Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris' eyes widened and she rushed out of the Humvee, where was Ace? He should've been out of the building by now, someone should have stayed with him. Suicide? But why? She shifted and walked closer to the building, she avoided shrapnel and broken glass. She couldn't find him anywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Shit! I almost liked him. Going to suck explaining the loss of our leader on our first mission." Roxy says. "Come on Adamaris. There's nothing we can do here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Marshall sat up from his seat as he watched the burning, having a flash back for a moment that luckily quickly died. He was about to set back down but he heard Roxy. "You heartless bitch! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Life." Roxy says simply. "You might not have grown up around death but I did. Life is a gang is hard. You can't let things the death of someone get in the way of getting the job done."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris didn't turn back yet, she found a burned body with flecks of red fur and stood over it. She howled mournfully and shifted back walking to the car and sitting down, she glared at Roxy. She started the car and drove off trying to forget about this place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Marshall sat back in his seat and put his head in his hands. His mind was racing with millions of thoughts, non of witch pleasant. It's not just Vlad that's fucking crazy. It's the rest of them too! he thought as the car drove.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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The team as arrived back at the lab and told to gather in the gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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As soon as the Humvee arrived back to the lab Marshall rushed out of it like a bat out of hell. He almost didn't hear the announcement for the subjects to gather in the gym he was moving so fast back to his cell. He let out a groan before he changed course and headed to the gym. When he arrived he found a rail on the ceiling to hang from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy slowly made her way to the gym. She hated being back. But being back meant she could finally get the stupid bomb off her neck. She leaned against the wall ignoring the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn felt the explotion head behind him " Holy shit what the hell" Björn just stood there with his mouth open " Okey. .. . that is totally awesome and totally cliche right there " He said then hearing Adamaris howling over a burned body, He walked over as she was returning to the humwee and looked at it noticing the red hair and smiled within then walk towards the humwee and enter it to finally come home. Arriving home he saw the batboy vanasing fast. Sighing Björn just walked into the compont hearing the annousment " Well don't know how he would like to hear the news " Björn then thought if he would still get his reward despite foxboy killing himself or not. Seeing Roxy walk towards the gym he runned op to her side "Hello Roxy sexy as ever"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris walked to the gym, part of her took it as her fault for letting Ace die. The other was thinking that the mission was a complete fail and that they should all be punished. When she arrived at the gym she looked around and shrugged. "What are we doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Hello Bjorn. Get tired of Adamaris' attentions?" Roxy asked crossly. She wasn't in the mood to deal with the lab flirt. Especially with Vlad on his way. How would the scientist take the lost of his animal/human experiment?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Björn sighed " Getting jelous already and not even been a day " Björn said in a singing tone He looked op and down at Roxy and smiled * Yo dude we get to spend a good time with her alone ya know and of couse we can always blackmail her with knowing of her knifes " Why so seirous Roxy and Adamaris i just love to be in company of wonderfull people thats all "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"And that is why you don't hang around with the other guys?" Roxy snorted in disbelief. She shifted restlessly. When was Vlad going to show up?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris finally noticed Bjorn's presence and glared at him, she looked away and scowled at the gym. She couldn't believe she had even fallen for him, she couldn't believe that someone had died. But as Roxy said, it was life. And if they didn't escape that would be how it was every few weeks, or even days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Marshall had wrapped himself in his wings like a child would a safety blanket as he hung from the ceiling. One may have thought he was asleep but it was quite the opposite, he was in incredibly deep thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiv


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A stranger walked into the gym keeping to himself near the back observing the others in their mix of emotional states He stood confident mostly because of his clothes dress pants, dress shirt, vest and a cigaret burning away between his lips. He kept one hand in his pocket while using the other to flick the ash from his cig. He thought it best to stay quiet for now and see where things went.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Where is Ace?" Vlad asks as he enters the gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Adamaris watched the new man and bit her lip, who was he? Ace's replacement was the first thing that popped into her head, she shook her head and walked up to the newbie. "Hi, what is your name?" She asked him politely, she didn't want to make to many new enemies. She raised her hand for a shake and smiled. She lowered her hand when she saw Vlad and cleared her throat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Marshall let out a sigh. "He... made sure the mission was accomplished by all means doc... He didn't make it." He called for the ceiling.
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