Name: Jin Zhou
Alias: Fringe, formerly The Fringed Spider
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Personality: Almost quippy to a fault, Jin considers herself a master of conversation. She will always push to do more, to push her limits farther and farther every day. Despite all of her quips, her tone doesn't have a lot of snark. In fact, she speaks quite genuinely. Fringe has been known to speak highly of her villains and how they've progressed since the last time she fought them. However, she can be quite stubborn when things get to her. Her focus tunnels, and her interest becomes obsession until she can put the problem in front of her to rest.
Skillset: Mechanical engineering whiz - Jin displays a wide base of knowledge about the sciences in general, but mechanical engineering is her core subject. Science is always a helpful tool to have when you're moving at breakneck speeds around the city.
Bilingual - Learning English was hard, but she did it. She speaks the language with relative ease, and can translate back and fourth between Chinese and English at will.
Athleticism and martial arts training - She might be a woman of science, but Jin was never one to refuse a challange of any sort. Even before her powers, Jin was quite athletic, and her spider bite helped her keep in shape despite a long period of rest when transitioning from China to America. Those skills have only increased since getting her powers, and combined with her intense focus, little can get past her.
Powers: Adhesion - Like a spider, Jin has the ability to cling to walls and nearly all surfaces. Her ability to cling is like a muscle, so she isn't just stuck on everything she touches.
Adaptive mind - A unique feature of the Fringed Spider is how quick and adaptive it is to new situations. Her brain was once a TI-82 calculator, and now runs more like a supercomputer, however, this does not mean she isn't immune to information overload.
Peerless vision - another feature of her spider is ti's incredible vision, which paired with it's complex and adaptive mind allows for Jin to see impossibly far away and take in almost microscopic details with only her eyes. However, in her normal day, she is required to wear thick glasses to dampen her vision to a level that won't give her a headache.
Spider Sense - A sort of enhanced instinct that reveals to Jin any signs of immediate danger. There are ways to circumvent this, and the sense can be ignored, but it is tied strongly to reflexes, forcing jin to often move entirely on instinct.
Tools and Equipment: Fringe Suit - Modeled after a Qipao and martial arts garb, the lose appearance of her costume hide's thick padding and gadgets of her own design. The helmet is also heavily padded on the inside, and the lenses are made out of a variable material not unlike an LCD screen which filters heavier and lighter for different degrees of vision.
Web shooters - what kind of spider can't shoot webs? Even though the Fringed Spider isn't know for impressive web making, Using webs to swing around Bell Reach has given her an advantage that wouldn't have been accessible without somehow getting more powers.
Additional Information:
Alias: Fringe, formerly The Fringed Spider

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Hometown: Shanghai, China
From her early days back home in China, Jin always knew she would rise above the ranks and take the world by storm with her scientific ideas and inquiries. A lone daughter, Jin understood stress and how the people around her viewed her, but she wasn't going to let anything stop her form reaching the top.
Jin majored in mechanical engineering, and soon found a job with the Shanghai branch of Aprico, testing and developing equipment that would help further humanity.
However, unlike the rest of the world, her story started before The Boom. Among technological advancements, Aprico is also heavily invested in genetic work as well. The smallest animals had the most potential while also having the lowest risk in the event anything happened. Fringe was unlucky enough to have been bitten by one of Aprico's genetically modified test subjects, A Portia Fimbriata - The Fringed Spider. Since her bite, Jin was sharper than ever. Her mind was more flexible than she ever thought possible, and her vision was enhanced so much she needed such a thick prescription in order to not get a headache from information overload.
These powers could not go to waste, she told herself. Every advantage she was given, she would use to the fullest extent. She couldn't, wouldn't let herself sit idly by while people were getting hurt out in the streets, so she took to vigilantism in the hours she was not at work. She had no name, no face. Simply a do-gooder who helped protect the people of Shanghai.
And then it happened. Aprico asked her to move to their founding establishment in Bell Reach California. How could she say no? This was the step up in life she was waiting for. To finally be in the biggest league of them all and to change the future in ways that her masked counterpart could not. She could show her face, she could get recognition for her efforts.
Unfortunately, you don't get a lot of praise when you're a shut-in.
Moving to America was a massive change for Jin. Half way around the world and there was nothing there that her advanced mind could predict. She spent all of her time at the lab or at home, but this pattern of work and seclusion caught the eye of a family living in the same building as her.
Cliff Riley, an electrician and maintenance adviser, lived just down the hall from Jin. He had seen her go to and from work nearly every day without so much as a word to her new neighbors, but respected her enough to keep his distance. As days turned into weeks, and Jin seemed more stressed with every passing day, Cliff, his wife May, and their surrogate son Peter decided to be the welcome wagon.
The three helped her out of her shell and become more acclimated to her new surroundings. Young Peter was just entering high school and needed a tutor. What time she once spent at her own home, was now spent with the Rileys. As much as she loved the Riley family, she could not tell her about her burden, her past. The Riley family was remarkable in the fact that none of them seemed to have developed powers, but Jin was ahead of the curve. In a city of heroes, she wanted to lay low.
About a year in, tragedy struck. Cliff Riley was murdered in a mugging, leaving behind his wife and nephew. It hit Jin hard, to lose such a kind and welcoming man, but she could only imagine how hard it was for May and Peter. Soon, all of her time was once again consumed by work, but in a different sense.
Jin began developing technology using Aprico equipment. Special technology, that would allow her to ascend beyond her already sturdy power set. Inspired by the spider that started this path, she embodied it, and swore that she would protect the People of Bell Reach in any way that she could. Fringe was born. They Rileys were and would always be a priority, but now there was even less free time for her. Work, patrolling, and helping May and Peter took up all of her time.
And she couldn't be happier.
Jin majored in mechanical engineering, and soon found a job with the Shanghai branch of Aprico, testing and developing equipment that would help further humanity.
However, unlike the rest of the world, her story started before The Boom. Among technological advancements, Aprico is also heavily invested in genetic work as well. The smallest animals had the most potential while also having the lowest risk in the event anything happened. Fringe was unlucky enough to have been bitten by one of Aprico's genetically modified test subjects, A Portia Fimbriata - The Fringed Spider. Since her bite, Jin was sharper than ever. Her mind was more flexible than she ever thought possible, and her vision was enhanced so much she needed such a thick prescription in order to not get a headache from information overload.
These powers could not go to waste, she told herself. Every advantage she was given, she would use to the fullest extent. She couldn't, wouldn't let herself sit idly by while people were getting hurt out in the streets, so she took to vigilantism in the hours she was not at work. She had no name, no face. Simply a do-gooder who helped protect the people of Shanghai.
And then it happened. Aprico asked her to move to their founding establishment in Bell Reach California. How could she say no? This was the step up in life she was waiting for. To finally be in the biggest league of them all and to change the future in ways that her masked counterpart could not. She could show her face, she could get recognition for her efforts.
Unfortunately, you don't get a lot of praise when you're a shut-in.
Moving to America was a massive change for Jin. Half way around the world and there was nothing there that her advanced mind could predict. She spent all of her time at the lab or at home, but this pattern of work and seclusion caught the eye of a family living in the same building as her.
Cliff Riley, an electrician and maintenance adviser, lived just down the hall from Jin. He had seen her go to and from work nearly every day without so much as a word to her new neighbors, but respected her enough to keep his distance. As days turned into weeks, and Jin seemed more stressed with every passing day, Cliff, his wife May, and their surrogate son Peter decided to be the welcome wagon.
The three helped her out of her shell and become more acclimated to her new surroundings. Young Peter was just entering high school and needed a tutor. What time she once spent at her own home, was now spent with the Rileys. As much as she loved the Riley family, she could not tell her about her burden, her past. The Riley family was remarkable in the fact that none of them seemed to have developed powers, but Jin was ahead of the curve. In a city of heroes, she wanted to lay low.
About a year in, tragedy struck. Cliff Riley was murdered in a mugging, leaving behind his wife and nephew. It hit Jin hard, to lose such a kind and welcoming man, but she could only imagine how hard it was for May and Peter. Soon, all of her time was once again consumed by work, but in a different sense.
Jin began developing technology using Aprico equipment. Special technology, that would allow her to ascend beyond her already sturdy power set. Inspired by the spider that started this path, she embodied it, and swore that she would protect the People of Bell Reach in any way that she could. Fringe was born. They Rileys were and would always be a priority, but now there was even less free time for her. Work, patrolling, and helping May and Peter took up all of her time.
And she couldn't be happier.
Personality: Almost quippy to a fault, Jin considers herself a master of conversation. She will always push to do more, to push her limits farther and farther every day. Despite all of her quips, her tone doesn't have a lot of snark. In fact, she speaks quite genuinely. Fringe has been known to speak highly of her villains and how they've progressed since the last time she fought them. However, she can be quite stubborn when things get to her. Her focus tunnels, and her interest becomes obsession until she can put the problem in front of her to rest.
Skillset: Mechanical engineering whiz - Jin displays a wide base of knowledge about the sciences in general, but mechanical engineering is her core subject. Science is always a helpful tool to have when you're moving at breakneck speeds around the city.
Bilingual - Learning English was hard, but she did it. She speaks the language with relative ease, and can translate back and fourth between Chinese and English at will.
Athleticism and martial arts training - She might be a woman of science, but Jin was never one to refuse a challange of any sort. Even before her powers, Jin was quite athletic, and her spider bite helped her keep in shape despite a long period of rest when transitioning from China to America. Those skills have only increased since getting her powers, and combined with her intense focus, little can get past her.
Powers: Adhesion - Like a spider, Jin has the ability to cling to walls and nearly all surfaces. Her ability to cling is like a muscle, so she isn't just stuck on everything she touches.
Adaptive mind - A unique feature of the Fringed Spider is how quick and adaptive it is to new situations. Her brain was once a TI-82 calculator, and now runs more like a supercomputer, however, this does not mean she isn't immune to information overload.
Peerless vision - another feature of her spider is ti's incredible vision, which paired with it's complex and adaptive mind allows for Jin to see impossibly far away and take in almost microscopic details with only her eyes. However, in her normal day, she is required to wear thick glasses to dampen her vision to a level that won't give her a headache.
Spider Sense - A sort of enhanced instinct that reveals to Jin any signs of immediate danger. There are ways to circumvent this, and the sense can be ignored, but it is tied strongly to reflexes, forcing jin to often move entirely on instinct.
Tools and Equipment: Fringe Suit - Modeled after a Qipao and martial arts garb, the lose appearance of her costume hide's thick padding and gadgets of her own design. The helmet is also heavily padded on the inside, and the lenses are made out of a variable material not unlike an LCD screen which filters heavier and lighter for different degrees of vision.
Web shooters - what kind of spider can't shoot webs? Even though the Fringed Spider isn't know for impressive web making, Using webs to swing around Bell Reach has given her an advantage that wouldn't have been accessible without somehow getting more powers.
Additional Information:
Name: Trent Folley
Alias: Tritus
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hometown: Bell Reach, California
Biography: Young Trent Folley, former surf-dog of Hewlis Highschool right in the heart og Bell Reach. Born to a family of realty agents making just the biggest bank on a booming supercity. Despite living rather comfortably, Trent was never home. Scraping by in school, but excelling in sports, Trent knew that his home would always be his home. School wasn't his place, neither was an office. He needed to be out, living life.
The waves were always his home. Out at the beach, riding waves from dawn till dusk, Trent found work helping people move their beach equipment for a few bucks before he could work legally, and started as a lifeguard the day he turned sixteen. The day his awakening happened was a day he would never forget. At the ripe age of sixteen and working at the lifeguard stand, there was an emergency for someone who had been caught by the tide and was swept out far. As soon as the bell sounded, Trent grabbed his board and headed out. He never paddled so hard in his life, but that was because it wasn't the paddling them kept him moving. Trent was gifted with the ability to manipulate water, but it did come with a few catches. Heroes started popping up, but Trent knew his place. The beach was his home, and he would protect everyone there.
Now, nineteen, Trent works multiple jobs at Bell Reach Beach. Lifeguarding, managing surf shacks, even teaching surf and swim classes to anyone who was interested. This was his life, and he wouldn't have it any other ways.
Personality: Pretty stereotypical and average as far as californian surfers go. Peace loving and wanting nothing more than to solve everyone's problems with a good wave and a lovely sunset, though he understands the dangers of his surroundings. He's surprisingly keen and sensible despite his most obvious features, and shows a great deal of love for both the people and animals that make his beach their playground. The Nickname Tritus came from mashing Triton, the herald of the sea, and Titus, the famed emperor. Despite starting low, any regulars to the beach know that Trent is in charge, but a kind and just watcher of the waves.
Skillset: EMT Medical training - Trent went above and beyond when it came to prepping to be a lifeguard. Didn't stop at just the weekend red-cross classes, he took the ladder all the way to the top to make sure he could help anyone and everyone that came his way.
Knowledge of marine and coastal animals - another perk of living where the land meets the sea, Trent knows how to handle and take care of any animals that get too close to the shore safely and humanely
Powers: Water Manipulation - Trent can manipulate water by extending his consciousness through it, though this requires a physical connection to the water in order to work. When in the ocean, Trent is king, moving and making waves as he wants, but out on land, his use of his powers becomes much more limited.
Aquatic Physiology - his connection to water doesn't simply stop at being able to move it around as he wishes. Trent was also gifted with a number of abilities that allow him to thrive in the water.
Tools and Equipment: Smartphone - of course, no way to know the world than without the use of a phone.
Surf board - carved by himself and a friend, Trent never steps into the water without his board
Additional Information:
Alias: Tritus

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hometown: Bell Reach, California
Biography: Young Trent Folley, former surf-dog of Hewlis Highschool right in the heart og Bell Reach. Born to a family of realty agents making just the biggest bank on a booming supercity. Despite living rather comfortably, Trent was never home. Scraping by in school, but excelling in sports, Trent knew that his home would always be his home. School wasn't his place, neither was an office. He needed to be out, living life.
The waves were always his home. Out at the beach, riding waves from dawn till dusk, Trent found work helping people move their beach equipment for a few bucks before he could work legally, and started as a lifeguard the day he turned sixteen. The day his awakening happened was a day he would never forget. At the ripe age of sixteen and working at the lifeguard stand, there was an emergency for someone who had been caught by the tide and was swept out far. As soon as the bell sounded, Trent grabbed his board and headed out. He never paddled so hard in his life, but that was because it wasn't the paddling them kept him moving. Trent was gifted with the ability to manipulate water, but it did come with a few catches. Heroes started popping up, but Trent knew his place. The beach was his home, and he would protect everyone there.
Now, nineteen, Trent works multiple jobs at Bell Reach Beach. Lifeguarding, managing surf shacks, even teaching surf and swim classes to anyone who was interested. This was his life, and he wouldn't have it any other ways.
Personality: Pretty stereotypical and average as far as californian surfers go. Peace loving and wanting nothing more than to solve everyone's problems with a good wave and a lovely sunset, though he understands the dangers of his surroundings. He's surprisingly keen and sensible despite his most obvious features, and shows a great deal of love for both the people and animals that make his beach their playground. The Nickname Tritus came from mashing Triton, the herald of the sea, and Titus, the famed emperor. Despite starting low, any regulars to the beach know that Trent is in charge, but a kind and just watcher of the waves.
Skillset: EMT Medical training - Trent went above and beyond when it came to prepping to be a lifeguard. Didn't stop at just the weekend red-cross classes, he took the ladder all the way to the top to make sure he could help anyone and everyone that came his way.
Knowledge of marine and coastal animals - another perk of living where the land meets the sea, Trent knows how to handle and take care of any animals that get too close to the shore safely and humanely
Powers: Water Manipulation - Trent can manipulate water by extending his consciousness through it, though this requires a physical connection to the water in order to work. When in the ocean, Trent is king, moving and making waves as he wants, but out on land, his use of his powers becomes much more limited.
Aquatic Physiology - his connection to water doesn't simply stop at being able to move it around as he wishes. Trent was also gifted with a number of abilities that allow him to thrive in the water.
Tools and Equipment: Smartphone - of course, no way to know the world than without the use of a phone.
Surf board - carved by himself and a friend, Trent never steps into the water without his board
Additional Information:
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