Personal Information
Name: Dylan Anderson
Alias/ Nickname (If Any): N/A
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Family/ Friends
Mother: Laura Anderson
Father: Matthew Anderson
Sibling/s (if any): Cameron Anderson
Partner: None
Friend/s: TBA
General Information
Current Goal: Pass math and get her drivers license
Talents: Ambidextrous, reading and writing, baking, and painting
Fears: Going deaf, small spaces and cockroaches
Dylan is pretty quirky. She can be pretty childish, getting excited over glittery pens or a new disney movie. Even though she knows she isn't ten anymore, she doesn't really seem to care. She loves holidays and dresses up for them, whether it is Christmas or Fourth of July. She has a very loud personality, and she projects it easily, coming off really strong to most people. She looks like she enjoys life, laughing and screaming. Rarely is she ever in a bad mood. Sometimes her temper gets the better of her, but give her an hour and she'll be smiling again. It's not hard to knock her down, but it's impossible to keep her down. She is pretty easy-going, not a lot bothers her but she doesn't really get involved with other people. She only opens completely up to her best friends and her family and she has learned from her mother to keep her nose out of other peoples business so she keeps her opinions to herself. She will listen to you and give support, but she will only offer her personal opinion on a personal issue if she is specifically asked for it.
Inner Personality:
Dylan is so shy, she has mini panic attacks every day at school, she hates people looking at her and she can't stand walking into a full room alone. She always gets to her class with the crowd, tries to sit in the back, facing the door or a window if possible. She is a little bit claustrophobic, especially in large crowds. She's a little short so if she is standing in between people that she can't see over she feels like they are crushing her. She doesn't like walking up to new people to talk to them, and she hates when she is assigned a group project with people she doesn't know. She takes everything to heart and hates being teased, but laughs along to make people think that it doesn't bother her. Even though she is shy, she is also very compassionate. When she sees people hurting, she can swallow past her fears and help out a complete stranger.
Secret: Her painfully shy personality
Dylan has grown up in a normal home, her parents managed to stay together, loving each other and loving their children. Her dad is a construction worker and in his free time he works wood; making beautiful furniture and jewelry boxes and other things. Her mom is a business woman, working in advertisement. She's more in the background than right out front but she does some really good work. Dylan's parents taught her to be proud of her work, and she tries to. When she was about six, she found that she loved painting. Even though she was using watercolors she couldn't get enough of it. She started drawing and reaching out to hone her skills. She got her first set of oil based paint and a canvas when she was eight. Dylan can't stop. She does her own projects, in her room, using her allowance to pay for new paints, brushes, ect. She also had a cow when she found out she could take an entire class about art when she reached high school. Her brother told her that high school would be the worst time of her life, but Dylan is in hog heaven. All up until a girl that she knew by reputation died. Dylan knows her brother was friends with Sienna. It hurts her that others are hurting and she's having a hard time keeping upbeat.
Theme Song: Happy - Pharrel Williams
Likes: Painting, books, reading, her friends, her family, disney movies, candy, bright colors
Dislikes: People who are rude or tease her('cept her brother cause thats his job), the color yellow, or any food that is yellow by default,
Personal Information
Name: Cameron Anderson
Alias/ Nickname (If Any): Cam
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Family/ Friends
Mother: Laura Anderson
Father: Matthew Anderson
Sibling/s (if any): Dylan Anderson
Partner: None
Friend/s: Sienna Williams and Andrea Parker
General Information
Current Goal: Win the next soccer game
Talents: Soccer, math, and making friends
Fears: Sustaining and injury that would make playing soccer impossible
Cameron is a really friendly guy. He has no problem talking to anyone, whether they be weird or not. He likes talking to people and laughing with them, enjoying a joke or discussing how lame the newest assignment is. He has a lot of people he knows but only a few he considers friends. He's charming, intelligent, and, like his sister, normally in a really good mood. He's easy-going for the most part, until it comes to Soccer. He takes this sport very seriously, never misses a practice or a game, even if he can't play in it. He supports his team, win, lose, or draw and he is pretty serious about professional soccer. He watches most of the games with his dad, something they bond over.
Inner Personality:
Cameron doesn't really hide who he is on the inside. He shows his emotions and doesn't really care what others think. He's pretty sure he's going to be a professional soccer player anyway, he doesn't need to hide who he is. Somethings he does hide a little bit is a more sensitive side. He has a pretty good relationship with his mom and understands girls a little bit better than the average guy. Except his sister, that one is helpless. He is just looking for someone to care for him. Someone who, once past the soccer, will still stick around.
Secret: He really liked Sienna, and feels bad for never speaking up about it
Cameron grew up in a pretty normal home. His parents love each other, and taught him how to love as well. When he was a baby, his uncle bought him a mini soccer ball and that is where the obsession started. He was signed up for toddler soccer and he was the only kid actually playing the game. He played on private teams until high school, where he tried out for the school soccer team. His life revolves around soccer, he watches it, plays it, thinks about it and dreams about it. It is his entire life. He is trying for a soccer scholarship in Europe, already trying to better himself. He keeps a great grade point average, making sure to carve out time for homework. Due to this, his social life suffers a little bit, he doesn't normally go to parties unless he has the time for it. With his new job at the local cafe, he doesn't have a lot of time for his friends, but he has a mind to get to Europe and play professional soccer. He'll have time for his friends when he's famous.
Theme Song: It's My Life - Bon Jovi
Likes: Soccer, and chocolate cake
Dislikes: sleeping late, and dropping things on his feet
Alrighty there we go, do you mind if we have Cameron know Sienna and your character, they were good friends or had a class together or whatever?