Arnora Skadidottir

Character Quote: "I'm totally not an Elsa."
Character Summary
Name: Arnora Skadidottir
Aliases: Arnie
Age: 34
Birthday: December 23rd, somewhere in the 8th century.
Death Date: Sometime in the 8th century
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birth Place: Aalborg, Denmark
Godly Parent: Skadi
How Many Years At Hotel Valhalla: Since the 8th Century.
Gender: Female
Languages: Old Norse, Norwegian, English

Height: 5'11
Weight: 134lbs
Body Type: Muscular
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Light
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Various scars across her arms and legs as well as her back, from various fights, to fighting against a few wild animals. She also has a Yggdrasil tattoo on her lower right arm.
Personal Style: When you first meet Arnora she usually is seen wearing animal furs of some kind, or usually seen wearing some kind of leather armor under that for protection. She tends to take very good care at least as best she can to tend to them. If she is somewhere that is a lot warmer then Arnora will usually be seen wearing lighter clothing. Or at least some kind of armor somewhere on her body as well and will always be seen wearing boots no matter the season. Her hair is usually seen in various braids in size and length, one side of her head however is shaved preferring that look over anything else. Arnora doesn't really own any jewelry except for a necklace that was given to her by her mother and will never leave without it.

Freethinking * Compulsive * Fun-loving * Greedy * Courageous * Undisciplined
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Whenever you first meet Arnora she is usually seen as a free spirited person, she likes to have fun no matter what she does. Or whether people like it or not, she wouldn't really care what others think of her. She is very compulsive and will usually do something without to much thought into it really. Arnora doesn't really care all that much for authority unless it was from someone that she personally knows and respects.
Arnora is sometimes very greedy when it comes to making money and will usually end up trading something at a higher price and able to get what she wants. Arnora doesn't really care if she steals from someone either and usually gets a kick out of stealing it. Arnora is also a very undisciplined person, and doesn't really take things to seriously, but she is very courageous and wont really back out from a fight and will do her best to protect her friends or those that she cares for.
Fatal Flaw: inability to resist a challenge
Habits: Whenever Arnora is bored she is usually seen messing around with one of her hair braids, if she is annoyed she will give just about anyone a death stare, and if she is bored Arnora will be seen picking out the dirt from her nails.
Hobbies: Hunting, drinking
- Heights
- Drowning
- Snakes
- Snow
- Winter
- Hunting
- Trading
- Drinking
- Having fun
- Warm weather
- Thunderstorms
- Losing a fight
- Rich or entitled people
- Cowards
- Smart people

Demigod Abilities:
- Cryokinesis
- Enhanced Tracking
General Skills:
- Boating
- Skiing
- Rune Magic
- Norse Mythology
- Skinning
- Leather working
Combat Skills:
- Axe Fighting
- Hand to Hand Combat
- Hunting
- Shields
Magic Item:
- Leviathan Axe: A bone steel axe, which when it makes contact with someone immediately turns them into ice. The sword will always return to her hand even when she drops it or gets disarmed or thrown.
What Do They Carry On Them:
- Clothing - Fur cloak, leather armor, simple tshirt underneath.
- Purse/Wallet - N/A
- Bone steel shield
- Fur cloak
- leather armor
- necklace
- Isens sverd
- Sword Sheath
Possessions In Hotel Room:
- Spare bone steel sword
- Spare bone steel shield
- Various kinds of animal furs, that she hunted when she was alive.
- Her family's shield
- Modern day books
- TV

Biography: Arnora was originally born in what is now modern day Aalborg, Denmark, which was originally a small trading post at the time. Her father was just a simple trades men at the time selling all of his wares to anyone who would pass through the town. Arnora growing up she had always enjoyed going out and joining the hunting parties when she was old enough to go and hunt with them. Though she always grew up for adventure and would eventually leave her home village and join the raiding parties and would always enjoy the thrill of it all.
She enjoyed it all and would go on long boating expeditions as well leaving her home far behind as well, and would eventually be one of the few to find North America, making a small hunting post there. But she would eventually go back to Europe for the long traveling and visited her father as well. And also fight rivaling clans to that tried to invade her home.
How Did You Get To Hotel Valhalla: While out on a raiding party however with a rival clan, she was challenged by another warrior there. And she couldn't turn down a challenge either and accepted, Arnora would fight the person before dying, but not without taking out her challenger either in the fight as well, earning her a spot in Odin's army in Valhalla.
Additional Information
Theme Song: Frozen Throne - Kalidia - The Frozen Throne
Extra Information:
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