"I moonwalked to get here, dude. That's sick enough for a tip."Registration Fields
NamesIgarashi, Ryuji,
NicknamesRyu-kun, Short Ryu
AffiliationDaiseki Academy Student, working part-time as a deliveryman for Luigi's Pizza
PersonalityRyuji is a man that seems to have fully adapted to life in Academy City, taking the weirdness in stride with little more than the mild sarcasm that any teenager thinks themselves to have carefully cultivated over their whole lives. His sense of humor is consequently dry and deadpan, often delivering phrases you'd normally expect from a goofball with the same level of calm and even flatness, to the point where some of his peers have had heated debates with each other as to just how much of it is irony and how much of him is a true-blue space case. None of this, of course, is to imply he's a stoic— Far from it.
Ryuji loves the hype. He's a big fan of amazing displays of prowess with high stakes behind them, and as such is probably one of the most eager spectators you could find for anything suitably rad, be it an action film, a monster truck rally, EVO— he loves to watch cool things happen and loves even more to see people pull cool things off. He is a fan of spectacle, and will gladly live by that code— but not, thankfully, to the point of being completely dumb. Part of the fun of seeing stylish stuff is in recognizing when the opportunity to do so exists, having the knowledge and confidence to just go off when the time is right and not get wiped out two out of every three attempts.
This attitude and relative comfort with the spontaneity of Academy City life might make one assume that Ryuji is a "water under the bridge" type. In fact, he can be surprisingly petty, especially about a rough loss or something he perceives as not getting his fair shake. He's more than willing to tell someone "I told you so", and is just as willing to punish a mistake in competition while taking no prisoners. He'll lord over his victories and grumble about his defeats.
Beyond that, though, he's a fairly normal dude. Gets by on his part-time job, likes to hang out with his friends, tries to be a good person at the end of the day, and has met all sorts of people at least once.
HistoryAs far as life within Academy City goes, Ryuji's was that of, again, one of their everymen. With a father and mother that both work stable jobs within the city, he's lived the majority of his life within the urban sprawl as one of the many children enrolled in the power curriculum program. Due to his rather personalized Esper Ability, there was only so much development that could logically be given resources to— as of his second year in high school, he only remains a Level 2, and theoretically caps out at 3. Nonetheless, this has done little to prevent the enterprising young Igarashi man to fully embrace the boons he was granted, and he constantly tries to find new ways he can practically apply it. Especially now that he does a whole lot of work moving around the city, a deliveryman for Luigi no Pizzeria, a local joint owned by a man confusingly named Ryuuji who acts as if he is a full-blooded Italian. There is an unspoken code amongst the staff that nobody brings it up to Long Ryuu that nobody buys it, lest he fires them. To avoid miscommunication, the "Short Ryu" moniker was birthed for Igarashi-kun. Currently, he lives his life day-by-day, taking it as it comes and doing his best to keep up with his job and his schooling.
WavedashA type of personalized friction control, Ryuji can alter the the drag between his body and another surface up or down to a fairly great degree. He commonly uses this ability to move around town at high speed by quickly sequencing "pushes" off of the air in his personal space with a zone of slickness at the soles of his feet, gliding along the ground with that momentum in a manner not too dissimilar to ice skates or skiing. He does not seem to be able to extend the zone of his command over friction coefficients beyond his personal space, nor can he apply it to abstract surfaces—it merely effects him and something he's touching.
Expertise Kit
Fast reactions, a good understanding of spacing and distance, a natural at working with momentum, zero fear of icy surfaces, keeps a very clean space, is in good physical shape due to constantly pushing and pulling himself around (plus just the school physical education program), has an eye for aesthetics in motion, Up throw-Rest, a connoisseur of delivery style pizza, frugal with his money, good fighting game fundamentals, good judge of sneaker quality, always stays grinding. He is also fully confident in all of these traits.
FamilyBoth Parents, and an older sister currently attending a University roughly halfway across the city. They don't see each other too often day-to-day, but go out for lunch sometimes. Pizza is mutually agreed to never be on the menu as of Ryuji's second week on the job.
Peers and FoesDominoes Japan can suck it. Not really any enemies to speak of thus far. His friend group consists of, as one would expect, his classmates and coworkers.
PlottingNothing as of yet