- Armed Combat:
- Bow:
- Dex
- Ability to fire long and short bows, composite bows, and crossbows.
- Club:
- (Str + Dex)/2
- Ability to fight with a wooden stick, metal tube, or metal bar. Includes staves, clubs, bludgeoning implements, axes and hatchets.
- Heavy Weapon:
- Int
- Ability to use that deliver heavy firepower: large automatic weapons, rocket launcher, grenade launchers.
- Knife:
- (Str + Dex)/2
- Ability to fight with daggers, switchblades, butcher knives, or any other knife with a blade that is 12" or less in length.
- Pistol:
- Dex
- Allows the character to use revolvers and semi automatic pistols. (Does not cover machine pistols.)
- Quickdraw (Specify Weapon Type):
- Dex
- Allows a character to draw and attack with a weapon in the same round. Must be specified with a weapon type. Each weapon type needs it's own Quickdraw skill.
- Rifle:
- Dex
- Ability to use bolt-action, semiautomatic, and automatic rifles. (Long guns that require the use of both hands to fire accurately.)
- Spear:
- (Str + Dex)/2
- Ability to using a spear and javelin. Covers throwing spear, stabbing, and slashing. Throwing distance max is 40+ Str in yards.
- Special Weapon (Specify):
- (Special - GM)
- This is for weapons that don't fit in another category. Must be specified and used under Special Weapon Skill. Consult GM. Must be within RP specifics and GM approved.
- Submachinegun:
- Dex
- Firing a submachinegun. (Automatic weapons that fire pistol ammunition)
- Sword:
- (Str + Dex)/2
- Fighting with a blade that is over 12" in length. Includes both Oriental and European style short and long swords, as well as other sharp, long objects.
- Throwing (Specify):
- Dex
- Ability to propel an object at a target. Rocks, grenades, knives. Item type must be specified. Note that a rock, a knife, and a grenade are three separate Skills. Each one covers things of similar shape, weight, and size. Distance thrown is 20 + Str in yards.
- Bow:
- Unarmed Combat:
- Breakaway:
- Dex
- The ability to twist out of someone's grasp.
- Hand To Hand:
- Dex
- Basic Brawling ability. General punching, tackling, shoving, tripping, grabbing, throwing, choking.
- Hard Martial Arts:
- (Str + Dex)/2
- Martial Arts that concentrate on power blows. Tae Know Do, Karate, Boxing, Kickboxing, Savate, etc.
- Soft Martial Arts:
- Dex
- Art of striking nerve bundles, ganglia, and other vulnerable areas as well as performing holds and throws. Examples include Aikido, Judo, Wrestling and Wing Chi.
- Streetfighting:
- Dex
- Knowledge of dirty fighting techniques. Includes unarmed combat and unconventional weapons: motorcycle chains, broken bottles, etc. Sucker punches, low blows, throat punches.
- Breakaway:
- Archaic:
- Blacksmithing:
- Dex
- Skills needed to work iron, includes smelting ore to make usable. Also covers steel, and cold-wrought iron. Gold, silver, and other metals would need another specialized smithing skill.
- Brewing:
- Int
- You can make booze, distillation.
- Charioteering:
- Dex
- Knowledge of how to handle a chariot
- Etiquette, (Specify):
- Int
- Knowledge of how to handle handle the intricacies of politics in specific ages or eras. Different skill for each time frame or situation. Kin, Regency, Outlaw, Deep South, etc all would be their own skill. General Etiquette can be taken as well for basic manners.
- Farming:
- Int
- Ability to cultivate ground to raise crops and to care for livestock.
- Fishing (Specify Line or Net):
- Int
- Knowledge of techniques for catching aquatic animals, including fish, crustaceans such as lobsters, or related forms. Use of lines, net, traps, etc.
- Heraldry:
- Int
- Design, description, and recording of coats of arms.
- Horsemanship:
- Dex
- Ability to ride and care for horses.
- Hunting:
- Int
- The ability to find, pursue, or kill game for food or other useful products. (See also Trapping) Is mostly used to hunt animals but can be used to pursue a human being. (Does not include ability to use any weapons for the kill, must have separate skills for those.)
- Lore (Specify):
- Int
- Knowledge of different lores for a specific area or age, or mythology. Greek, Egyptian, Native American, Norse are all separate skills. Kin Lore includes knowledge of Edge, Flaws, and so forth.
- Manuscript Illumination:
- Dex
- Knowledge of the intricate stylistic conventions or illustrating headings for medieval books, and the ability to create them.
- Musical Instrument, Archaic (Specify):
- Dex
- The ability to play one instrument of the character's choice. The instrument must be archaic, and one that does not receive wide use. Examples: Lute, Cymbalom, Balalaika.
- Tanning:
- Int
- Treating animal hides or skins with or without fur attached so that they are usable as leather.
- Taxidermy:
- Dex
- Preserving animals so that they appear life like and will not decay.
- Torture:
- Int
- Knowledge of the pain centers of the body, and how to apply pain to extract information from a person.
- Tracking:
- Per
- The ability to follow a trail or recognize tracks of humans or animals. Can determine time since passage, direction, number of creatures, etc. Modifiers for difficult settings are put into place. (Cities for example.)
- Trapping:
- Int
- Working knowledge of trapping for animals. Also the ability to boobytrap areas and objects if materials are available.
- Blacksmithing:
- General:
- Acting:
- Int
- The ability to play a role for an audience in an entertaining manner.
- Administration:
- Int
- The ability to administer, direct, manage, and govern affairs, and to perform executive functions. Help cut through red tape and get things done within an organization's framework.
- Aircraft (Specify):
- Dex
- Skill in operating and maintaining, not building or repairing, aircraft. Each type of aircraft is a different skill.
- Alertness:
- Per
- May be used in place of perception to spot things that might otherwise go unnoticed. (Physical.)
- Ambidexterity:
- Dex
- The ability to use either hand equally.
- Art (Specify):
- Dex
- The ability to create objects that are pleasing to look at,or that portray a mood,emotion, or idea. Each type of art is a separate skill. Examples: Clay, painting, drawing.
- Bicycles:
- Dex
- The ability to ride a bicycle.
- Boat (Specify Power or Sail):
- Dex
- Ability to operate and maintain small boats.
- Breaking & Entering
- Dex
- The ability to break into locations and vehicles physically. Breaking windows silently, picking locks, knowing where to keep an eye out for cameras, etc.
- Business:
- Int
- The ability to engage in commercial activity as a means of livelihood. Skills in purchasing, trading, or bartering for profit.
- Business, Criminal:
- Int
- Same as above but for illegal commerce.
- City Knowledge (Specify):
- Int
- Knowledge of aspects of a given city. The more specific the skill the more information on the area. Example - New York: General information, public access locations. New York(Clubs): All public clubs and some underground venues.
- Communications (Specify Time Era):
- Int
- Familiarity with various forms of telecommunication, including telephone, shortwave radio, CB, and broadcast radio and TV. Prerequisites: Computer Operations.
- Computer Operations (Specify Time Era):
- Int
- The ability to use existing programs on a computer. Knowledge of word processing,spreadsheets, etc.
- Computer Programming:
- Int
- Knowledge allowing entry or access to information in a computer as well as the ability to write or modify programs fora computer. Prerequisites: Computer Operation.
- Cook:
- Int
- The ability to prepare almost anything that is edible so that it is palatable.
- Counterfeiting:
- Dex
- The ability to reproduce currency so that it will pass all but the most exacting examination. Special equipment, ink, and paper necessary.
- CPR:
- Dex
- Ability to perform CPR. Prerequisite: First Aid
- Cryptography:
- Int
- Knowledge of current and archaic encoding and decoding systems. Prerequisites: Computer Operation and/or Mathematics. (Depending on time frame)
- Dancing (Specify):
- Dex
- Ability to perform modern improvisational and classical dances. (General Dancing techniques - Specify for Concentration: Such as Ballet, Ballroom, or Break)
- Deduction (Specify Person or Investigative):
- Int
- Person: The ability to read a person to try to discern their true motives. Investigative: The ability to find clues and deduce logically.
- Demolitions:
- Int
- Knowledge of the working of high explosives, and how to safely place them for maximum destructive effect.
- Diplomacy:
- Will
- The art of negotiation, which encompasses the talents of tact and cleverness to reach a mutually agreeable end between parties in dispute.
- Disguise:
- Int
- The ability to hide one's appearance or to appear as someone else. A disguise will usually not pass anything but a casual inspection. It only affects appearance, not voice or mannerisms. To copy these, a character would need the Mimic Skill.
- Driving:
- Dex
- Skill in operating automobiles, trucks, and similar vehicles. Extremely large or special purpose vehicles would require a separate skill. Covers manual transmissions.
- Electronics:
- Dex
- Repair and fabrication of electrical and electronic circuitry and devices.
- Explosives:
- Dex
- Skill at assembling and using explosive devices
- Fashion Sense:
- Per
- The ability to know what is considered chic and proper in current society.
- Fear Resistance:
- Will
- When a character has this Skill, they are more resistant to the effects of fear.
- First Aid:
- Int
- The ability to administrate some aid to an injured person. Can't help if the character is already dead.
- Forgery:
- Dex
- The ability to falsify documents so that only the most exacting examination could determine them to be a fake. Allows a character to forge a signature that has been examined closes. Cannot be used for currency. Special pens, paper, and inks are usually needed.
- Gambling (Specify Game):
- Luck
- Knowledge of common games of chance, including the knowledge of the odds and probabilities of winning. Gives the character a better than average chance of winning at such games.
- History (Specify):
- Int
- Knowledge of a particular time period and area. If History is specified as general, then the character has a grasp of some of the major events that have occurred in world history. As the specification becomes more precise, the the knowledge gained becomes more detailed.
- Intimidation:
- Will
- The ability to frighten or bully another person. An intimidated person will probably provide information or perform services for the Intimidator.
- Juggling:
- Dex
- The ability to perform juggling acts with balls, clubs, hoops, and various objects. Doubles for the Throwing Skill and ability to catch thrown objects.
- Languages (Specify):
- Int
- The ability to speak a language. Each language counts as a separate skill. Read and Write are given for native language is appropriate for the time or era. Consult GM to double check.
- Law:
- Int
- The ability to know what is or is not legal. General legal matters. (This is not for profession in Law but is a prerequisite for some.)
- Leadership:
- Will
- The ability to guide or direct groups of people. May allow the enlistment of people to work for a common cause.
- Linguistics:
- Int
- A working knowledge of the structure and regional variations of all the common world languages. Helps in learning new languages.
- Lying:
- Will
- The ability to fabricate a story or tell a falsehood as to not have its veracity question. No matter how well you lie though, it will not be believed if the facts obviously contradict it.
- Medicine:
- Int
- Diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries. Allows the performance of minor surgery and procedures. If this skill is used by anyone that is not a doctor it is treated the same as First Aid. Prerequisites: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Anatomy, and/or Pharmacology. May specialize. Examples: Surgery, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Neurology, Dental.
- Memory Training:
- Int
- Characters with this skill are trained to remember better than most. Allows a character to better recall details of situations they have seen.
- Mime:
- Dex
- The art of portraying a character, mood, or story by means of body movements and non-verbal gestures.
- Mimic:
- Per
- The ability to copy mannerisms and voice patterns of another person.Detailed study of a person is required before the character can Mimic them. The skill will only pass casual inspection.
- Motorcycles:
- Dex
- Allows operation of most makes of Motorcycles.
- Musical Instrument (Specify):
- Dex
- The ability to play one instrument in a pleasing fashion. Each instrument counts as a different skill.
- Musical Style (Specify):
- Int
- Ability to perform a specific style of music. When a character chooses a style, that counts as one skill. Further musical styles count as separate skills.
- Parking:
- Per
- The ability to find legal parking in larger cities. Also can be used to perform tricky parking techniques (Must specify vehicle type like with driving: Motorcycle, Car, Truck, etc.)
- Persuasion:
- Will
- The ability to convince or cajole someone to your way of thinking, share your opinion, or perform some action for you if it is not totally against their beliefs.
- Pharmacology:
- Int
- Knowledge of drugs and their effects on humans. This skill also covers the preparation of drugs to be used, but not the creation or manufacturing of said drugs.
- Photography:
- Dex
- The ability to use both still and motion cameras.
- Profession (Specify):
- Int
- The ability to perform the duties of a specific field. Professions can include Nursing, Engineer, Architect, Teach, Secretary, Manager, etc. Depending on Profession other skills may be required as a prerequisite. Double check with GM before hand.
- Psychology:
- Int
- Knowledge and the ability to treat disorders of the mind. May help a character understand a person's motivations.
- Research:
- Int
- Knowledge of the techniques needed to gather information in a short period of time.
- Scavenging:
- Per
- To search out and find useful material from rubbish, junk, or other odd sources. Especially useful for finding things that cannot be legally purchased.
- Science (Specify):
- Int
- Knowledge of a field of science. Examples include Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Botany, Zoology, etc. A specialized field such as Nuclear Physics would have the basic field, like Physics, as a prerequisite.
- Security Systems:
- Int
- The ability to recognize, repair, and circumvent burglar alarms and other security systems. Prerequisites: Computer Programming & Electronics
- Seduction:
- Att
- The ability to encourage others to see the character in a romantic light.
- Singing:
- Int
- The ability to remember the lyrics of a song and to modulate one's voice in a pleasing manner.
- Skateboards:
- Dex
- Allows a character to use a skateboard to increase their speed and to perform stunts.
- Skating (Specify Roller or Ice):
- Dex
- The ability to use skates and to perform stunts.
- Smuggling:
- Int
- The ability to import or export materials or objects secretly and contrary to the law and without payment of duties and fees.
- Songwriting:
- Int
- The ability to compose lyrics. If a character also has a skill in an instrument or musical style, Songwriting also allows the composition of instrumental music and the blending with lyrics to form a song.
- Stage Presence:
- Att
- The ability to perform on stage and enhance other performance skills such as Acting, Dancing, Juggling, Mime, Musical Instrument, or Singing.
- Stamina (Specify Mental Or Physical):
- Wis/Fit
- The ability to focus and extend the duration of a specific attribute. May be linked with other skills to enhance their effectiveness or extend their duration.
- Stealth:
- Dex
- The ability to move quietly and not be noticed. Allows on to move almost silently in most terrain and leave little or no trail. Also includes ability to hide in little to no shadows if one remains still.
- Streetwise:
- Will
- The ability to survive on the streets of cities. This includes finding food and shelter, and how to deal with other residents of the streets.
- Surveillance:
- Int
- The ability to use electronic devices to eavesdrop or gather intelligence. Prerequisites: Electronics
- Swimming:
- Str
- The ability to swim in liquids or liquid like substances, swimmer must be relatively free of any encumbrance.
- Tailing:
- Per
- The ability to follow someone and keep them under surveillance without their knowledge.
- Theology (Specify):
- Int
- Knowledge of myths, beliefs, legends, etc., of a given religion, including knowledge of most existing religious practices. If Theology is specified as general then the skill allows the user to know general knowledge of about only major religions and religious practices and basic knowledge about practices.
- Throwing:
- Dex
- The ability to throw any object, accurately and with force, that can be grasped in one hand. This applies to throwing things not normally used as weapons or used as a combat skill. (Sports mostly)
- Trade (Mechanics):
- Dex
- The ability to repair and construct mechanical and electrical (non-electronic) systems.
- Trade (Specify):
- Dex
- The ability to work within a particular skilled trade. Some choices include carpenter, mason, electrician, plumber, mechanic, seamstress, etc. Some trades made require prerequisites. Check with GM
- Other (Specify):
- Stat (Specify)
- Any skill that the Rper may think of that is not listed above. Must consult Gm before hand, GM will give stat and description if approved. Rper does not.
- Acting:
- Edges: Edges with * are 1 of a kind and can only be held be chosen Emendators.
- Alter Form:
- Will
- The ability to alter one's appearance or dress by willing it to occur. Human forms only, may change gender and age. No shorter than 3ft, not taller than 7ft. Holds form until willed to change or until knocked forcibly unconscious.
- Animal Control (Specify Type):
- Will
- The ability to control a specific type of animal to make them follow simple to moderate commands, must be within line of sight. Commands can be given mental to animals the character is acquainted with and have worked with before and they can respond (like with Animal Empathy). Does not effect shape-shifters.
- Animal Empathy:
- Will
- The ability to communicate with a normal animal via a direct mind link. Animal will not attack the person using this skill unless attacked first. Animal will answer yes/no questions or a request to do something that does not put its life in danger.
- *Cards:
- Luck + Per
- The ability to prophesize events that have a high probability of occurring. These events can be in the present, the past, or the future. They can also occur for any timeline. Each card flipped tells part of the story. It can be very clear and to the point or even vague. It will depend on circumstance, if she is actually looking for something specific, or if just checking to check.
- Crowd Control:
- Will
- The ability to control crowds. Up to five words may be spoken to issue a single command, and the crowd must act upon it immediately. Now depending on the willpower of persons in the crowd they may break free from it. The command lasts until the task is done or until The Watch can no longer see the crowd with their eyes. When the ability is broken the crowd is left dazed and confused to what is happening for up to three minutes.
- *Disrupt Death:
- Will
- The ability to stop death from fully taking hold. The person is not alive nor dead, nor kindred. They are of the in-between. It cannot be used on a Paradox or an Emendator.
- *Dice:
- Luck
- The ability to change an event from it's sudden path, once the dice are tossed the outcome is what is becomes and nothing can change it.
- Glassibility:
- Will
- The ability to go Glassy (Invisible) at will. This skill only renders the person invisible, not inaudible, so sound can give one away. Now depending on how successful one is using this skill it can render them completely invisible, including no shadow, or there can be flaws to the invisibility such as a slight shadow or light refracts slightly through the area of the person's body. User is unaware if there are flaws.
- *Hat:
- Will
- Mary Poppins Carpet Bag in a much more travel friendly version. What is needed is provided. Perhaps not always in the way one would want. Some thing's are just too big to be pulled out of The Hat. Yet never fear, where there is a will there is way.
- Infection:
- Fit
- The ability to infect a human being with a plague like disease fitting for the time period by touch. High chance of a prolonged and severely painful death.
- Healing:
- Fit
- The ability to heal wounds and diseases on a single creature once every twenty-four period by touch. Effectiveness depends on skill and success of attempt. Does not work on self or Emendators.
- Locate:
- Per
- The ability to form a psychic tracer to another. Once this tracer is established, the user will always be able to determine the direction and distance to that person as long as they are in range. Locate is generally only used on humans. Emendators have a permanent Locate (Emendator) on each other and others of their type.
- Possession:
- Will
- Allows the person to enter and temporarily take over the body of someone else with just a touch. (Person being possessed has a chance to resist. Sleeping or unconscious victims have no chance of resistance.) User has complete control over the body possessed, including combat and skills said victim has when possessed. Injuries gained while possessing someone go to the victim first and then the possessor. (Items carried by the possessor become inaccessible until the possession ends.)
- Psychosis:
- Int
- The ability to cause a violent psychotic reaction in a victim. The victim will rant, rave, and attack everyone they meet. This skill also doubles the strength of the victim under the abilities influence. The Emendator cannot control a person they have inflicted with this madness. The psychosis will wear off eventually but there is never any knowledge of how long that will be. Could be minutes, could be hours.
- Sense Acuity:
- Per
- All sense, except eyesight, are hyper acute when used. Examples include being able to smell blood, feel minute scratches on a keyhole, hear someone's heartbeat.
- Shunting:
- Fit
- The ability to transfer life force from one person or animal to another through physical touch. This can be done to heal wounds, cure illnesses, or even kill - all depending on the success of the skill and intent.
- Speed:
- Dex
- The ability to increase average human speed to inhuman speeds. Success of rolls determines speed. Speed can also be used to determine Individual Initiative.
- Touch Of Ice:
- Fit
- The ability to cause a target to experience severe cold by touch. This can range from basic chill down their spine to severe hypothermia depending on duration of contact to target and desired result.
- *Watch:
- Will
- This ability is three fold. The first is the ability to create time jump portals, into the past and the future. It allows groups to be placed into different time eras as well as places. The second is being able to turn time back roughly a single battle turn. The third is perfect time sense. Wherever or whenever The Watch is, he always know exactly what time it is, what day it is, what the phases of the moon are, and the places of the stars. He also knows when the next sunrise, sunset, moonrise, tide, etc. occurs.
- Weather Control:
- Will
- The user can affect weather in their vicinity. (Examples include a rise or drop in temperature, a fog, downpour if clouds are present, hail in proper circumstances, etc. One type of weather at a time, cannot overlap.)
- Alter Form:
- S.R. Edges: These are specialized skills from Soulless Regency and are limited to S.R. characters.
- Brivaldi:
- Dex
- Russian Trick Horse Riding, able to perform various called actions while on horse back without being hindered.
- Chankoowashtay:
- Will
- Ability to project ones mind into the between for purposes of observation only; can move up to one mile from the body. Body is semi there but cannot perform complex action, seems in a daze and just sits takes 1 word direction
- Chteniye Dushi:
- Per
- Soul reading, it allows the person to look into the eyes of another and find what strengths and weaknesses lie within them, as well as secrets that they may posses or recent changes to their purity.
- Cnut:
- Dex
- Ability to wield Scandinavian forged short swords. If the blade is of such a forging it will not rust and resists wear and damage. It is also considered blessed.
- Fal'shbort:
- Fit
- This skill is a passive skill that does not call for a Called Action or a roll. (Just remind the GM if you get injured and you have this skill that you have this bonus.) - It gives a bonus to taking blunt force trauma and endurance of extreme conditions.
- Gislid:
- Per
- Natural Navigation even when the sky is covered by clouds or stars are masked by sunlight
- Gologramma:
- Per
- This skill is utilized by your "illusionists", a skill that allows a person to Astral project in the physical world. Creating a near perfect replica of themselves that exists somewhere between the astral and physical world but that can been seen as a solid object in both planes. It will perform a base physical action in the physical world (minus speaking) - such as knife throwing, walking, opening a door. You cannot see through it's eyes, or hear what it hears.
- Hadd
- Luck
- Ritual performed before sleep to induce dreams that may tell of past, current, or even future events
- Ingulf:
- Int
- Blood Ritual for Water Purification; works on anything from diseased water to salt water to make drinkable
- Kadlin:
- Str
- Scandinavian based martial art that focuses on grappling techniques. If a pin is achieved on an opponent, the users hands are considered blessed for the duration of the grapple
- Krasnoye:
- Fit
- This is the equivalent of a healing spell. It heals physical issues only. Such as broken bones, stab wounds, and so forth. Does not heal illnesses such as Consumption or Plague. As a new skill it can heal a skinned knee, and grows stronger to heal up to severe stab wounds or broken bones over time. A long term master of the skill can heal the worst falls from a trapeze to the point the person is back up in the Big Top the next day performing as if it never happened. (Healing is a called action and rolled for by LLA to determine amount of healing)
- Laiktjo:
- Int
- Raips - One is able to create magic beans. These beans, when kissed and then thrown will turn any liquid surface to ice on contact. The ice will be several inches deep and spread out over the surface for a circular area up to fifty feet in diameter. If it is in the center of a larger body of water, it will create a spherical dish of ice that will withstand up to 300lbs of weight before cracking. Will melt as ice would normally in the conditions in which it was used. (Takes 3-6 hours to create a single bean and require very rare materials found only within German borders, creators are very protective of their beans.)
- Nakai:
- Will
- A focusing of ones mind and body to make the person more durable and resistant to damage; both mental and physical. Lowers the chance of being "scared to death"
- Mamushka:
- Dex
- A Russian stylized knife throwing dance fighting technique. This dance is agile and deadly, utilizing Russian dance techniques and short blade fighting: we are talking break dance fighting to a whole new level. (Both aerial and hand knife and martial art techniques) - While some within the family know the dance as a dance, it being used as an actual combat technique is a closely guarded Circus secret. Can be used with a paired Tatushka, refer to Tatushka for details. Cannot take this skill with Tatushka, it is one or the other.
- Mikasi:
- Will
- Ability to project ones soul fully into the between as to battle in astral combat with Cargast; leaves the body itself limp and vulnerable to physical attack.
- Ostanavlivat'sya:
- Will
- The ability to stop a soul from being tainted and turning or changing. A purification of the soul so that it must move on.
- Pavati:
- (Str + Dex)/2
- Ability to wield an Axe; includes throwing accuracy, cutting techniques, scalping. Axes wielded by this method are considered holy.
- Ringen:
- Dex
- Kampfringen - Punches, joint-locks, elbow strikes, chokeholds, headbutts and (to a limited extent) kicks are added into the list of grappling techniques
- Sokw:
- Will
- Same as Chankoowashtay but can go further, up to 50 miles; chance of the mind getting lost while out and about as it were and not being able to return to the body
- Smert':
- Int
- A soul casting from one person to a Yagababa to sever her from her mortar
- Smoyler:
- Dex
- Time to get your Jackie Chan on. (Yeah I know, wrong country) Anyway, a parkour based fighting style that utilizes using your surroundings to your advantage and unnatural inanimate objects (chair, drapes, picture frame, horse shoe, so forth) as strategic weapons.
- Stellmoor:
- Dex
- Ability to accurately fire and quickly load a German style crossbow pistol (Weapon is considered blessed)
- Tatushka:
- Int
- A Bard like enhancement skill that can be used in conjunction with all other physical called action skills without penalty. It increases both speed and accuracy. When used while in conjunction with another physical skill, there is a bonus to the singer and a bonded Mamushka. You may not have this skill and Mamushka. It is one or the other. Now, if the PC stops all other physical and mental actions, they may focus their Tatushka on their bonded Mamushka Dancer to give the Dancer double the bonus to their rolls. There can only be 1 bonded pair at a time to each other. A Mamushka cannot draw a bonus off a Tatushka that they are not bonded to. Bonds can change but take time and previous bond must be severed before hand.
- Thiuda:
- Int
- Gramol - Bring your stories to life. This skill is multifaceted. It starts by being able to bond with a journal and quill. When these two are used together, one can draw a scene or write out a story and it come to life. (Example: Germany writes: The ceiling shook slightly before giving away and starting to fall in. What happens: The ceiling suddenly starts caving in.) Can only affect inanimate objects. The more complicated the effect, the less chance of it working and higher chance of something going horribly wrong. (Be careful what you draw, the journal is like a Genie, it is fickle and things may not work out how you intended)
- Tizirovat':
- Will
- This is a skill that gives the PC the power of suggestion, deep seeding the idea into a persons mind to get them to see your point of view. It is not skill that makes a person do what you say right out but it compels them to follow through with the suggestion. (These are not the droids you are looking for) - There is always a chance they will resist it but it is very difficult. (If resisted the target turns hostile.)
- Tretiy Glaz:
- Per
- An ability that gives a person a sixth sense into the future and know things that will happen before they do. Unpredictable and random, it can occur at any moment without warning.
- Vyzov:
- Will
- The ability to call in a flock of birds for defense. Mental connection with bird, commands them like a flock.
- Widuwo:
- Will
- Kielkropf - A fairy, Tinkerbell. Yup, the person becomes a pint sized pixie measuring not taller than six inches, no smaller than two. Wings, and all. No fairy dust sorry but you can fly up to a km. You still have your possessions. Cannot carry more than 3 ounces additional weight. Lasts as long as needed or until the user is rendered unconscious. Try not to be in a small cage if you pass out in this form, waking up will be painful.
- Zverey:
- Will
- This skill covers Big Cats, Bears, and Wolves only. It involves training and controlling to a certain point. They can be taught basic commands just like dogs. Animals such as these will always be wild and have a chance to turn on their handler without notice. Here there seems to be a mental connection.
- Brivaldi:
NPC's could be from any of the Rp's in the LAU or new ones specifically for this RP
![]() | Name: Siduri Gender: Female RP: Paradoxical Emendation Known Abilities: Unknown? | ![]() | Name: Parliament Gender: Male RP: Paradoxical Emendation Known Abilities: Unknown? |
![]() | Name: Judgement Gender: Female RP: Tartarean Strands Known Abilities: Unknown? | ![]() | Name: The Baron Gender: Male RP: Tartarean Strands Known Abilities: Unknown? |
![]() | Name: Gender: RP: Tartarean Strands Known Abilities: | ![]() | Name: Gender: RP: Tartarean Strands Known Abilities: |
![]() | Name: Gender: RP: Tartarean Strands Known Abilities: | ![]() | Name: Gender: RP: Tartarean Strands Known Abilities: |