C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
“Stay out of Gotham.”
Following the tragedy that was 9/11, from the shadows appeared a creature of pure malice and hate. A creature of circumstance and consequence. A creature of righteous terror. This creature would come to be known as The Bat of Gotham, though writers at the Gotham Gazette preferred something a little more valiant. The first of these names, The Caped Crusader, was coined only after Carmine “The Roman” Falcone was brought to justice after all of Carmine’s incriminating activities were aired out in public, no longer written as a rumor written on the walls of the GCPD. Immediately after that happened, the elusive vigilante began to prey on corrupt political figures, the aging police commissioner, and the pieces that remained from Falcone’s crumbling empire. Some say Batman’s interference in Gotham politics only made things worse, but everyone saw chaos as a welcome change to the streets being controlled by the cartels.
As Batman continued his “crusade”, more creative criminals surfaced. Alliances were forged with unlikely allies and old figures. For the longest time, there was no concrete proof of Batman’s existence to the general public, but eventually that changed with the rise of The Circus of Strange and other prolific criminals. Some called them mutant terrorists, others insane extremists influenced by what was happening in America’s most disturbed city. When the time came for Batman to mentor others like him – outsiders and orphans – he did so as needed. These vigilantes would come to be known as Batgirl, Robin, and Nightwing.
It has been fifteen years since the first sighting of Batman. He has defeated many plots that have endangered the city (and world) he has come to know and love. He has lost friends and foes alike to his own miscalculations and other circumstances. A weariness has risen inside his spirit as his body is beginning to struggle to keep up with his mission to protect Gotham from corruption, destruction, and madness. With Nightwing still recovering from his battle with the mysterious Killer Moth, Batman looks to the future with caution and concern. There is someone out there, more calculating than his past foes, targeting those close to him. Who is next? What will it take to stop them?
As Batman continued his “crusade”, more creative criminals surfaced. Alliances were forged with unlikely allies and old figures. For the longest time, there was no concrete proof of Batman’s existence to the general public, but eventually that changed with the rise of The Circus of Strange and other prolific criminals. Some called them mutant terrorists, others insane extremists influenced by what was happening in America’s most disturbed city. When the time came for Batman to mentor others like him – outsiders and orphans – he did so as needed. These vigilantes would come to be known as Batgirl, Robin, and Nightwing.
It has been fifteen years since the first sighting of Batman. He has defeated many plots that have endangered the city (and world) he has come to know and love. He has lost friends and foes alike to his own miscalculations and other circumstances. A weariness has risen inside his spirit as his body is beginning to struggle to keep up with his mission to protect Gotham from corruption, destruction, and madness. With Nightwing still recovering from his battle with the mysterious Killer Moth, Batman looks to the future with caution and concern. There is someone out there, more calculating than his past foes, targeting those close to him. Who is next? What will it take to stop them?
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Y’all remember that story I was gonna tell in Matt’s Ambition game? This is it with tweaks. A fairly well established Bruce, an injured Nightwing, and a lot of shenanigans in a Robin-less era for The Dark Knight. I’m planning on telling short-spanning pulp stories rather than long drawn out narratives to build Gotham.
Also, I was asked to play Batman, so if you wanna blame anyone blame those who asked me to do it.
Also, I was asked to play Batman, so if you wanna blame anyone blame those who asked me to do it.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
None at this time.
Now to finish this Kara post that's almost done and lighten my RP load.