"In the face of certain death, we rise."
You are in the lands now known only as Vein. A corrupted world of days now past. Monstrous creatures roam this realm known as Lost, bloodthirsty beasts who will stop at nothing to kill you to feed their endless hunger. Not even death can stop them. For each time a Lost is slain, it will return sooner or later, just as vicious and starving as it was before. Opposing the Lost are humanity's last defenders, Revenants. Humans who have taken on an alien parasite that allows them increased physical abilities which allow them to face the Lost, even returning from death. However this strength comes at a price: Human Blood. Should a Revenant fail to feed, or succumb to the cursed Myst that permeates the land, they too shall join the ranks of the Lost and terrorize what little life is left.
It is a fight for one's survival. Between the heartless Lost seeking total annihilation, factions of Revenants who won't hesitate to sacrifice others for their own gain, and other mysterious threats far beyond the scope of a single being, life in the Vein can seem bleak. But recently, there has been rumors. The Gael which had once kept both Revenants and Lost sealed within the Vein has broken. Though the cursed Myst still lurks, and many lost still roam, now there is a chance for Revenants to leave these cursed lands and find something else. Something new.
1. Standard guild rules apply here. Though Code Vein is full of lewd ladies and hot dudes, keep everything PG-13. Additionally while blood and brutal deaths are part and parcel of the game and it's inspiration, let's keep violence short of gruesome. People and monsters die, no need to spell out just where and how one's sword enters an orifice and leaves another.
2. Secondary standard rule: My word is law. Some things won't make sense because I am specifically going against what is canon or normal. Often time these things will occur retroactively aka I make it up on the spot. If that bothers you, consider holding off an application.
3. This shouldn't have to be said but I will anyways: please don't make yourself OP. I know Code Vein is chuuni as fuck and with that comes the typical OP cool shit we all want. That being said, keep it fair. Taking on hordes of lost isn't impossible, but if your tactic is "walk into the crowd sword swinging", you'll soon learn about how resurrection works in this RP. If PvP happens, I will be especially harsh on actions I consider OP or Godmodding. If you're afraid of what is stepping over the line, consult me or don't do it. Not knowing what is or isn't OP will not save you from my ire.
4. More rules and stuff to apply as I see fit.
Meta Info
If you're here, I probably invited you to join because I like you, you know the verse, or some combination of both. For those who do and don't know much about Code Vein and it's universe, here are some important meta information to keep in mind. Do note I say meta information because your characters may or may not know this information.
1. The events of this RP takes place after the true ending of Code Vein, about a week. Information about what the heroes of the video game have done have not yet reached all of the Revenants, especially due to the aftermath of the only government in the area. If you know the verse, you know what I mean. If you don't, don't worry about it.
2. The next spoilers a major development in Code Vein. Those who know may read at their own discretion, those who don't will either be confused or be spoiled about some important developments in the video game. You've been warned.
3. While possible in the video game, in this RP you cannot teleport to other mistle via mistle. While mistle still do serve as save points for the purpose of recovering health, Ichor, Regeneration, etc, if you wanna go anywhere you just gotta go there one step at a time. Some mistle are capable of teleportation, however these are the exception.
4. Frenzy and Blood Beads will play more of a role in this RP. In short, Frenzy occurs when you either haven't fed in a while, been exposed to the Myst, or have died too often. How much is too often can vary, but suffice to say just don't make it into a habit of dying. When you are close to Frenzy, you are statically stronger, however your ability to use your Gifts, whether passive or active, becomes more difficult. At some point you become little more than a mad beast capable of nothing but attacking, at which point you are a Lost. Blood Beads can help alleviate issues of Frenzy, or alternatively human blood. However once you go Lost, no amount of Blood Beads or Human Blood will ever allow you to return to normal.
5. Those who played the games will already know this, but for those who don't, here are some terms you should familiarize yourself with:
Status Ailments and Elements - In Code Vein, there's more than one way to kill a Lost than just to bash their heads with a weapon. Status Ailments and Elemental Damage can also damage the enemy, sometimes by a lot or not at all. Conversely, many enemies will also utilize specific elements and status ailments against you, so best to well versed in both.
Character Creation
Some info you should know for character creation:
1. Everyone will start off with basic weapons. You can choose two of these following weapons: Queenslayer Blade, Pipe of Thralldom, Queenslayer Greatsword, Heavy Axe, Hammer of Thralldom, Queenslayer Hammer, Bardiche, Queenslayer Halberd, Queenslayer Bayonet, and Bayonet.
In addition to the above weapons, I have added two new categories of weapons you can choose from: Shields and Guns.
Shields are hefty, short range, and generally low damage, however they have excellent defensive properties, strike fairly quickly, and have a decent amount of impact, making them excellent weapons in tight spaces to stun heftier foes.
Guns differ from Bayonet guns in that these are small enough to be used with one hand and lack dedicated melee ability. They do very low damage and little to no impact but they can constantly be used at range and have a high rate of fire, excellent for racking up status ailments.
The following is added as an option for one of your two starter weapons: Heavy Shield and Light Automatic.
Additionally, in this RP Revenants are capable of Dual Wielding. When using a Sword, Gun, or combination of the two, you can wield both weapons at once, increasing your attack power but making it less effective to brace your weapons to block attacks. A Shield can also be wielded alongside a Sword, Gun, Bayonet, Halberd, or another Shield. Greatswords, Hammers, and Axes use two-hands by default.
2. Since you'll likely be stealing someone's face for your appearance, feel free to make up your own Blood Veil, aka your armor. Being a Revenant you're already supernaturally resilient compared to a human, so most armor aren't needed to protect you so much as they're there to provide you additional powers.
For simplicity sake, your Blood Veil will fall under the following categories: Light, Medium, Heavy. Light has low defense but high mobility, Heavy has low mobility but high defense, Medium is the average of the two. Additionally your Blood Veil will have a type: Ogre, Stinger, Hound, or Ivy. These are special attacks you can do via your Blood Veil that can drain a lot of Ichor from your enemies, which you need to use your Gifts.
Ogre types can create a massive claw to slash at the enemy, making them fast but short range. Stinger creatures a long spear-tipped tail which allows you to impale multiple foes from afar, though it needs some time to build momentum. Hounds create two wolf heads attached to your armor which lash out and bite the enemy, making them very powerful but difficult to aim due to their range and slow speed. Ivy shoots tendrils into the ground that allows them to shoot out thorns in a large area of effective, even guiding them to attack enemies from afar, though compared to other types they're rather weak.
3. Everyone must play a Revenant, and by being a Revenant that also means you have a Blood Code. Your Blood Code is basically your class, and some Blood Codes have unique abilities (called Gifts), stats, and functions different from others. Everyone makes their own Blood Code, but I will allow you to make Gifts that are similar to the ones in the games. That being said do try to be fair and balanced about this. Don't make a Blood Code that's basically Hades or Queen off the bat.
4. Everyone has a default healing ability colloquially called Regeneration. You start off with 3 uses of Regeneration after you rest at a Mistle. Using Regeneration restores some, but not a lot of your health back, useful to patch up from a nasty blow. Multiple uses of Regeneration will be needed if you're critically wounded. Additional uses of Regeneration, means of increasing it's potency, and other healing items can be found later as the RP progresses. Additionally, everyone also comes with the default ability called Restorative Offering. Basically you lose a certain amount of your own health to heal someone else. While you can never kill yourself using this ability, the less health you have the less effective this is, obviously.
5. Due to the nature of being a Revenant, feel free to look like whatever you want. As long as it only has two legs, two arms, a body, and one head, go for it. Additional appendages like wings, tails, fangs, claws, ears, horns, etc often can and do appear on Revenant, though they provide no functional bonus. Some may even consider them an annoyance since they can't really be meaningfully useful (Aka no flying or having extra arms to hold more weapons, cheeky plucks).