"The stars are lovely tonight, aren't they?"
Personal Information
Gushiken Torami
Appearance:Torami is actually a rather short individual, only standing at 150cm (4' 11"). Thankfully she's at a healthy enough weight of 42kg, and has a modest BWH ratio of 18-16-18 if measured in inches and 46-41-46 if measured in centimeters. The strangest notes on Torami's appearance would be hairstyle and her eyes. The front leftmost portion of her hair is black while the rest of it is white, with random streaks of red throughout. It's this black part of her hair that Torami ties into a ponytail, which she sets off to one side. As for her eyes, her left is a vibrant blood red that seems to be full of life, while her right seems to be clouded over and grey. Torami carries her grey umbrella around everywhere she goes, and has it open to keep the sun's UV rays off of her since otherwise her pale skin will burn easily.

Considering she hails from a noble family, it makes sense that Torami was taught to be considerate to those that were deemed "less fortunate". She is kind, caring and respectful, she doesn't ask for much and she could make friends with just about anyone. Torami doesn't often judge the actions that others take, and even if she would, she typically keeps it to herself more often than not. She's everything a parent could hope for in a child, which makes her own parents very proud of her indeed.
However, while she doesn't like to think of all this as one big colossal facade, it should be noted that Torami does in fact have a sadistic side to her. She'll try to reserve it for the battles against the monsters that come into this world and try to ruin everyone's fun, and keep it under wraps until then. But if someone does push one too many of her buttons and wears her patience thin, she'll do a complete 180 on that one person in particular, and will be hard-pressed to forgive them... assuming she even decides to at all...
History:However, while she doesn't like to think of all this as one big colossal facade, it should be noted that Torami does in fact have a sadistic side to her. She'll try to reserve it for the battles against the monsters that come into this world and try to ruin everyone's fun, and keep it under wraps until then. But if someone does push one too many of her buttons and wears her patience thin, she'll do a complete 180 on that one person in particular, and will be hard-pressed to forgive them... assuming she even decides to at all...
Gushiken Tomari was the only daughter of a rather young noble couple. She was well behaved and always obedient. She wasn't spoiled rotten, but was given enough toys to keep her company. And she always got the best care that her parents could give her. They even went so far as to hire private tutors to teach her in her own home. The reason Torami's parents never enrolled her into a school is because they were concerned that she'd be made fun of for her strange eyes and eccentric hairstyle. It was also the reason they never took her outside anywhere specific. Torami didn't seem to mind being cooped up in the house all day, but a part of her always wondered what it'd be like to go outside and befriend someone around her age. It was a lingering thought.
Occasionally, Torami would accompany either one of her parents later in her teenage years, whenever they'd go out shopping for groceries. On other occasions, she would go to the mall purchase clothing, video games and other things. One fateful day, however, Torami walked to the mall on a somewhat humid day when she saw that a monster had materialized and was wreaking havoc, attacking civilians and destroying everything in its path. Torami was horrified at the sight, and instinctively turned tail and ran, only to faint and collapse about a few feet away from the disaster. Torami's father later found her lying on a park bench, and shook her awake to try and ascertain that she was OK. She told him everything that she saw and tried to show him the damage that the monster had caused, only to see that it had somehow been undone in its entirety. Out of concern, Torami's father had taken her to the closest clinic that he could find, and asked if someone could see to her right away. The whole thing was explained away as a hallucination caused by a sudden heat stroke Torami must've suffered from, but Torami herself still felt that something didn't add up. In any case, life went on as usual, and Torami had to put that incident out of her mind and move. The last thing she needed was to feel as though she was going insane.
Occasionally, Torami would accompany either one of her parents later in her teenage years, whenever they'd go out shopping for groceries. On other occasions, she would go to the mall purchase clothing, video games and other things. One fateful day, however, Torami walked to the mall on a somewhat humid day when she saw that a monster had materialized and was wreaking havoc, attacking civilians and destroying everything in its path. Torami was horrified at the sight, and instinctively turned tail and ran, only to faint and collapse about a few feet away from the disaster. Torami's father later found her lying on a park bench, and shook her awake to try and ascertain that she was OK. She told him everything that she saw and tried to show him the damage that the monster had caused, only to see that it had somehow been undone in its entirety. Out of concern, Torami's father had taken her to the closest clinic that he could find, and asked if someone could see to her right away. The whole thing was explained away as a hallucination caused by a sudden heat stroke Torami must've suffered from, but Torami herself still felt that something didn't add up. In any case, life went on as usual, and Torami had to put that incident out of her mind and move. The last thing she needed was to feel as though she was going insane.
Combat Information
Ability Basis:
Magical State Breakdown:Torami's strength, endurance and agility are improved even more than usual while the stars are out in the night sky. The stars also seem to grant Torami a form of constant regeneration while she's in her magical state. Her dress gains armor upon transformation, and her umbrella turns to a giant mace that hits as hard as a sledgehammer.
List of Techniques:- Star Grenade: Torami forms a ball of starlight in the palm of her hand and throws it at the monster. It explodes as soon as it hits something.
- Luminous Eye: Torami's right eye starts to glow as her body gathers starlight from the night sky. Once it glows at its brightest, Torami is ready to unleash all that gathered starlight at the monster as a beam of energy.
- Meteor Shower Storm: At Torami's request, an array of shooting stars descend all the way down to Earth, cascading down on the monster as a constant barrage.
- Radiance of the Constellations: Aligning the stars in the sky to form a constellation, Torami summons a ray of starlight that envelopes her entire body and expels outwards. This is technically able to heal the entire party but, since Torami's body seems to be at the epicenter, allies that are further away from Torami recieve less healing.
Miscellaneous Information
Main Theme Song:Battle Theme Song:Ideal Voice Actresses:
Christina Vee (En)/Chiwa Saitou (Jp)
Torami secretly wishes that each starry night sky would for all 24 hours of each day.