Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

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Hitomi looked down and sighed.

"Sir remember that i took the longest to recover from the orginal added DNA but my DNA became a perfect mix almost as if my DNA had always been like that so maybe my recovery time is longer because my body natually wants my DNA in perfect balance?" Hitomi says as she leans into vlad's hold as she started muttering out different theroies she had as to why she took longer to recover.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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"I Wont make you kill anyone either Marshall. You get the data, roxy will cover you and I will be the one who gets more blood on his hands." He didnt like the thought of it, but he didnt want them to see the faces of the dead in their sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn just hissed at the batboy with his tounge going full lenght out then change into his normal mouth " Tsh qué coño" He then stood op and " Right me staying guard fuck you fox boy." He then saw them walk off " Stupid Fox asshole im going to kill that son of a bitch someday" Björn sighed Again as Adamaris agreed with the batboy * Oi Dude you know that we can just let the front be unguarded and we can also leave them be inside you know.. . . . . No Mac not a good idea they will have wahts comming and that batboy i want to lay my hands on his thoat and take my fangs into his eyes and doing it so brutal as possible.* Mac just laughted mentaly enjoying seeing a slightly angered Björn
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Azure Sea said
Hitomi looked down and sighed."Sir remember that i took the longest to recover from the orginal added DNA but my DNA became a perfect mix almost as if my DNA had always been like that so maybe my recovery time is longer because my body natually wants my DNA in perfect balance?" Hitomi says as she leans into vlad's hold as she started muttering out different theroies she had as to why she took longer to recover.

"Yes yes, I remember. But the fact is that Marsh survived a second DNA much easier then you did. We need to make you stronger." Vlad guides Hitomi to his office.
Shiv said
"I Wont make you kill anyone either Marshall. You get the data, roxy will cover you and I will be the one who gets more blood on his hands." He didnt like the thought of it, but he didnt want them to see the faces of the dead in their sleep.

"Oh for Pete's sakes. You all act like taking a life is the worse thing in the world. I'll handle the killing since none of you seem capable of doing so. Marshall get the damn data. Ace make sure Bjorne doesn't decide to do something stupid and Adamaris can stand guard while I make sure no one survives." Roxy stated calmly. She pulled a knife out of each boot. She looked ready to kill them if they pushed her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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"I don't like killing Roxy, don't mistake that for me not being capable of it. " He slid inside the door and looked around, "all clear" he waved the other two in. The halls where a bland white color as he quickly checked room to room, hunting for the computer room. As he finally found it he could see a single man working away doing data entry. Quietly he opened the door and cleared the distance to the man fast. The snap was quick and painless as he lowered the body and dragged him to the corner. "Marshall, computers all yours"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

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Hitomi nodded meekly as she let vlad lead her to his office her mind trying to work out what could happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy rolled her eyes. She to towards the back of the room waiting. She wondered what Vlad thought their disjointed effort to gather so information. The mission hadn't even been that complicated. It wasn't a military mission or anything like that. The more she thought about it the more Roxy thought they had been set it. The data they had been sent to gather wasn't real.
Azure Sea said
Hitomi nodded meekly as she let vlad lead her to his office her mind trying to work out what could happen.

After an hour Vlad sent Hitomi to the gym to lift some weights. He shook his head listened to the teams interactions. He was very disappointed in them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Marshall walked into the building mumbling under his breath over and over again. "Fucking psychopaths." He had a sneer on his face. As he entered the room that held the computers and the dead body he stalled for a moment. "Get him the hell out of here." He said before stepping around it. As he took a seat at the computers he pulled out a USB drive and quickly set to work, his fingers dancing across the keyboard and the screen seeming to change every few seconds. After a few moments held out his hand towards the others, but didn't take his eyes off the screen. "Someone give me their phone." He said in an annoyed tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

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Hitomi sighed to herself saying "That was better then i expected" as she went to the gym and started going through her paces to get herself back into shape as she had been slacking due to the office work she had been doing and the strain from the added DNA to her system had made her see that she wasn't up to her old limits if marshell could recover before she did.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn sighed still standing outside guarding the front " How freaking long can it take!?!" Börn didn't like that hewas following orders from that fox boy. * You know björn it feels like im forgetting something like when our firstbang was and whatsmy favorite dsh is * Björn loked op in the skyand wondered himself he also have forgotten something like the face of his e. his hgh school life * Say how about we go to sicko Vlad and demand our reward then go to ada if she wont talk we just go to the pool and enjy ourself maybe we meet Hitomi there been quite some time now sinc we ave seen to her " Björn nooded still looking op to the sky
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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Saarebas said
Marshall walked into the building mumbling under his breath over and over again. "Fucking psychopaths." He had a sneer on his face. As he entered the room that held the computers and the dead body he stalled for a moment. "Get him the hell out of here." He said before stepping around it. As he took a seat at the computers he pulled out a USB drive and quickly set to work, his fingers dancing across the keyboard and the screen seeming to change every few seconds. After a few moments held out his hand towards the others, but didn't take his eyes off the screen. "Someone give me their phone." He said in an annoyed tone.

Ace wasnt above granting mashall a request or two, He lifted the body and took it out of the room. as he came back in with the mans cellphone "Marshall, there is only one psychopath here with us and I left him on guard duty. I had hoped Adamaris could keep him in line since he has a thing for her, but she decided to wait in the car." He handed the cellphone too Marshall wih a lower tone "Understand something Marshall, once Vlad trusts us and we can get out without the bombs we can bail and be free wherever we like as far away from eachother as we want"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Marshall wanted to keep his sneer up but he couldn't he was just plane sick of it all, the past few weeks have been piling up on him and he wasn't sure he could keep going with out exploding in one way or another. As he was handed the phone he hooked it up to the computers and set to work again, typing at a amazing speed that it almost looked impossible. He let out another sigh before unhooking it and handing it to Ace. "There you have your copy." He mouthed so Vlad wouldn't hear it through Roxy's collar. "Now let's get the hell out of here." He said in a hollow voice before heading out of the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Great. Can we get back to crazy land now?" Roxy asks. She didn't really want to go back. But their choices were limited. They had already taken more chances then they should have.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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"Alright you two, get back to the humvee and grab Bjorn while your at it. i will rig the place and meet you there" Ace was relieved that everything had gone well
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Marshall was already down the hall and right in front of the exit when Ace spoke up, he wouldn't have herd him if it wasn't for his enhanced hearing. He let out a groan then left the building, heading towards to Humvee. He passed Bjorn and didn't even offer him a glance. "We're leaving so come on. Or stay here and burn I don't care." He said in the same hollow voice of before. He then climbed into the very back of the Humvee and closed his eyes, he didn't plan on talking for some time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris looked back at Marshall and nodded, she turned on the Humvee and chugged a five hour energy. "Lets go before I pass out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn was hynning A lovely tone from one of his favorite music looking back and forward. " Okey how long do we still have to e here i want to go home and get my bloody reward " Bjarne cursed under his breath
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy raised her eyes at Adamaris' statement the wolf was acting like she had been up a couple days instead of a few hours. The whole mission had only taken half a day not a week. What would the wolf do if they had a serious mission. "You guys are pathetic. This mission was a walk in the park. What will happen if we get a military mission?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris looked at Roxy and shook her head. "I don't know...I'm sorry. We should get going." She waited for them to get in and straightened up, the truth was that she wasn't very tired at all. She wanted to be but it was like she was forcing herself, she gripped the steering wheel and sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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As Roxy finished her question fire blasted out of the doors and windows of the lab followed by a large explosion leveling most of the building.
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