Name | Tania Myradin
Age | 18
Gender | Female
Level/Tier | Virtuoso Tier 2
House | Bestia
Appearance/Attire |
Alignment | Free Spirit
Personality/Habits | She is a terribly easygoing and frank person, never afraid of telling others what she really thinks about them. Her gaut is like a lady, but her tongue is as sharp as a wolf's fangs. She rarely, if ever, considers the feelings of others. She always fancies herself as being on the side of facts and truth, as well as the purveyor of beauty. Indeed, she despises all ugliness and loves all forms of beauty.
The only people she displays her meeker side to are her parents and her little brother.
Especially the latter since she's quite the brocon.Background | She was born in the noble house of Myradin, a relatively small noble house with a territory out in the corner in the kingdom. Both of her parents' were used to be students of the Academy, with both being members of the Bestia house. So naturally, that led to her being a Bestia as well. But unlike her father, whose first summon was a lion, and her mother, whose first summon was a wolf, her very first summon was a butterfly instead. And it wasn't a giant butterfly or anything. It was a perfectly ordinary-sized butterfly.
To her parents' surprise however, she was not disappointed. In fact, she was perfectly happy with her first summon. She told them that her butterfly was beautiful, and that was all that mattered to her.
Her happy days didn't last long, as soon, her adorable little brother was diagnosed with a rare degenerative spinal disease that would slowly but surely leave him paralyzed. It was entirely genetic, so nothing could be done to cure him.
Gloom fell to the normally happy house, and she had to depart to the Academy with his little brother entirely confined to his bed. At first, she was against going when he was in such a condition, but she soon realized that the Academy was the best chance she got to find a cure for him, as she remembered all the fanciful stories her parents often told to her about the place, about all the wondrous summons the students had
Someone must be able to cure him. And if not, I'll do it on my own.It was the start of her obsession with genes. At first, she thought the solution was to fix her brother's faulty ones, but she soon realized it was far too late for that. His body already grew according to the instructions of said genes, and there was no turning back the clock.
Her next solution came from the Machina, surprisingly enough. If her little brother's body was unsalvageable, then why didn't she give him a new one?
She was talking, of course, of the still theoretical process of brain uploading.
This was what led to her becoming a good acquiantance of Corona, whom specialized in the subject. She helped her with her research in the subject, even though she wasn't a Machina herself.
In the meantime, she played around with gene manipulation herself. As she was capable of summoning a creature out of her own imagination, she was able to conjure genetically modified creatures as her summons.
She also dabbled on genetic engineering directly, with her growing enhanced plants in the Herbology club.
Favorite Summons | 1. Butterflies
She is rarely ever seen without her butterflies following her around. They don't really do anything special, other than producing a constant sweet aroma around her.
2. Dorhnii, The Immortal Jellyfish
A giant blue jellyfish, capable of firing water spouts as well as channeling electricity through its tentacles. Like its name suggested, it's practically immortal. It has an extremely high regenerative and growth properties, and it could revert back to a mere blob of tissue if it sustains too much damage, and grows back to its adult form quickly.
3. Super Flu
Like the name suggests, this summon is essentially a swarm of viruses that could enter the opponent's body and makes them terribly sick. They are, naturally, completely invisible to the naked eye. The only tell that they are there is the summoning light that would be generated when they arrive. They couldn't move through the air fast however and they would die quickly after they are summoned.
The illness' effects could be customized as she wants them.
4. DNA Surgeon
This is also a virus summon, but it's not intended for battle in the slightest. It's purely used to edit the DNA of living beings. THey are the main tool that she uses in her research.
Technically, she could use them to inflict cancer on the opponent, but what's the point when it would only take its toll on them many years later?
5. Tyro The T-Rex
A completely DNA-modification free summon, she obtained it from a realm where the prehistoric era never ended. It was the summon that got her through the early years of the Academy, before she could craft her own summon.
It's basically just a regular T-Rex.
The wingless sort.Clubs:
1. Future Tech
The tools they provide, as well as her partnership with Corona, logically makes her join the club.
2. Skirmish
She is only here to test her jellyfish summon's resilience and strength, be it against human opponents or other summons.
3. Herbology
She utilizes the club's assigned personal plot of land to grow her genetically enhanced plants. If she deems them to be a success, she would even sell the seeds to the public.