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Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Edwin Rogers was in his loft working on his Harley as the afternoon sun was shining through the skylight. He had just finished the case involving the murder of a reporter and a city council woman. It was a nightmare of a case that took over a week to crack. It was involving media and political images and dirty little secrets that could ruin careers, so that made things so "interesting".. All of that not withstanding Rogers and his partner managed to finally get the deputy Chief of Staff to crack at about 3 this morning. Captain John Sullivan told Rogers not to report into work for the next 5 days. and to take it easy. Edwin thought this was as good a time to give his Harley a once over as he nursed a beer. All the while Bruce Springsteen told him how to "Prove it all night" through Edwin's surround sound system.

When the sax solo began to start up Edwin raised his beer and said, "You are missed big man." Just then he heard his phone ringing and his German Shepherd Roxy began barking.

Edwin looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the Department calling him. He shook his head and said, "I knew it was too good to last. Yeah I've been off for less than 12 hours more than enough time to recover."

He looked at Roxy and asked, "Do you wanna answer it?" Roxy walked down the hall and Edwin said, "Coward."

Edwin let a sigh and said, "Go ahead Ed it's just your piece of mind." Edwin picked up the phone and as he used the remote to turn the stereo down he said, "Rogers."

Captain Sullivan said, "Hey Ed I'm sorry to be calling you like this, but this is very important."

Edwin replied, "It usually is what's up Cap?"

Captain Sullivan said, "There was a murder in a small town just outside of Parker County in the middle of the state and local law enforcement is stumped. How familiar are you with the 'Snow White' murder?"

Edwin replied, "Just what I've heard on the news not my jurisdiction, so I'm not worried about it."

Sullivan said, "Start worrying."

Edwin sat on his couch and asked, "Cap are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Sullivan replied, "Their Mayor called the Governor for help. The Governor called our Mayor, who then called the Commissioner, who called the Chief, he called me, and now I'm calling you. Edwin this assignment is straight from the Governor's office. I hate to say this Edwin, but if you say 'no' to this that hearing you went through for 'Twilight' will feel like a warm memory."

Edwin quickly polished off his beer and said, "I think I just got the proverbial offer I can't refuse." Edwin shook his head twice and had an expression of focus on his face. He asked, "When do I leave sir?"

Sullivan replied, "A-S-A-P. Pack up a bag for at least 4-5 days and come by the station to get the information we've been given. You can review it while we get a hold of your partner. You two go down together wrap it up and it's two weeks off with pay and doesn't go against your vacay time. That one's from the Governor too."

Edwin said, "All-right sir. I need to make a phone call, get cleaned up, pack up, and I'm on my way. See you in about an hour."

Sullivan replied, "30 minutes."

Edwin said, "Yeah like I said 30 minutes."

Edwin hung up the phone and threw his head back. He said, "It's so hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way." Edwin cut the phone back on and called inspector Katherine "Katy" Gallado in the Commissioner's office.

Katy answered, "Inspector Gallado."

Edwin replied, "Hey there sexy one."

Edwin could hear Katy smile as she said, "Hey there Stud. I know why you're calling."

Edwin replied, "You knew I would be calling so I could hear you strip over the phone and talk dirty to me?"

Katy said, "Ha ha very funny. I heard about the 'Snow White' case and that you were being called in. So I guess our plans of staying inside and doing unspeakable things that one would only see on Animal Planet are put on hold?"

Edwin replied, "Afraid so Katy. Shame too my back is finally back to normal after our weekend last month in Atlantic City. Anyway can you take care of Roxy while I'm gone?"

Katy said, "Sure she likes me better anyway."

Edwin replied, "Yeah I think you two are plotting against me."

Katy said, "You have no idea."

The two lovers chuckled at that and Edwin said, "I'll call you when I get there, and I'll call every night. I love you Katy."

Katy replied, "I love you Edwin. Good luck and stay safe."

The two said goodbye and Edwin quickly took care of everything in terms of packing and getting cleaned up. Once he was done he rolled his Harley outside, fired it up, and was enroute to the station.

Once there he began studying the case files on the "Snow White" case awaiting the arrival of his partner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This was the story of a lifetime, and it was all hers. Alexis Darwin stood in front of Rudy, the pudgy, middle aged editor of The Weekly Chronicles. His icy blue eyes, set oddly into his wrinkled face, stared at her inquiringly as he waited for an answer. But Alexis couldn't form any kind of response, even though she wanted this story more then anything in the entire world. She wanted it so much that her body felt stiff as it anticipated the exposure that she could receive, given that she did a good job. Alexis looked at her boss, who sat back in his computer chair, round stomach bulging out, and stared at her. He raised a bushy, grey eyebrow at her in annoyance. "Darwin!" His impatient voice snapped. "Do you or do you not want to take on the Snow White story?" Yes, she really did want it. However, for some reason she felt wrong and she couldn't figure out why. Alexis pushed these unpleasant feelings away, a skill she had pretty much mastered already in her life, and nodded towards her boss.

"Yes, I want it." She tried to make her voice light and carefree as she watched Rudy lean forward and rest his face in his hands. "Good. This case is big, really big, and lots of people are going to be curious about it." Alexis nodded, of course they already were. She had heard the whispers, seen the morbid interest in the eyes of everyone in town, including herself. "It's your job to give them what they want, make it informative, yet riveting. Use eloquence, write this as if it were not just news but an engrossing story. I want you to sell this." The continuous bobbing of Alexis' head was giving her a head ache. "Okay, perfect. I can do this, you won't be disappointed." Rudy's mouth twitched into a grim smile. "I better not be. This is all riding on you, Darwin." He paused, looking down at his worn out, leather watch. "You have a page in this week's issue, I want it on my desk by Friday." His voice was distracted, as he pulled himself out of the chair and started to gather his things. "I suggest you start now. Make it good." Alexis grinned, a real smile that had been a stranger to her face for so long. "I will. Thanks, Rudy."

Once outside his office, she checked the time herself. It was nearing midday, a time where she would usually be taking a break and having lunch. Yet, she made a beeline for her small cubicle and opened up her old, beat up laptop. The thing certainly wasn't pretty, and it didn't always run well, but it got the job done. Nimbly, she created a new document and stared at the blank page. She was excited, sure, but also apprehensive. This wasn't just some bullshit story on a small scale town crisis, this was the recalling of the life, and of course the death, of a teenage girl. Alexis chewed on the delicate flesh of her lower lip as her fingers moved aimlessly above the keyboard. Where to start? How to start? Her mind reeled, she wanted facts, she wanted drama, she wanted something so shocking and captivating that would have people so horrified they would have to read it. To do that, she realized, she needed details.

Her twitching fingers that were waiting readily above the keyboard moved slowly towards the gleaming, black office phone. she had the numbers of all kinds of businesses written down and plastered to the wall so it took her no time at all to find that of the police stations. Punching the number into the phone she waited in silent suspense for someone to pick up. Three sharp rings later, a kindly sounding woman greeted her. "Hi. This is Alexis Darwin, reporter for The Weekly Chronicles. I'm calling to request an interview with the lead detectives on the Sierra Williams case. If you could get one of them on the phone that would be great." Alexis' free hand found a pen that was sitting, discarded, on her desk. Absently she started twirling it between her fingers, as she waited nervously and eagerly. 'This is it.' She thought. 'This is the big times, the real deal.' A small, pleased smile came over Alexis' face, while somewhere in the deepest corners of her mind something was trying to warn her that this was all more then it seemed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LadyBella


Member Offline since relaunch

If blue was a color of sadness, and red was a color of anger, did that mean than purple was a color of anger and sadness? Or did purple have it's own emotion, ignoring it's sire colors and striking out on it's own. Purple was the color of royalty. That didn't really have anything to do with anger or sadness, did it? Royalty could be sad, and angry, yes, but they had to hold it in, be dignified about their emotions. So was purple a color of dignity?
Dylan sighed, slashing the deep color across the blank canvas in an effort to create some kind of muse pop into her head. She still couldn't figure it out. Movement from her side took her attention and she saw Jacob. He was always early to his classes, giving Dylan a sort of alarm so she wouldn't be late after free period. She smiled to herself as she paused her ipod and took her ear buds out before starting to clean up her station. She considered the canvas that she had been using. Keep it or toss it? With a frown she picked it up and put it in her cubby, maybe she could figure out what to do with it later.
She waved at Jacob as she passed, her bag over her shoulder. The school was so quiet today. It had been quiet for a little over a week. That poor girl, found dead. One of her brothers friends. Dylan shook her head. She wasn't quite sure how to approach her brother about it. He seemed to still be in shock over the whole thing. He didn't want to talk about it, or take a day off. It was like he didn't believe anyone, like he was expecting her to come back. Or perhaps that was just how he wanted to deal with it. Dylan shrugged to herself as she made her way through the halls. She made a quick stop at her locker, throwing her math book inside and grabbing her science book.
A couple at the end of the hallway caught her attention, trying to 'hide' by the water fountains and make out. She grimaced, turning away. What was it an everyone trying to be in love all the time? It was sick. Dylan didn't need anyone, no. She had her paint, that was all she needed.

Cameron kicked the ball half-heartedly, looking at his watch as it bounced off of the net and rolled back towards him. He bent to pick it up and made his way across the field, watching his shoes sink into the grass as he went. He still wasn't sure how to feel about the past weeks events. He'd been in shock when he first heard, denial at the funeral and a few days afterwards, there was acceptance. Sierra was gone. So what did he do with these feelings? These tiny crush feelings? Were they real or were the heightened by the guilt he was feeling for not speaking up about them?
He stopped long enough to pick up his bag from the bench and then continued off of the field and back towards the main building. Should he tell someone? No, they would just think he was lame. He would put all of this guilt and sadness into soccer, there was a big game coming up. If the team won the word would get out and a college scout would come to the next game. That was the kind of push he needed. Not counseling. He snorted at himself as he stepped into the school. Even though it had been weeks, depression hung like a bad smell in the hallways. People were either moping around, or pretending to care. Most knew he had been friends with Sierra. As he passed they hushed, either whispering to each other and looking at him like he was a lost puppy. He wanted to last out at them, scream and yell, but he kept walking, making his way to his locker.
As he turned the corner he saw Andie, standing at her own locker. Someone who wasn't going to look at him like he needed a hug. Someone that he could count on. He leaned against the row of lockers, only partially paying attention to the lock as he spun the code. It clicked open and he pulled out a few books.
"You'd think they would all find something else to whisper about," Cameron said in a hushed tone. He placed his ball in his locker as he put the books he had pulled out in his bag. He then took his ball, holding it under his arm and closed his locker, facing Andie.
"Wanna invent an invisibility cloak and run away with me?" He asked, a small smile on his lips. It didn't reach his eyes. He knew he wouldn't leave his soccer, but it was a nice notion. To just pack up and leave, go somewhere where people didn't know that he had been close friends to a girl who had just been murdered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The leaves of the tree rustled softly in the same wind that caught the page of Thomas' book, turning it prematurely. Returning to the page he was on, he took the time to look at his watch. Free period was coming to an end, and he would just make it to class on time if he left now. Committing the proper page number to memory, he stood and stretched before picking up his bag and heading towards the school.

Everything was so much more quiet than before, in his eyes. Students talked in hushed tones in the halls and classes seemed more subdued. And Thomas no longer went unseen. Before Sierra... left, most people wouldn't so much as glance in his direction, and he moved through the school like a ghost; unseen, unheard, and liking it that way. Now though, he always drew stares, and knew people whispered about him once he had passed. It was that damn list. Five names and a sentence on a scrap of paper that nobody knew the meaning of. Were they responsible somehow? Had Sierra wanted to tell them something?

Thomas had devoted a week of thinking to it, and hadn't even scratched the surface of the possibilities. He barely knew the Andersons or the Parker girl, and certainly didn't feel comfortable approaching them to ask about it. The fifth name, Nigellus Rollins, was completely unfamiliar. He wasn't a student or a teacher, or anyone Thomas could find. The whole event was an enigma, and clearly beyond him.

Once in the building, he did his best to ignore the stares. Thomas kept his eyes on the ground as he made his way to his locker. Once there, he took a peek around from behind his hair, seeing Dylan down the hall, at her own locker. He couldn't help but notice her and the others on the list more often these days, but he gave no hint of it as he swapped history and math books for English and science. As he closed his locker, he saw the couple by the water fountain and decided he wouldn't grab some water after all. Starting in the other direction, he headed towards his next class, eyes on the ground once more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rogers was studying the case files in private room awaiting the arrival of his partner. He had several files spread around and Edwin kept moving his eyes back and forth looking for that one piece of information that would spark the investigation. Just then Captain Sullivan entered the room carrying a mini cooler/large lunch bag.

Edwin looked up and Sullivan asked, "Mind if I join you for a few."

Edwin motioned at the open chair and replied, "Sure Cap."

Sullivan sat down and said, "First off your partner is on leave of absence effectively immediately. Family emergency so as of now you're on your own. We'll see what we can do about getting someone down there to help you at some point, but no promises."

Edwin nodded and said, "Got it Cap."

Sullivan shook his head and said, "There's a million ways that this thing could go sideways on you. You got the Governor, two Mayors, two Police administrations, and oh yeah a psycho with a Snow White fetish. Not to mention you won't have the resources or weight of this department to back you up. You're gonna be dealing with a department that is just slightly more advanced than the Amish. You're one of my best friends Edwin and a great cop, yet I feel like I'm sending into the Lions Den with the lions sound asleep while you're wearing a steak suit with the 1812 overture blaring in the background."

Edwin shrugged his shoulders and said, "What are friends for? Besides this is why I get paid slightly more than the guy who makes my Chai Latte. I know the risks Cap and I realize that there's a lot of chefs in the kitchen, so I just gotta make sure I don't drop any eggs. Besides we're still on for the Steelers home opener."

Sullivan replied, "Sounds good. Got anything so far?"

Edwin shook his head and said, "About the only things I know for sure is the butler didn't do it and there's no indication of an evil queen either. I've got a couple theories but I need to get down there to figure out some more. Hopefully the local yocals didn't screw up the crime scene too badly."

Sullivan nodded and said, "Well I''ll let you get on your way, but before you go.." Sullivan opened up the bag, pulled out a bottle of Scotch, and pulled out two drinking tumblers with ice. He poured some Scotch in each one and said, "One for the road."

Edwin smiled and took one of the drinks. Sullivan took a glass and raised it saying. "Safety, blessings, and good hunting my friend."

Edwin raised his glass and said, "Live long and prosper." The two clinked glasses and downed their drinks. Sullivan cleaned up the glasses and said, "Before you go get down to disbursement you got some cash waiting for you to pay for expenses while you're there. enjoy the ride on your Harley looks like you got great weather for it."

Edwin stood up and began gathering his files. He said, "Time to get to it,." Both men finished about the same time and Sullivan stuck his hand out and said, "Good luck detective." Edwin shook his hand and said, "Thank you sir."

Edwin picked up his travelling money and made his way into the parking lot. He sat on his Harley and said under his breath, "Hi Yo Silver away." He started the motorcycle and was on his way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by emmyanne
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Okay then...” Alexis' voice dripped with annoyance as she set the phone, now buzzing with a dial tone, down. “Good-bye to you, too.” Rolling her eyes, she turned back to the computer and stared at the empty screen. She looked, mesmerized, at the white, fluorescent glow for a while before she let out a sigh of exasperation and crumpled over onto the keyboard. There was a not-very-pleasant crunching noise as her head hit the keys, causing the screen to erupt with a mess of gibberish. “How to start, how to start how to...” Her mind open, for just a split second and it dawned on her. The epiphany lasted briefly before her mind shut down like a gateway crashing closed. “I'll start at the beginning!” She exclaimed.

The idea was poetic, really. Alexis wasn't just going to write some piece of trash news that objectified the victim of this crime. Making her seem like some poor, faceless girl whose death Alexis was using to get attention for herself. She was going to recall this girls entire life. From start to end. She was going to show everyone who this so called “Snow White” really was. She would write about her family, her friends, and that mysterious list that no one could figure out the meaning to. After Alexis was done everyone would know the name Sierra Williams. The world would know all about this sick crime, and who the killer really is. Alexis planned on giving Sierra something that no one had ever given her.


That as what she had always wanted, and if she couldn't get it for herself she would get it for this girl. Alexis cracked her knuckles and pursed her lips, turning to the computer screen and smiling. The random gibberish was currently a metaphor for her mind. Confused, dazed, all over the place while at the same time artistic and genius. Leaning back in her seat, Alexis nodded, deep in thought with her ideas that bounced around her mind like jumping beans, and started planning out the first in what she hoped to be a long line of articles on this case. If she did well, Rudy would assign her all of the "Snow White" stories, and from what it looked like Alexis assumed there would be quite a few.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LadyBella


Member Offline since relaunch

Cameron's small smile faded. He stared at her, feeling the beginnings of his world crumble to the ground. When she held out the transfer papers for him to see, he flinched as if he'd been shocked. In reality, he felt like something had collapsed inside him. He'd been wrong, soccer was all he could count on. He tried to remind himself that Australia was Andie's home and all of her family was there but, he couldn't really hear that part over the voice that was whispering poisonous thoughts in his ear. He looked at her, trying not to glare, and took a deep breath. He relaxed his shoulders, and closed his eyes, taking a minute. He could feel this burning in his chest and his stomach was twisting and rolling.

"I hope," He started, then shook his head feeling like that wasn't a good way to start. He looked down at his sneakers, struggling, "I'll miss you," He said with a tight smile. He wanted to beg, down on his knees, but he didn't, he wouldn't. If she wanted to go, then she could go. No one was going to stop her. He sighed and turned away, feeling deflated and depressed. His insides were screaming, 'turn around! you won't survive this without her!' but, he did nothing. He kept walking, one foot in front of the other, down the hall, and to the right. His next class. After this class he'd be that much closer to soccer practice, then he would go home, do his homework, go to sleep. He'd get up the next morning, run before breakfast, eat, shower, go to school and repeat his day again and again and again. He didn't need Andie, she obviously didn't need him, so he'd be fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rogers stopped his Harley in the side parking lot of city hall. He checked his hair in the side mirror and looked his clothes over once to make sure everything was just so for his meeting with Mayor Atkinson and Sheriff Hawkins. Rogers dropped his luggage off at the Blue Creek Motel just outside of town. As motels went it would serve it's purpose and Edwin wasn't planning on moving in there.

Edwin was now wearing a navy blue suit with a matching tie more than professional enough for the meeting he was going to, but Katy would've given him a serious head shaking look at the fact Edwin still had on his motorcycling riding boots. She would've been annoyed that he rode his bike there anyway because it didn't project a professional image. Edwin always did think of himself as a bit of a rebel.

Edwin walked into the lobby and took off his sunglasses as he approached the receptionist's desk. He showed his badge and said, "Detective Edwin Rogers Pittsburgh P-D. I'm here to see Mayor Atkinson and Sheriff Hawkins."

The young lady with a cheerful disposition said, "Yes Detective they're expecting you. Just take the stairs behind me, go to the hallway on the left and it'll be at the end of the hall. You can't miss it Detective."

Edwin smiled and said, "I hope not otherwise what does that say about me as a Detective." The young lady smiled and said, "Oh I think you'll do just fine." She let the smile linger and Edwin gave a slight nod as he went up the stairs.

Ahh the famous Rogers charm wins yet another heart.

Rogers approached a sizable wooden door with a gold nameplate that read "Mayor Tyler Atkinson" across it. Rogers said in a low voice, "I think I found the right door." Rogers knocked and a voice bellowed, "Come in."

Rogers shook his head for a moment and said to himself, "Ahh I like Mayors with calm soothing voices."

Edwin opened the door and closed it. A robust looking gentleman with thinning gray hair stood up and said, "Ah hello Detective Rogers welcome to our city. I'm Mayor Tyler Atkinson." The two men shook hands and Atkinson said, "And this is Sheriff Tom Hawkins." Edwin stuck his hand out and Hawkins merely nodded at Edwin. Hawkins didn't strike Edwin as the friendly type right away. Hawkins was sitting but Edwin could already tell that the red headed Sheriff outweighed him by 30 pounds at least, had 5 inches in height on him, and probably didn't have any issues eating raw meat to make a point.

Ah the Sheriff who thinks he could do this without the big city Detective showing up. Note to self don't wait for a birthday card from him

Atkinson nodded to the empty chair next to Hawkins and said, "Please have a seat Detective. Need anything to drink or snack on?" Edwin replied, "No thank you Mr. Mayor. Just ready to get started on the case."

Atkinson said, "Very well then Sheriff would you please give the Detective everything you have on the case as it stands now."

Hawkins reached over and dropped a manila folder in Edwin's lap. He said, "Here you go. You got any questions call the office. I got work to do." Hawkins stood up and said to the Mayor, "Sir." He looked at Edwin and just grunted as he walked out slamming the door.

Edwin nodded and said, "Yeah gotta get out there and intimidate the locals into bowing down properly."

Atkinson replied, "Detective please it was very difficult to Hawkins to agree that he needed help. Please be respectful of his feelings."

Edwin shrugged his shoulders and said, "As long as he respects mine. This assignment wasn't my idea sir. I am here because it was a 'request' by the Governor. If I had my way about I'd be at home with my dog getting ready to go sort out my Pirates' season tickets."

Edwin nodded and said, "I will do my job and do it to the best of my ability which I think is pretty damn good, and I will be able to do it as long as Captain Attitude either helps or stays out of my way sir. I don't care which one he does either."

Atkinson replied, "Fair enough Detective so long as you remember that you're not in Pittsburgh, and many people in this town are not only very protective against outsiders but that this murder has shaken them to the core. We are on the national news and it's not very flattering to us."

Edwin said, " I'll bet it's even less flattering to Sierra Williams' family."

Atkinson paused for a moment and said, "Point taken Detective. If you need anything to help please let me know directly. I figure the less you have to do with the Sheriff the better."

Edwin nodded and said, "Agreed and thank you. Now if you'll excuse me I'll head back to where I'm staying. I prefer that remain a secret at this time after all Alfred hates intruders at stately Wayne Manor and in the Bat Cave."

Atkinson shook his head slowly and said, "You're gonna be fun I can tell that already."

Edwin replied, "Oh just wait until I start rattling some cages." With that Edwin gave a slight bow and the two men shook hands as Edwin left the office.

Edwin reached the parking lot and saw Hawkins near his Harley.

Oh goody the showdown in the park after school is getting ready to start.

Edwin put on his sunglasses and Hawkins just glared at him as he walked by. Edwin put the folder in his saddlebag and looked at Hawkins who was still glaring at him.

Edwin asked, "Is there a bee around me?"

Hawkins asked, "You think you're cute & funny don't you Detective?"

Edwin replied, "Well I have a girlfriend who thinks I'm charming in a college sorta way, and she seems to think I do a better than average slash excellent job in bed. Much like the sheep around here probably think of you."

If looks could kill Hawkins would be arrested for the look he just gave Edwin. Edwin said, "If you wanna go then let's go otherwise back the hell off and let me do the job that I was called upon to do by the Governor. If anything happens to me you think that media attention is bad now wait until word gets out about my 'accident' then people will really start looking at you. Sheriff."

Hawkins replied, "God help you if you screw this up boy. You screw this up I'll be more than happy to detain you."

Edwin said, "Sure you can fit me in between intimidating the locals and having sleep overs with the sheep? Time for you to go home and fix dinner for cousins mom & dad."

Hawkins shook his head and said, "I'm watching you just one slip up and you're all mine."

Edwin replied, "I'll leave a light on for you."

Hawkins got in his squad car and drove away. Edwin got on his Harley and started it up.

Katy told me that one day my mouth would get me into a world of trouble. Why do I get the feeling that today is that day?

Edwin took off on his Harley and headed back to his motel room and brought his Harley into the room with him as he began to study the case files.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

“Don’t you have any shame?!” the angry girl spat in her face. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, she had mascara streaming down her mocha colored cheeks, and her hands were now balled up into fists so tight her knuckles were white. “It’s barely been a week since Sierra’s murder and you’re already slinking around like you’re hot shit!”

Her eyes flickered from the girl’s hands to her face. Liza’s expression hadn’t changed at all during the entire exchange so far-- but she flinched at that last statement and her eyes narrowed. She glanced around the hallway— already the two had attracted quite the crowd. No teachers yet. She spotted at least two or three people with their camera phones out, however-- pointed impatiently in their direction.

Freaking dramavores….

Obviously recognizing Liza’s reaction and determined to rile Liza up enough to make the first move, the girl continued, taking a step closer to where Liza was leaning up against the wall across from the stairwell, her dark purple backpack slung casually over her shoulder. “You don’t even care, do you, puta barata?! This is why you don't have any friends! You don’t belong here, Liza. You belong in a fucking aduana!

Liza rolled her eyes, pushing herself away from the wall and bumping her backpack, which had started to slip, farther up onto her shoulder. “First of all, Carla-- I don’t even know what an aduana is,” she sighed, “And secondly, I already told you—I wasn’t with Tomás last night. I was at work.“

“Oh yeah?!” Carla stuck her hand inside her sweatshirt pocket and pulled out a pair of frilly looking orange panties and promptly threw them towards Liza’s face, “Then how do you explain these??

“Oooo!” the crowd bayed.

“Gross!” Liza swatted them away and wrinkled her nose in disgust. This was about to get ugly. “Damn! Those aren’t mine! Chill the fuck out! You can ask Cindy Stanfield. She was working last night at the same time!” As Liza spoke, she moved her right hand to grip her left forearm. Carla was obviously right handed, judging by that throw. So that would mean….

Estoy hasta la madre!” Carla hissed venomously. The crowd suddenly went wild as the girl swung her right fist at Liza’s face. She’d been expecting as much, however, and redirected the girl’s fist right into the solid brick wall behind her with barely a side step and tug on Carla’s sleeve— just like her sensei had taught her in Judo class. As expected, the girl cried out and slunk over, nursing her no-doubt bleeding knuckles whilst a stream of Spanish curses leaked out of her pink lip-gloss covered mouth.

Wow… she hadn’t had a punch thrown at her in quite some time. But it was probably for the best. If it had been a slap, Liza would have kicked her to the ground as soon as she finished redirecting it. That would have definitely landed her in a lot more trouble with the principal….

Liza turned her eyes back on the crowd— most every student with a camera phone had theirs out by now and they stared expectantly— obviously eager for more action. But they weren’t going to get anymore. Shifting her backpack to the other shoulder and brushing a stray hair from her bangs back into place, Liza took off running past the crowd of kids and down the stairs. “Puta cobarde!” she heard Carla scream after her just as the bell marking the end of free period went off.

And just like that it was suddenly time for lunch. She’d probably be getting a call from the principal sometime during her next class— or maybe even tomorrow. Liza inwardly shrugged as she neared her locker to get out the paper bag with her lunch inside of it. Only three things were for sure:

Tomás was obviously a lying scumbag (not a big shocker there), spending a night with the likes of him was hardly worth her time (she figured both those two facts out last year when they dated for what was barely a week), whoever’s panties those were—they had horrible fashion sense when it came to lingerie, and she sure as hell couldn't wait to leave for L.A. that summer-- this Sierra shit was really beginning to kill her mood....

Oh shit-- wait. That was four....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LadyBella


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Cameron sighed as he felt her arms around his neck. He stopped walking, looking down at his sneakers. He listened to her, as she walked around him and hugged him. He closed one arm around her, the other was closed over a soccer ball of course. He listened to her speak, telling him that she had wanted to run away together. How ironic, he thought to himself. He looked at her, a mixture of confusion and pain written on his face. She had liked him? How had he missed that? His brain wasn't comprehending that right. He couldn't be comprehending that right. He watched her leave, wait did she just say love? He tried to form words to make her stop and turn around, but all that came out of his was mouth air. He blinked as the bell rang, shocking him into reality. Kind of.

He rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous tick he'd developed from watching his father and continued down the hallway. He needed to go for a run, after school he'd have Dylan take his stuff home and he would go to the park, run for a bit. She'd probably want to go with him, he'd have to think of an excuse....maybe he'd just tell her what happened. She was a girl, she might be able to help him. He cringed at the idea, but it was better than talking to his mother and Sierra....he couldn't talk to Sierra anymore.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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Edwin was reviewing a file on the case as he nursed his second Coors Light. Edwin picked up a six-pack on his way out of town at a local general store along with a sub from a Subway shop within the store. He decided he was in for the night and was wearing a pair of work shorts with his Jerome Bettis Steelers jersey. The TV was on more for white noise than anything else, but he was listening to hear if there was anymore news on Snow White. Being in a small town meant there were times that people didn't exactly know when to shut up around a camera, and who knows what little nugget of information would be leaked out to the press.

His phone rang and Edwin saw that it was Katy calling him. Edwin turned off the TV and answered his phone. He said, "If you're not calling me to tell me that you just got out of the shower and you are getting ready to send me a full sized selfie I'm gonna be so frustrated."

Katy replied, "Good we can be frustrated together." Her tone of voice told Edwin that she was not a pleasant frame of mind.

Edwin said, "You and I have been going out long enough that I know when that tone of voice is directed at me."

Katy replied, "Well it's nice to know that you're not just a detective because of your charm and wit. Which I heard was on full display today."

Edwin took a drink of his beer and said, "Let me guess a certain sheriff called you all to talk about our meeting today."

Katy replied, "You mean the sheriff whom you accused of sleeping with sheep and whose parents you said were cousins? Not a single clue as to what you're talking about."

Edwin said, "In my defense, he never denied any of it I should get points for that alone. Not to mention I should also get points for coming up with those things off of the top of my head."

Katy let a deep sigh and said, "Edwin, Edwin, Edwin, you have no clue how dangerous of a man Sheriff Hawkins is. I read his file this guy could probably make you have an 'accident', and they wouldn't find your body until the next ice age if ever. He also has several charges of police brutality against him although none of them have ever been proven or the victim recanted their story. Sweetheart I don't mind saying it he scares and I'm all the way in Pittsburgh. if you get in trouble the Commissioner has ordered me to come down there and either bail you out, talk to the Mayor, bring you home, or identify your remains. None of those options thrill me exactly thrill me. Not to mention you and I wouldn't be sharing a room and that upsets me even more. "

Edwin replied, "Katy I know what type of guy he is. He's a schoolyard bully masquerading as a law man. Besides when I was doing the Golden Gloves I fought bigger guys than that."

Katy said, "Edwin in case you hadn't noticed that part of your life wrapped up over 20 years ago. You're not in High School anymore and in this case there isn't going to be a ref to step in and save you." Katy exhaled deeply and said, "Edwin you are on someone else's home field, and whether you like it or not that means keeping your mouth in check even if they deserve it. The wall of silence in that town is gonna be tough enough to break through without you shooting off wise cracks, and you thinking it's charming Edwin. Please I'm begging you to watch it with this one Edwin please. This case is a lot more dangerous than it appears on the surface which is already pretty damn scary."

Edwin too another drink and replied, "I make no promises, because this is who I am and this is how I work but I'll see what I can do about playing nice with the other kids in school."

Katy said, "Thank you. I don't want you to change who you are, because I fell in love with you just as you are. All the good qualities and annoying ones too they make up who you are. I love you so much Edwin."

Edwin replied, "I love you too angel. I love you too."

Katy asked, "So other than angering the local law how's it going?"

Edwin took another drink and said, "Just a lot of questions right now my love. I want to go over the evidence and crime scene first hand and then I'll start rattling the cages."

Katy said, "Please be careful your Captain is still trying to locate someone else to work with you on this one. According to my sources around the precinct he is very worried about you. Almost as much as me."

Edwin finished his beer and said, "I'll wrap this up as quick as I can then I'm outta here. I love you Katy but I think it's time to get some rest. I got a big day of not getting killed by the sheriff tomorrow. I'll talk to you later love."

Katy replied, "Good night and be careful Edwin. Call me tomorrow I love you too."

Edwin said, "Good night love."

Edwin hung up his phone and turned the TV on to ESPN. The OKC Thunder were playing the Miami Heat so Edwin decided that was a nice distraction. Just then his phone beeped. Edwin pressed the touch screen and saw he had a text message from Katy. It was a picture of her in her robe flashing the camera and the message said, "Does this make up for me not being the shower?"

Edwin smiled and texted back, "Nicely."

He put his phone down and turned his attention back to the game and got out one more beer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LadyBella


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Cameron sighed wandering into his chemistry class, he looked up from the ground at his normal lab table and frowned. It was empty. Was she leaving now? Today? There was no way, she would have told him before that...right? He stood for a moment, in the doorway of the classroom, considering his options. He turned and walked back down the hall, straight for the doors. Where would she go? Back home probably, she'd have to get her things before she left. He didn't want her to leave, he wished she would stay. His feelings for her, well, those were undefined as of right now, but he still wanted her to stay. She'd stay if he asked...right? He walked down the sidewalk, across the street and towards the building, hoping that she was there. She'd definitely be there right?

Books in one hand, soccer ball in the other, he let himself into the building, and made his way up the stairs. His parents would be very angry that he'd just walked out of school. His mom more so than his dad. He could explain this to his dad, but his mom wouldn't understand. Would she? He sighed and stopped outside Andie's door. He shifted his books to his other arm, balancing his soccer ball and the books with the experience of a seasoned soccer player. He raised his other hand and knocked on the door, his heart hammering in his chest and his breath coming in short bursts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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Thomas turned the corner that would take him near the bottom of the stairs, and abruptly stepped back. A crowd of people pushed past him, and though they stood shoulder to shoulder, none came within an arm's length of him. Even as they ignored him, he could feel the burning glares, hear their whispered disapproval. The bell rang as they passed, but Thomas stood quietly by rather than attempt to push his way through the tail end of the group.

Once he started walking again, he found the halls otherwise empty as people headed off to lunch or class or home. These days more than ever he was consistently late to his own classes, preferring to walk the halls with as few people in them as possible. He moved with a relaxed stride now that nobody was staring, and actually took a bit of a look around.

What caught his eyes was the only person on the list he actually felt he had something in common with. Something in common besides Sierra, of course. "Loose" Liza Montgomery was shapely and attractive, but Thomas did not put much stock in the reputation she seemed to have for sleeping around. Of course, he didn't know her well enough to confirm or deny that, but he wondered if Sierra had. Deciding that he had little better to do, he decided to strike up a conversation to see what he might learn.

"So why are you on Sierra's list, Liza?" he asked, leaning against the lockers a few feet from her. "I don't even know why I am, let alone the others," he mused, expecting Liza to simply wander off into her own world. They didn't talk often and when they had Thomas was unsure if he held her interest at all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Edwin pulled up to the Sheriff's officer and parked his Harley. He was hopeful that a decent night's sleep would change not only his attitude towards the Sheriff but the Sheriff's attitude towards him as well. Once again wearing a black suit and tie, but with motorcycle boots because after he is a bit of a rebel Edwin made his way into the building.

Edwin found 5 deputies just sitting around doing nothing related to police work. Some were Facebooking, some tweeting, and others chose to play solitaire.

Well nice to know that the Sheriff inspires such a strong work ethic in those under his command looks like another day here in the paradise that is Rosemont.

Edwin cleared his throat and one looked up at him. Edwin flashed his badge and said, "I'm Detective Rogers from the Pittsburgh PD here working on the 'Snow White' case I need to talk with Sheriff Hawkins." The deputy gave a smile and said, "Oh but of course sir. I'll go get him right away."

The deputy left and Edwin rolled his eyes, Why do I get the feeling that today is gonna end up with me in jail or left in the woods without my cell-phone or clothes?

Hawkins came back out and the deputy followed him. Hawkins said, "Well if it ain't the big ol' city detective. What can I not do for you?"

Rogers in a very even keel voice said, "Look yesterday I said some things I shouldn't have and I apologize I was out of line. Now I need some assistance in getting the investigation under way. I need the people who's names were on the list brought in for questioning, and I figure since the deputies might have better success in getting them in here I was hoping they would be willing to help. Their parents and a lawyer can be here for the questioning and I can start that once they're out of school. I also need to see the forensic evidence for the case all of it, and I need directions to the crime scene or if I could follow someone to it so I can go over it."

Hawkins replied, "Well nice to see you big city folk can show some respect for those of us in authority. Now the first thing you're gonna need is a subpoena to get us to assist you. Secondly we sent the evidence out to be processed and it could be another few days. Not to mention people around her are still pretty shaken up. We'd just hate to make things worse while the grief is just so real. Besides I figure an above-average slash excellent detective like yourself should be able to wrap this thing up before noon." Hawkins started laughing and the deputies joined in. Hawkins said, "You see Detective Rogers in Rosemont here in Calverton County I hold many weapons at my disposal and the most powerful one is..." he tapped on his badge and said, "Right here, and inspite of the fact you apologized I don't care for you Rogers. I just don't frankly you'd be better off just leaving town."

Okay Katy I tried nice time to bring the hammer down.

Edwin nodded and said, "Ah gotcha. Hold onto that thought. I'll be right back."

Edwin went outside and called Katy. She answered, "Hey there what's up?:"

Edwin replied, "I tried nice and even apologized. Hawkins is stonewalling me giving me a boatload of attitude and hoping I just leave town."

Katy said, "Okay. It's my turn to make a phone call. I know you don't like using this card, but if it'll help get things moving I will."

Edwin replied, "Thanks beautiful. I know don't like making the call either, but it's time to bust out the big guns."

Katy said, "I agree. It'll be coming through in about 5 minutes."

Edwin replied, "Thanks Katy. Love you and your body."

Katy chuckled and said, "Love yours too. Don't get any extra holes in it."

Edwin smiled as he hung up and went back into the station. A deputy went back into Hawkins's office as Edwin leaned on the counter. Hawkins asked, "So you got the guy yet?" Everyone laughed but Edwin who said, "Nah still need your help."

Hawkins shook his head and said, "It ain't happening boy. So get on your scooter and just go away. It's over here for you, and if you think of lodging a complaint with the Mayor...." Hawkins laughed and said, "That clown can't even blow his nose without my say so. I am the law here. It's over run along."

Just then the phone rang and Rogers said, "One last request please put that call on speaker. I want your deputies to see how the law handles things over a phone."

Hawkins asked, "Who is it calling? My Mayor? Your Mayor? or that bimbo who I talked to last night?" It took every once of self control on Edwin's part to keep from going over the counter and decking Hawkins.

Edwin just shook his head and said, "You wish."

Hawkins pressed a button on the phone and said, "Yeah this is Sheriff Hawkins." Another voice on a speaker said, "Sheriff this is the Governor's Office please hold for Governor Pratchett."

Hawkins just stared wide eyed at the phone as his men frantically cut off their computer distractions as though Pratchett could see them.

Pratchett said, "Sheriff Hawkins this is Governor Mark Pratchett. Just calling to see how the investigation is going. I hear that Detective Rogers is encountering some obstacles tell me that ain't true Sheriff."

Hawkins was stuttering and stammering and finally said, "Well sir we ah are just finding our footing and getting to know one another and...."

Pratchett said with a growl in his voice, "I didn't send him down there to get to know you! I sent him to solve a murder! I'll say this one time only Sheriff and I'll say it slowly so there is no misunderstanding me. From this moment on if Detective Rogers says it you and your associates do it then and there period end of discussion. You and your associates are there to serve and assist him without any interference. Any further delays or obstacles I will draft an executive order, come down there to Rosemont with 6 State Troopers and serve it to you personally. It will state that you and your associates will be relieved of your duties effective immediately! The State Troopers will be responsible for keeping the peace until a special election to choose your successor has been conducted. Have I made myself clear Sheriff?"

Hawkins was in a state of shock as he said, "Yes sir Governor. I ah...." Just then the Governor hung up. The silence in the room was deafening and all eyes turned to Edwin.

Edwin said, "Yes you have many weapons, but a good law officer needs only one. Now about that list...."

Hawkins looked at two of the deputies and said, "Get over to the school right now make sure those kids are brought here after school. Go!" He looked at two others and said, "Call their parents and explain the situation I don't care what they're doing they're on notice about this." He looked at one more and said, "Get on up to the lab and you lean on those techs I want those tests done asap. On your way out though please escort Detective Rogers to the crime scene."

Edwin gave a half bow on said, "Thank you Sheriff."

Hawkins nodded and said, "Not a problem Detective. Need anything else let me know."

Edwin replied, " I'll need a room here to do the questioning later today."

Hawkins nodded and said, "Of course."

The deputy walked up to Edwin and said, "If you'll follow me sir."

Edwin gave a half bow and said, "Thank you again Sheriff." With that Edwin was on his way to the crime scene. One piece of information Edwin kept to himself about Katy, besides the fact that she was his girlfriend, was that Katy called Governor Mark Pratchett by another title...Uncle Mark.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Random people that Liza vaguely knew rarely ever tried to simply “strike up” a conversation with her—much less in the hallways. Most ‘conversations’ she had in the hallways began with “Hey bitch!”, some other obscene variant, a threat, or a simple shove in the back. Thus Thomas’ sudden appearance gave Liza quite the start as she closed her locker to look up and find the longhaired Crow boy staring down at her and talking. Impulsively her hand shot forward, whacking him across the face with her bagged lunch of spicy tuna, chocolate pudding, and capri sun.

She gasped and retracted her hand almost as quickly as she’d shot it forward. “Oops… sorry,” she grimaced, “You startled me.”

She put her hand on the offended cheek and scoffed. “How’s your face?” she smiled apologetically.
“Geez, you should be a ninja assassin or something," she joked, laughing-- even if he didn't, she at least found it pretty funny. She'd never whacked anyone in the face with a tuna sandwich before.

Thomas Crow. Liza had only ever had a few classes with him—he was one of the smart kids that took the honors classes and got straight A’s and free ice cream at the end of every semester for academic awesomeness or whatever they called it. More importantly, however, Thomas Crow was one of the few people on Sierra William’s mysterious list.

She suddenly remembered he’d just asked her why she was on the list. Well… wasn’t he a blunt one. Not that she minded—she preferred getting to the point as opposed to dancing around the subject. That didn’t change the fact that it was none of his business, however… even if she did know the reason. Crossing her arms, Liza shrugged nonchalantly, “I don’t know why I’m on the list.”

She smirked, “Maybe she had a crush on us.” She slowly started walking towards the lunch room, giving Thomas the chance to follow her if he still wanted to talk. But in the meantime-- she was hungry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

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Thomas wasn't sure what he was expecting, but a bagged lunch to the face was not very high on the list. he jerked his head back, far from in time, momentarily stunned by the reaction. His cheek burned more with a slight blush than pain, and he raised a hand to cover it, but was beaten to the proverbial punch by Liza.

"My face will be fine," he says, pushing off the locker to follow her, "and nobody seems to know why. Everyone assumes one or all of us is responsible for... what happened. I just wish she had given us more information. Or, y'know, stuck around a bit longer." As much as Thomas was typically reserved, he found it nice that Liza seemed so easy to talk to. It probably helped that he had only conversed at length with himself over the past several days.

"I just wish people would try to figure out the facts before jumping to conclusions. You should hear some of the things people say about us when they think nobody's around to listen," though I suppose you've probably gotten most of it thrown in your face, he added to himself, trying to remain tactful. If he was going to talk to Liza, he certainly didn't want to come across as one of the rest who just knew her for her reputation. Not that she knew any more about him than he let everyone else know. Whatever, at least she talks to me, Thomas thought, deciding that the conversation would certainly be more interesting than his afternoon English class, which he'd already done all the work for anyway.
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