Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 38 min ago

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: 21st Floor -> Lounge
Skills: N/A

Arnora slowly woke up letting out a slight yawn as she looked around her room it was filled with various kinds of animal pelts and furs that she had made during her life before she was killed. It mostly resembled a lot of what the hotel itself looked like, having been dead since the 8th century. Arnora got up from her bed and started to get changed into her usual clothes, she didn't really like the Hotel Valhalla shirts to much and found the shade of green to be a little to bright in her opinion. Arnora grabbed her weapon just in case another einherjar did try to kill her, which was fairly common. One of the perks being in Valhalla if you were killed here you would just come back a short time later.

She left her room and closed it making sure that her room was also locked before making her way down the hallway, over to the 21st floor's elevator. Arnora pressed the button and a few seconds later the elevator doors opened, and then pressed the floor to where the lounge was, listening to the elevator music playing some. She started to relax some and eventually the door opened seeing the various other einherjar in the lounge playing a few games here and there, and decided to make her way over to one of the empty card tables and sat down occasionally watching some of the younger einherjar play.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: 21st Floor -> Lounge
Skills: N/A

Klara had been awake for a little while now, more or less just staring up at the ceiling more or less as she laid there wide awake. She was used to early mornings for the most part, no matter whether it was now, or back when she was alive. Despite having been dead for a few hundred years, it still annoyed her to no end on occasion that she actually was dead and hadn't been able to live a full life. Sometimes she wished she could go back home, even though she knew that those who knew her were long dead. Her family was long gone, and there was nothing she could do about it. Her mind was wandering a little bit, but after a while she figured she'd had enough dawdling, figuring that she may as well leave the room and get going. She couldn't exactly just sit around all day, besides, running someone through with a sword seemed like a fun idea.

Getting up out of bed, she got dressed in her standard sort of clothes, which for her back when she first had arrived had been a dress much like the era she had grown up in, and now she couldn't stand the sort of things. Instead she opted for almost like a leather armor set she had managed to get her hands on after a few years at Hotel Valhalla, along with the cloak to match it. Sure, she enjoyed wearing other clothes, actually keeping up somewhat on fashion trends in the land of the living even, but she figured since she might get in a fight later, she might as well wear the armor right away. Grabbing her sword sheath, she hooked it to her side as she left her room and made her way to the elevator, heading to the lounge area and entering the room. She figured she might have a bit of fun in the lounge before she decided to try and cut someone's head off or something.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Twenty First Floor -> Lounge
Skills: N/A

Asha had gotten an early start to her day at Hotel Valhalla. She hadn't intended on getting up sooner than usual, but she had been killed during Campfire S'mores to the death the night before. The young einherji had a hard time going back to sleep after being resurrected. Instead, she had spent the early morning hours in Advanced Forging 301, by far her favorite enrichment class that the hotel offered. Half of the things she tried to make ended up exploding on her, but that didn't deter her. Had there been a system of reincarnation, Asha would've asked to be reborn as a dwarf in Nidavellir.

After Advanced Forging 301, she had taken a shower (really needed, as she was covered in soot, grime, and bits of dead einherjar. A few of her classmates had taken the pins out of the grenades they were crafting by mistake). It took her a while to work her hair, but she managed to pin it up into braids. Her favorite show wouldn't be on the TV until later (Phineas and Ferb), so she figured she might as well go head down to the lounge to see if there was anything interesting going on. She was dressed fairly ordinarily, with her sword Ravnskriker sheathed at her side. She had a small bag at her side, Bunnløs, that contained her shield and other valuables.

One elevator ride later, she found herself in the lounge. "Arnie, Klarie," Asha greeted, smiling at her fellow einherjar from the twenty first floor. While the floor itself was huge, she lived relatively close to those two within the floor itself. "Any big exciting plans for the day?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 38 min ago

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge
Skills: N/A

Arnora watched a little bit more at the other einherjar while they continued to play their games, she thought about just going over and joining one of the groups when Klara her fellow floor mate coming out onto the lounge and smiled a bit as she stood up slightly. "Good afternoon Klara." Arnora said giving her a slight smile, and then a couple more seconds later the elevator door opened up seeing Asha coming out as well and approached them. Though she didn't really like being called Arnie, most people did it anyway probably to get under her skin a little bit she still wasn't really sure.

"Nope, not really other then going to the Battlefield later which is always a lot of fun actually." Arnora answered, one of the things she always did despite dying a lot over and over again was the battlefield. Arnora stopped and turned her head slightly when she could hear some arguing coming down the hallway towards the reception area Helgi was yelling at poor Hunding. "I wonder what they are fighting over now?" Arnora asked looking at the two of them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge
Skills: N/A

"Don't call me Klarie Asha," Klara said with a bit of a giggle towards the girl, shaking her head slightly. Of course, Klara came from a time era where Nicknames weren't all too common, so it was something she had gotten used to over time. Though "Klarie" was definitely a nickname that she did not want to have at all. It sounded childish and not actually something that she could actually be called on a daily basis. Nope, that sort of thing was definitely a bad nickname and she really did not want it. Though if she had to guess odds are that now that she said something about it Asha wasn't going to drop it.

Hearing her question about plans for the day, Klara just shrugged in response. "I'm not planning too much honestly, I mean... Going off to the Battlefield would definitely be fun, and hopefully I won't die a really painful death during that. Though killing a few of the others will definitely be a fun thing," she said with a slight laugh, before turning her attention towards Helgi and Hunding. "I kind of want to go over and eavesdrop a bit, since it probably is something entertaining."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Lounge -> Reception
Skills: N/A

Asha still wasn't really used to dying yet, despite being an einherjar for a few decades now. She knew that it was supposed to get easier with time, not even frightening eventually. She still felt terror when the light faded from her own eyes and she never quite relaxed until she reappeared in her room at the hotel. She didn't doubt the All-Father - Odin, her father - with his promise that they were immortal within the bounds of the hotel. Maybe it was just her human half, rather than the godly part, terrified at the prospect of not existing... or maybe always existing? "Got it, Klarence," Asha said, winking a bit at Klara.

She then followed Arnora's gaze, hearing the verbal abuse Helgi was giving off at poor Hunding. "Ugh, honestly it's kinda grody that Helgi's allowed to just... just belittle Hunding all he pleases," she commented. Asha then made up her mind, determined to help Hunding - or at least get him a bit of a reprieve. She walked through the lounge down the hallway and emerged in the reception area. "Helgi, I require your services at once." She winked discretely at Hunding.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 38 min ago

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge -> Reception
Skills: N/A

Arnora looked between Asha and Klara and couldn't help but snicker slightly when Asha called her Klarance which was pretty funny, and looked over at Klara. "At least she didn't call you Klarie." Arnora pointed out, while looking between Hunding and Helgi she did feel bad for Hunding. He was king of the Saxons at one point remembering him really well having been dead since pretty much that time as well and knew a lot of the abuse that Helgi always gave him. "Maybe you should talk to your father about him then." Arnora said to Asha since she was the daughter of Odin himself as well.

Arnora looked at Klara before following Asha towards the reception area, so far there hadn't been any new Einherjar today yet anyway there were always a few that would come in through the doors at some point during the day. Helgi stopped for a moment and looked over at Asha as she called him over, and made his way towards her. "What can I do for you Daughter of Odin?" Helgi asked while Hunding looked at Asha and gave her a grateful smile, as Arnora dug into her pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar she had on her and handed it over to the poor doorman. Which made him instantly tear up and mouthed a thank you before scurrying off to do some of his other duties for now while Helgi was distracted.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge
Skills: N/A

"I do have a name you know," Klara responded to Asha with a bit of an eye roll, it was somewhat annoying, but figured that she might as well drop it completely. There was no point arguing since they'd probably be sitting there for hours and that definitely would not be any fun. She wasn't at all too surprised that Asha was talking about Helgi being mean to poor Hunding. "I totally agree with you on that one, honestly it is ridiculous how Hunding is treated, not sure what all we can do regarding that situation though."

The words were barely out of her mouth before Asha went over to the pair and started talking, and Klara just shook her head. "Wonder what Asha is going to try and do," she said to Arnora, before she followed along after Arnora who went to follow Asha. Maybe she was wanting to go play babysitter to Asha? This certainly wasn't exactly a good thing, but she was glad that between the two, they had managed to get Hunding away from Helgi. She was also wondering how much longer this charade was going to last, since she wasn't too sure if Asha had any sort of task to actually give Helgi.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Reception
Skills: N/A

Asha didn't really speak with her father very often - she had only spoken with Odin twice throughout her entire time at Hotel Valhalla. This was fairly typical for the demigod einherjar, as their parents were gods and often just... didn't show up. Because of that, she didn't really feel bad if she threw around her father's name in order to get Hunding a deserved break from Helgi's bullying. It honestly shocked her that no one had really said anything about it to the All-Father. Whenever she saw Odin again - admittedly, which could be thousand of years from then - she figured she'd ask for a favor.

If not, she could always lie to Helgi and tell him that Odin decreed he had to be nice to Hunding.

Actually, that was an excellent idea. "The All-Father has misplaced his dagaz rune somewhere between floors three hundred and three hundred fifty. He has asked me to inform you, O great Hunding, that you have the honor of retrieving it for him. No magical items can be used, as the rune is potentially unstable, and no one else is authorized to help you in this hunt. The All-Father wishes you well on your quest and asks that you bring the rune and place it on his chair at tonight's feast."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 38 min ago

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Reception
Skills: N/A

"This should be fun to watch though, though I do wish Hunding would actually kill Helgi or something once in awhile." Anrora said, knowing that the two were just like them einherjar as well. She leaned herself up against the nearby wall as she watched Asha with a little bit of amusement wondering if her little blood relation to the All-Father would actually work. "Think he will fall for it?" Arnora asked looking at Klara, she noticed Hunding wasn't to far from them either hiding behind the reception desk. Which was a little bit more than disappointing to see as well.

Helgi turned his attention over towards Asha for a moment eyeing her up and down, wondering if he actually believed her or not, before letting out a slight sigh. "Of course, Odin forgets something somewhere in the hotel." Helgi turned towards Hunding again. "Watch the desk i'll be back when I can." Helgi said before turning and started to make his way over towards the elevator and closed it, leaving the four of them all alone, Hunding coming out from behind the reception desk. "Thank you." Hunding said to Asha giving her a slight smile.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge
Skills: N/A

"Think we'd get in trouble for killing Helgi on his behalf? Or at least help him do it? Since I'd be all for that one if I'm being perfectly honest. Helgi needs to learn a lesson about being rude seriously," she said with a bit of a giggle to Arnora as she more or less was just wanting to see how things turned out with this. The fact that Asha was throwing around who her father was was a bit of a hilarious thing to watch as she tried to see what Helgi would do regarding Hunding, and she was somewhat hoping that Helgi fell for it.

She had to fight back a laugh as Helgi spoke to Hunding before taking off into the elevator and leaving them there. As soon as Helgi was gone though, she couldn't help it as she started giggling like crazy. "Wow, I'm sorry, but I can't believe that he fell for that. Asha that was brilliant!" she said, still laughing at the whole thing. She was glad that Asha's plan had seemed to work, freeing Hunding from Helgi for a while at least, it gave the guy a break, no matter how brief.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Reception
Skills: N/A

Asha had a simple smile on her face, though her eyes shined with glee and delight. While she was a rather proud and mischievous soul, she tended to be a bit muted and restrained as well, an aura of mystery about her. She had a bit of a flair for the dramatics, probably taking after her father in that regard. "You're welcome, Hunding. Since he's grody to you, you can decide if you want to hide a fake rune somewhere or if there shouldn't even be a fake one for him to find." It wouldn't save him from Helgi forever and Asha wouldn't be able to likely distract him again soon for Hunding, but it was at least a partial reprieve.

She then looked at her fellow einherjar. Klara seemed pretty enthusiastic about it all and Asha blushed faintly. "Anyways... Do you two have any interesting ideas on what to do today? I'm not really feeling like doing Tennis to the Death. It just gets a bit repetitive, y'know..." In truth, she didn't like any of the activities that ended in death. She would much rather be the one building the weapons and forging them than the one being run through with them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 38 min ago

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Reception
Skills: N/A

"If you three need anything from me i'll be more than willing to do it as a favor, it will probably take him awhile to find out that it was all a lie." Hunding said giving the three women a friendly smile, he was really grateful for their help, before he went back towards the reception desk. Arnora turned towards Klara and smiled a little bit, as she started to get a pretty good idea on what they should actually do and it would be funny, and maybe even help Hunding a little bit more by keeping Helgi away longer.

"Well, I think I have an idea on what we could do, maybe prank the hell out of Helgi or something like that?" Arnora suggested looking over at Klara and Asha, to see if the two of them are in for it. Hunding perked up a little bit and turned towards the three of them and smiled a bit. "I could help if needed to." He offered.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge
Skills: N/A

Klara smiled slightly at what was going on around her, giggling at everyone else' words regarding the entire thing. Asha certainly seemed to be enjoying herself when regarding the entire situation. "I honestly have no interesting plans, might see about trying to kill a few people in the training rooms or whatever, but nothing new really. Same old sort of thing, it gets a little boring, but might need to try and find new and creative ways to kill people. What about you Asha?" Klara asked her, before her attention instantly got drawn away by what Arnora said.

She got a mischievous look in her eyes as she heard the suggestion about playing a prank on Helgi. It was a well-known fact that Klara was a bit of a trickster by now, playing pranks on people whenever she really got bored. "Okay, you got me hooked once you said the word "prank". Even before you said the intended target of said prank, and I'm all on board! Hell yes to that! Let's do it! So, got anything clever in mind? Or are you just asking for some good ideas for what to do at this point?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Reception
Skills: Shapeshifting

Asha thought for a moment when it came to other good pranks to pull on Helgi. She tended to be a bit of a trickster as well, though her methods tended to be more subtle than outright. However, a scheme hatched in her mind that she couldn't quite pass up. As a daughter of Odin, Asha was a skilled shapeshifter and she concentrated, before turning into a dark black raven. She flew up into the air, her entire perspective shifting as suddenly everything around her seemed a lot larger, and she flew over to the reception desk. She aimed for Helgi's name plate, zooming by as she unleashed her payload - a gigantic thing of bird poop.

Asha then flew and perched on Klara's shoulder, remaining in her avian form. That was one perk of shapeshifters, at least among norse demigods - they could speak still. "I'm coming up with all the ideas, guys, and while they are rad, I'm expecting you two to come up with something as well," she said. Her voice was normal and everything, it was just coming out of the beak of a raven.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 38 min ago

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Reception
Skills: N/A

Arnora watched Asha as she shifted into a raven Odin's sacred animal and watched her flying over to the reception desk making a rather nice shitting bomb run right on Helgi's nameplate. She couldn't help but start to laugh seeing that happen as well Arnora smirked a little bit as Asha flew back and landed on Klara's shoulder. "Be careful she might still have some excess crap or something." Arnora said teasingly as Hunding groaned a little bit seeing the crap, which would eventually slide down onto the desk as well.

Arnora thought for a moment as she pulled out her trusted axe in her hand, runes glowing slightly on the axe head itself. "Well, I could throw my axe around at him and miss on purpose to scare the shit out of him. Hunding could mess with the lights on the floor, to flicker or something like that." Arnora suggested shrugging slightly looking over towards the others see what they thought.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge
Skills: N/A

She couldn't help but giggle somewhat at what Asha had done on the desk, though she knew perfectly well that it was a little bit disgusting and a little bit childish with it. However, that did not make what the daughter of Odin had done any less entertaining. The bird flew over and she found that apparently Asha had decided that her shoulder was a good place to perch herself still as a bird. Klara rolled her eyes somewhat at Arnora's words regarding the bird that was now there, but she was fine with it.

"Honestly Asha that was brilliant. As for other pranks I feel like we could get even more creative then that Arnora, despite how much fun scaring Helgi would be. You have to remember, we're all dead here and coming back constantly, meaning just a few light dimming and nearly hitting him won't do much. Nope, what I say is we need to actually find a way to humiliate Helgi in some way in front of everyone else. I mean there is nothing as classic as coming up with ingenious ways to trip someone so that they land on their face and drop whatever the hell they are holding, but it gets even better if you get them to accidentally make the thing they are carrying go flying and maybe even hit someone."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Reception
Skills: N/A

Somehow, Asha managed to roll her eyes still as a bird. "The only one with excess crap is Helgi - he's grody to the max," she complained. While she could have easily shifted back into her human form, she was enjoying being a raven perched on Klara's shoulder. The entire world looked different whenever she would shift forms. Of course, she loved being able to fly as well. Had she not died a brutal death at a young age, she would've liked to join the Valkyrie - just to be able to soar through the skies without shifting form.

She thought for a moment, before an evil plot hatched in her mind. "What if something happened at tonight's feast? What if... Odin, the All-Father, showed up and ordered Helgi to clean his boots with his tongue?" Asha proposed. If a raven could smirk, she would have. She had this image of herself shifting to resemble the All-Father and going into the Feast Room of the Slain that evening, all with the sole purpose of getting Helgi to do some incredibly shameful activities. "Besides, he needs to return the runes to the All-Father anyways."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 38 min ago

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Reception
Skills: N/A

Arnora shrugged slightly she didn't mind having to kill Helgi a few times with her axe and scare the shit out of him multiple times as well, looking at Asha's and smirks towards her and nodded liking the idea pretty well. Arnora watched as a few einherjar were coming out of the elevator and making their way over towards the feast hall for lunch, and then looking at her two friends and seeing Asha rolling her crow eyes.

"I like it, but we should totally kill him in like a humiliating way still, and maybe ask some of the valkeries to not bring him back just yet until the feast tonight and we could maybe hang him by his underwear or whatever. Then we do the Odin boot licking thing?" Arnora suggested looking at the two of them and smiled while Hunding was nodding at the idea, he certainly wouldn't mind having to humiliate his boss in front of everyone in Valhalla during the nightly feast for many years to come as well.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Klara Blake

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Lounge
Skills: N/A

"I mean... Who says that we can't do both? I mean it would be obvious and have him be expecting one of those options, either way, so if we do both of them then whose to say they would be expecting it. Plus Asha would be able to shapeshift into the All-Father if she wants to, and Arnora would be able to kill someone. Everyone wins and we get to still play a massive prank on Helgi, I'm with Arnora on that one, so how about we get going already and start causing more problems for him?" Klara spoke up, giggling slightly at how both of them wanted to prank Helgi in different ways. They could do both after all.

"As for how we kill him, well you can't do the simple things like just stabbing the guy or beheading him, that's way too obvious... No... Needs to be a bit more clever..." she mused, thinking for a moment, before an idea came to her mind and she broke out into a grin. "You know... Being killed by an animal stampeded would definitely be a humiliating way to go... So why not send a stampede of goats out after him? I mean, they aren't typically seen as very scary or fearsome, so it would be kind of entertaining if you ask me."
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