Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Haha
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Haha b E a N

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hillhaven - Chapter 1: Prepare for the Setting Sun

Northern Forestline - Cresta, Iz

Put ye’ back into it Izzy!” The Mayor it Hillhaven shouted out from a comfy wooden chair, her legs crossed with a glass cup of dark liquor in her hand. The sun was high in the sky, hot as hell, and anyone with weak skin would likely burn under long exposure

Why am I doing the physical labor?” Iz Ah Bel was shirtless with an axe gripped between both hands, his light green skin beaded with drips of sweat. Right in front of him was an old tree that he had been swinging the cutting edge into, decayed, without leaves even in the bright and vibrant season.

All’er woodcutters are busy.” Cresta quipped back with a wicked grin forming across her face revealing a mostly pristine smile. A crooked front tooth peaked out a little bit more than the others, a notable trait of the woman.

Can’t we pay some younguns to do this?” The secretary of Hillhaven a grown and seasoned orc frowned dramatically, cheeks dropping and lower lip nearly covering his tusks.

We can, but’n rather watch ye’ do it fer a bit longer.” Her evil expression softened, and her right hand clasping the glass of alcohol raised out to her friend. And she simply watched as he raised the axe and began to swing at the base of the of the tree, slowly peeing layer and layer away until a deep wound was formed within it.

Town Hall - Cresta, Iz, E.J

We need’n to raise morale around ‘ere! It’s the’ first day’o Aburand and ain’t nobody puttin’ Star decoration outside ‘er nothing.” Cresta shouted within the town hall office, she was shuffling around the glass cabinet full of various concoctions deemed safe for human consumption.

Iz Ah Bel raised his shoulders weakly, his chest palpated quickly and his breaths were ragged as he was still tired from slamming an axe head into the tree. “People are trying to get settled. We’re in foreign land, preparations for the colder seasons are underway. These people were invited here by you, so to have unrealistic expectations would be short on your behalf.” The orc calmly coached back as he slowly paced to a cabinet and pulled a new white shirt from within, pulling it over his head.

Nonsense, th’ fact that we’re in foreign land should motivate’n to work hard- leave their mark on the world.” Cresta shouted as she found a small bottle with a symbol reminiscent of fire on its face. Popping the corkwood from its sealing and raising the glass to her lips, taking a swig of the liquor.

So what might you have me do then, Cresta?” The orc sighed his words out, raising his open palm to his forehead wiping sweat as he walked back to his desk and took a seat. “Shall I have a courier remind the folk of the holiday, perhaps an incentive?

That’ll work! Note’er down down this:
People or Hillhaven,
The Celebration or Stars is on the third day of Aburand. It is a day with origins of celestial worship first adopted by the humans of Astraia. To those who participate, you may take a break from labors of the day to express the love of life and others under the great star Solaris. And during the night friends and loved ones gather to admire the many other stars within the sky to admire their beauty and mystical wonder.
To those who wish to help with the town’s celebratory preparations, the scheduled meeting time is sunrise on the second of Aburand, tomorrow.
Sorry for the short notice, Hillhaven Town Staff
P.S - Volunteers will be given extra cheese rations next week!

Then there was suddenly a load knock on the wooden door of the office, catching the pair off guard. Cresta simply canted her head curiously and looked to Iz, he was a doorman, secretary, labor, he does it all. And hates it all, equally. The large orc grunted once he finished writing out the letter and sealed it with some red wax. Sitting from his cushioned chair he huffed out and loudly stepped towards the door hesitating before opening it. As the wooden structure opened it revealed the grey-skinned elf E.J Silverleaf, a merchant woman that worked her way up the corporate totem pole and was now the trade ambassador here in the frontier.

A moment of your time in private, Ms. Dustwallow?” This woman completely ignored the orc whom permitted entry into the town hall office space.

M’you can tell me with Iz’ere with us.” Cresta rolled her eyes before taking another swig of the liquor, avoiding eye contact with the elf.

She hesitated for a minute, raising the corner of her moth in a sneer before stepping closer to Cresta’s desk and away from Iz Ah Bel. E.J placed both hands on the dark oaken surface and leaning in to speak carefully. “You need to start clearing out more land before winter, or you’re not going to be able to feed everyone.

Quit with ye’ doomsdayin’! If we go on hard times I’ll personally fund th’ rations through the cold seasons!” Cresta barker back, swirling her drink in her near-drunken stupor. Liquid courage was the secret remedy to the mayor’s confidence, or stubbornness.

Let me pay some of the townsfolk to clear out some of the forest and I’ll personally fund the-” E.J was beginning to speak her proposal but suddenly would be cut off by the sweet orc voice behind her.

Cresta has already voiced her opinions on your endeavors. You’ll trade the goods brought over from the kingdoms, that’s it. You wonder why she didn’t offer you land in the first place? You may take your leave, Ms. Silverleaf.” He towered in height over the elf by a good foot, maybe more, and while he wasn’t one for violence Iz knew Cresta disliked big-wig merchants from the kingdoms.

The gray-skinned elf grunted as she looked back to Iz Ah Bell, releasing her hands off the mayor’s desk and intentionally brushing past the Orc’a side headed straight to the door, opening and shutting it in a fit. Cresta and Iz simply smiled at one another before returning to daily duties, paperwork, planning, administrative work.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Hillside Haven Inn
Interactions: N/A (Open)

With the beginning of a new summer season, comes for a time of joyous celebration. And if you were to ask nearly any villager or traveler familiar enough with the landscape, many would agree that there was no better place to grab a drink than at the Hillside Haven Inn. Not like there were any other inn or tavern around anyways, for it was the only one currently around. Nevertheless, many locals and occasional travelers alike had many positive experiences within the cozy and merry atmosphere of the ever lively inn.

Hillside Haven Inn was comprised of two levels: the first representing the tavern level that was available to all guests, while the second level housing small yet comfortable accommodations for weary travelers. The tavern portion was always alive with the sound of chattering guests and music playing by the local, all-female, bard group known as "The Tavernistas". Its alcohol was also exceptionally diverse, with a large variety coming from all over Astraia in different beers, rums, liquors, wines, cider, and the like. However, the Inn was famous for one drink in particular known as "Dragon's Head Ale" - a spiced ale fermented in a variety of strong, local herbs that give it its sweet-and-spicy taste. This was it's most popular drink and given the area's history as once a hotspot for dragons it was quite fitting too.

As the jolly customers talked and brawled downstairs, upstairs housed weary travelers who slumbered long and deep from within their rooms. These rooms were rather small for most inns, yet were able to fit all the necessities that one needed to remain content and comfortable. They had a bed - single or double depending on the room - with a desk, an oil lamp, a rug, and a small cabinet for one to place their belongings in. Small yet efficient.

And at the very end of the hall, was a room belonging to the Inn's owner - one Vera Byrnfield. A hardy yet beautiful scarlet-haired woman, she lurked quietly within her quarters as she sat by her desk reading the weekly mail she received. Her room had a window just above the desk, which shined a warm light down upon the woman's face. As the light shined upon her right side, it would reveal a face seemingly untouched by age. She sported very fine skin, with light brown freckles dotting her pale-like canvas, alongside a smooth nose, pale-lips, and a warm peridot-green eye that radiated a friendly warmth that would melt even the coldest of hearts. She had what many believed to be the face of an angel.

Yet when Vera rose her head to bask in the light's warm glow, it would reveal a completely different portion of her face - one she considered as a wound to her beauty. A large mass of dead tissue permeated across her maxillofacial regions, which had also rendered her blind on that side, with it crawling down towards her upper neck. She would often caress that side of her face, running her fingers against the rough and coarse scabs that will remain immortalized upon her skin. Even her hair on said side was different ever-so-slightly, being braided instead of loose and outgoing. Her reddish hair was curiously blended in with snow-white strands, which she also received shortly after the incident. Why it turned such a way may most likely remain a mystery.

It had been several long years since Vera had come to relative terms with her condition. No longer had she allowed herself to become a victim of teasing or spite, or let wondering eyes make her feel like a complete freak. And no longer did she even actively try to hide it either. Now her presence had often prompted cheers from the guests within her Inn, as well as the happy laughter of children who enjoyed her stories. But even with all that positive energy, her wound was still a very sensitive topic for her to talk about. Vera had told very few the true nature as to how she received it, being either close friends or her own family members, but never to anyone else. She had a plethora of alternative stories and made up tales prepared, but she never seemed to have the courage to tell them. All she would do was simply frown, before leaving to sulk in her room over her own self-conscious image.

Vera sighed softly as she watched the fellow villagers running around below with curious intrigue for a minute or so. Daydreaming or simply watching time go by was one of her favorite pastimes if she wasn't doing anything in particular. It helped her to relax and take the burden of life off her shoulders for a bit. Then her train of thought quickly vanished as she heard someone knocking on her door. Vera blinked back into reality as she slightly tilted her head back.

"Come in!" she called out in an almost sing-songy tone.

The door slowly opens to reveal one of her bartenders - a soft violet-skinned tiefling with braided dark aquamarine hair, long ears, blank bright-green eyes, and who also sported two spiraling goat-like horns. Vera smiled warmly as she motioned her in.

"Ah, hello Adelaide." she welcomed her kindly, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

The tiefling approached her boss with something in her hands.

"Nothin' in particular, Miss Brynfield." Adelaide replied in a light frontier accent, as she handed her an envelope, "Jus' wanted to deliver this 'ere letter. It's from the mayor 'erself."

Vera took the envelope with a nod as she looked at the signature. Indeed, it came from Mayor Dustwallow herself - with her official stamp and all.

"Thank you, Adelaide." the owner thanked with a nod, before the bartender left her room.

Once alone, Vera proceeded to open the envelope and read the note that laid within:

Ah! She almost forgot about that holiday coming up. It was a good thing that Vera was reminded of it ahead of time. She'd always loved going to festivals when she was little. However, she would be absent from said festivals for a long time due to her enlistment as a knight. And even after, she always found herself forgetting or simply too busy to fully engage in them. Perhaps now will be her chance to finally and properly experience one after so long. She could feel her heart flutter in heavy anticipation!

All this pent up excitement has already prompted Vera into wanting to do something fun. The innkeeper placed the envelope on her desk as she exited her room and made her way down to the bottom floor. Once there, she would receive many friendly greetings from the usual crowd while she walked beside the wooden bar table. She soon took notice of Adelaide and waved at her.

"I'll be out for an hour or so!" she called out to her happily, "Keep our guests nice and satisfied while I'm gone."

The tiefling flashed a toothy grin with an acknowledging salute.

"Already know, boss," she called back while serving a pint of "Dire-Fang Beer" to a hefty barrel of a man, "Take care now!"

Once the innkeeper exited the building, Vera took a deep breath as she planted her hands across her hips. Today was indeed a nice sunny day and one she intends to make the best out of.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Roach
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Roach retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

LOCATION – The Road to Ragadel Ranch

Morning is a relative term in Hillside. Some people start when the sun is already high in the sky, some start at the crack of dawn, and some even before that. Valindra Bearfall fell into the third category, rising when the faintest murmur of orange passed over the horizon to wash her face and feed her chickens before work.

More importantly, Val had also taken to watching the pompadours rustling through the wild foliage that bordered her tiny square of cleared garden space. She'd noticed the evidence of nibbled glasses and crushed flowers nine days ago, and she was glad they were doing well even though clearing the weeds had destroyed some of their habitat. Their ears were the only part of them visible, cream and white flags poking up above the brush.

The instinct to throw her boots on and clomp out there to snatch one up, all in the name of running her fingers through the soft fleece was a siren's song, but she was nothing if not strong-willed in the face of such temptation. Though she was a certified horse-wrangler as of a few weeks ago, putting her sparkling new, untested skills to good use capturing those quick balls of sunshine and fluff seemed a few levels above what she was capable of.

Maybe Miss Shamie would let her borrow a carrot or two to chop up for them.

No sooner had she locked up her humble home behind her and started walking towards the edge of town, she heard a voice calling after her from down the way.

"Ms. Bearfall! Ms. Bearfall! Hold up a second. You walk so fast."

A portly human man who worked at least part of the time for the town-hall jogged to catch up with her, a folded piece of paper crumpling in his hand. "Here," he said, shoving it out towards her. "We're trying to get the word around for the Celebration of Stars happening this week. Once you read it, could you run this out to Ragadel Ranch?"

"Sure thing. I'm heading there anyway. You what they say, the early bird catches the worm and picks up another shift."

"Ha. They sure do." Still trying to catch his breath, he gave her a respectful nod of his head. "You're a life-saver. At least, you're saving me from leg cramps."

Once he had departed, she stood in the middle of the thoroughfare, squinting at the letter. Her lips mouthed the words, which were imagined in the mayor's rumbling accent until she realised the woman didn't quite seem like the type to use words like 'celestial' and 'celebratory preparations'. Big words. Val could relate.

People of Hillhaven,

The Celebration of Stars is on the third day of Aburand. It is a day with origins of celestial––

It is a day with origins of celestial worship first adopted by the humans of Astraia. To those who participate––

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Her eyes were growing tired from being all scrunched up to read the writing and darting back and forth across the lines.

The scheduled meeting time is sunrise on the second of Aburand, tomorrow.

P.S - Volunteers will be given extra cheese rations next week!

"Well, why didn't you just start with that?" she asked aloud. "Sold!" Val could trade those in for a quarter wheel of Wyverspoon Tang that would last for weeks, so long as she didn't eat it late at night and get those spooky, spicy cheese dreams her mother often warned her about. Tastes of home were a luxury out here, and she was just waiting for one of the merchants to stock snapdragon candy or the ingredients for hot pepper chocolate.

Val had not ever heard of this Celebration of Stars, but she reckoned it was a taste of home for the humans out here on the frontier. The following day was her (only) day off, so she wouldn't be missed on the ranch, and a little labour for the good of the town was worth a whole bucketload of feel-good, and feel-good was more valuable than gold.

The spring in her step went unchanged as she set off down the long road to Ragadel Ranch.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Aburand 1
Location: Ragadel Ranch

"Relax," Shamie murmured, petting her hand down the neck of one of her horses. Something seemed to have spooked them in the early morning, just before dawn - and she would know, considering she'd been out the door of her modest home as soon as the day birds started their chirping. It was a fine house, mostly wood, in the center of the property she'd claimed as soon as she moved in. It was a good deal - who would say no to free land? Especially when they had a ranch full of horses and unicorns to rehome. The rest of the ranch was spread out, barns, stables and fences built in a rough oval around the area just Northeast of town. Shamie was lucky she'd been able to trade some animals in return for the construction, being as much as it was. Still, the new Ragadel Ranch was so much bigger and more spacious than the one she'd had in Wyverspoon that even if she'd been left with no gold she wouldn't have complained. It was perfect, the animals were happy.

...which is why this particular start to her day was so strange, as until now she couldn't have asked for better conditions.

It was bound the happen sometime, the elf thought to herself as she stroked the horse's mane, things can't stay perfect forever. Might have to ask around town for something to keep wild animals away.

Once the horses had calmed down some, Shamie opened the stable doors wide and let them out of their pens. They trotted out, strong animals in all sorts of coat colors. The quality of her livestock was something Shamie took great pride in, and she took a moment to smile at them before the heat of even the morning sun made itself known on her skin. Is it summer already?

While Aburand was her favorite season, it also meant some more work for her and the girl she'd hired a few weeks ago. Then again, every season brought more work in it's own way. Shamie wasn't one to complain though. Speaking of Val, she should be there any minute now. That girl has been a huge help, especially since none of the staff back in Wyverspoon was very keen on moving to some no name town called Hillhaven.

Their loss, she thought not for the first time, I think it's been real charming so far!

With the horses out of their stables, next were the ules. Once they were out in the open grazing with the rest, she'd have to check on the few unicorns she had. They were sequestered off toward the back of the ranch, nearest to the trees as they could be. Mostly rescues, and not for sale. They were a fickle little group, some days not even letting Shamie herself get close, and the elf dearly hoped that wasn't the case today.

Shamie was in the middle of carrying a bundle of hay feed out to the center field when she spotted a lone figure making their way down the road. Short, large ears, a certain pep in her step? Yep, that'd be Valindra.

"Hey there!" Shamie called, setting the hay down and dusting her hands off before waving the girl over, "On time, as always. Have a good morning?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eastern Woods - Robert & Mirik

A lone figure walked around the thick foliage and wide bodies of trees while beams of morning sun pierced through where it could to illuminate the area in a warm glow. All was silent in the woodlands, sans for the gentle rustling of leaves caused by the wind or the distant songs of birds or insects to welcome the new day and the soft humming of the figure.

"Hmm Hmmm Hmm~𝅘𝅥𝅮" He hummed his song as he strode over a small babbling stream and nearly lost his footing as he stepped on a wet moss covered stone. "Oop. Close one." The young man then chuckled to himself at his apparent clumsiness before marching onwards.

One would think it strange that such a young man would be this deep in the woods at this time of day. Even more so that he did not bear any weapons on his person, but instead a couple of his homemade grilled barbecue chicken sandwiches wrapped in brown paper in one hand. And in the other, he held a worn and beaten leather bound notebook.

After a few more minutes of walking through the woods, he would stop at a considerably large clearing. The clearing had a few sizable rocks scattered here and there as well as a small pond where a couple of frogs had taken residence in; but other than that, it was mostly empty space. He scanned the area briefly before looking down at his watch and realize that he was a tad bit too early in meeting his friend.

Couldn't blame him though, today was a special day for the two of them. The man approached one of the larger stones in the clearing and sat himself down to patiently wait for his friend to arrive.

A fair day for sure, the warm sunlight soaked into his black skin. A near lumbering giant of the forest. The Sarcogan was aware of every step he took. Being this big one didn't want to squash useful critters or plants. Being very quiet for his size the nearly 9 foot reptile was very much at home in the forest.

Making a good pace through the thick brush he was certainly excited. Sporting a primitive stone spear and a stone axe and knife around his belt. A large leather backpack strapped to his shoulders, hand made beads of bone, crude glass, and pieces of gold hung from a necklace around his neck. An old gold arm band adorned with ancient writing and small jewels was clasped around his muscular left bicep.

He was on his way to a meeting with a new friend. Hopefully soon he would meet the rest of his village, they seemed nice when he was observing them but he was definitely new to them. Even his friend was scared when they first met. Soon he was able to pick up the scent of human with another strange smell. Food.

The food they made was very good and strange, something he was looking forward too. Arriving at the clearing the large scaly sarcogan paused for a moment to scan the surroundings for danger before quietly stepping out into the clearing. He quietly walked up to the side of the human and paused. They were so much smaller than him, their very existence a mystery. How could something that looked so fragile survive so well in this place?

"Friend!" He spoke with a deep and strange accent, but friendly.

The sudden voice caused the smaller human to get startled and nearly drop both the food and the notebook on the grassy ground. It seemed that he was too engrossed in taking in the sights, smells, and sounds of nature that he failed to notice the large lizard man that approached him. "Stars above, Mirik! You nearly caused me to jump out of my skin." The blonde haired human complained to the taller reptile person.

This wasn't the first time his scaly friend has done this. He knew Mirik was a hunter of his tribe. Hell, he even showed the human a few of the best hunting spots he currently knew. The only thing the human complained about was that for a person his size and distinctness, he was very skilled in moving without being detected.

After regaining his composure, the smile returned to his face. "You excited about today, big guy?" The human says as he hands one of the paper wrapped sandwiches to the lizard man.

Mirik couldn't help but give a deep chuckle as his friend reacted to him. Laughing was also new to him, an emotion that the human shared while making horrible attempts at jokes a few days earlier. Mirik answered with an over exaggerated nod. Taking the small portion of food from the human he smelled it. After visibly drooling for a moment, he quickly ate it. Paper and all.

“Mirik haaave gi-gift fa fa fa for lead er.” trying to speak their language was always slow going. At least he was learning fast while trying to tell him he had a gift for his leader. “When go?” he asked his tail moving back and forth giving away his excitement from the otherwise stoick form.

Robert deadpanned as he watched Mirik consume the sandwich without even removing the paper wraps. He'll have to teach him that he wasn't supposed to eat the paper, but that lesson was for another day. "Right after we finish a quick review of basic etiquette. That means how to behave in town, buddy." Robert nods as he opens the notebook he brought and recited the questions for Mirik to answer.

"You are walking down the street and see someone you know. How do you act?"

Taking a moment to listen and try to remember what the man was trying to say, a few of them he still did not know. After a few more moments of tail slowly wagging and head bobbing from side to side. Something one would see a dog do when it hears an unfamiliar sound. “Ssssay Hell hell-ello, sssssmiiiillle an wafe.” the lizard gave the human a very unsettling sharp toothy grin and wide eyes while also waving his big hand at him.

Learning these customs and courtesies was very entertaining for the big guy. Even if he was somewhat aware that he was overdoing it. Mirik had spent some time watching these humans build their homes and village from the shadows and was at least mildly aware of what was appropriate. This however made his human friend react in strange ways and he was trying to figure out why.

To most people, the display would have been unnerving to see the lizardman smile. But to the human, it was amusing."Good. Now what do you say when you ask for something...AND what do you say afterwards?" Robert asked while he pulled out a pencil from his vest and jots down a note.

“Prease an thhhhhink ya.” he almost looked serious for a moment, obviously it took him a bit longer to remember that last one. “Go now?” he asked again, the excitement although disappearing for a few moments was now back in full swing.

"Patience is a virtue, buddy. One last question. What do you do if you get mad or upset?" A rather simple question but an important one. It was a sad reality that Mirik could be ostracized or maybe even discriminated due to his intimidating appearance. So Robert taught the lizard man a method to keep his cool and see him in a more civilized light. Help others see what he sees Mirik as, a friend.

Mirik shifted his weight for a moment looking around the small meadow. “Ssssay Ssssarrray an leaf.” a simple gesture, as his friend explained it. Humans can be very emotional and sometimes act without thinking when afraid. Just like VarKann during a thunderstorm.

With a quick but confident nod, Robert jots down one final note before tucking away the pencil. "And we're done. Come on, Mirik. It's high time the mayor and the townsfolk meet you." He says while gesturing to the tall lizard man to follow him back to town.

With another over exaggerated nod he quickly checked his surroundings and his backpack. He had to make sure that the gifts he had for them were still safe after all. With that final check the Sarcogan quickly fellin step behind Robbie still holding his spear in his hand but using it more as a walking stick than anything.

Hillhaven Main Road - Robert, Mirik, Vera

Soon the duo would be walking through the main road of Hillhaven. A number of the passing townsfolk were already giving them looks varying from amusement to outright fear.

Robert's heart beat faster than a pompadour being chased by a pair of wooly raptors. He was so unsure of the result of Mirik's debut in town. He needed something or someone to establish that Mirik was a friend. Just as Robert finished the thought he saw a familiar former knight exit her place of residence and business. A godsend.

"Good morning, Ms.Byrnfield! Have you met my good friend, Mirik." Robert said boisterously before presenting the two meter tall lizard person to her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Loup
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Scarlet Loup

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Western Woods

Across town and a few stone's throws past, a figure slunk along with ease. He climbed over intrusive boulders and slipped under fallen logs. Despite a tall build, he carried himself with a surprising amount of precision. A lifetime of weaving in and out of marketplaces and, later, university halls had left him quite agile even in his mid-thirties. It was hard to believe even with the amount of processing he had done recently that in a few short days he would be placed officially, irreversibly, against his personal wishes in the midst of his thirties. He wondered now if his impending birthday had been why he spent most of the past season wandering about the woods. There had been very few injuries or illnesses thus far. The only other options for him were to drink or be stuck alone with his thoughts, and neither seemed like a healthy way to cope - especially at his age.

A satchel slung over his shoulder held the spoils of this voyage - herbs that could be crushed into poultices and applied should the luck of Hillhaven's residents begin to wear out. Baylen had been gone for some time now - he'd left his front door just as the first rays of sun were filling the main street and leaking into the residences of his neighbors. Perhaps he ought to head back in case one of his fellow pioneers needed him at this hour, or maybe he had finally decided that this whole woodsman act would soon render him unapproachable and melancholy to his neighbors. Hefting the satchel further up on his shoulder for security, he turned himself around and began the voyage back to Hillhaven.

Hillhaven Main Road

He stepped up on his front porch and quickly looked about the main street of Hillhaven for any signs of activity before slipping through his front door and into the building he had made his home. By most standards, it was quite cozy. A front sitting area boasted a sturdy fireplace and hand-crafted wooden furniture. Quilts and cushions served as upholstery and made the room feel even warmer.

To the side of the room was his office, and off the back of the room was his kitchen which had a staircase that led to his private quarters. With quiet steps, he placed the satchel of herbs in his office before creeping towards the kitchen. For the past few days, a craven had been lurking about his lawn. As he worked preparing meals and potions and poultices, he would throw her a few scraps. Within the last day, she would poke at his kitchen window as though checking to see if he would pay attention to her. This morning, he'd left the window open for her, and to his joy, she'd climbed in and was eating his leftovers from breakfast which had been laid out on the counter for her before he had left.

He slowly crept into the room, and as his foot caught on a particularly creaky plank of wood in the floor, she looked up suddenly and flinched. Baylen and the craven held each other's gaze for a moment before she cried out and took flight. Baylen rushed forward as she struggled to find her way out of the room, knocking pots and pans and utensils out of her way as she screeched at him. With his hands in front of him to protect his face, he finally guided her out of the window where she cried out once more before taking flight.

"Oh, dear," he breathed, watching her fly off. With a sigh, he set about fixing the room. But the house felt stuffy and uncomfortable, and so he quickly grew frustrated and exited once more on to his porch. As he fixed his hair, he noticed that his mailbox had been tampered with. Securing his hair in his well-loved half-up, half-down manner, he gathered the note and opened it up. A quick read-through, and his day had been ever so slightly improved. He stuffed the letter in a breast pocket on his coat quickly as he caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

Vera had exited the inn at some point, but he found his gaze fixed on the Deputy and a...what was that? He caught the railing leading down from his porch as he watched the enormous lizard-like being move down the street. It was unlike anything he'd seen before, and as much as he refused to step forward and face it himself, he couldn't help but watch with fascination as the lizard-person interacted with Vera.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Outside Hillside Haven Inn
Interactions: @Searat (Robert), @ReusableSword (Mirik)

As Vera was to set forth in a particular direction, she would be soon greeted by an approaching figure. The inkeeper turned around as she quickly spotted the local deputy looking more cheerful than usual. She smiled softly before waving back at him.

"Morning, Deputy Rob," she pleasantly replied, "How do you fare?"

Robert would then proceed to introduce her to his friend, Mirik, presenting him proudly on the spot. Vera's eye blinked twice as she immediately noticed the presence of the incredibly tall, jet-black individual. Slowly her eye rose to meet with his. Yet it wasn't any old person she happened to be gazing at and she immediately knew this right away. Her eye widened in awe as she felt her heart rapidly beating in place.

A lizardfolk!

Vera had only seen and heard about these nomadic reptilian people through myths and stories, but never had she seen one in the flesh, let alone standing right in front of her. Judging by the size and stature of this individual through hand-drawn references, she quickly concluded that he must be one belonging to the Sarcogan people. And he appeared to be an even rarer individual considering the color of his scales - one fairly uncommon for his tribe. Her excitement was almost overwhelming, one even Mirik could perhaps recognize as one of positive, rather than negative, nature.

Regardless, Vera quickly snapped out of her nerdily gaze before it could cause too much discomfort and greeted the lizardman properly.

"Ah! Greetings Mirik," she replied in a slightly slower yet more enunciated tone, as she rose her hand out for a handshake, "I'm Vera Byrnfield - a pleasure to meet you."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Vexxed Vex
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Vexxed Vex

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interactions: @SearatRobert,@reusableswordMirik,@lmpkioVera

Flora Funeral Home and Mortuary

There was a sickly sweet scent in the confines of the room, threatening to suffocate its residents if not for the fact that one of them already wasn't breathing. The darker-skinned man examined the corpse on the table carefully, there were no lesions or punctures, nor any significant bruising aside from those under the eyes that spoke of far too many sleepless nights. The larger one on the elderly man's torso notwithstanding as it was an effect of trying to save the man's life. Chest compressions aren't exactly easy on the body.

"Seems age finally caught up to you Mr. Vayn." Came the haughty voice of the purple-skinned male as he stepped away from the table.

It had been roughly half a season since Amara had relocated from the capital to the new town of Hillhaven. Wanting to start his own mortuary practice for a while, this just seemed like the perfect opportunity. It also helped that the area was rich in new and exotic flora that would feed his love for gardening. The elf continued to think about all of the herbs and flowers he had been able to add to his garden as he began to prep the body. Washing, drying and the like. It was only after he finished that he really dug into his work with vigor.

Hillhaven Main Road

After completing his work on Thomas Vayn, an older gentleman who had come to Hillhaven to retire and had sadly passed the night previous, Amara decided it was time for a drink. Vayn had been a kind old man, had a habit of treating everyone like they were his own children and grandchildren. He was sure to be missed, by the children most of all. They all loved their honorary grandpa that would spoil them rotten when he could.

Not wanting to dwell on the loss of a member of their small community, the mortician continued on his way toward Vera's. Only to stop in the middle of the road at the sight of a hulking anthropomorphic lizard. He only absently registered Robert and the very woman who's establishment he was heading towards. To say he was surprised would have been like saying a pomps ears were large...redundant. He had heard a tale or two of large draconic people that had hidden away from society but figured it was only a myth or just people misidentifying a wyvern.

And as usual, when Amara was caught off guard, his brain-to-mouth filter disappeared without a trace.

"No one told me we were expecting visitors, I would have prepared better for our handsome new guest." He said with a wink toward the Black Scaled male.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interaction: Mirik (@reusablesword), Vera (@Lmpkio), Vera (@Vexxed Vex)
Location: Hillhaven Main Road - Outside Hillside Haven Inn
Date: 1st Aburand

Things were going great. Not only was Vera very excited to meet with the large lizard person but also the town's local mortician and accidental flirt seemed to just as easily warm-up to him. He could see from his peripherals that the looks the passing townsfolk were shifting away from fear and confusion, to wonder and curiosity. Hours upon hours of hard work performed by both the human and the lizard person was finally paying off. The pace of his heart finally slowed to a more reasonable pace. Robert smirked and gave the lizard person a playful nudge. "Well look at you, Mr. Popular. It isn't even noon yet and you're already making new friends." Robert finished with a light chuckle as he let them interact with one another for a while.

He then turns to face the purple-skinned mortician of Hillhaven and takes a more serious face as he discusses the matter of Mr. Thomas Vayne. Honestly? Robert didn't know Mr. Vayne that personally nor that long, but bonds were bonds. He was one of the very first people in town to welcome the young deputy when he arrived in town a season ago. Hell, he even baked him a pie for his 20th birthday. It was too sweet for his taste, but he would never forget that simple act of kindness Grandpa Tom showed to him. His passing hurt him just as much as any of the townsfolk. "Good morning, Mr. Veltras." A quick pang of heartache forced the young deputy to stop speaking for a brief moment. "I hope Gra...Mr. Vayne's body has been properly taken care of for his burial this weekend?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 4 mos ago

ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ᴛᴏᴡᴇʀ
It was going to rain tomorrow.

Alastair huffed, slumping into his seat. In front of him, his usual ritual was set out on the table. A pendulum suspended above intricate circles and patterns carved into a sheet of metal, worn down with age, but still fully intact. All sorts were around the table and on top of the sheet, from candles to wood to a cup of tea - no, that was just part of his breakfast. The second day of Aburand, rain. It might even continue to the third as well, and the clouds would ruin the Celebration of Stars. What horrid luck.

Then there was the matter of that new settlement. No doubt they'd be celebrating among themselves. Alastair might not have even found out about them if not for that white-haired explorer they'd sent out to the area. He was grateful, though. The food he got from going down to visit was substantially better than anything else he'd been eating for the last...

How long had he been there, anyway?

Alastair peeled himself off of his chair, moving to leave the room and then the tower. He really ought to get more windows. It was so stuffy. He pulled on his thick black cloak, beginning to go down the stairs. There wasn't much reason for wearing it, but it had been left for him and so he felt obligated to wear it when he good. And he did enjoy the mystery that came with it. It was fun to see the village people on edge.

"I am making my exit!" Alastair declared to absolutely no one. "I will be back in... I will be back!" The wolf didn't seem to be around. She liked to come and go. Much like him, really. Down the stairs he went, it was quite a walk, but after decades he had mastered the most efficient way to descend. From there, it was even longer to make his way to Hillhaven. But it was early, and there wasn't a whole lot else to do. He gathered everything else he might need, a bag, some money, whatever food he had left, and began the journey at a comfortable pace.

ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ʜɪʟʟʜᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴍᴀɪɴ ʀᴏᴀᴅ // @Scarlet Loup
It was still morning when he arrived. It was pure luck. Time wasn't something he often thought about, not until the village's presence had forced him to keep track of the date. But in the tower where most of the light was from candles, concepts like waking up in the morning were worthless. Alastair operated whenever he wanted.

As he made his way down the street, he received a few odd looks, and gave some in return. It seemed like people were slowly becoming more accustomed to his presence. The strange man who would come for a few days every so often, haunting the streets like a ghost. What would it take to have those sorts of rumours? He thought they might be fun.

First on the agenda was to get himself a room at the inn for the next few days. He might as well stay for the Celebration of Stars. With minimal trouble (he was still getting used to where everything was in town was), he finally got to the inn, only to see a small crowd of people standing outside of it. It was no surprise, because good lord, was that what he thought it was? Alastair did a double take. No, the inn could wait. He wanted one of those scales.

Now, as someone with a deep and vast knowledge of social situations, he knew he couldn't just walk up and take one. He couldn't walk up and ask for one either, walking up in general would be a bit odd. So he would find out more, and then he would get his scale. What better place to start than with the very man staring at the lizard man? He shuffled across the street.

"Good day," he called out to the doctor. "Staring, are we?" And without even waiting for a response, he continued, pointing a pale finger out towards the inn, speaking quickly. "Do you know who that is? When did it get here? How old is it? Where does it live? Where is it staying?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Haha
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Haha b E a N

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: East Hillhaven - Orc Trading Caravan

"Well I'll be, ya'll been up' inna mountains lately haven'cha?" Cresta cried out to the group of ten or so orcs sitting around the shanty wooden tables they had set up around their stagecoaches and mercantile carts on the less paved pat of Hillhaven. Most orcs liked the feeling of grass and dirt between their bare toes.

"Mmn, we have to see what exactly what resources are available. There's leftover scales, loose teeth, and some dragonstone as well, but a few draka have remained and probably will be staying til winter so we only go once every few days." The tallest orc of the group spoke out, he was dressed in ceremonial orcish garments with an exposed torso which was marred by three deep claw marks.

"Ah, ah well ya'll be careful. Ye' greenies are good strong-bodied peoples. We can't ford'a lose ya'." Cresta tipped her hat to To'ki'to the alpha orcish man.

"I appreciate the concern mayor, you take care of yourself as well." To'ki nodded back before returning his attention to the table where him and other orcs were fiddling with the dragon parts on the table.

Cresta patted the side of her white-black speckled stallion giving him the signal to tread deeper into their little corner of the town, two boys and a little orcish girl had been chasing eachother and roughhousing in the soft tilled soil along the rear of their of the encampment. The mayor clicked her tongue and shook her head at the little ones, then looked at the largest structure of orcish design in Hillhaven. It was a mobile structure, it's design includes large wheels set outside the body, each side sloped outward a great amount as they rise toward the eaves. Beyond this characteristic, there were tightly strung animal hides around it displayed out to the summer sun to tan- and very large rib bones stuck into the ground almost like a fence around the structure.

The mayor slid off the side of her horse and stroked her hand along his neck a few times before whispering to herself, and him "Real quick, I promise." in which the stallion just huffed out before clacking over to a small man-made pond to begin drinking water. Cresta then slowly approached the orcish vardo, knocking on a small wooden post near its entrance before entering past the rib fence to make her presence known. As she reached the barkwood door, she pressed it open to enter. Inside the vardo was smoky, a gray haze filled it entirely as if someone had been cooking all day without venting the place out. But the smell was nice. herbal, a shamanistic ritual was taking place here. As Cresta pressed deeper inside the residence, navigating past tables with various bones and herbs on them and other orcish furniture she eventually found a really-really-really-really large Orc woman sitting in front of her stonefire oven with her eyes rolled back. Her skin was paler than many of the other orcs, her hair matted into long dreads that reached the wooden floor.

"C- C- C- C- C- Cresta~ Whadda'ya'doin'ere?" The shamaness asked still in her spirit ritual.

"M'glad ye' finally made it Ba Ba. Iz figured ye' woulda' swung by the town hall when ye' got'ere. Guess'n ye' still getting used ta' Hillhaven life?" The mayor asked with a much more relaxed town, looking around before leaning back and resting her elbows on a nearby tabletop.

The extra large orc shamaness snapped back into reality, her big brown eyes now glossy as they regained focus as she turned around to look at the head honcho of the little pioneer town. Ba Ba reached for a large drinking skin full of firewater taking a few sips before standing walking over the table herself, the weight of her footsteps creaking the floorboards. She let out a large grunty exhale, offering the skin to Cresta who widened her sights at the opportunity of some fine home-brewed drinking.

"Justa'been'doin'dis." Ba Ba canted her head to the ritual tapestry laid across the floor, which had the old heart of some creature laying atop of it- along with some black wax candles.

Cresta took a big of firewater before handing it back to the shamaness. "Looks grim, guess'n that's over now'e?" The mayor raised one loft eyebrow as if egging Ba Ba on, the hat dipping back as she looked up at her.

"Fine. Da'saloon'll do." The orc shamaness finally admitted defeat, accepting the mayor's invitation to actually set foot in the town of Hillhaven.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Plenty of new people to meet at this village. So far they didn’t seem to react with violence, for Mirik this was a good start. The last thing he wanted was a fight even if that was why he was sent here in the first place. With his role in the tribe as war priest it was his decision of whether these people were friends or not.

The small gathering of people only seemed to grow, his predator like eyes scanning the faces of those near and far. Some watching, some whispering, most didn’t seem to know what they were looking at or how to respond. Still, a few that had a bit more composure seemed to step forward and speak.

The first to approach him and his human friend didn’t hold any fear or hate in her eyes. Her gaze was something he had seen before in the old warriors and hunters the scars on her face and even how she held herself told more stories then most could likely see. She did seem very friendly with Robb then turned to him and introduced herself.

“Veeerrraaa borrrn vornn vorrrrrn felt” letting the words pour from his mouth, it was different then his friends. “Veeerra Frieeend?”

Looking to her hand for a moment as she held it out, the gesture wasn’t familiar to him. Looking to Rob for some sort of guidance and not receiving any ques. The large Sarcogan reached out with his giant hand and simply poked the tips of her fingers with his. Bringing his fist to his chest he spoke again.

“Mirik, we Sarcogan. Mirik meeed leeeeder.” A small rustling in his pack turned his attention away from her for a moment before another strange human spoke up using words he did not recognize.

This human was strange, their skin was purple and their ears were pointed. They seemed friendly enough but it was still confusing to him. All these humans were strange. Mirik starred at this one for a few moments, again bobbing his head from side to side. “What hannnnd suum?” thinking aloud for a moment then turning back to Rob, “why humon puuuurple?”

His questions were again cut short with more shuffling in his bag and a soft Mewing sound coming from it. The large lizard seemed to perk up at this and smile, “oh, Vos so key Varkan, vos so key.” Speaking his native language he carefully sat down with his bag next to him. Wrapping his tail around in front of him he began to dig through the bag. Even sitting he was still at eye level with most of them.

It didn’t take him long to pull two large ovals wrapped in a thick moist leaf of some kind. Nothing about these looked remarkable other than the pink nose protruding from one end. Placing the two down in front of him and slowly unwrapping the small animals. They looked like small goats with obvious vines growing from the white and brown fur on their back and wrapping up around their neck, head, and horns. Small buds already beginning to grow.

Mirik bent down and nuzzled the small creatures, they seemed to be sleeping. “Vos so key Varkannn Vos so keyyy.” Almost singing to them as they began to stir, yawning and continuing the mewing noise almost like that of a kitten. Once they were up and about, the duo climbed up onto the Sarcogan’s shoulders and head. Mirik did not seem bothered by this at all while he looked to the other humans and pointed to the goats, “Varkann.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Roach
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Roach retired

Member Seen 2 mos ago

LOCATION: Ragadel Ranch
WITH: Shamie

"Morning, Miss!" Val gave a jaunty salute as she entered the field and tied off the gate again behind her. That was rule one to making sure the horses and the ules stayed where they ought to be: keep everything secured. Nobody had ever said she was a slow learner. (Or, well, they had, but that was when they were teaching oral histories and pretty useless elven sagas, not unicorn care!).

"Yes! It sure is a good one, isn't it? Sorry I'm late. There's a warren of pompadours in my backyard – well, not my backyard, but in the space beside my garden, you know, where the grass is all foof––"

She paused to gesture with her hand against her upper thigh to illustrate the length of the grass but apparently had no need to pause for breath, because she continued, "And I got up early to watch them, but then I realised, they're not going to come out unless I feed them, and if I feed them, then I'm taking on the responsibility of feeding them forever, so I was dwelling on it. I meant to get here by proper dawn."

Just when it might have seemed like she'd ran out of things to say, and was toeing the ground with her thick leather boots, the sawdust burning behind the curtain sparked a flame of remembrance. The crumpled piece of parchment was pulled from the pocket of her duster and pushed towards Shamie. "Oh! And there's something about hosting a festival in town. Human shindig, the Celebration of Stars, but anyone can volunteer 'cause we're one big blendy family here. If they did one for ours last season we must have missed it for the set-up, so... it could be nice if we– I mean, if someone did something to help out with this one."

As if an automaton, Val noticed her employer's current task of feeding the animals and fell into step, picking up where she ought to be helping in her duties: checking on the horses and the ules (never the wild ones), then mucking out the stalls where Losgann was also stabled.

Come to think of it, Val had missed her own birthday, too – completely forgotten in the wake of setting up the ranch and ferrying messages to and fro. Did people even celebrate birthdays out here, or was it just her?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Aburand 1
Location: Ragadel Ranch
This girl, Shamie thought, a bit fondly, listening to Val prattle about her morning. Of course she'd be the type to think showing up early was on time, and on time was late. That was something Shamie liked about her, though. She didn't bother telling the other girl to slow down, as that would be a lost cause. Besides, Val's peppy words served as a pretty good way to brighten up the day in it's early hours. So Shamie nodded along with her, acknowledging her story about the pompadours, and even managed to squeeze in, "You're right about the feeding, may was well leave 'em Val - they were fine before us civilized folks got here, they'll be fine after too." Which, of course, was something Shamie really believed. Being out here beyond the mountains was nice, compared to Wyverspoon there were so many more parts of nature one could see and interact with, but at the end of the day they were wild animals. The sentiment might sound a bit disingenuous coming from a woman who owned a ranch whose purpose was to sell animals, but she had her reasons!

Val handed her a parchment, and Shamie was happy to trade it for the bundle of feed in her arms. She followed behind the girl as she got to work, reading along as Val went on about the note's contents. That's right, it was getting close to that time wasn't it? She stashed the parchment in her pocket and gave the younger elf a hand, preferring to work while she chatted.

"That would be fun," she agreed easily, a grin forming on her face as ideas did the same in her head. "Have you ever participated before? In the star celebration, I mean. Humans can throw pretty crazy parties. In Wyverspoon they'd stick little stars all over the place before Briethe was even over."

The thought of little humans pulling their friends, fellow humans and non-humans alike, through the streets with sparkling wands only to be playfully admonished by their mothers saying the celebration is next week! had Shamie chuckling to herself, and she cleared the memory away with a shake of her head, her curly hair bouncing as she did so. Now, the older elf hadn't missed Val's use of 'we' and 'family.' With all the work that had to be done getting the ranch set up when she'd first arrived, Shamie hadn't really asked much of the girl besides 'do you mind getting dirty? No? Well can you use a pitchfork?' A town celebration would be a good excuse to get to know her best - and coincidentally, only - employee better. Not to mention the other townsfolk too. Shamie hadn't been doing a lot of socializing besides stopping into the tavern every now and then.

After the stables were metaphorically sparkling, Shamie thrust her pitchfork into the dirt and leaned against it, arms crossed over the top of it and smile pointed Val's way.

"That is an excellent idea my dear. Been a while since I... well, done anything but look after the ranch. Not that I mind," she laughed, "Celebration is on the third, right? I don't mind if you take that day off too, get some real festival experience."

Two days without help wouldn't kill hurt much, plus she could double check everything extra early and have her own fun too.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Loup
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Scarlet Loup

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hillhaven Main Road
@Aviaire @ReusableSword

Baylen found himself slowly moving down his porch steps until he came to stand right at the base of the steps. He certainly made no effort hiding himself, but he figured that there was no need for secrecy. A slight smile pricked at the corners of his mouth as he watched Vera interact with the lizard-man - lizard-being? There would be a time for semantics later he reckoned.

He was nearly as overwhelmed as Vera was as he gazed across the street at the lizard-person. Suddenly, Baylen longed for a sketchpad or something to record this moment. If all went well, hoowever, there would be plenty of time to learn more and ask questions and record whatever information he wanted to. The lizard seemed to take everything in stride - even Amara's sudden flirting. Some sort of second hand embarrassment washed over him all of a sudden as he watched that exchange. He started to step forward to intervene when a voice called out to him, and he jumped slightly.

"Ah, Ala-" he began, promptly cutting himself off as Alastair fired off questions at him. "Well, I ... erm ... I don't suppose I have an answer for any of your questions." He looked back across the street at the anthropomorphic lizard. "Though I believe it just arrived. I should think we would have heard about it had it shown up before." He paused and smiled to himself, slightly amused. "Or perhaps it's very good at hiding." Baylen silenced himself as he watched the lizard respond and pull the small creatures out of his bag.

"There's only one way of getting an answer, however." Finally, Baylen stepped forward and began to cross the street. As he walked over slowly, he waved a hand slightly and offered a smile. "Hello there!" He stopped a few paces away. "I'm Baylen - the town's doctor. It's a pleasure to ... uh ... to meet you." He looked curiously at the two critters. "And those ... 'Varkann'?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: Outside Hillside Haven Inn
Interactions: @Searat (Robert), @ReusableSword (Mirik), @Scarlet Loup(Baylen)

Vera initially failed to understand what the Sarcogan meant regarding a "vornn vorrrrrn", however she immediately confirmed to him regarding their status.

"Vera friend, yes." the scarred warrior slowly replied in a warming tone before stretching her hand out for the hand shake, "Mirik is also friend to me."

She soon realized that the lizardman seemed confused at this gesture, before he simply poked at her fingers with his own scaly claws. Vera seemed to have placed herself in an awkward situation, yet was able to save it relatively with a friendly chuckle. While she normally utilized this as what she believed to be the universal signal for one to welcome an individual, Vera quickly found herself feeling silly for offering such a gesture to a foreign species.

"Ah, I'm sorry," she apologized before rubbing her head to clarify, "It was supposed to be a handshake. We humans use it to greet one another."

However Vera would find that she wasn't the only person who wanted to greet the new person in town. It was none other then the resident elven mortician, Amara Veltras - who seemed surprised at Mirik's arrival. The innkeeper waved towards him as Robert asked him on whether or not he finished with his work. But as she attempted to listen in, she would suddenly hear a muffled mewing coming from Mirik's position.

She perked her head towards the lizardman and quickly noticed the bag that he was carrying. There must be some kind of animal inside! Indeed this in turn prompted the lizardman to try and calm whatever was inside that was inside before deciding to take out two large ovals that were wrapped in a thick collard-like leaf. Vera's eye would widen as Mirik revealed the contents from within - they being two adorable goat-like animals covered in plant-like vines that grew around their white and brown fur.

"Awww!" she softly cooed as she felt her heart melt into her very body, "Those little guys look so CUTE!"

She wanted to scream in cuteness so badly, yet was just able to compose herself. Vera began to believe that they were perhaps his pets that he carried around, which already looked very exotic compared to your average goat kids. Never had she seen such cute things in her life! Soon enough the great lizard began to hiss softly as he appeared to be singing to them a lullaby to help them sleep. The one-eyed woman would then glance at Mirik before pointing at the baby goats.

"What do you call these cute little guys?" she asked him softly.

Mirik would then point and refer to them as “Varkann”, which was no doubt a sarcogan name in his tongue. Vera continued to coo some more as she allowed herself a closer look at the little creatures, yet struggled to not allow her to touch them for the sake of politeness.

"Awwww, those Varkann are sooooo cute!" she adored softly as she waved a finger just inches away from one of the kid's faces. If only she could have one as a pet! For now she will have to simply settle with classifying them within her study notes once she returns home - if she remembers that is.

Suddenly he would hear the voice of Dr. Baylen Stonestrider behind her. She would turn as the man asked as he pointed to the "Varkann" critters.

"Yes!" she confirmed as she rose slightly to let him take a look for himself, "I believe they are native to the Sarcogan's homeland."

She would then look back to Mirik with a glimmer in her emerald-eye.

"I would love to meet the rest of your native wildlife!" she mentioned to him excitedly while still trying to slow herself enough to have him understand her, "For I love animals you see - especially those unknown to human science."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Vexxed Vex
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Vexxed Vex

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Hillhaven Main Road/Outside Hillside Haven Inn
Interactions: Mirik @ReusableSword, Robert @Searat

Despite the slight embarrassment caused by his inability to keep his mouth shut, Amara didn't miss a beat at the Lizardman's questions. Instead, choosing to just roll with the punches. This was not the first time he had started a conversation by flirting and would definitely not be the last.

"Well...handsome means attractive, appealing to the eye, usually in a masculine way. I do believe that fits you quite well my reptilian friend." the ravenette drawled huskily before changing his tone to a more teasing one.

"As for why I'm purple...I guess I've eaten a few too many blackberries."

The elf had always loved teasing those that asked about his skin, not many people meet dark elves outside of their underground and cavern settlement and cities. Most choose to stay with their own kind. In fact aside from their homelands, one would normally only see his kind in the larger cities. So Amara reveled in giving false reasons for his unique coloring.

However much the slightly effeminate man wanted to continue teasing the imposing figure in front of him, he couldn't ignore the greetings of the resident lawman.

"And how goes our favorite deputy this morning? Aside from making exotic friends, that is." He said in response, entering what some would call his signature pose with his hip cocked to one side, one arm crossed and the other under his chin.

However, at the mention of Mr. Vayn, the chipper elf grew somber. It had been difficult to prepare the body of the grandfather figure, emotionally at least. It was one of the reasons he had wanted to get a drink or three at Vera's Inn.

"Of course, gramps has been taken care of and is ready for the Wake tomorrow. I put a stasis charm on him so that he keeps until the weekend. Gotta keep the man of the hour in top shape after all." He strained a smile as he spoke, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Horton
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Horton Who?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kale Feurite

Tent - Residential Area

Dragging his large bag outside the tent the best he could, Kale began rummaging through it and found the few rations he had left. The trip arriving had taken longer than expected and he had yet to actually greet any of the townsfolk other than the mayor and secretary.
Soon the priest would need to do something about his food and living situation, but before that he should offer daily prayer and cleanse himself with water.

Outside of the Inn

@Searat (Robert) - @ReusableSword (Mirik) - @Scarlet Loup (Baylen) - @Vexxed Vex (Amara) - @Lmpkio (Vera)

Spotting people and the obvious air around, the priest smiled before checking his coin pouch. He had to double-check this was the right currency for the town and not some useless coins he had exchanged accidentally. Surely enough, though, they were the coins of the next town over—granted that distance being quite large with uninhabited land between—and with that he confidently approached.
Truth be told, for much of the time before this he was wandering the town and getting his bearings. Though the priest had spent five days here, much of that was getting settled and finding the town hall so that he may greet the mayor. He had not spent much time outside of that to understand the town’s layout.

"Greetings! Is the innkeeper in? I wish for lodgings if that is alright? He looked between the grouping with a sweet smile. A bit of nervousness etched into it as he fiddled with his robes, ... Oh! I hope I did not interrupt anything important? The young priest’s tone sincere enough, for he knows it is better to greet strangers smartly at first. Though Kale could not help but peer at a bipedal reptile: a creature that he had not even seen along his travels here.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interaction: Mirik (@reusablesword), Vera (@Lmpkio), Amara (@Vexxed Vex), Baylen (@Scarlet Loup), Kale (@Horton)
Location: Hillhaven Main Road - Outside Hillside Haven Inn
Date: 1st Aburand

The young human smirked at Mirik's reactions to the innkeeper's actions. He'd have given more guidance to the lizard person but he was confident in the big guy's ability to adapt and learn from experience, as well as the lessons they'd practice for this day. With a subtle two thumbs up, he'd signal to the big guy that he was doing great.

The elf's smile was reassuring. "Not much, Mr. Veltras, but thank you for asking." The mortician had explained that Gramps' body was prepared and well-cared for in preparation for the wake and eventual burial. The deputy then returned a smile of his own to the elf, albeit a little bittersweet. "Thank you, I'll be sure to attend his wake tomorrow when I sign off from work." It was around this time that his lizardy friend revealed the gift he had prepared for this occasion.

Robert's eyes widened and jaw dropped as he saw the young goat-like creatures the Sarcogan presented. It wasn't any kind of goat he'd ever seen before in his life. This, considering that he also functioned as the town's hunter in the weekends part-time for over a season, was rather astounding. A completely new species. A scientific breakthrough. A moment of history remembered for eternity...and he was there to witness it with his own two eyes in the flesh! This totally beats sitting around in some musty guard room in Ambercrest wasting his youth away.

It took him a solid few moments of gawking at the creatures before he had managed to pick his jaw from the ground and regain his professional composure. It was then he heard the voice of both the town's doctor and the priest. The good doctor seemed to be more interested in conversing with Mirik, so he'd turn to face the priest and offer a reassuring smile that he was not a bother. "Relax, priest. We're just welcoming Mirik over here to the town." Rob uses his head to gesture to the lizard person squatting near him. "Would you like to meet him? He may look scary but he's friendly."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

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Tipping his head from side to side as the others spoke. The small Varkann on him seemed used to the sudden adjustments keeping their footing on the thick skin of the Sarcogan. More humans seemed to take notice now and mostly seemed to be intrigued by him. Still sitting he just sort of let them all talk as he stared at them.

“BayyyylIEn DocTour.” Again finding the words alien through his vocal cords. Again these humans seemed more than interested in his presents. Bringing his large hand up to the small goat, it happily climbed onto it. Slowly Mirik lowered the animal in front of Vera and the doctor, giving encouraging sounds to the Varkann to go meet the new people.

Doing the same with the other he stopped for a moment to pluck a pink flower from its horns. This act seemed to annoy the small creature slightly, making its complaint known through a small hiss. Quickly it joined its mate with the other humans and seemed to forget the transgression. With slow purpose, Mirik shows Vera the flower in his hand. Gently he peeled off one petal and placed it on his tongue. A sweet tangy flavor with a strange after taste that could very well remind someone faintly of a wet animal. Offering the rest of the flower to Vera and the others.

“What Black bary?” continuing to ask more questions as he thought of them, still sitting on the ground. Tipping his head and leaning to look around Rob at the new comer. Another who seemed interested in him, “VellllllTracks, Prieeeest.” The word was familiar to him a word rob had gone over with hi earlier. Mirik still didn’t quite understand their meaning for it.

The large Sarcogan slowly stood to the entirety of his 8 and a half foot form, dwarfing even the tallest of those around him and stretched. The muscles throughout his body flexed and moved with him. Looking down onto the priest before him he brought his fist up to his chest, “Mirik W-W…” trying to remember the word for the translation, “War Prieest. Mirik, Come. Mirik Se- seeeee…. I-if Villlage Frieeend oar or… Foe.” Still struggling with the language but somehow managing. “Robbbb, VelllllTracks Leiaaaaader?”

@Vexxed Vex
@Scarlet Loup
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