Name: Kosara Grace
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: Hybrid(half devil)
Theme Song:
Furure in my handsPersonality: Kosara's a person that can be broadly summerized with a single word and that's energetic. Most of the time one cannot see her staying rooted in place. She's always moving, always doing something. There is only one exception and that's when she's reading a book she fancies. That's the sole time you can find her staying still for more than a minute. Her hatred towards demon kind is immense. She barely can contain her emotions when she's faced with them. Once she finds one, she want's nothing else but to tear them to bloody pieces. She's also a little bit of a talker, she likes to talk and to especialy badmouth her demonic opponents.
Out of battles with the demons, she has a lot of hobbies along with reading. She likes to listen to music, likes to tinker on her bike and also visit museum. Still having been raised in a church ran orphanage all her childhood, she also has a certain weak spot towards children. Often she would donate big portions of her earnings to such places, making sure the little buggers could have all they need. She does harbor a certain dislike for actual church folk though, having sufferend a lot of pain at their hands. Still she knews not all of them are bad apples, but it certainly left her a degree of dislike towards herself. Mostly the human part, leaving her at a certain contradiction. Hating demons, but loving her demonic mother and hating her human part while also conditioned to love and protect humanity.
This contradiction sometimes manifests at extremities as she takes up selfdamaging activities with little regard to herself or actually valuing the lives of humans more than her very own. Still she's not completely unaware of this contradiction as she often ponders why actually her life would be worth less than a human's. Still decade of brainwashing and mental conditionings are hard to overcome.
Backstory: Kosara doesn't know who her father was. All she knows it's that he was a human that her mother fell in love with. Her mother was a devil who had left the demon world under some kind of danger. Never the less she had met a human man, fell in love and had a child, but Kosara was never told her father's fate. Especially since her mother actually died when Kosara was barely 6 years of age. They lived a humble live, her mother preferring to keep a low profile and avoid all dangers because of her child. Sadly that didn't continue forever.
Just a day after her 6th birthday, Kosara and her mother were tracked down by demons. A fight was sparked within moments as her mother fought bravely, Kosara hid herself away. Still the enemies were many and her mother was alone. In the end she was slowly worn down until a deathblow was dealt. Deciding to take them all with her, Kosara's mother used the last of her concscious power to strike a counter, taking the last of the enemy with her. Kosara crawled out of her hiding place only to find her mother's body already vanishing. With her dying breath, her mother kissed her for goodbye on the forhead, giving her one last blessing and leaving all that remained of herself to her daughter. As her body vanished, her essense reformed and formed up into a devil arm - a long elegant looking curved blade, that was bigger at the present her at the time.
Following that, she was picked up by the authorities and ended up in a church ran orphanage. Throughout the entire length of time, the sword never left Kosara's presence for longer than a night. People would pull it out of her small hands and lock it away or get it as far away as possible, but come morning, the sword would always be resting by her small body by some unknown means. Still they continued to take it away form her every day.
Her stay at the orphanage wasn't the best. The other children were like family to her, but the nuns who ran it weren't kind to her. She suffered constant pressure from them, was always reprimanded for every little thing, was given more tasks to complete than the other things and was forced to prey all the time. They kept drilling into her hatred towards demons and that human life was more precious than even hers. It was incredibly effective on the mind of a young child after constant near brainwashing. Thus she grew up, hating demons with the exception of her mother, nearly hating herself too, hating her weak human part and also believing it was her duty to save human live at the expense of her own self. She became increasingly unstable at hte orphanage until one day she lashed out at one of the nuns after being whipped for opposing them. It was a mere slap, but that one slap cracked the nun's jaw and took out a number of teeth. After this event she just grabbed her sword and left the orphanage, becoming a devil hunter.
After that event when she became independent, she started hunting demons and devils with a great zeal, but never joined in any organization. Partly because she didn't quite like sharing the killing, part cause she didn't want anyone telling her what to do and partly because she was known as an extremely unstable person who while never really going to kill a human, was known to go mental on people who hurt children and other select incidents. Additionally she never takes in an actual protection job, if there aren't demons to be killed she just skips it over, looking over for something actually involving killing enemies.
Demonic body: Her demonic heritage gives her increased strength, speed, reflexes and regeneration even when not tapping into her demonic powers.
Melee Slot 1: Devil Sword Freya(Devil Arm)- a long blade reminiscnet to the japanese nodachi swords. It's total length is 1.55m. It lacks a guard and hte entire blade is made out of smooth blue metal.
-Air Slash: The blade's default ability. Swings from this sword accelerate air across the blade, causing flying wind blades with each swing that cause damage beyond the sword's lenght.
-Whirl descend: After jumping, Kosara spins rapidly in the air, causing a great number of slashes before she wands.
-Rythm Slash: A slash that becomes more powerful with each successful hit. Each successful hit builds energy within the blade. All power is reset if a strike is missed.
-Wind Scar: Releases all energy that's being stored up until now within the blade from the wind Slashes in a singular powerful attack. It takes the form of a powerful wind wave that cuts at everything in a single line.
-Mother's Embrace: The blade can return to the hand of it's owner if the user loses their grasp of it. It just vanishes into air and reappears back to her side. Usable once per day.
Melee Slot 2: Basilisk's eye(Minor Devil Arm)- This one is Kosara's backup weapon that she rarely uses. It is a gauntlet with a big eye above the wrist.
-Stone gaze: It has the effect of paralyzing the target for a moment after each fifth strike. May not work on bigger enemies or such with strong demonic powers.
-Basilisk's gaze: Can black in incoming projectile attack and render it harmless if it's blocked precisely with the eye on the gauntlet.
-Venomous Fangs: The gauntlet's strikes cause residual damage to affect their target. It's not exactly strong, but enough to be a nuisance to enemies for a little while.
Ranged Slot 1: Sylph(Enchanted Item)- A small crossbow that Kosara's has taken a liking to. It fires bolts charged with her demonic energy and is enchanted with the elemental powers of air.
-Wind blast: After charging for a few seconds, the next bolt will have a small whirlwind around it, causing additional damage.
-Viper shot: Using the power of wind, the bolt will be guided towards it's target. Takes a while to charge also.
-Wired bolt: Fires a bolt that has a thin, but sturdy thread attached to it.
-Recoil: Using the crossbow's wind powers, she can push herself far away from the direction when she fires it in.
-Wind bolt: When there's not a proper loaded bolt, the crossbow can fire a compressed gust of wind instead for tiny amount of damage instead. Useful for recoil.
Ranged Slot 2: Loathing- a big customised handgun. Has a big clip and is focused for firepower. Made to fire the bullets infused with her demonic power.
-Shadow shot: Firing two shots at a speed that makes it sound like a single one.
-Ricochet: Firing a shot at such an angle that it ricochets and hits another target.
-Charged shot: Channeling demonic energy in the shot before firing as to have it explode on impact with the enemy.
(Upgrades you have purchased will simply be listed here. This can include things like +1 Equipment Slot, Additional Skill for <weapon here>, etc.)
Name: Phantom
Description: Kosara's style is focused on extreme mobility and overwhelming hte enemy with flurry of attacks. It relies heavily on dodges instead of blocking. In fact this reliance on dodges had led to the development of hte style's namesake move. In combat she moves rapidly across the battlefield and around the enemies, attacking from multiple angles, dashing in and retreating at extreme speeds.
-Momentum: This style of hers is all about the speed and the progress of the combat. The more she dodges during combat, the greater momentum she builds up, increasing her speed up. When enough speed is build up, her dodges start to leave behind afterimages from the extreme speed..
-Phantom Mirrage: The namesake of her style, this move is the essense of her dodges. Using extreme speed at the precise time before an attack, she dodges as the attack is to hit her, leaving a veritable afterimage for a moment... in other words a mirrage. Becomes avaible as Momentum builds up.
-Whispers in the wind: A lightningly fast dash and strike that allows her to strike at her opponent from great distance with as little of sound made as a whisper... or to retreat at a moment's notice. At the peak of the momentum, It appears as if her body doubles as she can use her extreme speed to keep changing directions, leaving two seeming paths her body is moving at.
-Flicker: Moving her body at extreme speeds, her arms appear as if flickering for a moment, allowing her to seem like she's attacking from one side, when she's actually attacking from another.
-At sufficient momentum and speed she can wallrun for some distance.
-At peak Momentum, she can use all the build up speed for a single powerful attack, draining all build up momentum.