Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Marshall had entered the meeting room and promptly planted his boney rear in the closest seat he could find, kicking both his sandaled feet onto the table. He hadn't exactly gotten a full hold on the whole shifting from his hybrid to his human form yet so most of the time he walked around like a very bad twilight reject, though he didn't really care seeing as he wasn't much of a looker to begin with. He looked over the group for a second with a slight smirk on his face, he already snuck a peek on their personal files though he was only able to see the records of what they've been up to since they got to the base. On a great deal of restraint on Marshall's part he stayed quite as the doctor entered the room with another one of the test subjects close behind. He even stayed quite till after everyone got their questions out of the way, though he did smirk when the girl named Hitomi threatened the Alex guy. He even laughed when he caught on fire. "Whoa no one told me we were having a bon fire. I would of brought marshmallows." He said with a chuckle. He finally got up from his seat with a sly smile on his face. He looked at the remaining members in the room. "Guess it's time for use to turn into the governments next generation of kiddy killers. Wonder if they give out merit badges like the boy scouts." He said with another chuckle before putting his hands in his pockets and slowly heading out the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy decided she had wasted enough time to show she wasn't going to follow orders the second they were issued. Better not to push the envelope too much. She didn't want to get into serious trouble until she knew what kind if punishments they would incur. Roxy slowly made her way to the gym wondering exactly what they were going to do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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Seth wanted to get out of there ASAP. So he followed Roxy. "Do you have any idea why the heck I've.. We've been brought here? I don't deserve this!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"We're her because we broke the law and the evil scientist thinks we would make good soliders." Roxy replied shaking her head. She was pretty sure Seth deserved to be her as much as the rest of them. She wondered which law her broke. He looked more like a goofball then a threat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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"I. Don't. Want. To. Be. A. Soldger!" He screamed as he broke the cuffs. "I DID THE RIGHT THING!!!" He straightened himself and calmed down. "I don't need you to help with thoses anymore." He said as he pointed to the shattered cuffs. Then he began to walk on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy chuckled. It was interesting that he had broken the cuffs. She wondered had he waited on purpose or slowly wore then down during the meeting? Either way there was more to Seth then one first thought. Arriving at the gym Roxy leaned casually against the wall waiting to see what they would be expected to do.
The head scientist clapped his hand to get their attention. "You are going to preform a variety of things. You will start by running until you are tired. Then you will lift as much weight as you can. Then you will fire several types of guns. These test will show me some of your skills. Anyone wish to show off first?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Alexander grinned. "Run to your master, kitten" he said as Hitomi ran past him, "Run from your fear so that it may torment you again in times to come." He laughed and walked in to the gym the glow of energy fading from his hair as he let the last of his power drift out of him again for a bit. He listened to the scientist and then tilted his head. "Is kitten doing these exercises with us? or is she above such menial tasks as it might ruffle her oh so perfect fur?" every word was dripping with scorn and enjoyment at constantly pushing Hitomi further and further. "also out of interest, when do we get to do anything interesting? guns go bang and kill people, oh so fun, can't we do something like combat sparing with blades?" he added and then gave another of his malevolent grins.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Hitomi may do any and all of these challenges that she wants to do. I already know what she is capable of. As for blades if you cooperate and do what is asked you may use a bladed today. However I believe you are the only recruit that has a decent ability with a sword." The head scientist answered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

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Hitomi walkd over to one of the scientists in the room and took a cliip board and a whisle before walking back over to the head scientist before looking at Alexander.

"I do not take offence in what you said mongrel as i'm very happy where i am and he's the master of us all" Hitomi says calmly while holding the clipboard and whisle to the head scientist while awaiting her own orders as she didn't feel the need to enterain thos that was lower then her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Marshall lazily followed the rest of his fellow freaks to the gym just in time to see Alex, Or rather sparky as Marshall would forever see him as, to continue his little prodding of the obvious class favorite. And people call me immature. Marshall thought to himself before turning his attention back to the head scientist. "Hey creepy scientist dude number seven mind if I call out a few problems with your plan here?" Marshall called from the back of the group with a slight smirk in his voice. "First off not all of us are killers here, some of us are just descent people that know how to use a computer. So why should you expect us to be able to do any of this stuff?" He said with a chuckle. "Also do you think giving guns to people you're holding here against their will is a good idea?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"I do not expect all of you to be good with guns. In fact a doubt more then one of you are skilled in anything useful. But in order to see what all of you are capable of I must test every type of useful skill. I am not stupid enough to give guns with bullets. You will be given blanks. Also everyone of you volunteered to be here rather than going to jail. If that has changed you only have to say so. Now lets start running children. Whoever last the longest will be given a reward." The scientist said encouragingly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oh goodie a prize. I do hope that it's a box of chocolate." Marshall with the mocking tone of a giddy school girl. He then turned and ran two steps before stopping. "Woo what a work out." He said while pretending to be out of breath. "Now where are the five pound weights? I need to get my lift on." He said with a smirk and flexing his non existent muscles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Alexander grinned, "Yes but I bet you get a kick out of being such a good girl and getting all the rewards." and now he was just being crass. "Well, in that case I can safely assume that she's crap enough not to want to show us." he said and rolled his eyes, taking his time to stretch and shake himself lose. "Please tell me that the reward is something more than a pat on the back and 'well done' or worse yet, more intensive training." he pulled his jacked off and tossed it lazily at Hitomi "Since you're going to be playing for the other side, might as well do something they'd do and keep an eye on our stuff." he said with a dark grin, his wings cracking from his back in a sheet of flame, he ran but lazily. no effort, no speed, just long loping bounds carried by his wings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn was humning a lovely Lulaby From silent hill while he was slowly progessing towards the so called gym with an guard acompanying him for safty reasons " You lie, silent there before me." He quite liked the thought that he had bee acceped into this program. Getting the chance to oh so wonderfull, to kil and possible to rape yet Again

"Your tears, they mean nothing to me," Oh he remembered the screams of his ex girlfriend and that oh so lovely scream of the father as he had cut him in half whch was kind of nice to remeber and tatwindow that stood ope for air to come through "The wind howling at the window," But then Again she had deserved it for cheating on him. If only she adent cheated on him she and most of her Family including her would stil lbe alive and well "The love you never gave," Though it sadden him still Björn remembed the say hat he had meet her, he had woken up to late on the first day of school so he was in a rush to not getting late on his first highschool da or he would never hear the end it by his mother.

Takin a quick bath, taking a blank toast then ruh to his bycikal he rushetowards the school, as he was nearly there he was only looking for a split second, the ext thing he knew he was flying in the sky but luckly a car was driving into the right possion to give him a somewhat soft landing "What the accualy fuck is happening" He heard a grl voice said and that girl was Angel he fell in love with her at first sight "I give to you," but then the memmories of the sex sence with the Football captain flashed int his head filling him with anger but tryingto supress it "Really don't deserve it," Again remembering the kills and sighted " But now, there's nothing you can do." The guard looked strangly at Björn but shoved it off Again and remembered the last face the two girls mde "So sleep, in your only memory Of me, my dearest Lover..." With him finishing the song he had arrived at the so called Gym only to see the people inside it waiting for what to happen now
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy snorted at Marshall's behavior. While she wasn't taking any of this seriously. But it would be interesting to see what each of them could do. She wondered how the scientist would react to Marshall's behavior.
"Alexander the reward can be whatever you choose within reason. maybe you would like a sword to put in your holder there. Marshall you can do as your told or we will lock you in solitary . If that is not enough of a threat I could always take you to the back to the lab. I have many other projects that I would love to have a volunteer for." The head scientist offered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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Seth stood there and watched. "So let me get this straight, show you how fast we can run, how much we can lift, and how good we can shoot a gun then you let us go? I'm in if I can leave." He walked past Hitomi and took the clipboard. "So what, the surgery I went through changed me?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Tsukune stepped through the door, and looked around the room. These people would be his companions in this odd phase of his life. He hoped he'd manage to befriend them. None of them seemed particularly bad, and Tsukune decided that he'd take his best shot. It would be best if he could befriend the others. If he was to become a biological weapon, he'd like not to be lonely as well. Strolling up to the group with a fake air of nonchalance, he smiled. "Sorry I'm a bit late. It seems everyone got here before I did." Tsukune smiled around the room, hoping someone would return the smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"You will only leave on mission. Did you not read the agreement? Did... Stupid underlings were suppose to explain everything thing. You now have the ability to change into an animal." The head scientist explained.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scara_blood
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"Now you all are crazy." Seth said as he started to get smaller. "I mean who thinks you can.. Turn... AHHH!!" He looked at his feet, wich where hands. "Ahahahaha!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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"Oh no are you going to turn me into a mutant freak?!... Oh wait you did that already." Marshall said with a smirk looking back at the head scientist, but he did start to walk with a slight brisk pace, he didn't need to have any more animal DNA shoved into him and knowing his luck he'd end up getting the cow genome. When he say Alex using his wings Marshall got the idea. Well that seems like the way to go. He then spread his arms and his wings formed. With a slight jump Marshall was than gliding lazily around the gym.
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