Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Unknown
Location: Unknown

Maybe it was a rumble in the ship, or maybe whatever drugs that had been pumped into the twelve sleeping individuals wore off at the same time. They all woke up. Clad in simple cotton clothing reminiscent of hospital scrubs. They all found themselves in almost completely bare rooms. There was no sign of life but their own, and they had no memory of who they were except their name. It was the one thing they could cling to.

Psychology tells us anger is a secondary emotion. There is another emotion that is the source of that anger. Even if it is confusion or helplessness. Both were felt by the twelve people. They were alone in their room and scared.

Location: Room 2
Skill: N/A

Tessa started awake. Fear gripping her deep in her stomach. Something was very wrong. For a few moments, she wasn't entirely certain what it was that was wrong, but when she opened her eyes it became glaringly obvious. The room she was in was cold steel and white. She was certain that wasn't her style, which meant this wasn't her room.

Tessa frowned. What did her room look like? She closed her eyes again trying to bring it up. There was nothing. She dug around, trying to come up with something, anything that would give her an idea of how she got here. Or, who she was. She knew her name was Tessa. That felt right and obvious, but that was the only thing she could make stick.

The terror she had been feeling grew and twisted. It took her several minutes to gather her wits about herself. She spoke to the empty room, "Hello?" hoping it would draw attention to her. Maybe, someone was waiting for her to wake up, and once she had they'd explain she had been in an accident and that's why she couldn't remember anything.

When nothing responded Tessa decided to explore the room. Maybe there was a note. A quick glance told her there wasn't much in the small room. It was only a little over seven feet in either width or length. The ceiling, which looked like it might be a solid piece of metal except for the center of it where a vent pushed cool air into the room.

Tessa then spent what felt like thirty minutes searching the room. There was little of interest, in either the bedroom or the small bathroom attached at the back of the room. She was getting frustrated with the lack of information.

Location: Room 10
Skill: N/A

Luke woke up with a start. He checked his arms for any IV drips. He didn't remember going to sleep, so the fear of having got hit by something and was now in a hospital was legitimate. But this didn't look like any hospital he had ever seen before. Normally the patients weren't in the scrubs either. There was no IV, there were no machines at all. This was... a lot of things. Terrifying was specifically sharp in his mind as he realized he didn't even know why he knew about hospitals. He searched what he knew and he wasn't a doctor. His name was Luke and he was a hemophiliac.

That explained the fear of being on an IV, but not where he was or why. He paced the room a bit. Examining it carefully. There wasn't anything of interest that stood out to him. The room was basic, a cookie-cutter room. The only thing that felt special was a swimmer's cap he found in a drawer of the nightstand. His name was written in Sharpe on the inside of it, reinforcing that it was important. He rubbed his finger over the letters. He wasn't certain whose handwriting it was. Was it his own? Or had someone important to him writing it? Someone he couldn't remember the face or name of.

Anger burst through his other emotions. Someone had taken that from him. Someone had left him alone in a room with no idea what was going on. Someone was going to pay.

"Let me the hell out of here!" He started yelling. Surely whoever had done this to him was watching and listening. They had to be. They wouldn't just leave him here, would they?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CasuallyChaotic
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CasuallyChaotic Secret Goddess

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Time Unknown Skill Sleep

It happened in a flash. One moment Cassie was deeply unconscious, and the next she was awake, her body clenching in a moment of shock before just as quickly relaxing again. Blinking she tried to focus on the room across from where she lay, seemingly unable to focus until she realised there was nothing to focus on.

The opposite wall was a blank white surface, and something about its stark uniformity relaxed the young woman's mind. Such peace and calm surrounded her, the only sound she could hear her own breathing. She lay back on the cot, pulling the thin blanket up around her even though she didn't feel cold at all. Just its presence wrapping tightly and holding her made her feel safe.

As she lay there, her back to the room and face staring at the white wall panel beside the bed, seemingly identical to the rest of the room, a nervous feeling in her mind began to itch. There was something wrong here, she knew it, despite her calm surroundings. Something was missing something important.

Closing her eyes again, so tried to relax and rest, but the idle thought wouldn't go away, and no rest would come to her.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Room 12
Skills: N/A
Suddenly, Vinnie was awake.

Her blue eyes drooped shut and she turned over, burying her face into the pillow. "Just five more minutes," she grumbled. What did she have to do today - was there anything important or pressing? Nothing came to mind. At first, this allowed her to sink back into the bed and enjoy the warmth a little bit longer, having made almost a cocoon out of the blankets. She wanted so desperately to just slip back into unconsciousness, but something was nagging away at her - a little voice in her head that refused to shut up.

She opened her eyes, getting a close up view of the fabric of the pillow. "Wait a second..." she muttered, talking to herself. Talking seemed to come just as naturally as breathing - and not talking quietly, either. Her voice was loud and strong. "Do I have anything to do... ever?" she then questioned. It was a natural follow up. She couldn't think of anything that she had to do that day. She couldn't think of what her responsibilities were. She didn't know what her job was. All she could remember was her name - Lavinia Grace. Her nose wrinkled slightly. Vinnie. That was better. Just Vinnie. "Do I even have dental?" Vinnie then asked, feeling her teeth. "Okay, I probably have dental."

The room was so cold and clinical looking. It instantly made Vinnie sigh slightly, but there was something cool. She loved the way the bed was set into the wall, with the sloping wall. Her mind kept on wanting to look at a million different things at once, but she settled on just reaching out and feeling the wall. She had entirely ignored the nightstand, dresser, and door, completely fixated on the wall. "Woah. Interior design leaves a lot to be desired but... slopey wall gets a +10," she said. She then turned around, looking at the door as if it had a neon OPEN ME! sign. Vinnie rushed forward and pulled it open, finding just a bathroom.

"Is this a hotel?" she wondered, seeing the built in dispensers in the bathroom. They reminded her of hotels. Underneath the sink though, she found the motherload - free pads! "Come to mama!" she exclaimed, grabbing a few and letting out a bit of a happy squeal. It hadn't even occurred to Vinnie yet to be scared. Her ADHD was prompting her to look at everything she could find first - and seeing free feminine hygiene products? That instantly raised her mental opinion of this weird hotel. She stuffed a few of the pads into her bra, wanting to keep them for... when? She didn't really know. Vinnie then looked at herself in the mirror, inspecting her appearance. She had curly dark brown hair, blue eyes, and glasses. Her skin was fair. She did a one eighty and then grinned. "I've got a rockin' bod."

Vinnie spotted the tattoo on her wrist - another clue as to who she was! "I'm gay! Fabulous!" she exclaimed. It was a heart with the colors of the pride flag, with an arrow going through it. She made her way out of the bathroom and back into the main room, spotting a polaroid camera sitting there. There weren't any photos near it. There was no clue as to how she got here. Or where here was. The closet was a total bust, just more of the same kind of clothes. She turned as to where she had thought there'd been another door to try, only to find nothing.

"What the crap?" she exclaimed, tilting her head.

It then fully hit her.

I have no memories.

"This isn't a hotel..." she whispered, the color draining from her face.

Who am I?

"HELLOOOOOOOOOO?!?!?! SOMEBODY HELP!!!!" Vinnie screamed, before she began pounding her wrists on the wall in pure, abject panic.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: Room 8
Skills: N/A

Cal awoke to the feeling of her heart banging against her chest. She flew up into a sitting position, her head whirling around, wide eyes scanning the room for any threat. Had something awoken her? It felt like something had awoken her. But as she looked around the room, her tense shoulders relaxed, seeing no visible signs of anyone there. Her relaxation only lasted seconds, though, as the sudden terror she'd woken up to morphed into an uneasy confusion. She didn't recognize this place. The sleek design, the lack of decoration...was it some sort of high-tech prison? She didn't remember ever being here. She should be...she should be...she...she couldn't remember where she should've been. Her breath quickened once again, her hands reaching up to her temples. Where had she been last? She couldn't remember. Where had she ever been? Where there should've been an answer inside her head, there was nothing. Her breaths were getting faster, more shallow, as she scrambled around inside her own head. But she found nothing. Nothing but a name.

Caliban Castro. That was her name. Grabbing onto it was like grabbing onto life jacket; it pulled her out of the sea of panic she'd been submerged in. She forced her respiration to slow, turning into deep breaths, inhaling through the nostrils and exhaling from the mouth. She had to work with what she had. And what she had was a name. Caliban. What kind of name was that? He was a monster, right? In the Tempest? Her eyebrows popped up at the thought. It would appear as though she knew the basics of Shakespearean literature. Good to know. Her eyes turned up. She also had a room. Why had her first assumption been that it was a prison? The question flashed across her mind, but she didn't make any attempt to answer it as she swung her legs out of her bed. The nightstand beside her bed was the first thing to grab her interest. She slid open the drawer, only to be greeted by the sound of something rolling from the movement. She looked down to see a small, empty orange bottle rolling outward, stopping as it hit the interior of the drawer's front. She snatched up the bottle, turning it in her hand until she could see the label.

"Vincent O'Mally..." she read allowed. Who was Vincent O'Malley? She wasn't Vincent O'Mally. Was she? It was a more normal name than Caliban. Maybe she was Vincent O'Mally. As the thought came to mind, she instinctively reached to her chest, as if to see if something, she wasn't sure what, was still there. When it met its destination, she looked down at it. She had boobs. So chances are she was not, in fact, Vincent. Once she had that figured out, she turned her attention back to the bottle. Her eyes drifted past the name, and onto a word printed in bold: OXYCODONE. Her eyebrows furrowed. Why was there an empty bottle of powerful, highly addictive painkillers sitting in her bedside table? Had she tried to...The thought dissipated before it was complete, replaced by a different question: how'd she know what oxycodone was? Was it just common knowledge? She probed at the part of her mind that had given a definition to the drug in attempt to draw more information from it.

Oxycodone is a potent opioid used to relieve pain. Some brands include Oxecta, Xtampza ER, and OxyCon- Cal cut herself off, head flinching back in surprise, the corners of her lips pulling into a small smirk. "Well, Mr. O'Mally, it would seem that I'm a pharmacist," she said, words soaked with pride. With those words, she placed the bottle on top of the night stand, turning back to the rest of her room. The general undecoratedness of the gray room brought her mind back to the prison theory. Maybe this was some sort of high class prison for dangerous criminals, kept secret by the government, where they took their prisoners' memories to steal any chance they had of escape! She turned her face up to the upper corner, where she imagined a camera would be if there were one.

"I want to see my lawyer," she called out to the imaginary security camera. What followed was the most deafening silence Caliban remembered ever hearing, which wasn't saying much. She hadn't noticed how quiet it was until the time came for her to wait for a response. She let the silence surround her for what felt like minutes, before letting out a sigh. "I...think it might just be you and me, Vincent," she mumbled. The prison theory became less believable the more she thought about it. Vicious criminals don't read Shakespeare...and they definitely aren't pharmacists. She sat defeated on the corner of her bed, but as she did, she felt her leg rub against something hard, something that didn't match the softness of the bed. She looked down, eyes catching sight of something sticking out of the mattress. She reached for it, pulling it out and raising it to her eye. It was some sort of strange small vial full of clear liquid.

"Huh..." she muttered, eyes shifting from the vial to the orange bottle on her nightstand. "Vince, I believe we've found a clue."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Room 11
Skills: N/A

There wasn't too much for her to think about in regards to waking up in a strange place. She sat up in the bed, looking around at the bare room around her. It was a strange place to find herself in, that much was for sure, and she got up off of the bed and started opening up drawers of any sorts that she could find. Of course, aside from the dresser which didn't have much in the way of clothes and variety with anything. All that seemed to be there was just a bunch of clothes that looked a lot like what she already had on. That wasn't too much of something really. Turning towards the nightstand, she opened up the drawer and found a bracelet that looked like it was made of wires. She wondered where she got it.

Then it hit her. She had no idea who she was, or where she was.

"Where the hell am I... Who am I?" she muttered as she slipped the bracelet on her wrist, glad to have something that made the clothes she wore not so bad over all. This place was just getting weirder and weirder by the second, and now she was pretty certain that she just had to get out of there. Sitting still wasn't really an option, but she didn't really see any sort of option to leave. This place was certainly not somewhere she wanted to stay, and now it didn't even seem like she had a way out of the room. Her mind wandered as she realized that she did remember one thing, and that was her name, Zarina Patriya. It was a strange name in her mind, but it was the only thing she had.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Location: Room Four
Skills: N/A

Sophia slowly opened her eyes, groaning slightly feeling the dim light hitting her face she rolled slowly out of her bed feeling the cold floor under her feet. She looked around the room, she didn't recognize the room around her at all and wondered how she even got here in the first place. Sophia looked down at the clothes that were on her, they weren't the ones that she fell asleep in and she didn't even remember what she wore initially before going to bed. The room looked pretty boring and bland, it certainly didn't feel like a hotel room at all to her really. When she spotted a nearby door, she assumed that it was a possible exit out of here to find out where she actually was as well, and made her way towards it.

When she opened it, it was just a very simple bathroom she opened the medicine cabinet which was bare and closed it seeing the shower had some dispensers in there at least there was some supplies and she checked the cabinet below the sink as well. Seeing some more hygiene products at least whoever brought her here left her with some supplies. Sophia left the bathroom behind and made her way back towards the bedside table. She opened the drawers seeing some spare clothes, and when she opened the second drawer Sophia saw a picture and picked it up. She recognized the face on it, was the only thing that she could remember her wedding night, and her name Sophia Harris, that was the only thing that she remembered. "Where the hell am I?" She asked herself outloud.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: An hour after waking up
Location: Unknown

The walls were unresponsive to any cries any of the twelve made. It cared not for anything they said or did. Time passed, and when an hour had gone by since they had each woken a section of the wall, opposite the bathroom door, slid back into the wall and revealed a door just like the one for the bathroom. Opening the door would reveal the hallway. With the twelve identical doors, six on one side six on the other. A small silver plaque would bear the number of each person's room.

A soft, but robotic, feminine voice comes over the intercom "Please proceed to the Galley. It is mealtime." There are no apparent speakers. No further information is given.

Location: Room 10 -> Hallway
Skill: N/A

Luke had yelled himself hoarse. He had kicked and punched walls. But they were hard and unyielding and he knew his flesh's limits in a way he couldn't explain. He also knew the price of breaking that flesh. Something small from punching a wall probably wouldn't cause him to bleed out, but he was in an unknown situation. He couldn't trust that if something did go wrong he would get the necessary care. So he sat against a wall staring at the ceiling out of his reach.

The ceiling had the only apparent exit. A vent. Covered by tight grating and heavily secured. It would take special tools to remove the grating. One of those tools being a ladder. The dresser apparently was also bolted to the wall.

He wondered if this was a punishment. He could not figure out what for. Luke had no memories. What kind of punishment would take away the memory of the crime? The concept of Hell was an idea that had arisen as well. That seemed to imply that he had some religious background, but it didn't seem rigorous because as he tried to examine his knowledge about religion he came up short. Unless sports were a religion. That information came to him easily. He could name teams for a dozen different types of sports and their rules. Interestingly when he tried to recall a player he couldn't find a face, but facts about them were like a Rolodex. All at his fingertips if he just knew where to look.

He heard a click and then the sound of metal moving. It wasn't grating, but he was quickly aware of it. Luke looked at the source and saw a section of the wall disappear into itself. Revealed behind it was a door. Exactly like the bathroom door. He jumped up and opened it.

He was not alone. For the first time since this began he saw other faces. Luke could have shouted for joy. Except he didn't recognize any of the faces either. He suspected they could have been any one of the names from his mental Rolodex of sports facts and he still wouldn't have known them.

"So any of you know what is going on? Or are you all just as clueless as I am?" An Asian looking guy standing outside room seven shrugged.

"Search me." He added. "Who are you?" That confirmed that Luke didn't know the guy at least. Or he had no memories either.

"Luke, and you?"

"Noah" Luke looked at the others emerging from their rooms. There looked to be about a dozen.

"The voice said we should go to the Galley. Anyone know where that is?" A black guy asked. He had a slight British accent, but that at least made Luke feel better about not calling him African-American. Luke tilted his head wondering how he knew that, and what other information would fill in blanks as he experienced.

"Pick a direction. There's only two." One of the girls said. She had violently pink hair, and started down the hall to her left.

Location: Room 2 -> Hall -> Galley
Skill: N/A

Irritation and boredom led to Tessa exploring more thoroughly. She wanted to know what she had to work with. Which as she searched the room it became increasingly clear that was a fat lot of nothing. She was kneeling in front of the sink, looking under it. Surprised at how well stocked it was. How long was she going to be here? She wondered as she started to stand up something caught her eye. It was brown against brown, that's why she hadn't noticed it the first time. Tessa leaned in closer. It looked like a few droplets of blood, but she was no scientist. She couldn't be certain.

Tessa almost leaped for joy when the door appeared and opened. She ran for it and was the first one out. The hall for one terrifying moment was empty, but then other doors started opening. It seemed the group was mixed, half females, and half males. Tessa was thankful for other faces, but none of them clicked anything in her memory. It was still a giant void. A bit of conversation passed between them. Tessa's stomach grumbled and she wondered how long it had been since she had eaten. Putting in her two cents she turned to her left. There was a set of double doors in front of her.

She pulled the handle and found herself in what must be the Galley. There was a large table with twelve chairs at it. Goodie. They were in high school again with a class of twelve. Hanging from the ceiling just past the table was a four-sided touch screen. Tessa went to it first. The screen reacted to her presence and words appeared "Please select" with several images of basic breakfast type foods. She picked pancakes, with several toppings. There was a slight cathunk and a sliding door under the touch screen moved aside to reveal piping hot pancakes.

The screen now said "Please remove your selection". Tessa did so and turned around holding the plate. "All weirdness aside, that is cool" She took a seat at the table, nearest the machine. "So, do we need to do an ice breaker? Or is this going to be a silent meal?"

Location: Room 5 -> Hall -> Galley
Skill: Cooking

Gordon stepped up to the weird machine after the girl with pink hair. He agreed with her, they'd have to do a round of introductions. It was unclear how much they'd have to deal with each other, but considering the room they were in it was going to be just the twelve of them. He had no idea for how long.

He pressed a few buttons and discovered a screen on the machine that allowed him to give cooking instructions. He grinned and started typing quickly. Adding ingredients and instructions quickly and from memory he had no idea he had acquired. It took the machine a long time to get his request in, but that probably was because he had done a special order. After about five minutes the machine cathunked like it had for the girl and opened to reveal enough food for the group to split amongst themselves. Gordon seemed to have found the maximum limit of how much food the machine could process at once. There were dozens of different types of pastries piled on his tray including beignets and croissants. He had also figured out how to get jams and honey. There were lastly two large carafes, one of coffee and one of orange juice. With enough cups for everyone.

"That is a cool machine." He said echoing the pink-haired girl. "I do wish I could do the cooking myself. We shall see if what it has made is palatable." Gordon spoke with a slight French accent, marred only by his time traveling for his education. "My name is Gordon." He introduced himself while pulling apart a croissant.

So far he only knew Luke and Noah's names. None of the girls had offered their names, and the two black gentlemen hadn't even spoken yet. One of them looked like the military type, had that chip on his shoulder feel. He also wasn't going near the machine as if he expected it to bite him, or was waiting for those who were eating to keel over poisoned. Gordon had given that a thought, but he was too hungry, and if whoever had put him here had wanted to kill him they would have already.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CasuallyChaotic
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CasuallyChaotic Secret Goddess

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cassie Ferguson, Room 3 > Hallway > Atrium
Time T+00:01:00hrs~ Skill Jogging

She didn't know how long she'd been asleep, and Cassie barely heard the voice echoing around the room as she slowly say up in bed, letting the blankets fall away down her body.

Something didn't quite feel right, and as she placed her hand down on the cool mattress beside her the young woman scowled at the wrongness of it. She didn't know why or how she knew, but something inside her just screamed that things were not quite as they were supposed to be.

There didn't seem to be much she could do about it right now though, so slipping off the bed and lazily rising to her feet, instinctively reaching back for a blanket to wrap around herself as she did, the young woman stumbled her way over to the door set into the wall. Dabbing at her eyes she was a little confused to find herself stepping out into a halfway, and began to turn back puzzled at why she'd thought a bathroom would be there when she heard the strange voices.

Looking down towards where the others seemed to be gathering she immediately shrank back into herself. None of them seemed to be people she knew, or sounded like voices she recognised, and a spike of fearful panic shot through her. Turning around Cassie quickly scanned the space around her, recognising it as a hall and started to make her way down away for the group, finally coming to a doorway which seemed to lead to a wider open area.

Relaxing a little in the open space, Cassie smiled warily to herself as she carefully folded up the sheet she'd been wearing over the simple clothes she'd woken up in. Instinctually she began to run through a series of stretching exercises, lifting her arms high over her head, bending at the waist and lifting her legs as she felt her tight muscles beginning to loosen.

After a few minutes, her body felt awake and alive, and after a few seconds jogging on the spot, Cassie bolted off through the garden, jogging at a comfortable pace as she began to explore the strange environment. Not once did she stop to consider looking up, and she never even noticed the galactic beauty on display right above her head.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: Room 12 -> the Galley
Skills: N/A
For what felt like several hours yet in reality was only ten minutes, Vinnie had screamed and pounded on the wall, pleading for someone to come rescue her. She bruised her wrists in the assault and had to cease, as tears sprung to her eyes each time she hit against the cold, uncaring walls. The next ten minutes she spent frantically tearing apart the room, opening every drawer that she could, picking up the bedding and shaking them out and tossing them aside. By the time she had finished, now sitting across the wall and crying without restraint, it looked like a hurricane had swept through the living space. It wasn't pretty - it was an ugly cry. She had lost all concept of time by the time she had quieted down, her voice hoarse from screaming and then crying.

As if the universe had just been waiting for her temper tantrum to conclude, a section of the wall slid and revealed a door. "I'm so confused," Vinnie sniffled, drying her eyes with the back of her hands. She picked herself up off the ground, her hands shaking as she went over to the door and yanked it open, facing an oppressive hallway. "Am I in jail? Did I kill someone?" Vinnie asked, her eyes darting around nervously. "Can you be in jail if you don't remember doing it? Like, who even am I? Do I have a lawyer?"

She jumped out of her skin as a voice came on over the intercom. "What the crap?" she couldn't help but exclaim. For a brief second, she thought the voice had been a ghost - but no, that had definitely been real. She'd heard that. Vinnie's eyes were red from crying. Her mind jumped, like a record skipping, as she then realized that there were other people there as well. Two of them gave names - Noah and Luke. The girl with the pink hair was objectively attractive and Vinnie gawked at her slightly, watching as she left. "Hot damn... I'd want fries with that shake..."

A guy with curly black hair and a tan laughed, shaking his head a bit. He definitely seemed like he was more at ease with this situation than she was. Maybe she was the only one that didn't remember anything. Was that awkward? Would they ask her questions about... about whatever it was they did here? Was this some sort of weird internship in a hotel jail? The guy with the dark curly hair was walking confidently down the hallway to the galley and Vinnie hurried along, slipping inside right after him.

"Raynor," he introduced himself, grabbing a pastry. "Thanks, hope you don't mind sharing with the class." He smirked at Gordon.

Vinnie took a seat as well, taking one of the bits of food since it looked to her like a communal thing - she hadn't seen the others go up to order and there was so much food in front of the guy, she figured it had to be for everyone. She didn't eat though, instead nervously picking at it with her fingers. "Well it's kinda hard to do an icebreaker, since I don't know who I am," Vinnie blurted. She mentally kicked herself right after. She hadn't wanted to admit that to everyone. This was going to totally suck if everyone else remembered. "I'm Vinnie, by the way. Well it's short for Lavinia - but I like Vinnie way better. I'm sorry, I didn't ask, but it's okay if I have this, right? I don't know if there are rules here or anything... Is this like an orientation training program? Jail? Hotel? Is it a hostel? Maybe a ward for amnesiacs with no doctors and weird doors that aren't doors until the voice lady wakes up?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: Room 8
Skills: N/A

The hour passed by slowly and mind-numbing for Cal. After finding the vial of liquid, she slid it into her pocket, and proceeded to explore the rest of the room. She didn't find much of note. There was a dresser stocked full of scrub-like clothing much like the set she was wearing. With the general bedroom-feel that the room gave, Cal had assumed the door lead to some kind of closet or bathroom rather than an actual exit, and when she investigated, she was proven right. She looked stared into the mirror, seeing her reflection for the first time, she visibly cringed. She didn't look like the professional woman she'd imagined when she realized she was a pharmacist. As she explored her skin, poking about at her face as she stared into the reflective surface, she took note of the holes where it seemed that piercings were meant to be wedged into. Was she a pharmacist? Because she didn't look like one. She quickly shook away that thought. There's no required 'look' to be a pharmacist. She was just being paranoid. She distracted herself by continuing her search. She opened the medicine cabinet, and she didn't quite understand the disappointed sag they dropped into when she saw that it was empty. She didn't linger on it, assuming that was a natural feeling to feel when you open something and nothing's inside.

Her search lasted all of fifteen minutes. Afterwards, as any normal person would do, she had a small freak out, though it wasn't as intense as most people's freak outs would have been. It was forced. A formality, really; she somehow knew that if she didn't push herself to panic and try to get out, she'd feel guilty and pathetic, like a chicken sleeping all the way to the slaughterhouse. So she did. She raised her voice at the walls (to call it yelling would be too generous), and at one point lightly threw her pill bottle at one, before picking it up and instinctively apologizing. That all took two minutes and nine seconds. For the remaining...42 minutes and 51 seconds, Cal laid in her bed, swinging around a tampon by the string out of boredom. She'd allow her mind to wander, waiting for thoughts to surface. Once they did, she'd try to grab onto them, to try to follow them to some sort of palpable root, only for them to scamper off like scared mice, leaving her mind empty once again, waiting for more thoughts to surface. It was a cycle that went on for what felt like forever as she stared at the ceiling, twirling her tampon. But eventually, the process was interrupted by a smooth sliding noise.

Cal's body tensed up, eyebrows furrowing. She looked over to one of the walls, seeing one of the walls had opened up, revealing a new door. She sat up, and as she did, a voice sounded, coming from an unknown source. She looked around for something to signify where the voice came from, but she found nothing. Cautiously, she stood up, grabbing onto her pill bottle and sliding it into her empty pocket. She slowly walked towards the door, fingers still touching the bottle, until she got to it. She lightly stroked the bottle in her pocket, hesitating as she stared at the door. There was a moment of silence.

"To unpathed waters, undreamed shores, eh mate?" she mumbled, before creaking open the door. It lead to some sort of hallway, where it appeared a number of people had began to exit in similar clothing to her own. Her she first caught sight of a dorky-looking girl, eyes puffy and red. Cal looked her up and down, staring at her just a second or two longer than would be normal before catching herself. 'Huh, would ya look at that. I'm a lesbian,' she thought, before her eyes moved on, shifting over to a well-built man with a militaristic disposition. She raised her eye brows, drinking in his form as well. 'Okay, so not a lesbian, my mistake. Bi? Oh, lovely, twice the fun.' Before Cal could perv on any more of her fellow amnesiacs, though, a number of them began moving down the hallway, and Cal followed behind.

Once in the cafeteria, she watched as the first couple of residents toyed with the strange screen, using it to get their desired food. When the audibly French man walked away from the machine with an array of breakfast foods, Cal's hand moved to her stomach, the sight of food causing it to growl in a hunger she hadn't realized she'd been feeling. Not having the patients to go figure out the touch screen machine, Cal took a seat next to the French man, Gordan. Just as the dorky girl - Vinnie, she introduced herself as - apologized for taking one of Gordan's many treats without permission, Cal grabbed a beignet, shoving it into her mouth without permission. She wasn't exactly the picture of tidiness, with white powdered sugar coating her lips, some smudging across her chin. As Vinnie questioned where they were, her voice suggesting she hailed from somewhere in America or Canada, though it was hard to tell which, Cal shook her head.

"Naw mate, I don't think it's anything like that," she began, mouth still half full of food. She swallowed it, her eyes flicking up to Vinnie. "See, I wasn't sure until I saw everybody comin' out their rooms, but I think we're on a reality show. Like Big Brother. My bet's that some big television network found out how to take people's memories, right? And so they got a bunch of people, us, wiped our brains, and shoved us is in here," she said, spinning the insane theory with the unearned confidence of a frat boy with a not-fully-developed brain. She took another bite of her pastry, this time in a slightly less animalistic manner, before adding in. "Cal, by the way."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Location: Room Four -> Galley
Skills: N/A

Sophia looked around the room, there really wasn't anything of interest or use there she was worried about being locked in the room by herself and no one had came to get her. There wasn't even a door to allow her to get out of the room aside from the bathroom, letting out a little bit of an annoyed sigh. She did feel a little bit dirty and decided to take a quick shower, and made her way into the bathroom finding some towels and then started to get into the shower turning on the hot water and stripped down. Feeling the hot water Sophia started to relax, and started to feel more awake now as well, a few minutes later Sophia jumped out of the shower drying her hair out real quick before putting her clothes back on.

Sophia made her way back into her room, when she heard a voice speaking up and a door revealing itself, she stuck her head out into the hallway. She could hear voices and people making their way into the room at the end of the hallway assuming that it was the galley Sophia walked down following behind the last person. Seeing what looked like a food dispenser thing she walked over towards it, it looked pretty intuitive as Sophia ordered herself a plate of scrambled eggs and well done bacon and sausage. When one of them decided to do ask about an icebreaker game, she didn't even know a thing about herself other than her name. "I'm not sure what I could tell you other than my name is Sophia." She said as she made her way towards the others and sat down.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Room 11 -> The Galley
Skills: N/A

Zarina wasn't too sure what to think about everything around her, but the door slid open, and a strange voice announced that it was time for food or something. Glancing at the door, she poked her head out into the hallway, trying to figure out what exactly was going on, but she noticed the plate with the number 11 on it. Apparently she was in Room 11 or something? She was glad to see that she wasn't exactly alone though, that there were others around as well. At least she wasn't truly alone in this endeavor, considering the place she had woken up in. If there were others, then maybe together they could find a way to figure all of this out together.

She wandered after the others to the galley, unsure of what else she could really do, but she hung back a little bit from everyone else. Once reaching the galley, she couldn't help but be intrigued by the machine more then anything. "That is so cool... I wonder how it works exactly," she muttered more to herself then anything, not even really wanting to order anything from it, wanting to just take it apart to see how it worked. She wasn't even sure if she was really hungry, but she took a seat that she found and looked at the others, "Oh uh... I'm Zarina... So... everyone else is just as confused as I am about things I take it from what everyone has been saying..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: +1:15
Location: Unknown

Location: Galley
Skill: N/A

Everyone started to introduce themselves, and Tessa made a point to mentally mark their face and name in her mind. These ten other people were going to very important to her future. They all had to figure out this mystery together. Something about Vinnie seemed familiar. Like she had seen her in a movie before. Or knew her in another life, which made Tessa think it was very likely she knew her in this one. If there was one before waking up in this place.

"Oh I don't mind. I'm certainly confused too, Zarina." The Gordon guy said, as he started pouring cups of coffee. When he handed one to Tessa she took it thankfully, then stared at the dark black liquid. How did she even take her coffee? She knew what it was by smell, but not how she liked to drink it. That was almost as terrifying as first waking up. She took a tentative sip and winced. It needed sugar and cream. It seemed though that Gordon had not ordered those items.

"Thank you, Gordon, I'm Tessa." She introduced herself. Tessa blew on her coffee and poked at her pancakes. A part of her wishing she had let Gordon go first so she wouldn't feel weird for taking from his overplied plate that everyone else was picking from. "I'd say nice to meet you, but I'm not sure if I'm excited to meet myself yet. So no one remembers anything at all, but your own name? That'll make ice-breakers difficult." She grinned at Vinnie.

"My name is Kyle. And the only thing I can remember is a beautiful woman holding a blue-belly lizard and laughing. I suppose this could be a weird show, but not sure what the point would be?" The black British sounded guy told them. He looked fit. Something told Tessa that he was probably well trained, much like the other black guy, and the dude named Raynor. Hopefully, the guys were decent. She considered a part of her thinking she might be able to fight one of them if need be. Tessa certainly hoped it wouldn't come to that.

"I think that leaves me." He sounded American. "My name is Manny." Manny didn't provide further information about anything he might remember. Tessa herself didn't remember anything but her name. There felt like there was stuff at the tip of her knowledge that if tapped just right would reveal answers, but she had no clue what any of it was. And doubted it would help their situation at all.

It looked like Noah was about to say something when a girl stumbled into the room.

A green fluid leaked out of Cassie's eyes as she stopped jogging. Something she had done had broken a part of her body. Maybe it was that the body hadn't been ready. She dropped her blanket and stumbled out of the Atrium. The hall was long, but not so long that the internal bits of Cassie's body that had started to fail completely broke down. She entered the galley. The green fluid was now coming out of her eyes, nose, and ears. She took two more steps and collapsed. Not making a single sound except the soft thump of her body hitting the floor.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: the Galley
Skills: N/A
Vinnie's eyes widened as she heard the Australian Lesbian's theory - sure, she didn't know if she was a lesbian, but she had a gut feeling. Gaydar wasn't strictly speaking real, yet she had a strong feeling and she decided to stick by it. A realization came to her with a jolt - she was one of the people that listened to their gut! Cool! "We probably volunteered for it, signed some sort of waiver or form. That'd be so cool though if we're on TV! Where do you think the hidden cameras are? Should we, like, do a shout out for anyone watching back... wherever we're from? I mean clearly you're not from the same place I'm from. Maybe I'm Canadian. About. Sorry. Huh, nope, not Canadian, don't say those words funny." To say that Vinnie was a chatterbox would be an understatement. She committed the girl's name to memory though - Cal.

The red haired girl, Sophia, seemed to be pretty quiet. Vinnie wasn't sure if she was gay or not. She stopped herself just in time from asking that though. The littlest member, a girl with dyed hair, also struck her as a bit on the quiet side. Or maybe, Vinnie realized, she herself was just extremely loud in comparison? "You remember a lizard?" Vinnie asked the British guy, a bit gobsmacked. She wished that she remembered a lizard. "And it was blue? That's so freaking cool! Please tell me it had a weirdly normal name, like Stanley or Fred. Please!!"

Raynor frowned slightly, noticing the twelfth member to walk into the room and collapse, green fluid spewing out of her. He didn't feel outright panic or fear, something interesting for him to think about later. Instead, he observed calmly and cleared his throat. "I'm sure lizards are fun to talk about but... That's not normal."

Vinnie turned to look at what he had pointed out. She dropped her pastry. Her face paled by at least three shades. And she let out a high pitched scream. "ZOMBIE!!!!!!!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Location: Galley
Skills: N/A

Sophia looked over at Zarina and gave her a friendly smile. "I'm Sophia it's nice to meet you." She said to her as she sat down at the table with the others, and started to dig into the plate she had made for herself. Not that she didn't want to eat off of the plate that Gordon had made for everyone. She just really preferred to have her own food that she made, Sophia looked at Vinnie who seemed to be the chatterbox of the whole entire group. Though a part of her felt like she knew her personally for some reason, though she wasn't even sure at all really either. "You kind of look familiar." Sophia said towards Vinnie and gave her a friendly smile.

As Sophia leaned back looking at everyone as they spoke, and talking about a blue lizard she wasn't sure what they were even talking about, before speaking. "Did anyone find anything in their room that felt like it belonged to you guys?" Sophia finally asked, before hearing the door opening and seeing a girl dripping some kind of green fluid from her body and then thudding onto the ground. She quickly stood up looking at the body wondering what actually happened, Vinnie screaming out zombie. She wasn't sure why but she was actually scared of zombies, but that didn't look like a zombie at all. "I don't think that is a zombie really." She said to Vinnie.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: The Galley
Skills: N/A

"Nice to meet all of you," Zarina responded somewhat quietly, looking around at the group as she listened in on what they all were saying. This seemed like an interesting group overall, and she wasn't too sure what to say or do in response to what many of them were talking about. Nothing really was making all too much sense, but when Sophia asked about finding something in their rooms and whatever, she just nodded her head and held up her wrist to show the bracelet made of wires. "I found this in a drawer by my bed or whatever it was..."

A moment later, she couldn't help but glance over towards Cassie as she came stumbling into the room, before falling to the ground with some weird green fluid coming from her. "Interesting..." she muttered, getting up from her chair as she noticed that everyone else didn't even really think about going over to investigate. So of course, she decided to head over and kneel down to the body. "Whoooooooa is that metal?" she said instantly, before she started poking around at the body, not even caring if the strange green fluid got on her. Zarina noticed that the jaw seemed to be metal, she grabbed hold of it with both hands and instantly started pulling on it as hard as she could. When she pulled out the metal, she started looking at it before she glanced and saw a cable that seemed to snap. Turning her attention back to the jaw in her hands (which were covered in the green fluid by now) she started examining it. "So... Going with not a zombie, but a robot? Cause that's definitely not blood, probably hydraulic fluid or something like that."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: Room 8
Skills: N/A

Cal gave a slow, thoughtful nod at the talkative girl's Vinnie's input. She was probably right. They likely would have had to sign some sort of form, a realization that, while not disproving her theory entirely, put in a few extra complications. As people introduced themselves, she stared at them, trying to analyze whether or not they'd be the type to sign up for a memory-removing reality show.

Cal wasn't sure why, but she felt like she herself would. Vinnie seemed like an obvious yes. She seemed more excited at the prospect of being on television than put out by it. Sophia was more difficult. Cal couldn't tell whether or not she'd willingly relinquish her memories, but, being a redhead, she'd probably be prime reality TV material. Zarina didn't even look old enough to sign for herself, so that was a strike against the theory. Tessa, while pretty, was pretty in an unconventional way, or, as reality shows might put it, an unmarketable way, so strike two. Kyle, though, seemed like a hit: seemingly extroverted, and attractive, the only two things that mattered to producers. That brought her to the man she'd been ogling earlier, and her shoulders dropped in disappointment. There was no way that Paranoia Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive would sign away his life for a little screen time. Even as he spoke, his words were quick and few. When he was done, Cal raised her eyebrows, waiting for a moment for him to continue, only to realize that he wasn't going to. Cal paused, before she began to put her hands together in a slow clap.

"Blimey, brilliant speech, mate. Your use of the English language is truly somethin' to behold. You don't know how much of a relief it is to know we've got a poet in our midst," she said with a smirk, her words dripping with sarcasm. Her slow clapping came to an end when a few of the others began to discuss the objects they found in their rooms. "Just Vincent here," she said, pulling out her empty pill bottle and putting it on the table. She then got a look of remembrance, and began reaching for her other pocket, where the vial sat, saying, "Oh, and this weird little-" before stopping as she heard the sound of a door opening. She looked over, expecting to see another person come in and fill their extra seat. Her eyes went wide as she saw the woman with strange emerald liquid dripping out of her mouth and eyes.

"MOTHERFUCKING CUNTBUCKET, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER FUCKING FACE?!" Cal yelled, leaping up, pushing back her chair to the point of it falling down behind her. She watched with horror as the youngest among them stood from her seat and approached the now fallen woman. "Wait, kid, Zarina, stay away from her! She's leakin' green for fuck's sake!" As Zarina approached the woman, Cal followed, though she stopped a solid five or so meters away from the body. She watched with worry and confusion, unsure of what the girl was doing as she grabbed onto the woman's jaw and began to pull. "What are you-" she began, lips curled down in disgust. Then there were snapping and squishing sounds, and the woman's detached jaw sat in Zarina's hands. Cal let out an audible gag, and she could feel the little she'd just eaten rush up her throat. She put her fist up against her lips. It took all her willpower to keep herself from puking, but she managed. Once the disgust had dimmed to a subtle queasy feeling, she looked back up at Zarina, specifically avoiding the body part in her hands. "Jesus fuck, her jaws off!" She seemed to be more focused on that little detail than Zarina's discovery that the woman was a robot.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: +1:30
Location: Unknown

Manny stood near Zarina watching with interest. It was clear to him that what they had in front of them wasn't even human, which gave him some concerns. He glanced around at the others for a moment then focused on the body. "What can you tell about it?"

Meanwhile, Kyle, stood up, with his cup of coffee, went out into the hall and back the way the girl had come. He knelt down a few times until finally, he was at the far end of the hall where he opened the door. He let out a low whistle. "When you're done with the robot come check this out." He shouted back at them.

Location: Galley
Skill: N/A

Tessa was trying to avoid vomiting as well. It wasn't easy, but she was able to keep what little breakfast she had eaten to stay down. She hadn't had a chance to respond to what she had found in her room. Now she wasn't certain if she wanted to share. Between the idea of it being some weird game show, and now the dead robot?

There was a lot of meaning in a burned photo, and Tessa wanted to figure it out before sharing it with a bunch of randos.

"I found a swimmers cap." Luke said. "I left it in the room though." He was staying at the table, with his back turned. Tessa didn't blame him, she wished she had kept her back turned. Tessa stepped over to the food machine and spent a minute searching menus.

"Oh nice." She clicked a couple of buttons until a bright pink liquid in a cup was ejected. She drank it like a shot. Then she thought about it and pressed a few more buttons. Another cup was ejected, this one filled with a light brown liquid. She drank that and then turned back to the group around the table. "Okay, this machine is probably the coolest thing ever. It has an assortment of over the counter looking drugs, and booze."

Tessa then looked at Zarina, "Alright pulling jaws off corpses aside, uh, what he said." She looked at Manny. Then hearing Kyle holler from down the hall she started that way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Location: the Galley -> Hallway
Skills: N/A
Vinnie's brain was too focused on the horror scene in front of them to begin to process the fact that the ginger thought she looked familiar - or that people had found personal belongings in their room. Sure, she had found a pretty neat camera, but even that wasn't enough to pull her attention away from the zombie-robot the little girl was mutilating. She tried to cover her eyes with her fingers. She couldn't stop herself from looking though as Zarina pulled the jaw out, covered in the nasty green blood-fluid thing. "Holy shit!!" Vinnie screamed, her volume going up - as if she had to compensate for Cal also being loud. Yet unlike Cal, Vinnie couldn't stop herself from puking.

She got up and tried to stagger away from the rest of the group, before she promptly puked onto the ground. Her breakfast pastry hadn't even been digested yet, the little fluffy bits now soggy and covered in stomach vile. Vinnie took deep breaths, bending and bracing herself on her knees as she tried to compose herself. Someone said that they needed to come look down the hallway. The thought of having to step by the robot zombie seriously gave her the creeps. "M-Maybe it's like the Blair Witch Project... but zombie-bots..." Vinnie mumbled. She wiped her mouth clean on the back of her arm as best as she could.

The strong tanned guy, Raynor, wasn't disturbed at all by this. "Don't lose the jaw, kid, it might come in handy," he told Zarina. Maybe he had been some sort of mortician or something - or a homicide detective. The scene just wasn't getting to him, though he was a bit on edge due to the lack of memories. He didn't show it though. That was at least another clue to his life. He stepped over the robot and headed into the hallway.

"Oh god, oh god..." Vinnie whimpered, as she practically ran past the robot-zombie, her eyes shut until it was out of sight and she was in the hallway.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Location: Galley
Skills: N/A

Sophia stared at Zarina as she walked over to the robo corpse and started to inspect it, she was kind of freaked out about it as well since it reminded her of a zombie, and she really hated zombies as well. She looked at Vinnie and some of the others Vinnie was freaking out a lot more than the others. She still really wasn't sure what was all going on, and looked at the jaw that Zarina had yanked out seeing that it was metal as well. "So a space zombie robot or something?" Sophia asked looking over towards the others, at the moment she wanted to know what was actually going on.

Kyle decided to leave the room and started to follow the others who left the room as well, Sophia catching up to Vinnie and gently rested a hand on the girl's shoulder to try and comfort her. "It's okay, it's not going to hurt you." Sophia said reassuring her and giving her a friendly smile. She walked over to what Kyle was pointing at seeing the sky, and then noticed the ground as well there was a blanket with green goo on it, and knelt down to get a better look at it letting out a slight sigh there wasn't anything under it which was good.
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