NPC Townsfolk

Cresta Dustwallow
"Ask ma' age one time and I'll turn ye' into boots."Full Name: Cresta Dustwallow
Age: Thirty-five
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: Dimertu 15
Job Title: Mayor of Hillhaven
Residency: 2 Seasons
Age: Thirty-five
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: Dimertu 15
Job Title: Mayor of Hillhaven
Residency: 2 Seasons
Positive Traits: Courageous ; Motivated ; Ambitious
Negative Traits: Arrogant; Short-Tempered ; Rapscallion
Likes: Food off an Open Fire - Hunky Men - Jerky - Stargazing - Pawning Tasks onto Iz
Dislikes: Cold Weather - Vegetables - Impoliteness - Other Women
Hobbies: Listed or small description.
Negative Traits: Arrogant; Short-Tempered ; Rapscallion
Likes: Food off an Open Fire - Hunky Men - Jerky - Stargazing - Pawning Tasks onto Iz
Dislikes: Cold Weather - Vegetables - Impoliteness - Other Women
Hobbies: Listed or small description.
Heart Meter
- Iz Ah Bel - ♥♥♥♥♥ Best Friend
- E.J Silverleaf - ♥♥♥♥♥
- Benedict Overpatch - ♥♥♥♥♥

Iz Ah Bel
"Just Iz. No, my name isn't Isabelle."Full Name: Iz Ah Bel - The ringing of bells.
Age: Fourty-Three
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Birthday: Aburand, 7
Job Title: Secretary of Hillhaven
Residency: 2 Seasons
Age: Fourty-Three
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Birthday: Aburand, 7
Job Title: Secretary of Hillhaven
Residency: 2 Seasons
Positive Traits: Reliable ; Intelligent ; Resourceful
Negative Traits: Boring; Critical ; Obsessive
Likes: Books - Old Relics - Pencils - Muffins - Historical texts.
Dislikes: Fish - Fishing - Disorganization - Poetry - Dancing.
Hobbies: Listed or small description.
Negative Traits: Boring; Critical ; Obsessive
Likes: Books - Old Relics - Pencils - Muffins - Historical texts.
Dislikes: Fish - Fishing - Disorganization - Poetry - Dancing.
Hobbies: Listed or small description.
Heart Meter
- Cresta Dustwallow - ♥♥♥♥♥ Best Friend
- Benedict Overpatch - ♥♥♥♥♥
- E.J Silverleaf - ♥♥♥♥♥

E.J Silverleaf
"I'm here on behalf of the Silverleaf Circle."Full Name: Elaine Jeskar Silverleaf
Age: 65
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Birthday: Tratskal, 11
Job Title: Merchant
Residency: New Arrival
Age: 65
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Birthday: Tratskal, 11
Job Title: Merchant
Residency: New Arrival
Positive Traits: Impartial ; Rigorous ; Authoritative
Negative Traits: Opportunistic ; Edacious ; Forceful
Likes: Gold - Jewelry - Competent Workers - Root Vegetables - Civilization.
Dislikes: Dirt - Orcs - Magic - Sweets - Loud People.
Hobbies: Listed or small description.
Negative Traits: Opportunistic ; Edacious ; Forceful
Likes: Gold - Jewelry - Competent Workers - Root Vegetables - Civilization.
Dislikes: Dirt - Orcs - Magic - Sweets - Loud People.
Hobbies: Listed or small description.
Heart Meter
- Cresta Dustwallow - ♥♥♥♥♥
- Benedict Overpatch - ♥♥♥♥♥
- Iz Ah Bel - ♥♥♥♥♥