is nothing that will stop her from her dedication to her knighthood nor her pride. In addition, Saber is also capable of being a kind and caring girl who shows concern for others. While she is proud and brave, she is also easily embarrassed and flustered.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: A
    • Endurance: B
    • Agility: B
    • Mana: A
    • Luck: A+
    • Noble Phantasm: A++
  • Class Skills:
    • Magic Resistance: A
    • Riding: B
  • Personal Skills:
    • Charisma: B. The capacity of one to stand as a beacon to others, a sort of natural charm exhibited by those who spent their lives as leaders. At the rank of B, it is sufficient for one who was the King of a country.
    • Instinct: A. Finely-honed battle instinct comparable to predicting the future, allowing Saber to instinctively react to and understand even incomprehensible attacks. Visual and auditory interference can be be partially negated through this ability.
    • Mana Burst: A. Via the use of her enormous mana supply granted by her mana core, Saber is capable of reinforcing her entire body with mana, greatly enhancing her parameters. Primarily the use of this skill is for physical defense and speed, though even a single strike can be massively empowered by applying this reinforcement.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victory
    • Rank: A++
    • Type: Anti-Fortress
    • Appearance: The sword gifted by the Lady of the Lake
    • Effects: Excalibur is the peerless holy sword forged by the planet. Unmatched by anything but the Sword of Rupture used to split heaven and earth, it is an incredible destructive weapon, a perfect sword created with the purpose of defending the planet. It is considered beyond any other sword in existence, even those that may have technically been crafted with more skill then it is. Its edge is perfectly sharp and it is an excellent tool for piercing and cutting a target, and it is also capable of unleashing a small beam of mana in order to assault her foes. However, its true power is unleashed when it is invoked as a Noble Phantasm. When its name is invoked, Excalibur unleashes a massive wave of destructive mana that utterly annihilates everything it passes over, atomizing every single thing it comes in contact with. Its strength, even in a state where its full power cannot be unleashed due to being partially sealed, is sufficient to permanently scar the earth in a manner visible from space if the blade comes in contact with the planet while invoked. Even phantasmal beasts and evil deities from alternate dimensions are annihilated by the wave of mana released by the invocation of Excalibur. While this is certainly an incredibly destructive weapon, Saber is unable to use it very often due to its high potential for collateral damage and strain on her mana supply.

    • Name: Invisible Air: Barrier of the Wind King
    • Rank: C
    • Type: Anti-Unit
    • Appearance: N/A
    • Effects: Invisible Air is a sheath of wind that distorts and refracts light around whatever it encases. It is a simple form of magecraft that allows for the protection and obfuscation of anything it surrounds. Saber utilizes it to disguise the form of her sword, rendering it impossible to recognize the weapon she is using as anything other then something she wields with two hands. However, it can also be used as a form of projectile as well as a defense that can be applied to other objects. Saber may also utilize it in order to give herself a burst of speed, propelling herself towards her target in a manner similar to a rocket. When released to expose her sword's true appearance, it unleashes a shockwave that can damage opponents and knock them back.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: N/A
Hidden 6 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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soon to be replaced
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

  • Name: Liu Jiang (Jason Liu)
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance: "Eh? Oh, yeah, sure."
  • Personality: Though generally laid back, Jason’s penchant for trouble leads to him occasionally poking his nose where it usually doesn’t belong. He’s friendly to those close to him, but that ever-subtle sense of jealousy of the distinct amount of people who can use magic does cause him to feel inferior and a tad bitter at times. For good reason, of course.
    Despite that fact, most of the time that he ends up involved in magecraft, it’s by complete accident. The Servants that live in the city are everywhere around him, but the sense of being unable to even enter that realm despite living in it acts as a weight chaining his mind down.
  • Abilities: Jason has no notable features in terms of magecraft, as he cannot perform magecraft (as far as most others are aware). He does, however, remember a great deal from various classes and lectures on the nature of magecraft, and his background allows him to figure out more about weird magitech technology that has come about as a result of the creation of Fusang City (and, by extension, their contact with Atlas Academy).
  • History: A rather distinct non-magus, Jason lived a fairly normal life on the West Coast. His parents, immigrants from China, were comparatively well off from business ventures that they had pursued earlier in life (having been involved in the tech boom of the early 2000s), and had thus settled down near Silicon Valley to pursue this further. Of course, Jason had also had the fortune (or misfortune) of magic being revealed to the world. Though he lived his life close to the world of machines, the idea that fantasy wasn’t so far off was appealing enough to him to the point where he was begging to go to Fusang City to study once it had made its global entrance.
    A combination of personal curiosity from his parents and Jason’s own insistence allowed his attendance at age 10, though only on the condition that he maintain his grades while abroad. With that message taken to heart, the young boy was sent off to the city proposing the colliding of the worlds of science and magic. Here it was that he lived for the next few years, studying the knowledge that was available to him to the best of his ability.
    That being said, though, he still hasn’t actually summoned a Servant or even scratched the surface of learning magecraft, so most of his experience with the latter outside of the ‘normal’ courses has been studying theory than anything practical.
  • Other: He has magic circuits despite not having practiced magecraft, so it’s not wholly impossible to learn magecraft.
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